Courtney Pococh – Thu, 26 Mar 2020 05:03:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Courtney Pococh – 32 32 How to Get Free Makeup From Companies Mon, 25 Feb 2019 03:27:35 +0000 Figuring out how to get free makeup from companies isn’t always easy, but it is definitely something that you can do. One of the most common ways to do this is by reaching out to the company directly. While there are plenty of survey companies and free sample websites, many of them do not actually […]

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Figuring out how to get free makeup from companies isn’t always easy, but it is definitely something that you can do. One of the most common ways to do this is by reaching out to the company directly. While there are plenty of survey companies and free sample websites, many of them do not actually lead to getting any free stuff.

You don’t even have to write a snail mail letter and spend money on postage to do this. Many companies already have online forms and email contact options, so you can send out your letters for free and see what you get back.

There seems to be a certain technique that works best for getting a company to send you one of their PR packages, testers or samples. As long as you pick the right companies to write to, you will be surprised by how many respond with an actual free sample. These samples are great for whenever you want travel-sized products. Plus, some companies will even send you full-sized products. What do you have to lose?

How to Get Free Makeup From Companies

Skip out on all of those spam-like survey companies. You don’t have to give your email address to questionable surveys online to get free stuff. Instead, just go to the company directly. Figure out a list of businesses that you would like to get free things from and find their contact information.

Start by making a list of the companies. Then, go to their website to find their mailing or emailing address. Next, write out your message to them and send it off. Afterward, you only have to wait for your mail to arrive.

Different companies send out different samples. Even the time of year can determine the samples you get since some companies focus on sending out samples of their most recent product line or promotion.

Companies like Bare MInerals send out samples of lipstick, eyeshadow and lip gloss. From REN, Juara and DermOrganic, you can expect full-sized or sample-sized products of skincare items like cleansers or moisturizers. DermOrganic will also send out samples of hair care products, although you can also check out samples from Living Proof as well.

For perfume options, try reaching out to Boss and Lacoste. Perfume companies tend to be great for free samples, although their samples tend to be for one use only. Still, enough free samples will definitely give you a decent stockpile of your favorite scents!

1. Figure Out Who You Should Contact

You probably don’t want to email the billings department if you want free samples. Your message is more likely to get lost instead of getting forwarded on to someone who can actually set you up with samples. Start by making a list of which companies you actually want samples from. There are countless makeup companies online, but you should probably start with ones that you either use already or that you already know will actually send you a free sample.

Some companies will not write you back at all, so treat this like a numbers game. The more messages you send, the better your chances that someone will send you quality free samples in the mail. If you are in the UNited States, Burts’ Bees and Carmex will both send you samples.

Juara and REN are two other companies that are great for getting free samples. For skincare items, reach out to DermOrganic. Don’t feel limited by just the companies that you know will see a free sample because you could end up getting surprised.

2. Get an Address

Your next step is to figure out who to message at the company and the address you need to use. The easiest way to do this is to go to the “Contact Us” page on the company’s website. If you don’t find any contact details on that page, try looking at the “About Us” or “Help” pages.

You need to make sure that you are choosing the right email address. Most larger businesses will have different departments, and you don’t want to accidentally message a department that will never actually message back or send a free sample. Normally, the media relations, public relations or customer service departments are the best choice.

While some companies still use a postal address, most businesses use email addresses for customer contacts instead. In some cases, the company may even use a simple online form for reaching out to customer service. As long as you have a way to send the company a message, you are on the right track.

3. Decide on What You Want to Say

There are many different ways that you can write out your letter, but you don’t have to get crazily creative with it. If you are a blogger who writes about makeup, you already have an in. You want the company to either be excited about getting free publicity from you or interested in further developing a customer relationship with a loyal client.

Start your message with a formal, polite greeting. Then, tell the company that you are writing because you wanted to tell them how much you like their range of products. Pick whatever your product is and tell them your genuine opinion. Not only is the company happy to hear back from their customers, but this is one of the best techniques for figuring out how to get free makeup from companies.

To make your letter more personal and authentic, add a personal experience. This can be as simple as saying how their hand cream finally got rid of the cracks in their hands or how you only use their brand’s eyeshadow when you go out on the town. You might also want to sneak in your skin or hair type into the personal experience because this will make it more likely that they send you a free sample that actually works for your skin type.

Now, it is time to ask for free samples. Try not to be too straightforward or blunt about it. Instead, you can mention that your hair stylist talked up their range of conditioners or you wish you could try a product before you buy it to see if it really works.

Thank the company for reading through your message and express gratitude for any free samples that they send you. After you sign off the message, write out your address so that they know where they can send you free samples if that’s what they want to do.

Start Brainstorming

If you have never message a company before or haven’t written at all since grade school, here is a sample message to get you started. While you will need to change up the message to match the company you are corresponding with, the general idea is the same.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have been such a fan of your company for years. I love using your skincare products because they are the only thing that rehydrates my skin in dry weather. All of your products really work, so I never have to try out anything else.

Recently, one of my friends said that your bath products are just as good as your skincare line. I’d love to try these out, but I’m hesitant to just buy the entire product before I know which one I like and which one works best for me.

If possible, could you send me some products from your bath products line? I would be so thankful if you could help out. You can send any samples to my address at _____. Thank you so much!



Remember, focus on the positive. Unless you have a legitimate complaint about the business and need to address it, don’t fill your letter with problems or issues. Companies would much rather help out loyal, returning customers with free stuff, so focus on the positive.

Why Would a Company Send You Free Things?

Figuring out how to get free makeup from companies seems like magic. After all, you wouldn’t just give away your things to strangers, right? Free samples are free for you, but they cost money for the company.

The reality is that sending out free samples is actually in the company’s best interest. Even if you plan on stockpiling free samples and never actually buying any product, the reality is that you will have to buy full-sized cosmetics at some point. Plus, most people end up falling for a product if it is really good and want to buy it. Companies want people to try out their makeup and cosmetics, so they try to entice customers with free samples or even full-sized cosmetics.

It also does not cost nearly as much money as you would imagine to send out free samples. Often, cosmetic businesses will send out these samples anyway when you buy something online of in the store. These samples are just lying around in the hopes that they will be sent to someone who will try them and want to buy them.

If you are a blogger or a makeup artist, you can even get PR packages instead of just free samples. Companies like to do this whenever they have a new product launch or season. Sometimes, they will even host events for bloggers and makeup artists. They want to promote their items, so they send out PR packages in the hopes that you will write about their company for free.

If you ever write reviews about makeup products or blogs, you may be able to get a generous PR package from companies. When you write to the PR department, include the URL of your blog, company or YouTube channel so that they know you are a legitimate blogger who can help advertise their company.

Then, ask the company if they are launching a new product line or if there are any blogger events coming up. If you recently used a company’s makeup at an event, send the company a picture and tell them thank you for the makeup.

4. Get Ready to Send Away Your Message

The time has finally arrived. You have found your list of companies and carefully crafted a message to each of them. Now, you just have to send off your email or letter and wait to see what happens.

When you send your message, make sure that you have written the physical or email address correctly. If your email gets lost in the internet ether, you will never, ever get free makeup from the company. The same is true if you send it to the wrong department. The person who receives the email is unlikely to remember to forward it to the right department, so you could be out of luck if your message does not automatically go to customer service or the PR department at the company.

Now that all of your messages are safely in the mail, the hard part is waiting for a response. Don’t panic if you do not get any response for a few days. If you sent an email, it will probably take at least a couple of days for the company to respond by email. Obviously, snail mail will take even longer. If the company decides to mail you the samples instead of emailing you, you might not have any clue about how your plan is coming along for a few months.

Learning how to get free makeup from companies is an art in itself. In some cases, it can even take as much as two months for a company to receive your letter, respond and mail you free samples. The good news is that makeup, skincare, perfume and cosmetic companies always have free samples lying around that they want potential or current customers to fall in love with. While your results will vary depend on which company you message, you can generally expect about half of your messages to bring you a free sample in return. Plus, if you are messaging a perfume company, you will almost always get a free sample in the mail!

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100 You Are My Everything Quotes to Send to Your Love Fri, 04 Jan 2019 15:49:07 +0000 If you want to show your boyfriend or girlfriend how much you care, these “You are my everything quotes” to send to your love are a great choice. You can use these quotes to show your love just how much they mean to you. Once you find your soulmate, you want to make sure that […]

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If you want to show your boyfriend or girlfriend how much you care, these “You are my everything quotes” to send to your love are a great choice. You can use these quotes to show your love just how much they mean to you. Once you find your soulmate, you want to make sure that they feel loved and want to stay with you. Sweet quotes like these are one of the best ways to show how much you care.

These “You are my everything quotes” to send to your love can be sent in the morning so that your love wakes up with a smile. They are also a great option to send throughout the day to show that your soulmate is always on your mind. To really show how much you care, write one of these quotes in a card and pair it with a thoughtful gift to show how much you love your partner.


100 You Are My Everything Quotes to Send to Your Love

1. Whenever I look into your gorgeous eyes, I do not just see you staring back at me. I see my present, my tomorrow and the rest of my life gazing back at me.

2. I can see it clearly now. I can see us cuddling on the couch, getting married and moving in together. I can see us smiling without a reason, making dinner together, having arguments, making babies and never leaving each other’s side for a single moment. I can see us being together forever.

3. I wake up each morning with the thought of you on my mind. Each night, I lie down with the exact same thoughts of the most amazing person in the world. You are my everything, love.

4. You have experienced me at my best and seen me at my worst. Even when I am annoying and drive you nuts, you still patiently put up with me. Your love is the one constant in my life, and I just need you at my side forever.

5. You are the only air that I need to breath. You wake me up with the thought that I still must be dreaming because I could never possibly find someone like you. In my heart, you are the clock that ticks out each second of the day until I can be with you again. You are my everything, my love.

6. You are like the greatest love story every told. I just want to fill a book with everything that I see, hear, dream and touch so that I can share it with you at the end of the day. You are the words that fill out every chapter of my existence.

