herinterest.com » Irene Miller http://www.herinterest.com Fri, 24 Apr 2015 13:23:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=4.1.3 Nail art idea and inspiration http://www.herinterest.com/nail-art-idea-and-inspiration/ http://www.herinterest.com/nail-art-idea-and-inspiration/#comments Sun, 01 Dec 2013 07:00:05 +0000 http://herinterest.com/?p=699

The fingernails and toenails in women are more than just protective elements. It’s a class of beauty that can be manipulated in different ways thus the reason why it’s referred to as an art and everyone that employs the ideas goes on to inspire another. Are you seeking some art nail inspirations? There are a lot you can do to your nails to make it to those catwalks, celebrities and beauty brands lists, however, you must be attentive and go through the few tricks and tactics that must be employed as listed on this article.


You must learn the difference multiple designs related and interrelated. The geometric print is a good place to start and so are the holographic diamond designs.

The pixie lott manicure with a mix of red and black is the fold manicure style that is getting a lot of reflection among women and celebrities these days. You cannot be an icon if you are not ready to look different.

Silver nails

Silver nails that showcases the metallic trend of nails and the chic like design that also ignites the feminine creature inside a woman.

Metallic studs with nail glue

Metallic studs with nail glue can make you look fierce, but is that the objective or is it beauty? Well, even beauty can be fierce. Combining those studs with matte finish like black nail polish will embellish that punk look.


Spiky extensions make your nails resemble those of a cat. However, this is fashion and beauty yet to be explored. You can use these spiky extensions with black nail polish and fix them with glue to stick. Nail fitters are also used in place of glue to fit the spikes on your natural nails!

fade out two colors nails

The fade out two colors like appearance makes the sponging gold become a world class option for finger nails pimping. This is especially classy when a smattering glitter is carefully added to enhance the sparkle nature of the nails and the general appearance.


There are new design ideas everyday and creativity is applied everywhere to improve living standards and style. Even the old methods can be spiced up by including some modern trends and this is what the light pink nail polish can be more exciting if added some more markings on the sides like in grey.

Overall, the color of the nails that you apply and the way you pimp yourself all depends on the initial skin color. Beauticians will guide you but more importantly, you must have your own style.

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Most Beautiful Places in Europe http://www.herinterest.com/most-beautiful-places-in-europe/ http://www.herinterest.com/most-beautiful-places-in-europe/#comments Sat, 30 Nov 2013 00:15:09 +0000 http://herinterest.com/?p=718

Europe is a continent that houses many countries. Each of those countries has its own tourist attraction sites. This article highlights and briefly describes the list of 10 most beautiful places in Europe that you should visit sometimes in your life.
Dubrovnik in Croatia

Dubrovnik in Croatia

This site is also referred by some other fancy terms as the Great Wall of China but in Europe. It is a must place in Europe to visit and in return gauge the experience yourself.
Amsterdam the capital city of Netherlands

Amsterdam the capital city of Netherlands
The man made country is perhaps something of worth in Europe. Amsterdam stands tall as one of the most beautiful cities in the world and anything you seek is at its heart!
Berlin in Germany

Berlin in Germany

The Berlin wall would have been something to see, but it’s no longer there because it was taken down. However, there is still much to see and experience when vacationing in Germany and there is a lot of history too!
The small country of Switzerland

The small country of Switzerland
Yep, Switzerland is in Europe for those who had no idea. It’s mountainous and rocky and if shopping in Geneva is not enough then try out taking strides along the beaches
The plitvice lakes back in Croatia

The plitvice lakes back in Croatia
Someone would say that God may have taken time to shape this area, it’s an absolute nature thus why Croatia stands above the rest for those looking for real nature.
Rome in Italy and the coliseum

Rome in Italy and the coliseum
You only hear tale of gladiators but standing face to face with the coliseum, you can already hear blades clacking. Rome is a wonder and there is a lot of history within, hence try it today!
The meteora in Greece

The meteora in Greece
If you want to understand more about the Greek mythology, there is no better way to ascertain that rather than making personal appearance to the area to learn from the masters.
France and its land marks

Eiffel tower and the arc de triomphe

The Eiffel tower and the arc de triomphe are essential Europe attraction zones that you cannot leave out in your list of attractive sites.
Russia is also another European country that houses a lot of history that touches on the world. A travel to Russia could also help you understand why it’s believed to be the biggest country in the world.
Do not forget about other small countries, which are also contributing to the beauties of the world and world history such as Spain revered as the country of love.

