All posts by Courtney Pococh
Dream About Worms
Dreaming about worms is generally an unpleasant experience. Unfortunately, the meaning of this dream does not improve the situation very much. When you dream about worms, it typically shows that you are arguing with enemies. It may...
- Posted September 20, 2017
How to Choose Between Two Guys
When you like two guys, choosing between them is not easy. They both have qualities that you admire, and you are attracted to both of them. Ultimately, you will have to choose just one guy. If you...
- Posted September 12, 2017
Dream About Lice
Lice can be terrifying to see in real life or in a dream. If you have them in real life, you have to spend hours cleaning furniture, laundering your bedding and combing carefully through your hair. In...
- Posted September 12, 2017
Dream About Bees
Your dreams can mean a number of different things. By looking at the symbols and primary focus of your dream, you can figure out exactly what your dream means. Depending on how they appear, bees in your...
- Posted September 12, 2017
Flood Dream
When you dream about a flood, it can mean a number of different things. You may have a phobia related to drowning, an experience with floods in the past or it could be a sign of something...
- Posted September 12, 2017
Dragon Dream
For thousands of years, dragons have existed in mythological stories throughout the world. This legendary beast is often portrayed in a serpentine or reptilian form. It typically has scales, but also has wings for flying. It spews...
- Posted September 12, 2017
Dream About Hummingbird
A dream about a hummingbird can mean a number of things. In most cases, a hummingbird is extremely auspicious. This lucky omen is a symbol of cheerfulness, beauty and grace. With its quick flying, it can easily...
- Posted September 12, 2017
Top 25 Most Beautiful Yellow Flowers
Flowers can help add joy and beauty to your life. In the case of living flowers like houseplants, it can even help your physical health. Houseplants have been shown to reduce the amount of dust in the...
- Posted September 12, 2017
Dream About Frogs
Dreaming about frogs can be fun. Frogs are quite cute little creatures, and it is enjoyable watching them hop around on a hot summer day. When frogs appear in your dreams, you may wonder what they symbolize....
- Posted September 12, 2017
Dream About Tigers
While the lion might be the king of the jungle, the tiger is also a symbol of strength and ferocity. Over the course of history, the tiger has been a symbol of raw emotions, fearsome attitude and...
- Posted September 12, 2017