7. You are the sole reason that I smile, laugh and cry. You are my place of refuge and my happy place. You are what makes my heart beat and my everything.

8. I may be indecisive at times and can never pick my favorite foods or restaurants. The one thing that I know is that you are always my favorite. You are my everything, love.

9. I cannot promise that I can be with you for the rest of your life, but I can promise that I will be with you for the rest of mine.

10. I don’t need another partner or a single other date. Since I met you, you are the only one that I have needed. You are everything that is important in my life.

11. I can still remember what you were wearing when we first met. I didn’t realize it then how much you would take over every though in my mind and heart. I love you so much.

12. Waking up in the morning is my favorite thing because I get to see your face. At night, all of my dreams are of you. Your fragrance is more wonderful than a thousand beautiful roses. Out of everything that has happened to me in life, you are my favorite.

13. You are the love of my life and the light of my day. You are my air I breathe and the sun that lights my day. You are my everything and nothing less.

14. Trust me, I cannot live without you. I could never leave you because I need you so much. You are my everything and the sole love of my life.

15. I feel like every step in my life has led me to you. Each heartbreak, decision, regret and celebration brought me here. When we are together, all of the problems and mistakes of my life seem worth it. If I had never gone through those mistakes, they may not have led me to you.

16. There is no one else in the world that I would rather spend my life with. Loving you has been the best and most amazing experience of my life.

17. You fill an empty hole within my heart. You are my soulmate, and my only wish is that I could be with you forever. You are my everything, love.

18. After a while, you no longer want to go out on the town or plan fancy adventures. You just want to be someone who makes you feel special and like you are the entire world to them. I have found that special someone in you, my love.

19. If I could give you one gift in life, it would be a single moment of seeing the world through my eyes. Then, you would finally be able to realize just how much you mean to me.

20. You are my favorite . . . everything. You are my entire world, my love.

21. You are my favorite pair of eyes to look into, and my favorite way to spend the afternoon. You are my favorite name to see on my phone. You are my favorite everything, my love.

22. Whoever I met before you left me disappointed and broke my heart. When you walked into my life, you changed everything and became the one person who brought total happiness into my life. You are my everything.

23. I love all of our secret jokes, long phone calls and sweet pet names. I love everything about you, my love.

24. Whenever I say I love you, I do not mean it casually. I say it as a reminder that you are the best thing that ever happened to me and my everything.

25. Your past does not interest me because all I can see is our future together. I want to build a new world with you because you make living worthwhile.

You are my world quotes

26. Even when all I can do is think about you and our memories together, you still manage to make me the happiest person on earth.

27. No matter what other people ever say about you or me, I will continue to love you forever until the last day.

28. You are all that I can see in the life before me. I just want you to be a constant, eternal presence in my life. I love you.

29. Some nights, it seems like it is completely impossible for me to sleep because my mind keeps going over how much easier it would be to fall peacefully asleep if you were at my side.

30. Just thinking about seeing you in the morning is enough to wake me up instantly from the deepest of sleep.

31. You are the one who always manages to make me feel like everything in the world is right, even when everything is going wrong.

32. You are my sun, moon and every star in the night sky.

33. If you looked perfect up in the dictionary, you’d find your name there.

34. You are the reason why I became a stronger person, despite the fact that you are my greatest weakness.

35. You are my heart, soul and dearest treasure. You are my today, tomorrow and forever. You are my everything, love.

36. You are my everything, and it just seems impossible to imagine ever living a life without you.

37. Words are not enough for me to truly tell you just how much you mean to me.

38. You are my definition of perfect.

39. You are the light of my life and my entire world. You are my love, my everything.

40. I am so in love with all of the little things that make you, you.

41. Just in case you are wondering what I’m thinking about, I just wanted to say: you are my everything.

42. There is just something about you that makes me feel like everything will always turn out okay.

43. Whenever I see your smile or look at your face, it seems like every part of me relaxes and feels happy.

44. You make me feel like the most amazing person in the world, and I know that you will always be there for me. Whenever I encounter troubled times, I always feel safe because I know that you are in my life.

45. My greatest accomplishment in life was somehow, magically, getting you to love me.

46. You are all that I need for the rest of my life to be happy. I just hope you know that.

47. You are my everything and my forever. I loved you before, love you still and always will.

48. You are my everything and the angel of my heart. You mean more to me than anything in the world.

49. Thank you so much for always picking me up whenever I’m feeling down. I could not imagine a life without you in it.

50. You are the only present that I have ever dreamed about. Now that I have you, I truly have everything I need.

51. You look so beautiful whenever you smile that it brightens up my entire day. You are like my peaceful refuge amid the storms of life. Whenever I’m overwhelmed by the world, just thinking about you cheers me up.

52. You have made everything in my life so much better just by being a part of it. You are my everything, love.

53. Our relationship is not just the most important thing in my life. For me, it’s everything.

54. Whenever I see your bright lovely smile, it makes the entire world seem right again.

55. Being with you was the best decision of my entire life. Each day, I thank God for sending you to me.

56. The heavens must have loved me a lot because they sent me their dearest angel: you.

57. Hearing the sound of my name on your lips is the best sound that I can ever imagine.

58. Now that I know what loving you is like, I could never live a life without you in it.

59. I just wanted to thank you for being the one reason why I look forward to waking up every morning.

60. You are the first thing I think about in the morning and my last thought before falling asleep at night. You are my everything.

61. If you are very lucky, once in a lifetime, you will meet someone who changes everything and eventually becomes your everything.

62. I love you and will keep loving you until the final day when my last breath is taken away from me.

63. I am so deliriously, amazingly, overwhelmingly and completely in love with you. You are my everything, love.

64. To say goodbye is hard enough, but leaving would be impossible. I would never do that to you because you are my entire world. I love you, darling.

65. You are my everything and the brightest spot in my entire life. I am forever grateful that you chose to e mine.

66. My love, you are like the sunshine in my day. You are everything that I could ever want and so much more.

67. I could never lose you. If I did, I would lose my soulmate, my smile, my best friend, my laughter and my everything.

68. You are my heart and soul. You are my best friend and my entire world. In short, you are my everything.

69. If I had to choose between breathing and loving you, I would use my final breath to say that I love you.

70. You are the entire reason why I wake up each morning. Getting out of bed is easy if it means that I will get to see your face again.

71. You are the reason why I am alive right now and my everything. I love you.

72. Let me tell you one simple truth: I will never be able to leave you because you are my true love and the light of my life.

73. I just need everything in life. Sound like too much? It’s not. To me, everything is you.

74. You can never know the amount of happiness you brought into my world. You really are my everything.

75. I just wanted you know how I feel about you. You are my infinity and beyond, my everything.

76. If I had to live my life all over again, I’d only change one thing. I’d find you sooner so that I could love you longer.

77. You make everything in life worthwhile just be existing.

78. I love my life because you are a part of it. And I love you because you have become my life.

79. You are the greatest present I could ever dream of. Now that I have you, I truly have everything.

80. You are my dream come true and everything I need in life.

81. Being with you is always my favorite place to be. My love, you are my everything.

82. I don’t have to travel to see the world because my world consists entirely of you.

83. I find it just amazing how I could find my soulmate out of all the billions of people in the world.

84. You have brought peace to the chaos of my life. You are my everything, love.

85. My reason for existing is simple: you. You are my everything.

86. You are the first and last thought on my mind every day. I am just so grateful that I can call you mine.

87. Life might be constantly changing, but the one constant in your life will always be me.

88. Without you, I could not live. If I lost you, I would lose everything that matters.

89. I want you. I need you and cannot live without you. I just love you too much to imagine life any other way.

90. The thought of hearing you laugh and holding your hand gives me a smile that lasts for days.

91. An angel in heaven must be looking down on me for me to be blessed by someone like you.

92. No matter what happens, I will love you until my heart stops beating. Without you, I am nothing because you are my everything.

93. Finding a person in life is a blessing. Finding someone who becomes your entire world is God’s greatest gift. I am so unbelievably lucky to have you.

94. Could anything be more valuable or more amazing than being in love with you? Since we first met, my time has been measured only in heartbeats.

95. I have fallen for you completely. Everything you say or do only makes me love you more. You are every thought and every dream that I ever had rolled into one amazing person.

96. You are the perfect mix of everything that I want out of life.

97. I might not be perfect on my own, but I feel like I am perfect when I see myself reflected in your eyes. You make me want to be a better person just so that I can deserve you.

98. Thank you for always making me feel like the most important person in your life. I just wanted you to know that you are my everything, too.

99. Nobody, not even time, can change how much I love you. You are my everything and my entire world.

100. Waking up next to the person you love most in the world is the definition of having a good life. You are my everything, my love.

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20 Short Hairstyles for Fat Faces and Double Chins 2019 Thu, 27 Dec 2018 17:29:50 +0000 You naturally want to look your best, but it is hard to find the right short hairstyles for fat faces and double chins. Ideally, you want a hairstyle that detracts from the roundness of your face and helps to give you a longer, more elongated face shape. The following 20 short hairstyles for fat faces […]

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You naturally want to look your best, but it is hard to find the right short hairstyles for fat faces and double chins. Ideally, you want a hairstyle that detracts from the roundness of your face and helps to give you a longer, more elongated face shape. The following 20 short hairstyles for fat faces and double chins 2019 can help you begin your search for a style that looks great on you.

Over the long term, there are a few things that you can do to reduce the roundness of your face. Losing weight helps to reduce body fat, so eat a healthy, balanced diet. Reducing your sodium intake and drinking plenty of water will help prevent water retention that causes swelling and roundness.

In the short term, you have to pick just the right hairstyle to make your face seem thinner. Contouring makeup is also a great way to add a bit of leanness to your face, so invest in the right products. With a little work, you can make sure that you are putting your best face forward.

20 Short Hairstyles for Fat Faces and Double Chins

1. Bangs With Short Bob

This is one way to make your face look longer while still enjoying the convenience of short hair. A short bob is a stylish, easy to maintain hairstyle. Keep in mind that you do not want to use straight bangs. As a general rule, straight bangs will just make your face appear rounder. Instead, brush your bangs to the side slightly to make your face look thin and sleek. With a short bob, you can also style your hair straight, in waves or cute curls, so there are many styling options to choose from.