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How to lose weight and keep it off http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-lose-weight-and-keep-it-off/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-lose-weight-and-keep-it-off/#comments Thu, 28 Nov 2013 08:43:24 +0000 http://herinterest.com/?p=721

A team of researchers has been working tirelessly to understand what a woman needs to do to lose weight and keep it off. The findings pointed out that large number of people who lose weight do not make to the category of those who keep it off. When you eat low calorie and keep off certain diets could aid in the procedure, however, in order to make the outcome successful, counting those calories or fat grams when using particular liquids are the challenges. It would be possible to reduce calorie intake if liquid calories were discontinued.

Physical activity is another way to lose weight and in return keep it off, but what are these physical activities that our out of shape bodies would want to try? Walking is a very common activity and physical in nature, but when compared to running or jogging, it may not register as efficient. All in all, if you think, you are in capable of doing those other latter things, then walking can be a solution to your efforts on the account of easy weight loss and keeping it locked.

exercise butt

Cereal and fruits can be the best way to keep your weight as you worked out to achieve in the first place. According to the research, it was evaluated that the weight isn’t the ideal point if you are in capable of keeping track. Note that those people who maintain the weight that they achieved during the weight loss program are those that frequently weigh themselves while at the same time observing healthy meals. Behavior changes work to lose weight and this is incorporated in the eating habits as well as the self drive to follow the program as needed.
Health concern is the overall identity for weight loss. You cannot start working out unless you have consulted with your physician to confirm your fitness, but if you have already been looking for methods to maintain fitness while at the same time you work out, the best way is to check what you eat, why you eat and above all, your goals.


fruit bowl

Many people who try to lose weight and succeed are always faced by challenges of maintaining the weight as needed. For instance, they are not sure on the game they are supposed to play in order to maintain eating habits that reflect the lost weight but do not play a role in taking them back to the beginning.

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How to live and love being single http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-live-and-love-being-single/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-live-and-love-being-single/#comments Thu, 28 Nov 2013 07:51:02 +0000 http://herinterest.com/?p=714

being single-3

When you get divorced, you think it’s the end of it all, there are women who have made it through single life for years and have never been happier. But how do you live and love being single? Can it work to any other person or there is a secret behind it?
You will perhaps get so many do’s and don’ts of what you can and cannot do in order to cherish your single livelihood. Being a single woman raising two kids can be a challenge but when you incorporate some few tricks, you emerge victorious in no time.
Ignore what others say about you

You will obviously face a lot of discouragements from people some attesting that you will lose and others saying it will not work. The moment you lose focus, that is the time torments begin to challenge you even further. Always be on the right track to defend your choice of single livelihood and then you will start seeing some fruits. A recently divorced may not have the same ideas on the table, but with time, they will see the fruits of single life.
Get friends and not lovers

being single-2

The moment you start looking for a new person to love, it is the time you start going back to the beginning. Obviously, the Israelites never wanted to go back to Egypt, but they longed for it. Those imaginations will cross you several times, but if you keep to your word to get friends and nothing beyond that, the value of being single will start registering.
You are free, so enjoy it!

Why do you think when you are in love with person they call it making love? It’s because it is something based on compromise hence you have to make it work. Friends come and you do not have to beg them, but love is complex such that every time is a new fight. There is no freedom and where there is no freedom, there is no happiness, is there?
Marriage is not a must!

being single-1
Those who choose to marry do so because it’s a lifestyle they want to adopt. The moment you realize that, it’s the high time you move on with your life and in return enjoy single life. To be married means, there is a devotion and promise that you have to keep. Imagine being unable to do something because of the ring in your finger? Freedom is everything, and it’s available in single livelihood.

