All posts by Ioana Paicu
- 7 Best Virgo Traits
Virgo is the 6th sign of the zodiac, and probably one of the most interesting. Traits for men and women differ, but there are common characteristics too. Virgos are modest, caring people; they don’t ask for much...
- Posted February 26, 2015
- 7 Best Cancer Traits
Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac and covers anyone born between June 22 and July 22. It symbolises a tough, protective outer shell with a soft centre. Cancer is unique in terms of the Zodiac...
- Posted February 26, 2015
- 7 Best Libra Traits
Libras are gentle, loving and peaceful. They like to live in harmony and they usually steer clear of conflict. As opposite to other signs of the zodiac, Libras can’t say “no”. They want to please everyone around...
- Posted February 26, 2015
- 7 Best Gemini Traits
Gemini is the third sign of the Zodiac; the last sign of spring, it welcomes the summer. For this reason the sign goes hand in hand with vitality, bright colors and warmth. The symbol of Gemini is...
- Posted February 24, 2015
- 7 Best Taurus Traits
The Bull is not the kind of animal that becomes angry intentionally. If he is charging towards you he is a fearsome creature. Although the majority of the time this strong, stubborn and fearless animal is happy...
- Posted February 24, 2015
- 7 Best Aries Traits
If you’re one of those independent, energetic, and brainy people born between the 21st of March and the 19th of April, then you’re the lucky holder of the Aries zodiac sign. According to specialists, the sign is...
- Posted February 24, 2015
- 15 Most Popular Flowers in the World
Someone once said that flowers are God’s sweetest creations without a soul, and we couldn’t agree more. They’re alluring, romantic, delicate, and fragile, just like a woman. God is a fine artist with lots of imagination. Some...
- Posted January 15, 2015
- 25 Hottest Asian Male Actors
We would love to see more Asian actors starring in leading roles at Hollywood because they’re hot hot hot. In general, Asian men are perfect. They pride themselves with beautifully sculpted bodies, flawless skin, and super dark...
- Posted January 7, 2015
- 25 Hottest Male Models of All Time
Male models can make women go nuts. It’s not a joke, it’s science! Throughout the 50s and 60s, the model stereotype was all-muscular and super shaved. Then, in the 70s, the paradigm moved towards more hypersexualized boy...
- Posted December 30, 2014
- 25 Hot Male Athletes
Some of the world’s finest professional athletes are not just famous for their skills, but also for their looks. They come from different backgrounds, countries and sports, and they’re used to grabbing women’s attention with their sex...
- Posted December 26, 2014