2. Layered Pixie

A pixie haircut really needs to be layered if you want it to look its best. Pixie cuts tend to look adorable on people with chubby faces and double chins. The layers help to attract attention away from your face. Plus, the shorter hair in the pixie cut helps to lengthen your neck and give your overall appearance a longer, thinner look. Best of all, this is another hairstyle that is easy to style and has a number of options for how you wear it each day.

3. Layered Bob

You really can’t go wrong with a layered bob. The added layers help to remove the focus from your double chin or round face. For this hairstyle to really work though, you need to make sure that your bob is not cut exactly at your chin line. Have the style go just past your chin. If you make the mistake of matching your bob perfectly to your chin, it ends up accentuating the roundness of your face and your double chin.

4. Wavy Short Hair

Any type of wave or curl will generally attract attention away from the rest of your face, so a wavy hairstyle is a great option. You can use wavy styles with a basic bob style or go for shoulder-length hair. With both options, you can always add in some sideswept bangs to finish off the look.

5. Straight Hair With Side Bangs

If your hair is naturally straight, then this look will be effortless to style in the mornings. Straight hair helps to lengthen out your face, and side bands are a great way to reduce the overall roundness of your face shape.

6. Short Curly Hair

Curls go a long way toward hiding fat faces and double chins. This short hairstyle might take a little more work to do in the morning, but it definitely looks amazing. You can create this look with a variety of different short cuts, but make sure that the bottom of your hair is either below or above your chin line so that it doesn’t accentuate the roundness of your face.

7. Stacked Bob

To do this look, make sure that the hair falls lower around your chin and shorter in the back. This reduces the bulk in the back of your hair while giving you a lovely, edgy look. You can style a stacked bob with straight hair or go for curls when you want a more formal look. Either way, this haircut will leave you looking and feeling amazing.

8. Long Bob

Bobs are always a good choice for someone with a round face or double chin. If you have naturally wavy hair, use some product to scrunch your hair for a wavy, messy look. You can also style your hair so that you end up with a straight, gorgeous-looking bob. Best of all, this hairstyle is just long enough for a ponytail, which makes it extremely convenient for whenever you are on the go.

9. Asymmetrical Bob

You can’t go wrong with this chic style. The look accentuates your cheekbones and draws the attention away from the roundness of your face. While it is a fairly classic cut, the asymmetrical aspect gives it a hip, trendy edge. It is an especially great choice if you have naturally straight hair because asymmetrical bobs look amazing when you leave them sleek and straight.

10. Long Pixie With Sideswept Bangs

This pixie has a lot of texture and separation that makes it look amazing. The longer front is extremely flattering for all face shapes, but it is especially good at making round faces look thinner. Just make sure that you sweep your bangs to the side because straight, forward-facing bangs are a no-no for round faces. If you do choose a pixie, just remember that you will need to head back to the salon fairly frequently because this look starts to grow out fairly quickly.

11. Asymmetrical Pixie

An asymmetrical pixie is one of the best short hairstyles for fat faces and double chins 2019. The longer bangs can be merely pushed to the side or curled slightly for an edgy look. This is probably the edgiest cut on this list, which makes it a great choice if you like to be ahead of fashion trends.

12. Heavy Fringe Pixie With Hidden Undercut

The back of this cut is blended to create a classic, feminine look. By undercutting some of the hair, you are able to get a unique shape and add some volume to the style. An undercut is also useful if you want a pixie style, but you have extremely thick hair that makes styling difficult.

13. Sideswept Layers

Instead of going for just sideswept bangs, why not make all of your hair sideswept? You can do this with many short hairstyles by just creating a side part. This layers hair on one side of your face and helps to reduce the overall roundness of your face shape.

14. Pompadour

While this hairstyle was a bit trendier a year or two ago, it can still work to hide a round face. By increasing volume at the top of your head, it helps to elongate your face for a thinner look. It does take a bit of work everyday, so you’ll have to skip out on ponytails and messy buns if you want to do this look.

15. Textured Inverted Bob

For this short hairstyle to look truly amazing, add some texture to give the appearance of layers. Keep it shorter in the back than in the front. Then, for an edgy, sleek look, make the front asymmetrical. Voila!

16. Asymmetrical Curled Bob

Asymmetrical styles always give your hair a certain edge. An asymmetrical bob is easy to maintain and looks great when you just leave your hair straight or wavy. For an edgier, more gorgeous look, spend some time curling your hair. To make sure that your curls look their best, you will probably want an asymmetrical bob that falls a bit past your chin line. Then, your curled bob will still be long enough to look great after the curls shrink the overall length.

17. Pseudo Pompadour Updo

If you are afraid that you will not like having short hair or a pompadour, you don’t have to worry. You can still get a pompadour-like look without chopping off all of your beautiful locks. Any updo that sweeps the hair upward and on top of your head will give you the same elongated face shape and added volume of the pompadour. Plus, this type of look is great for weddings and formal events.

18. Messy Lob

This short hairstyle looks effortless, yet amazing. You don’t need layers for added volume with this look because the messy styling adds all of the texture and volume you need. Add in an asymmetrical line, and you get an edgy, chic look.

19. Tucked Sides Pixie Faux Hawk

You can use this styling technique to take your pixie cut to the next level. Leave the sides sleek and tucked in. Then, use product to add height and volume to the top of the style. Gorgeous!

20. Teased Bob

This works with most bob styles, although it does really well with an inverted bob. You add volume in the back of your bob by teasing your hair with a styling product and blow dryer. The added volume in back helps to naturally elongate your face and gives your short hairstyle a more finished look.

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20 Hairstyles for Double Chin 2019 Wed, 26 Dec 2018 01:49:33 +0000 Hiding a double chin is decidedly not easy. As a part of your face, you cannot just cover it up like you can with thick thighs or a belly pooch. Other than finding the right hairstyles for double chin 2019, you can also adopt a few lifestyle changes to reduce your double chin. With the […]

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Hiding a double chin is decidedly not easy. As a part of your face, you cannot just cover it up like you can with thick thighs or a belly pooch. Other than finding the right hairstyles for double chin 2019, you can also adopt a few lifestyle changes to reduce your double chin. With the right techniques, you can make your photos Instagram worthy in no time.

Lifestyle Changes for Reducing Your Double Chin

To help reduce the size of your chin, try to focus on losing chin fat. It is impossible to just target one spot of your body for fat reduction, so you will have to reduce your overall fat levels. Jogging can also help to firm up your chin and tighten your muscles, so this could be a quick option for tightening up your chin.

For a faster approach, try to drink more water and eat less salt. Sodium can lead to bloating, which makes your face look larger than it actually is. Cutting down on salt and drinking more water can actually reduce the amount of bloating that you experience.

If you want to do chin-specific exercises, try leaning your head back with your mouth open. Then, pull your bottom lip over your top lip as you jut out your chin toward the ceiling. Do three sets of this exercise with 10 repetitions each day to tighten up your chin muscles.

Sometimes, a double chin is caused by wrinkles and sagging skin. Luckily, you can remedy this problem fairly easy with the right skin treatments. Skin naturally produces less oil as it ages, which can cause it to loosen and dry out. Adding a topical cream onto sagging skin can help it tighten up and reduce the appearance of a double chin.

20 Hairstyles for Double Chin 2019

If you want your pictures to look amazing, you need to figure out the best hairstyles for double chin 2019. Think about using side partitions to make your face look longer and to detract from your double chin. Longer hair will also help to make your face look longer and to keep the focus on your face instead of your chin.

hairstyles for double chin 2019

1. Long Wavy Bob

A long bob is always a great way to lengthen out your face. The waves really give this hairstyle a finished, gorgeous look. By cutting the bob past your jawline, you help to naturally lengthen out your face and hide your double chin. Plus, this hairdo is super easy to do in the morning and just requires a bit of scrunching and hair product to get right.

2. Layered Pixie

A pixie is amazing for adding length to your neckline. It magically makes your face and neck look smaller than before. While it seems counterintuitive that short hair would actually lengthen your face, this trick actually works. For your pixie to look its best, make sure to use some layers. Longer fringes on the sides of the pixie can also add a little length to your hairstyle.

3. Layered Shag

A shag haircut is a traditional rock ‘n’ roll style. It has that casual, mussed up look that appears to be effortless. It includes plenty of layers from the crown down that make it appear texturized and choppy. Avoid going too crazy with the layers though because this can make it appear dated. Instead, focus on adding a bit of volume with textures away from the chin. Cut the layers a bit shorter than your face and then blow-dry them so that they sit against your chin and cheeks. This helps to create the illusion that you have a thinner face and helps to minimize your double chin.

pompadour for double chin

4. Pompadour

If you want short hairstyles for your double chin, you have to find a way to draw the eye away from the chin. One way to do this is by adding volume at the top of your head. This helps to make your face appear longer so that your face shape is more balanced. A pompadour style was made famous long ago by the mistress of King Louis XV, Madame de Pompadour. There are countless styles available, but they all basically involve sweeping your hair upwards and wearing most of your hair on the top of your head. The only drawback with this style is that you really have to do your hair every morning if you want it to look good.

5. Pseudo Pompadour

If chopping off your long locks is too much of a change, you can still have a pompadour-like style without going for short hair. With updos like this one, you sweep your hair upwards and off your face. By placing all of your hair on the top of your head, you naturally add volume at the top so that your face seems elongated and thin.

6. Straight Hair With Side Bangs

If adding layers is not for you, you can still make your face seem thinner with a short hairstyle. Go for straight hair with side bangs to thin out your face. You want to use side bangs because straight, standard bangs will actually make your face seem shorter and emphasize your double chin.

7. Shoulder Length With Layers

This is another easy option. Add soft layers into your hair to add volume. If you want, you can curl your hair to give your style a softer, more finished look. The added layers help to increase the volume of your hair and detract from your chin.