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5 types of friends everyone should get rid of http://www.herinterest.com/5-types-of-friends-everyone-should-get-rid-of/ http://www.herinterest.com/5-types-of-friends-everyone-should-get-rid-of/#comments Thu, 08 Aug 2013 14:09:47 +0000 http://herinterest.com/?p=710

A friend can play his or her role to restore happiness on your heart and sometimes there are those friends who rejoice when you fail. The question rather reflects to these friends and their loyalty. The list is endless for those kinds of friends you can have and those kinds of friends you should work to avoid.

A friend who frequently makes you feel bad and unworthy, feeling sorry for you among other things is not a friend to have. Notice those kinds of friends who would disassociate with you in case you are problems such as with the law. Are they friends? This is a list of 5 types of friends everyone should get rid of as soon as they realize them.

One who complains
There are those friends who complain overly too much. For instance, if you have just passed along the hallway and there was a different smell, they start complaining, this is someone to get rid of!

Photo by rhianosaurus_ • Instagram

Those drama queens
There are those friends who not only complain but also like exaggerating things. For instance, if you were in a very small problem, they make you see it as a big issue; this is the kind of person who will make you lose interest on the little things. For what is worth, stay away from her.

.Live.Laugh.Love. - skating along the coast

Avoid users
A friend should be a friend and not just someone who comes to you when they need your assistance. In addition, avoid the user, a friend who may like to share your stuff but not hers, in addition, they also like to borrow and never return. Users are like parasites!

About stinkers
Cleanliness is next to godliness and if your friend is incapable of fighting stench and maintaining cleanliness; away from her then. Hygiene comes first not just to you but to them as well.

Avoid the negative friends

Who is a negative friend? Someone without faith and hope, they are people who do not have a positive mind on something and likewise, never hope for the best. These kinds of friends will only challenge your goals and in most cases, they are failures in life. Avoid such kind of a friend to remain positive and objective to your goals at all times.
In all, friends are vital in our lives, those people without friends and faced by various challenges always have the government coming to their aid. It should not be so.

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5 types of friends everyone should have http://www.herinterest.com/5-types-of-friends-everyone-should-have/ http://www.herinterest.com/5-types-of-friends-everyone-should-have/#comments Thu, 08 Aug 2013 13:23:37 +0000 http://herinterest.com/?p=712


When I was young, I was told that there are various kinds of friends that I should associate myself with. The social studies tutor always mentioned genuine friends, those who can help us when in need and likewise. Well, this list elaborates the 5 types of friends everyone should have. It’s not uncommon that the friend you thought was your friend was in fact your greatest enemy. Someone who can be there for you, someone who can point you to the right direction when others look down upon you among other things, are the characteristics among others, you should observe on a friend.


One who listens

There are times when we are stressed, these are the times we need to share secrets to friends and get their opinions. While the end of the day the friend will show his or her support whenever necessary, that person should be a good listener.
Who knows everything?
With the current technology moving fast, you do not want to be left behind, this is where a geeky friend comes in. Geeks will fix your tech based issues such as computers and cell fast, this means that you will not be stressed at all on the failure of those devices to function as needed.

The mirror to your interests

This is also known as the twin and tends to like almost everything that you like. This is the kind of friend who will share your passions and interests; there is no woman who doesn’t like going shopping, but imagine shopping with someone who chooses the same things that you like? Its amazing!
The repellant
This kind of friend can also be called the opposite, they help us see how validated we are and although we may not like what they do sometimes, they are a bond in our lives that we cannot stay without!

Someone to motivate

This is a friend who is there to ensure that our spirits are always in jovial moods. Whether we are facing various challenges, and feel incapable of achieving the understated goals, the motivator will play his or her role and show you that all is not difficult. Motivators can make you get through the greatest challenges in your life.
Friends are people we find and survey in order to make sure they can be people we can trust and share our deepest secrets with. A friend is not a friend if they cannot support you even when it’s wrong to do so.

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10 best weight loss smoothies http://www.herinterest.com/10-best-weight-loss-smoothies/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-best-weight-loss-smoothies/#comments Sat, 03 Aug 2013 16:07:29 +0000 http://herinterest.com/?p=728

Smoothies and weight loss is a topic that can be discussed the whole day. Mothers and daughters are trying out all possible weight loss exercises including detoxification to get back to their celebrity like figures.
Since no one likes to be called fat, or to be told they are adding weight, the continuous exploration of weight loss alternatives has increased and smoothies, which are blended fresh fruit drinks make it part in the recipe category. The following list describes the 10 best weight loss smoothies and recipes that you can try out and lose excess belly and body fat.

mango smoothies
Mango this smoothie is a complete blend of mango cubes, mashed ripe avocado and mango juice all added at the rates of quarters.