8. Short Curly Hair

This look works well because it adds volume to your hair. The large curls help to draw the eye away from your chin and toward your luscious, gorgeous curls. A short bob works well with this type of style, but you can also use it with shoulder-length hair as well.

9. Long Straight Bob

This is a simple, effortless look that helps to lengthen out your face. Cut your bob so that it is longer than your jawline so that it elongates your face and hides your double chin. This is a great option if you already have fairly straight hair because it will take mere seconds to do your hair in the morning!

10. Faux Hawk

If you want an edgy style, this is definitely an awesome option. A faux hawk adds height to your face and helps to thin out your double chin. All you need I a comb and some hair gel to do this look.

11. Big Swoop Bangs

While short hair has a tendency to make a round face and double chin appear worse, big, side-swept bangs are one way to counteract that effect. If you want to have short hair and bangs, get huge bangs and sweep them to the side to streamline the upper half of your face.

12. Ballerina Buns

While a pony tail is generally a no-no for round faces, there are still simple updos you can do. A ballerina bun or high bun is a great way to add volume at the top of your head. Just use some strong-hold spray and bobby pins to secure the knot in place.

13. Wavy Mid-Length Hair

Choosing this look means that you can spend less than 5 minutes on your hair in the morning. Just scrunch your hair up tightly after you wash it or use large Velcro curlers overnight. Make sure you cut your hair two to three inches longer than your jawline to help lengthen your face.

14. Side-Bun With Bangs

This style focuses on using a low bun on the side of your face. Parting your bangs to the side helps to reduce the roundness of your face and take attention away from a double chin.

15. Long Hair With Layers

If you love long hair, add some layers to make your face look longer. This also helps to reduce the roundness of your face and make it appear to be less wide.

16. Braided Faux Hawk

Cutting your hair into a short faux hawk is a huge commitment, but you can still get a faux hawk look with long hair. Just use some braids to create the same look without having to cut your hair short. This look is great for weddings and formal events.

17. Short Bob With Side Swept Bangs

This look is easy to maintain and extremely sexy. The straight short bob helps to lengthen the face, and the edgy bangs help to balance out any roundness.

18. A-Line Bob Cut

This look is another easy bob cut that helps to hide a double chin. The A-line look helps to make an edgy, modern style. You can make the bob slightly messy for a classy, sexy look.

19. Long Hair With Fringe

Skip the layers and go for just long hair. You can use a rustled, mussed up look or go for sleek, straight hair. A fringe of bangs swept to the side helps to hide some of the width of your face.

20. Asymmetrical Curled Bob

Asymmetrical bobs are so edgy and hip. Add some curls to the bob, and you end up with an unforgettable, adorable style. The curls in this look helps to add volume that balances out a double chin or round face. Plus, adding curls is a great option for women with thin hair who want to boost their volume.

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4 Free Love Spells That Work Fast Without Ingredients Wed, 07 Nov 2018 04:00:11 +0000 When you like someone, you definitely want to find a love spell that works fast without ingredients. Love spells come in so many different formats. Some spells just bind your lover to you through your intent, while other love spells use candles and other tools to get the magic started. There are spells that seem […]

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When you like someone, you definitely want to find a love spell that works fast without ingredients. Love spells come in so many different formats. Some spells just bind your lover to you through your intent, while other love spells use candles and other tools to get the magic started. There are spells that seem better suited for a Shakespearean drama that day-to-day magic and basic chants to get your lover to fall for you.

For thousands of users, spellcasters have used the power of the universe to harness magic. Some spellcasters use white and black magic, but our spells will only focus on white magic. There are some easy methods that you can use for love spells that work fast without ingredients. While you can try more complex spells later on, these methods are a good way to begin if you do not have a lot of ingredients or time to set up those ingredients.

How Love Spells Work Without Ingredients

1. Emotions

One key way that love spells work if you do not want to use ingredients is through emotions. This is the type of magic that led to the traditional Turkish beliefs about the evil eye. To do this type of spell, you just set your intent and use your emotional power to bring your intention into being.

Like most spell types, there are some cautionary things to remember before you do the spell. For the spell to work, your emotions have to be pretty strongly about something. If your emotions are just not in it, then the spell does not have the power to work. The same thing is true for your feelings for the other person. If you are not completely sure that you would like to be with that person, then the binding will fade too quickly.

You should also keep in mind that this type of spell tends to be extremely volatile. When you base the spell’s power on your feelings, you lose some of your control over the spell and its strength. This can end up causing unpredictable results, so just be aware of this tendency before you do the spell.

2. Writing or Speaking

Another one of the most popular and easiest type of spells is a spoken or written spell. There are many different options already available online, but you can also improvise a quick version as well. Contrary to a popular myth, you do not have to have a long, rhyming chant for your spell to work. While a rhyming chant sounds good, a spell can be just as effective if it does not rhyme.

One easy option is to imbue your words with power when you want something to happen. If you are discussing a raise with your boss, empower your words as you talk. If you add an intention behind your words as you say them, you can turn your words into a spell.

Keep in mind that you should always use positivity in your spells. It is far too easy to accidentally slip into negative phrasing when you are just creating your words and intentions as you go. Negative spells tend to bring negative things in your life, so try to always focus on the positive.

3. Use Your Imagination

Visualizations and your imagination can actually help your spells come true. You can do something as basic as just imagining what you want to happen. Focus intensely on your visualizations and imagine all of the feelings, sounds and colors around you. Pay attention to your five senses as you create your visualization.

For this type of spellcasting to work, you have to be extremely specific about setting your intentions and what you want. It will be much harder to get the spell to work for your intention if you are not specific about what you need. By putting extra thought and work into your visualizations, you can obtain better results.

4. Enchantment

This is a simple way of doing spells that involves transforming normal things into magical items. Basically, you use your intentions to channel magic into the item. You are basically programming the item to have a magical ability. Whenever the item starts to fade back to normalcy, charge it again with your intentions.

One way to make this work better is to pick an item that has some meaning for you and the purpose that you have in mind. If you are working on a spell about a desired lover, something that belongs to the crush or an item connected to them will work well. If you are focusing on a spell about your looks or physical appearance, your mirror could be the item that you use. The item does not have to be directly related to your purpose, but it needs to be something that has a personal meaning for you.

4 Free Love Spells That Work Fast Without Ingredients

Instead of creating a spell yourself, you can always use one of these free love spells that work fast without ingredients. They have already been designed for helping you discover and fall in love. For these spells to work best, you should always use positive energy and intentions. You also have to believe that you will achieve your outcome and that the universe will support you in your goal. Once you are ready to proceed, you can use one of the following love spells to get started.

1. A Basic Love Spell Without Ingredients

This love spell can be exceptionally powerful, but it does not require any candles or ingredients. Best of all, this love spell also offers fast results, and you only need to know the basics of spell casting. This spell is designed to help you get the attention of that special someone who has not actually noticed you yet.

The main requirement for the spell is to get a picture of the person you like. Then, you can put it in your room on the wall or a table. The picture should be an actual, vivid picture of the person so that it actually feels as if they are in the room.

Whenever you wake up, take a moment to look in the person’s eyes. Wish them an amazing morning with all of your love. Then, give the photo some of the person’s favorite gifts or foods. Before you go to bed at night, you wish the photo good night with all of your love in the same way that you wished them good morning.

For this spell to work well, you should repeat it for at least a month. You should do it for long enough that it starts to feel like the person is actually a part of your life. Once you start to develop this feeling that they are actually present, you are ready for the next step in the spell.

Now, sit down next to the photograph. Ideally, you should do this during the waxing moon. Say the person’s name and then say the following chant, “My beloved, you already live close to me and have a place in my life. Come to me and give me a hug and a kiss. I will care for you always and feed you delicious food. I will shower you with all of my love and gifts. Come to me, I am waiting for you.”

2. The Visualization Love Spell

To do this simple spell, find a quiet place to sit down and close your eyes. Spend a few minutes focusing your mind. Once your mind is clear and ready to focus, start thinking about the person that you would like to cast the spell on. Spend several seconds imagining their face and focusing entirely on them. Try to make a very vivid, clear mental image.

After you can see their face within your mind, tell the person exactly how you feel and what you would like them to know. Let them know that you would like to have a relationship with them and would like them to fall in love with you. Pour out your heart to the visualization of your crush.

Once you have finished with the visualization, continue by imagining the two of you joining together in the type of relationship that you want to have. Then, asked to be blessed by the love and outcome that you want from the spell.

3. The Heart Chant

This is an extremely simple spell to do. It is perfect if you do not have a lot of time or the ingredients for more complex spells. By repeating this spell over and over again, you can increase its power and potency.

Start by making the shape of your heart with your hands. If you are in public, you can do this in a very nonchalant way because your heart does not have to be perfectly shaped. Once you have made the heart, imagine the type of love and relationship that you would like to have. Then, chant in your mind or aloud the following spell, “Bring me the love that I desire. Thank you, divine, for hearing me.” You can exchange the word “divine” for the higher power that you believe in. If you do not believe in a higher power, you can substitute “universe” for this instead.

4. Throat Singing

Throat singing is a wonderful, traditional spell type. To do this spell, you actually spend five days resting. Then, you fast for three days. When you are ready to cast the spell, start by sitting down in a relaxed position with your back straight.

Close your eyes and focus your mind. You can use throat singing or chanting in the rest of the steps. First, repeat the name of your beloved several times. Then, ask for your beloved to hear you and to love you. Repeat their name several more times and go over your previous commands again. To end the spell, seal the magic by singing that your beloved should listen to your commands and obey you.

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10 Free Spells That Work Instantly Wed, 31 Oct 2018 13:56:34 +0000 If you are just getting started on your magical journey, finding the right spells to do can be hard at first. The following 10 free spells that work instantly are great for beginners. They require very little practice and mostly require you to just set your intention to do them. To do these spells, you […]

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If you are just getting started on your magical journey, finding the right spells to do can be hard at first. The following 10 free spells that work instantly are great for beginners. They require very little practice and mostly require you to just set your intention to do them.

To do these spells, you need to find the right location and gather together the right tools. These spells are also more effective if you do them at the right time of the month or day. If the spell is done before bedtime, it can start to work instantly overnight so that you can start seeing results as soon as you wake up. In general, these spells will have more power if you do them during the full moon because of the moon’s energy. If you want to give your spells a magical boost of power and energy, perform them during the full moon.

1. Simple Love Spell Chant for Beginners

This is a wonderful love spell if you are struggling to find your true love in life. It consists of a simple, quick chant that can be done anywhere that you are. You should only use this spell with positive, strong intentions and energy.

Keep in mind that people still have free will. If you are trying to force someone to love you and they are in love with someone else, this spell will not work. There has to already be a kernel of possible love in that person’s soul for the spell to be effective. In addition, this spell will be more effective if you put more energy into doing it.

The Steps for the Love Spell Chant

The best time of day for this is around 7AM or whenever you get up in the morning. Start by chanting out “Yaa maadat yaa mujhe mile vo abhi.” As you chant, focus on all of the love that you would like to receive from your crush. Remain focusing on that love and send out positive intentions. After you do this spell in the morning, keep doing it throughout the day. By repeating the spell and setting your intentions over and over again, you give the spell added strength to start working quickly.

2. A Spell for Attracting Your Soulmate

This type of spell to attract your soulmate is extremely powerful. If even a small kernel of their spirit already likes you, this spell will help that small seed of love blossom and grow. You have to focus on sending out positive energy to get this spell to work. You can also perform this spell if you have no one in particular in mind, but you would like your soulmate to appear soon. With the right attitude and energy, these loves spells can really work wonders.

The Steps for Doing the Soulmate Attraction Spell

This is one of the more enjoyable spells to do. It starts by taking a nice, warm bath before you go to bed at night. Spend some time in meditation so that you can focus your mind. You want to develop strong, positive energy. Spend as long as you need to get into that focused, positive mental state. If you struggle to focus your mind, there are guided meditation tapes online that can help you out.

Now, communicate with the universe. Send your intentions out into the world that you want to find your soulmate. Visualize strong, positive energy leaving your body and going out into the universe. Now, you need to repeat the following chant 60 times while retaining this positive mental state,” Kainaat sune ishq maujood ho.”

Once you have finished chanting, close your eyes and relax. Visualize what it will be like to get in contact with your soulmate. Imagine meeting them like it has already happened and think about how you will feel. Make your mind believe that you have met your soulmate. You can repeat this spell each night until your soulmate begins communicating with you.

3. An Instant Job Spell

It seems like looking for a new job is completely impossible. Every time you apply for a job, you waste countless days hoping that the employer calls you back. If you are trying to get your foot in the door, this beginner magic spell can help you out. It can work if you feel stuck in your current job or are currently out of work. Like the other spells on this list, the energy and intentions you put into the spell make a difference. You need to be positive and know that this spell will work for it to actually work. You will also need an oval-shaped rose quartz stone in order to do the magic spell.

The Steps for Doing the Instant Job Spell

To do this spell properly, you need to do it in the morning. Start by saying what you want to have happen and then focus on it. Visualize exactly what you want to occur actually coming true in your life. Imagine how you will feel when you get that job of your dreams.

Now, hold the rose quartz in your right hand. Then, say the following chant, “Taaneer milne mujhko pasandeedaah hoye.” These words will help you activate the stone and get the spell going. After the spell is complete, place the stone in your pocket. Make sure that it is in your pocket whenever you go apply for a new job, promotion or raise. When you carry the stone with you, it will naturally draw energy toward you. For it to work though, you have to leave the stone in your pocket.

4. Magic Healing Spell

Sometimes, you need an extra boost to overcome an illness. Whether the illness is suffered by you or a loved one, this magic healing spell can help. To do this spell, you need to gather a green ribbon, green or silver glitter, powdered cinnamon and objects that are green silver or white. These objects could be things like paper, leaves, beads or glass. You will also need a container with a lid like a glass jar.

The Steps for Doing the Healing Spell

Start by casting a circle. Point down with your finger and imagine protective energy emerging to where the circle is being cast. You only need to make a circle that is large enough for you to do your work. Once you have made the circle, stay inside of it to protect yourself from negative energy as you do the spell. Visualize protective energy forming a barrier around you.

Now, your next step is to consecrate the item that you will use for the spell. You can do this by saying a quick prayer over the objects that you have dedicated to this purpose. Then, place the items on your altar or a tray.

Now, sprinkle cinnamon over the objects. You should chant, “herb for healing, herb for hope, herb for strength, herb help me cope. I call on thee, spirits of water, earth, fire and air to aid me in this healing.”

Next, tie the green ribbon around the glass jar so that it wraps the jar three times. As you do so, chant the words, “Thrice I bind thee, and so with nine calls, you will heal.” Place the small objects and your glitter into the glass jar. Tighten the lid on it and shake it nine times. Now, chant, “power of healing, I command you, heal (name) from all sickness.”

Give thanks to whatever higher power or elements that you believe in. Now, take down your circle using the opposite process as when you originally cast the circle. Put the jar somewhere safe. Whenever you want to give the sick person a boost, pick up the jar and shake it nine times. As you shake it, say, “(Name) be well, (Name) be free of sickness.” You have to do this spell separately for each person that you wish to heal.

5. The Money Spell for Beginners

Bringing in fortune and wealth is always a top goal for spells. This money spell is easy to perform. You have to send out positive energy into the universe for money so that money and positive energy are returned to you. You also have to feel confident that this spell will work because any doubts will prevent it from working properly. Often, money will arrive in unexpected ways, so keep your eyes peeled for opportunities.

To do this spell properly, you need to do it in the early morning. Wear all white clothes because white is a positive color that brings in positive energy from the universe. You will also need to use white candles. You need to be somewhere that has mud like a garden, but you can also just grab one of your flower pots for the mud aspect of the spell.

The Steps for Doing the Money Spell for Beginners

Before you start the spell, spend some time in meditation. You want to clear your mind of any negative energy. Remove any thoughts that are not related to the spell and try to focus your mind.

Make sure you are wearing your white clothes. When you are ready, light one of the white candles. Right after you have lit the candle, chant the following words, “Thou nokou money paan bolo.” As the candle burns, repeat this chant at least 150 times.

Continue to focus on positive energy as you visualize the way that you would like money to arrive. Visualize how it will feel when it arrives. Once the candle has burned down completely, bury the remaining wax in the mud of your garden or flower pot. You can repeat this spell as often as you wish.

6. A Spell for Healing Physical Pain Right Away

At some point in their lives, most people will suffer from some type of physical pain. This could be due to a chronic illness or a severe injury. Whatever the case, this spell for healing physical pain is designed to start working instantly. It is not a difficult spell to do, but you have to focus and concentrate to achieve the results.

If this spell does not work for you, then try meditating more often. You may need to develop your powers of concentration before you can cast this spell. In order to do this spell, you will need a fluorite stone or a very clear amethyst.

The Steps for Doing the Physical Pain Healing Spell

Start by finding a quiet place to clear your mind. Spend some time meditating until your mind is completely relaxed and focused. Now, pick up whichever stone you ended up choosing for the spell. Hold that stone in the hand that is closest to where you pain is. If the pain hurts in the middle of your body, use the hand that you use for writing.

Now, visualizes a vivid, white light entering your body at your feet. Imagine it slowly traveling up to your head as it moves through every part of your body. As the white light travels through your body, chant the following words, “Bright light, shining light, heal my hurts with all thy might. Continue to repeat the chant as you slowly allow the white light to travel around your body.

When the light finally reaches your head, visualize it expanding to encompass your head and filling about an extra foot on all sides of your head. Now, return the light to the spot in your body that hurts the most. Focus all of the white light on this specific spot. If you still feel pain, repeat the entire process. Make sure to keep your mind clear and focused, or it will not work. Once you are done with the spell, end it by saying the words, “So mote it be.”

7. A Free Spell for Getting Someone to Call You

This magic spell is a wonderful way to direct energy toward someone that you would like to call you. It will also make them feel inclined to pick up the phone if you call. If you have a relative, long-lost friend or prospective employer that you would like to call you, this spell will do the trick. To do the spin, you need something to write with as well as a good-quality piece of paper. You will also need a pin or needle.

The Steps for Doing the Spell to Get Someone to Call You

Start by pulling out the piece of paper. Write down the name of the person you would like to call you inside of a circle. As you write the name, mentally focus on the person’s face. Now, put your pin or needle through the very center of the circle. Next, you will place this paper next to the phone that you plan on having them call you on. Depending on your energy intensity when you do the spell, your intentions and the time of day when you do it, the person will call within minutes, hours or several days.

8. A Free Wishing Spell That Works Instantly

Wishing spells are an amazing way to make your wishes and dreams come true. These could be used to land an interview for your dream job or to find your perfect apartment. This wishing spell is easy to do and extremely powerful. As long as you put in the right energy and work, it can make your dreams come true.

To do this spell, you need to gather together six candles of any color. For the best results, you should do this during a full moon or a new moon. One section of the spell is done before you go to bed so that you can sleep while the spell starts to take effect.

The Steps for Doing the Wishing Spell

Gather six candles before the new or full moon. Before you try doing the spell, relax and spend 30 minutes in meditation. Try to clear away your thoughts so that you can really focus your mind. Now, you will light five of the candles. The sixth is a special candle that you will use for the spell itself, so leave it unlit for now.

Next, begin praying to the moon with the following chant, “Dear moon that beautifully glows at night, I pray to you with all my might. I ask you for a good night and always stay in my sight.” Chanting this spell is a way to ask the moon to give you a good night’s rest.

Repeat this spell before bedtime every night for three nights. This repetition helps you to build up the energy in the spell. Each morning when you wake up, spend 30 minutes meditating and clearing your mind. Then, turn on your favorite music or an audio meditation. Visualize all of your wishes coming true. Visualize your wish so strongly that you feel like it has already come true. Let a sense of gratitude and happiness wash over you.

On the third morning, spend an entire hour visualizing all of your dreams coming true. Then, spend an hour in meditation. Now that the spell is totally complete, your wishes can start coming true.