Blueberry smoothies

Blueberry this blend of skimmed milk, frozen and unsweetened berries and a table spoon of flaxseed oil is perfect for flat belly diet that could also act as a jumpstart for the day.

Peanut butter and bananas smoothies

Peanut butter and bananas this blend is usually taken for breakfast and includes a cup of fat free milk, plain yogurt and table spoon of creamy natural unsalted peanut butter.
Vanilla yogurt and blueberry as the phrase denotes, this is a blend smoothie of vanilla and blueberry hence all you need is a cup skim milk, or soy milk if accessible. Vanilla yogurt as well as fresh blueberries can also be added to complete the recipe.
Chocolate raspberry for this smoothie, a cup of soy or skim milk blended with vanilla yogurt and some chocolate tips toppings would make a perfect weight loss smoothie to be taken for breakfast, or lunch or even as a snack.

Peach a favored option for a flat belly diet jumpstart, this is a delicious snack made by blending skim milk, unsweetened peaches and organic flaxseed oil.
Lemon-orange citrus for a tropical flat belly, this smoothie make an amazing weight loss experience. You will be required to mix in equal portions skim milk, lemon yogurt and peeled orange sliced into small sections. This is also taken chilled.

apple smoothie
Apple if you consider losing weight fast with a cup of skim milk, some vanilla yogurt and a piece of apple pie added to spice it up. To make it the apple smoothie, a peeled chopped apple and cashew butter completes the recipe.
Pineapple makes it in the category of weight loss smoothies since it’s categorized as a flat belly diet jumpstart snack and skim milk and canned pineapples are all you need.
Strawberry a cup of skimmed milk, unsweetened strawberries and cold pressed organic flaxseed oil will make amazing jumpstart treat for flat bellies.

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10 signs you’ve got a toxic friend http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-youve-got-a-toxic-friend/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-youve-got-a-toxic-friend/#comments Tue, 30 Jul 2013 14:47:04 +0000 http://herinterest.com/?p=709

Who is a toxic friend? That is the question you need to answer before you evaluate the possibilities of having one in your circle of friends. A friend in need is a friend in deed. When you are trying to make ends meet between the understandings, you have with your friends and somehow you realize things tend to get out of control, there is a menace that needs to be cut loose. There are many facts that could lead you to understand that you probably have a toxic friend in your midst. Women are fond of sharing their success stories with their closest women friends. But when the secrets are no longer between you and them, it means someone is sharing them out. The following 10 signs can help you know whether you have toxic friends or not.


A friend should be supportive at whatever course, when you realize that there is one friend who is always showing you how your objectives are wrong and theirs are better, you should cut them off because they are toxic. Note that someone who supports your interests but also provides you with other alternatives to think about is a better friend.
Avoid those friends that talk bad about those that are close and important to you
When you see various friends calling you, it makes you feel bad and sometimes you may not want to pick the call. Those are toxic friends.
When a friend hurts you, she should be on the frontline to apologize but those toxic to your circle, they will probably think it’s normal.


When a particular friend makes you feel guilty for something she owns and you cannot afford it, you should cut them off.
Don’t associate with those friends who regularly share your secrets with others, especially those sensitive secrets such as genital warts.
Avoid a friend for whom you are always trying to justify yourself to them in order to keep the bond stronger.
Friends who always remind you for what they did to you are not friends you should trust.
A friend who makes you feel judged when you take part in things that make you whole should not be in your circle of friends.

If a situation is already terrible, it should not construe a big challenge; friends who make you feel challenged should be cut loose. These are friends that will only take you to more stress and problems that you already are in.

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10 most beautiful places in America http://www.herinterest.com/10-most-beautiful-places-in-america/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-most-beautiful-places-in-america/#comments Mon, 29 Jul 2013 14:36:56 +0000 http://herinterest.com/?p=719

America, also known as the land of the free, the United States of America as well as the land of opportunity can also feature among the anticipated tourist attraction sites. This article provides some insights about the 10 most beautiful places in America and perhaps why they are taken as such.