9. An Instant Lottery Spell

This is another money-style spell. While it can work for winning the lottery, it is also good for getting a sudden windfall or having good luck when you start gambling. It is an ideal spell for beginners to use because it is simple and effective. For this spell to work, you have to have a lot of positive energy and set strong intentions.

With the right energy, you can turn your luck around and start winning. You are basically sending your positive energy out into the universe, and the universe will return this energy. Make sure to listen to your intuition after doing this spell because your wish may come true in an unexpected way. Listen to the universe and let it guide you to wherever you need to go or whatever you need to do. Listen to your intuition, and it will tell you the right steps to take in order to win.

For this to work, you have to be positive You cannot let any negativity or self-doubt crowd your mind. For this spell to be effective, you have to be positive and confident. To get started on this spell, get a bowl of rosewater and a lot of coins. The spell will begin to work while you are sleeping.

The Steps for the Lottery Spell

This spell should be done before you go to sleep at night. You can keep doing the spell as often as you need to. To begin, pull out your bowl of rosewater and put all of the coins in it. Then, touch the coins in your bowl as you chant the following words, “Mora ponita paisie joye.” Now, you need to repeat the chant 200 times.

When you are done, take your hand out of the bowl and touch it to your forehead with the water from the bowl. Once you have done this, you can go to sleep. While you sleep, you will dream about the steps that you need to take to win at gambling or playing the lottery. If you find it hard to remember your dreams, try keeping a dream journal next to your bed. Write down your dream before you even get out of bed so that you do not forget about it. Pay careful attention to your dreams because this is where the spell will guide you toward your lottery goal.

10. A Warmth Spell

Sometimes, you feel constantly chilly. Even when you are in a warm room, you feel chilled to the bone. If you are one of those people who always feels cold, then this spell is for you. This is a good spell that you can do anywhere and anytime. It is a great spell if you are just constantly cold or if you plan on going on an adventure in the snow.

This spell is designed to help you warm up so that you can enjoy whatever social event or wintry hike that you are headed on. To make this spell work, you have to believe that it well. Your thoughts create energy, so you have to focus your thoughts to build up energy and heat in your body. By focusing on the spell, you can direct the heat to the places it needs to go in your body. Other than mental focus, you do not need any other tool to do this spell.

Steps for Doing the Warmth Spell

To do this spell, start by thinking about a source of warmth. This could be a fire, the sun, a candle or a portable heater. If you are one of the fire elements such as Leo, Aries or Sagittarius, then chant, “I am warm, I am fire, all this warmth is my desire.” Continue to repeat the chant for 15 times.

If you are not a fire element, you will do a different chant. Say the following words, “I am warm, warm as fire, all this warmth, is my desire.” Repeat this chant 15 times. Now, you should feel instantly warmer. If you do not feel warm yet, try repeating the spell again.

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12 Good Topics to Talk About With Your Crush (2018 Guide) Sat, 27 Oct 2018 03:11:29 +0000 When you have a crush, it seems impossible to talk to them. You become so focused on how awkward you feel that you forget that they probably feel the same way. If your crush likes you back, he or she will not even notice if you are a bit uncomfortable or awkward. Your crush will […]

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When you have a crush, it seems impossible to talk to them. You become so focused on how awkward you feel that you forget that they probably feel the same way. If your crush likes you back, he or she will not even notice if you are a bit uncomfortable or awkward. Your crush will be trying to find something to say to keep the conversation going.

The following ideas are good topics to talk about with your crush. They will help you start a conversation and find something interesting to say. Once you get the conversation going, the rest is up to you. With any luck, your crush will be interested and will try to keep talking to you.

1. Try Talking About Your Dreams

People naturally like to talk about themselves, and dreams are a good topic to talk about with your crush. A dream shows what your crush is passionate about and what they want to accomplish in life. By asking about their dreams, you can find out what your crush wants to do in life and if that coincides with your own goals. Plus, this type of discussion is a fun, quick way to get the conversation going. Most people can talk forever about their passions in life, so this is an easy way to get your crush to do all of the talking for you.

2. Ask Them Personal Questions

If talking to your crush feels too intimidating, try to get your crush to do the talking. Ask questions about what they like and what they want out of life. Make sure that your questions directly relate to your crush. Try not to change topics quickly because it feels unnatural to jump from a conversation about someone’s childhood to their favorite ice cream. Instead, let the conversation unfold organically.

3. Top Travel Destinations

Travel destinations are always a fun topic. If your crush loves traveling, they will have plenty of stories to share. Ask your crush about his or her favorite vacation. Follow up with questions about what they liked about the destination and their favorite experiences. If your crush has not had a chance to travel yet, ask about where he or she would like to go and why.

Travel topics can tell you a lot about your crush. They show the type of lifestyle your crush has and what they want out of life. If they are not interested in exploring the world, you will get to find that out sooner rather than later.

4. Discuss Their Hobbies

Hobbies are always a good thing to talk about. Someone’s interests show a lot about who they are as a person. Learning about your crush’s hobbies help you get to know them as a person and what they like the most. If you are lucky, you will have some shared hobbies that you can talk about together.

When you are talking about different hobbies, really listen to what your crush has to say. Your ability to listen deeply shows that you care about the person and actually want to hear their opinion on different things.

If your crush does not have any hobbies, try asking what he or she would like to try. You can also share some of your own hobbies. If your crush seems interested, this would be a natural point to ask if your crush wants to do your hobbies with you. It would be an easy way to spend more time with your crush naturally and develop a shared interest.

5. Events

Sometimes, you do not know enough about your crush to talk about a hobby or travel destination. Use the information that you already know to strike up a conversation. For example, you could talk about an upcoming school event or a party that you both recently went to. If you work together, talk about upcoming projects at work. You should be careful about talking about work because it is always possible that your crush hates their job. If they do not seem enthusiastic about work-related topics, move on to a different topic of conversation. If they do seem passionate about their work, explore this topic a bit more to get the conversation going.

6. Favorite Movies, Music and Actors

Some people love watching movies and listening to music. Unlike political or religious questions, this topic is generally safe to do with someone you barely know. You can ask about the last movie they saw that they really loved. If you recently saw a new movie, you could see if your crush has watched it and what they thought.

These types of questions help you to learn more about your crush. They are also a natural opening for asking about a potential date. Once you find out your crush’s favorite types of films, you can always ask him or her over to your house to watch a similar movie. If you know your crush’s favorite kind of music, you could plan a date to a concert or live performance that would interest them. By making your date about your crush’s favorite interests, you make it more likely that they will enjoy the date and want to go out with you.

7. Family Topics

The relationship that someone has with their family can reveal a lot about who they are and their past. If they have positive relationships with their family members, then you can safely bet that you will need their family to like you to date them. You can share stories about your family members and your childhood. If you run out of things to say, you can always try sharing information about yourself. Sometimes, your crush will be even more nervous than you are and be unable to think of something to say. In these cases, the best thing you can do is try to keep the conversation going and get your crush to relax enough to open up.

8. Discuss Common Friends

While it might not be the most exciting topic, this is still a good topic to talk about with your crush. When you have common friends, it is easy to strike up a conversation. It helps you find a natural, shared interest to start talking. Before long, you can start developing a deeper bond and move on to more interesting topics.

Talking about common friends also works on another level. If your crush barely knows you, they will feel more comfortable knowing that you have friends in common. In a way, your common friends have vouched for you as a person. Your crush will feel more comfortable around you because they know that their trusted friends think that you are good enough to hang out with.

9. Politics and Sports

Try finding a topic that your crush is really interested in. Does he have a passionate love of sports? Is he deeply involved in politics? People love talking about their favorite interests, so use this topic to get your crush to open up. If you are feeling nervous, a topic like this will also get your crush to do a lot of the talking for you. You also get to find out more about your crush and discover common interests. Once you find a topic that your crush really loves, you will be able to talk about it for hours without your crush ever getting bored.

10. Secrets

Most people love hearing secrets. It is a way to make someone feel closer to you because they feel unique and special that you shared a particular secret. Be careful about using this tip though. If you just blurt out a secret, it will feel weird and unnatural. The topic has to come up naturally in your conversation unless you happen to be playing a game like “Would you rather?”

11. Talk About Books

Books are another good topic of conversation if you love to read. If you are an intellectual who loves learning, you will naturally want someone who has a similar mindset. By talking about your favorite books and authors, you can quickly find out if your crush is as interested in reading and learning as you are. You can tell a lot about a person by the types of books that they like.

12. Ask for Advice

If you have rarely talked to your crush before, try breaking the ice by asking for advice. People feel flattered when they are asked for advice, and it will give you a natural way to start a conversation. It also gives you a chance to learn how your crush views the world and particular issues. All you have to do is start the conversation and get the topics to flow from there.

These 12 good topics to talk about with your crush are the perfect way to get the conversation started. Try to ask questions that get your crush to do the talking to show that you are genuinely interested in them and to take some of the pressure off of yourself. Once you have the conversation going, let the topics flow and change naturally.

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30 Long Paragraphs for Your Crush Sat, 20 Oct 2018 04:08:36 +0000 When you care deeply about someone, it makes sense that you would want to express these feelings. These long paragraphs for your crush are designed to help you show just how much you like that special someone. By sending these paragraphs, you can hint about your feelings and see if your crush likes you back. […]

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When you care deeply about someone, it makes sense that you would want to express these feelings. These long paragraphs for your crush are designed to help you show just how much you like that special someone. By sending these paragraphs, you can hint about your feelings and see if your crush likes you back. Hopefully, these long paragraphs will just be the first of many loving texts and paragraphs between you and your crush.


30 Long Paragraphs for Your Crush

1. Every night, I fall asleep to dreams that you are next to me. I cannot describe the depression and loneliness I feel when I wake up to realize that I am cuddling a pillow instead of you. All I can do is hope that you will one day feel the same way.

2. I truly love every minute that we get to spend together. Being around you brings such a sense of light and happiness into my life. I find myself looking forward to each moment that we spend together, and I just hope that you feel the same way as I do.

3. There are billions of people in the world, but your face is the only one that I want to see. It seems incredible that I have found the most amazing person out of all of those billions. I feel like you are the only person that I could truly love and cherish forever. You are truly one in a billion, and I am so lucky that I have found you.

4. Whenever I think about you, I feel like I have the deepest, most dire addiction. It feels like I cannot go a minute without thinking of you and wondering what you are up to. I just wish that I could spend every moment with you. I want to learn every detail about you and be your most trusted confidant. There is nothing more that I could ever hope for in life than to be at your side.

5. I feel like the luckiest person in the world today. It feels amazing that I could have found such a wonderful person to love. I find myself pinching my arm over and over again because I cannot believe that a person like you could really exist. You are all of my most amazing dreams come to life.

6. I love how my mind seems to immediately clear whenever I am around you. It is like you cast a magic spell that removes all of my doubts, fears and worries. You might not be a solution to my problems, but you certainly erase them from my mind whenever you are near. When you are in the same room as me, it feels like I cannot focus on anything other than you.

7. I have never sought out perfection in life, school or work. None of my relationships have been perfect because I never thought that it was possible. Then, you changed everything. You made me realize that perfection can actually exist in the real world.

8. Each day, I wake up with one goal on my mind: to make you smile. If I can bring a smile to your face, then my entire day is worthwhile. Your smile lights up every room and brights happiness to the darkest moments of life. I can’t wait to see you again and see that beautiful smile once more.

9. My heart shall always be at your service. The whispers of your lips touch my soul and give my heart the orders that it must follow. Seeing you warms my spirit and brings happiness to my soul. This, my dear, is why I love you.

10. My dearest promise to you is that I will always strive to give you everything that you want and need. I will work to give you the best that the world has to offer and all of my time. In return, I only wish that you would give me your love. If you love me, then I need nothing else to be happy.

11. I just wanted to wish you an amazing day today. I know that life can be tough, but I know that you can get through it. You are so talented, kind and amazing that you can accomplish anything in life. Whenever you need help, know that your greatest fan is here waiting to lend a hand.

12. The reason why I began flirting with you is because you are the most beautiful being that I have ever seen. In that moment, I was stunned and awed that such a beauty could be real. Then, I discovered that you had the beautiful heart, natural intelligence and lovely charm to match your looks. Now, I think that I am falling more and more in love with you each day.

13. It did not take me long to realize how I felt. Soon, I found it impossible to fall asleep because seeing you in real life was better than any dream. The only thing that I can look forward to at night is the hope of seeing you when I wake up.

14. Whenever I face some obstacle, I think of you for inspiration. The thought of you gives me the courage and energy I need to overcome any problem. I just hope that I can give you the same happiness and courage that you have given me.

15. There are always times when it is hard to find a bright side to life’s problems. It seems like there are constant problems and issues to solve. Now, I find myself happy no matter what happens to me. As soon as I feel disgruntled, I think of you and immediately feel optimistic about everything that the world has to offer.

16. I don’t know why looking at you makes me feel so alive or why I look forward to seeing your face so much. I don’t know why seeing you makes me smile like crazy. I am confused and have no clue what is going on, but I can’t complain—I’ve never felt this happy before.

17. Before we first met, I think that I was suffering from commitment phobia. It seemed impossible that two people could ever be compatible enough to enjoy a lifetime together. Now that I know you, I realize that all I want to do is commit. It feels like I am addicted to you, and I never want my addiction to stop.

18. I know that we can’t see each other as much as I’d like, but I just wanted you to know that I think about you all the time. Memories of you lift me up when I am having a bad day and remind me of all that life has to offer. You are like the sunshine that brightens my darkest days, and I am so thankful that you exist.

19. Whenever I am with you, I act completely different. I suddenly smile and laugh more, and I frown less. I never have to act like everything is okay because I always feel amazingly happy when you are around. You are so easy to talk to, and I just love how happy I feel whenever I am with you.

20. When I look in the mirror, the luckiest person in the world looks back at me. I already loved my life, but now I have found the perfect person to share it with. I cannot know what the future holds for us, but I look forward to every minute of it as long as it is with you.

21. Everyone has experienced a moment that they wish that they could freeze forever. For me, these moments happen all the time. Every second that I spend with you feels perfect. I wish that I could just freeze time so that I could enjoy each second over and over again forever.

22. You are the most amazing, gorgeous person that I have ever met. It seems impossible to put my feelings into words, but I have to try. All I can say is that meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me. It feels like my heart travels with you whenever you are away, and you are constantly on my mind.

23. Each morning, I wake up with a smile on my face because I am thinking about you. I am excited to face another day because I know that I might get to see you. I can only hope for more opportunities to see you each and every day because my life has been infinitely better since you became a part of it.

24. Whenever you feel uncertain or full of doubt, you can always turn to me for help. When everything seems to be going horribly wrong, my arms can be your safe haven. My heart will always be charmed by you and entranced by your presence. No matter what happens to you, I will always be here for you whenever you need me.

25. The rising sun shines light upon my day. In the evening, my thoughts cool with the gentle breeze. When I hear the birds singing, my heart leaps for joy. No matter how beautiful the day happens to be though, nothing can make me happier or more entranced than the sight of your face. Seeing you is the bright point in every day.

26. I used to love sitting back and daydreaming for hours. I would dream up amazing fantasies and unusual dreams. I always wished that they were real, but none of my daydreams came true. Then, I met you and everything was different. I realized that daydreaming was pointless because reality was so much better than any dream.

27. As a child, I read love stories and heroic tales and wondered what my future would hold. Would I find my other half and a partner for life? What would my love story be like? I did not believe that a magic really existed until I met you. Now, it seems like my dreams of a charmed fairy tale is actually a possibility.

28. The easiest part is loving you and getting to know you better. The difficulty begins whenever you are away from my side. When we cannot be physically next to each other, all I can do is count down every moment until I can be near you again. Being next to you is the best thing that I could ever imagine.

29. Whenever I feel down and depressed, thinking of you always cheers me up. There is nothing bad that can ever affect me if I can be with you at the end of the day. Just seeing you brightens my entire outlook. I look forward to every moment I get to spend with you and get to know you better.

30. I cannot imagine how terrible life would be without you. Before you were a part of my life, my world felt empty, but I was unaware of it. Then, you showed up and made me realize how empty my life was. Now that I know the happiness and brightness of having you in my life, I can never go back to that emptiness.

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100 Jewelry Store Names Wed, 19 Sep 2018 05:41:30 +0000 A jewelry store can be a fun business to run, but it can also be a lot of work. Before you can register your new store, you have to find the right jewelry store names. You should think of a jewelry store name that reflects the purpose of your business and the type of jewelry […]

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A jewelry store can be a fun business to run, but it can also be a lot of work. Before you can register your new store, you have to find the right jewelry store names. You should think of a jewelry store name that reflects the purpose of your business and the type of jewelry store that you sell. Your goal is to show customers exactly what to expect before they ever walk into your store. To get you started on finding the right jewelry store names, we have compiled a list of 100 different options.

Creative Names for Jewelry Business

100 Jewelry Store Names

1. The Gemstone Gallery: This name is great because of the alliteration and because it says exactly what your jewelry store sells.

2. The Velvet Box: This name sounds extremely luxurious.

3. Pandora’s Box: Trying to pick the right jewelry is like opening Pandora’s Box.

4. Made For Her: This is perfect for a jewelry store that caters to ladies.

5. Embellished Life: Nice!

6. Beadniks: This is a cute play on words.

7. ABC Beads & Things: Cute.

8. Bead Adorned: You can also “be adorned.”

9. Beading Hearts: This is a play on the phrase, “bleeding hearts.”

10. Cultured Curio: This wins bonus points for alliteration.

11. Illuminate Jewelers: Nice!

12. Magic Clasp Jewelry: This is an adorable name.

13. Lux Fine Jewelry: This certainly sounds luxurious.

14. Past to Present: Perfect for a shop that blends antiques and modern jewelry.

15. Thrifty Trinkets: Cute!

16. The Golden Goose: This is a fun name.

17. Grace of Hearts: This certainly sounds graceful.

18. Jewelry Palace: Fun!

19. Treasure Chest: Because your shop is filled with treasure.

20. Tribal Style: This is a cool-sounding name.

21. Jewel Junkie: For people who have a true addiction to jewelry.

22. Pretty Little Things: Cute!

23. Bohemian Findings: This is a good way to show that you sell an eclectic, bohemian selection.

24. Funky Found: Nice one.

25. Velvet Lux: This sounds luxurious.

26. Lovely Mosaic: This is a fun option.

27. Adornet: This is a play on the phrase, “Adorn It.”

28. Patina Jewel: Cute!

29. The Vintage Wheel: For a shop that specializes in antique items.

30. The Southern Nest: Nice.

31. Treasure Box: This is an accurate description.

32. Stranded Memories: This is a play on the word “strand.”

33. Relics to Riches: Cute!

34. Jewels and Gems: This is an accurate jewelry store name.

35. Green Chic: Use this name for a green, eco-friendly shop.

36. Regal Creations: Nice.

37. Phoenix Creations: A phoenix is reincarnated every 500 years, so this would be a good name for a shop that gives new life to vintage items.