The red rock country

Sedona is an attraction zone that has been used in Hollywood cinema to portray the old west. Its unique appearance is what makes it an alternative in the film industry to represent the red rock country. There are canyons and amazing sandstone towers that are naturally presented for your own viewing. Backpacking here is better than bag-packing Europe!

Mt. Washington
When on Mt Washington at night, take a view to Pittsburgh
There are different buildings in the US, all of which are designed with the capacity holder in mind. At night, these buildings present beautiful scenery that every onlooker would want to witness. Such as the nighttime view from Mount Washington gazing on Pittsburgh

Upper Mississippi river
Upper Mississippi river

It might not be as celebrated as others, but it really does send the necessary message. Construed as the ancient burial site for the red Indians, this is amazing scenery that you cannot afford to miss when vacationing in America.

Na Pali Coast aerial - Kauai, Hawaii
The Na Pali coast of Hawaii
There is a short hike like inland that takes foot from Na Pali coast in the island of Hawaii. Though challenged by those making the trip via air, this is a captivating American site that you cannot afford to miss.

The golden gate bridge that joins San Francisco with the rest of America
It is noticeable from major films and is categorized as an American land mark. Although when focused sends the viewer back to San Francisco, this is what you can’t miss.

Grafton in Vermont
You may not have toured America if you did not get the chance to visit Grafton in Vermont pioneered by a French explorer back in 1609.

Jenny Lake at Wyoming

Jenny Lake at Wyoming in Grand Teton national park
While there are older mountains that the Tetons in America, the formation of Tetons make them win the score six million years ago.
From Key Largo to Key West
When you head to Florida, you are greeted with amazing sceneries and at this area, you also invite colorful sunsets.

Clingmans Dome in Great Smoky Mountains as well as the squares of savannah in Ga are the last two areas to visit from this list while in the US.

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10 Best butt exercise to lift, tone and shape http://www.herinterest.com/10-best-butt-exercise-to-lift-tone-and-shape/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-best-butt-exercise-to-lift-tone-and-shape/#comments Sat, 27 Jul 2013 16:19:06 +0000 http://herinterest.com/?p=729

exercise butt

Butt workouts are conducted to tone and shape up the rear to a model featured rear. The hips and the entire streamlined body of a model can easily be achieved by focusing on exercises that will work to bring out the desiring look. Young women discover new entities to acquire model like bodies hence why we are going to focus on the 10 best butt exercises to lift, tone and shape the rear!

The most common exercises include the hip-lift progression, toe taps, single-leg front raises, and squats with kick-backs, single-leg squat with towel, dumbbell squats, plie, explosive lunges, sun salutations and clam dig with rotation. These are among the killer best butt exercises for sensitive women that want to fit in the category of those with not only lift but also tone and classically shaped butts!
The hip-lift progression¬ this is a classic workout that is aimed to relieve tension from the lower back, however, other than relieving tension to restore the relaxing moment, the exercise is also renowned for working butts at the same time.

Toe taps this is where you maximize on your toes to and likewise use them to tap the floor as you lie flat on your back with the arms aside.
Single-leg front raises also known as the exercise of balance and involves a solid stretch to the thigh while it’s tightened, since it’s an exercise that does not invite a lot of moves, it is easily achieved as there is less coordination and hence its objective to tone the rear as needed.
Squat with kick-back when you are strong, your quads and butt will be toned. Also referred to as a powerhouse move, standing on one leg and shoulders spread wide apart as though making a dive and further alternating that with squats is all about the kick-back with squat!
Single leg squat with towel become a fitness queen by maximizing on a folded towel. More like a goalkeeper preparing for a dive on a ball, the single leg squat is easy but requires determination.
Dumbbell squats turn a normal butt workout to a gym like experience


Plie simple but requires a lot of practice to do correctly. It’s associated with the Brazilian butt and lift workout.
Explosive lounges just as the term denotes, this is the best stretch you can get that also incorporates balance.
Sun salutations this is yoga that actually works every part of the body including the butt
Clam dig with rotation this comprises of an outward hip rotation with some little weight on the arm.

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