38. Metamorphic Creations: This is a fun choice.

39. Jeweled Feather: This is certainly one of the better jewelry store names.

40. Holidaze Jewelry: After leaving your shop, customers will feel like they are in a
holiday daze.

41. Discoveries: This s an easy option.

42. Deja Jewel: This is a fun play on words.

43. Chokers and Charms: Cute!

44. Chameleons: This is a fun choice.

45. Be Adorned: Nice one!

46. EarthNique Jewelry: For unique, earthly jewels.

47. A Strand Above: Nice!

48. Bead Chic: This is a great name for a bead shop.

49. Charming Crafts: This is certainly charming.

50. Classical Customs: This wins bonus points for alliteration.

51. Diamond Bead: Cute!

52. Doodads: This is a simple choice.

53. Ice Jewelers: Nice one!

54. JewelJest: This is a fun choice.

55. Stone Appeal: This works perfectly for a shop that sells precious gemstones.

56. A Hill of Beads: Beautiful!

57. The Missing Piece Studio: Because at your shop, customers will find their missing pieces.

58. The Crystal Blooms: Cute!

59. The Blue Snowflake: This sounds very picturesque.

60. Uncommon Jewelry: Nice.

61. Touch of Gold: This sounds pretty.

62. Galleria of Gems: Gallerias always sound fancier than just shops.

63. Sparkles Shop: The alliteration makes this name easier to remember.

64. Retro Chic Jewelry: Nice!

65. Illuminated Accessories: This is a very illuminating name!

66. Euphorium: This is a blend of the words euphoria and emporium.

67. Creative Incarnations: Cute!

68. A Strand For You: A strand for everyone!

69. Artik: This is a cool-sounding jewelry store name.

70. Colorful Stardust: Pretty!

71. Bead Assemblage: This is a great name for a bead shop.

72. Chic and Artsy: For the chic store.

73. The Platinum People: Platinum is the way to go.

74. Creative Rage: Nice!

75. Pish Posh Pendants: This is a fun name.

76. Infinity Jewelers: They always say that diamonds are forever, right?

77. Bedazzled: Cute!

78. All That Glitters: At your shop, all that glitters is gold.

79. Sugar Rush: Because you sell arm candy.

80. The Looking Glass Jewelers: This is a fun name.

81. Transforming Trinkets: This is an adorable jewelry store name.

82. Jewel Treasury: Because your treasury is filled with the finest jewels.

83. Gold Galore: This certainly sounds like a luxurious name.

84. Pot of Gold: You don’t need a rainbow to have a pot of gold.

85. Greater Than Gold Jewelers: Your jewelry store sells items that are truly better
than gold.

86. The Gallery: This is a simple, easy name.

87. The Jeweler’s Loop: Cute!

88. Gem Palace: Because you have a palace of gems and precious stones.

89. De Lux Jewels: This is a play on the word luxury and deluxe.

90. The Glittering Galleria: Cute!

91. Stone Appeal: This is a great option to go with for your jewelry store name.

92. The Gold Lodge: This sounds like a jewelry store that is located near an alpine ridge or mountain range.

93. Empire of Jewels: That is my kind of empire!

94. Holy Grail Jewelers: When customers come to your shop, it is like finding the Holy Grail!

95. Love’s Jewelers: Perfect for a shop that specializes in engagement and wedding

96. Tick Tock Jewelers: This would be one of the best jewelry store names for a shop that specializes in watches.

97. Bead Alternique: This is a fun option.

98. Gold ‘N’ Classics: This is great for a shop that sells classic jewels. Plus, it is a play on the words “golden classics.”

99. Beadiful Things: Adorable!

100. Elegant Embellishments: The alliteration makes this jewelry store name even easier to remember.

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Good Words to Describe Yourself in an Interview Sat, 15 Sep 2018 14:05:02 +0000 When you go into an interview, you want to wow your interviewer so that they give you a job. They have already read your resume, so they know your skills, experience and education. Now, they are looking for the personality and person behind the resume. Obviously, you want to focus on the positive during an […]

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When you go into an interview, you want to wow your interviewer so that they give you a job. They have already read your resume, so they know your skills, experience and education. Now, they are looking for the personality and person behind the resume.

Obviously, you want to focus on the positive during an interview. Prepare for the different questions that you may be asked. Common questions are, “What is your greatest fault?” and “Describe a time when you had a problem with a co-worker or boss. What did you do?” By preparing for these questions in advance, you can make sure that your answers put you in the best light. You also want to prepare for questions like, “How would you describe yourself?” You need to make sure that you have some positive adjectives ready to describe your personalty and the attributes that you can bring to a job.

 Good Words to Describe Yourself in an Interview

Good Words to Describe Yourself in an Interview

The types of words to describe yourself in an interview depend on the kind of interview. If you are applying for a leadership position, there are different phrases and words that will work better than if you apply for an entry-level position. Obviously, you also need to pick words that actually describe your personality, or it will sound like you are just making it up. We will cover some of the different words to describe yourself in an interview for various types of positions.

Words for Leadership Positions

If you are applying for a leadership position, then these are some good words to describe yourself in an interview. Often, words like engaged and organized work well. Companies like problem solvers who are proactive and assertive in dealing with issues, so these words will also work well. During your interview, consider using some of the following words from this list.

– Proactive
– Mediator
– Assertive
– Organized
– Ability to delegate
– Analytical
– Engaged
– Patient
– Enabler
– Entrepreneurial
– Passionate
– Energetic
– Reasonable
– Resourceful
– Team spirited
– Results-oriented
– Well-balanced
– Self-starter
– Dedicated
– Fair
– Focused
– Innovative
– Visionary
– Team-oriented
– Decisive
– Professional
– Problem-solver
– Initiator
– Emotionally intelligent
– Self-reliant
– Customer-focused
– Honest

Words for Entry Level Positions

For an entry-level position, employers are looking for different attributes. They need someone who is reliable, honest and hard-working. Most employers do not expect the entry-level employees to already know how to do everything, so they need an applicant who is willing to learn and work as a team player. They may also be looking for someone with a good attitude who will help motivate and encourage others. If you are an entry-level applicant, the following are good words to describe yourself in an interview.

– Committed
– Upbeat
– Conscientious
– Methodical
– Ability to learn quickly
– Responsible
– Honest
– Respectful
– Attentive
– Hard-working
– Productive
– Team player
– Reliable
– Cheerful
– Trustworthy
– Assiduous
– Sincere
– Desire-to-learn
– Fast learner
– Industrious
– Loyal
– Confident

Words to Describe Your Personality

Sometimes, your interviewer will ask you to describe your personalty. You want to pick attributes that will reflect well on yourself and show that you would be a good fit for the job and company culture. Like any part of the interview, you should always focus on the positive. Even if you are asked about your worst qualities or “areas of opportunity,” try to be honest while putting yourself in a good light. Talk about how you used to have ___ problem, but you have been developing your skills and growing as a person. You can also pick something that is a problem only in certain cases. For example, saying that you are a perfectionist or overly methodical could be an answer to that question—for jobs like accounting, those “negatives” would actually be a positive.

If you are struggling to find the right words to describe your personality, the following lists of ideas can help you get started.

– Ambitious
– Flexible
– Observant
– Enthusiastic
– Caring
– Down-to-earth
– Results-oriented
– Calm
– Perceptive
– Diplomatic
– Cheerful
– Sincere
– Receptive
– Punctual
– Focused
– Assertive
– Forward-thinking
– Motivated
– Logical
– Resourceful
– Lively
– Self-starter
– Hard-working
– Inspirational
– Generous
– Initiator
– Kind
– Knowledgeable
– Kindhearted
– Understanding
– Industrious
– Meticulous
– Bright
– Intellectual
– Friendly
– Bighearted
– Helpful
– Gentle
– Adaptable
– Determined
– Encouraging
– Gifted
– Hilarious
– Extroverted
– Honest
– Charismatic
– Energetic
– Humble
– Dependable
– Clever
– Instinctive
– Funny
– Insightful
– Detailed
– Mindful

Words to Describe Your Attitude at Work

Words to Describe Your Attitude at Work

Sometimes, your interviewer wants you to use adjectives to describe yourself in the workplace. Some of these adjectives may overlap with how you describe yourself as a person. You want to find adjectives that reflect on your unique qualities, but also show that you would be right for the job. To brainstorm ideas, start by looking at the job description. Often, the job description will detail the type of qualities that the employer wants in a candidate. You might want to use some of those adjectives or find synonyms for them when the interviewer asks you to describe yourself. Some of the best options can also be found on the following list.

– Achiever
– Open-minded
– Competent
– Analytical
– Mediator
– Confident
– Patient
– Decisive
– Goal-oriented
– Attentive
– Entrepreneurial
– Conscientious
– Diligent
– Facilitator
– Objective
– Proactive
– Articulate
– Intelligent
– Desire-to-learn
– Methodical
– Accomplished
– Persistent
– Self-starter
– Good listener
– Broad-minded
– Team-centered
– Self-reliant
– Self-motivated
– Great team player
– Positive
– Self-disciplined
– Participatory
– Versatile
– Self-motivated
– Well-organized
– Eager to learn
– Authentic
– Customer-focused
– Problem solver
– Action-oriented
– Creative thinker
– Self-disciplined
– Prompt
– Self-confident
– Target driven
– Self-assured

Words You Should Avoid Using in an Interview

When you have an interview, the last thing you want to do is make yourself look bad. You should always work to cast yourself in a good light. Don’t speak badly about past employers or co-workers because the interviewer will wonder if you were the actual problem and not them. Even if you are asked to say your worst attribute, you need to work to cast yourself in a good light. Either pick a “worst” attribute that is not always bad, or describe how you have worked to overcome it. If you use the wrong descriptive words in your interview, it can make you appear like a bad candidate. To make sure you have the best chances of getting hired, you should avoid using any of the words on this list.

– Insensitive
– Domineering
– Belligerent
– Tense
– Lazy
– Forgetful
– Hate
– Careless
– Brutal
– Meaningless
– Rage
– Weak
– Irresponsible
– Passive
– Cruel

Make Sure That You Have the Best Chance in Your Interview

Finding good words to describe yourself in an interview is a start. You also need to find a way to incorporate them naturally into your answers. The best way to do this is to start practicing your answers to interview questions. You don’t want to seem like you are boastful or just listing qualities that you may or may not have. One way to incorporate them naturally is to use them in a story. When you answer an interview question, use an example from your past job to show that quality instead of just saying that you have it.

There are a number of articles online that can help you find interview practice questions. While an interviewer will often look for unique or job-related questions, a number of the interview questions will be quite similar. Practice answering the questions that you find online in front of the mirror or with a friend. You can also practice variations of each questions, so you can naturally pivot during the interview to your practiced answers. With the right descriptive words, good answers and a lot of practice, you can make sure that you are ready for your big interview and can do your best.

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