herinterest.com » Melissa Broach http://www.herinterest.com Mon, 07 Oct 2013 19:22:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.5 Make-Up Tips for Purple Eyes http://www.herinterest.com/make-up-tips-for-purple-eyes/ http://www.herinterest.com/make-up-tips-for-purple-eyes/#comments Tue, 01 Oct 2013 15:26:24 +0000 Melissa Broach http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3190 Being amongst the rarest color of eyes, purple eyes are normally only an appearance; although, the deep blue eyes of some people, like Elizabeth Taylor, can appear violet at certain times, “true” violet-colored eyes occur only in those whom have albinism. By “true” we are referring to “real” eye color and albinism is a condition characterized by full or partial lost of pigment in skin, hair and or eyes.

To obtain the look for purple eyes, many opt for the use of colored contacts. Colored contacts are available  in practically every color and varying styles. If you are looking to change the color of your eyes, colored contacts are an option to be consider.


Choosing eye shadow for purple eyes

For every color of eyes, there are sets of colors that pair best. These colors can be worn in lighter-darker shades and or from completely different color pallets. For instance, a blue color pallet will offer shades such as periwinkle, liberty and navy and a pallet of varying shades will offer colors such as gold and green.

Colors that pair best with purple eyes are shades of the following; greys, yellow and green. Greys and black can be used to create a smoky eye and yellow and green can be used in combination with one another or both colors can be paired with shades of purple to capture a more dramatic look.

By using green and purple on purple eyes you can create the look of fantasy like in “The Little Mermaid.”  To capture this look, refer to the image below:

purpl 3

Applying eye shadow to purple eye

Applying a smoky eye can be difficult; however, by practicing you can achieve the desired look. Start by applying grey to the entire eyelid; this is just your base color. Highlight with white on your brow bone (under your eyebrow); this will make the color “pop.” Take a deep black and add it into the crease. It is suggested to use more eye shadow on the outer “V” of the eye. Lastly, take a big blending brush, or big eyeshadow brush, and blend the eye together ensuring that the black is well-blended )from the eyelid to the cease of the eye).


Photo credit from weheartit.com

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Make-Up Tips for Brown Eyes http://www.herinterest.com/make-up-tips-for-brown-eyes/ http://www.herinterest.com/make-up-tips-for-brown-eyes/#comments Tue, 01 Oct 2013 14:18:24 +0000 Melissa Broach http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3130 Brown eyes, statistically the least favorite color of eyes, may be under hyped in popularity. Most with brown eyes wish to have blue eyes and many will go as far as to change their eye color by wearing colored contacts. What’s strange about this, is that brown eyes can appear to be the prettiest of all colors provided make-up is applied properly.

Making their mark on society, brown eyes have been wrote about in songs that have been sung by some of the best-known artists. These songs include Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison and Ebony Eyes by Rick James and featuring Smoky Robinson. Another notable fact pertaining to brown eyes was the making of a film in 1936 titled “Big Brown Eyes” featuring Gary Grant and Joan Bennett.


Choosing an eye shadow for green eyes

Colors that look best with brown eyes include darker shades of; grey, brown, black, gold, rose and green. These colors can be worn in combination or on their own. For instance, with brown eyes, black and brown pair well and gold, rose and green pair well. Greens are particularly ideal for brown eyes as they enhance the color an allow for the eyes to “pop.”

Other colors to consider when applying make-up to the eyes are as follows; cobalt blue, dark purple (such amethyst) or deep reds (like cranberry).


When choosing make-up for the eyes, you will want to purchase a color pallet includes a light, medium and dark based color. These colors can be of the same shade or varying shades. You will also want to purchase an eyeliner and “volumizing” mascara that will enhance the overall appearance of your eye make-up.

Applying eye shadow to brown eyes

When applying make-up to brown eyes, after selecting your color pallet, it is suggest to first cover the eyelid with your lightest based color. Next, on the bottom of your eyelid, starting in the lower corner of your eye, apply a thin line working outwards with your brush. Nest, apply a thin line of your medium based color across the crease of your eye. To soften and high-lighten, last, apply another coat of your lightest based color over your entire eyelid to complete the look.

For a better understand of color pallets and where to place each color, please refer to the image below:


Photo credit from weheartit.com

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Make-Up Tips for Blue Eyes http://www.herinterest.com/make-up-tips-for-blue-eyes/ http://www.herinterest.com/make-up-tips-for-blue-eyes/#comments Mon, 30 Sep 2013 16:10:58 +0000 Melissa Broach http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3109 Being amongst the most common color of eyes, blue eyes are also the most desired and spoken of. One way to enhance the appearance of blue eyes is to add a thin line of eyeliner in shades of blue, green, brown or black. It is also suggested to use a “volumizing” mascara. If you have short or thinned out eyelashes, it is also suggested to use “falsies” (false eye lashes).

In order to further enhance the appearance of blue eyes, suggested below are tips for choosing an eye shadow color and applying eye shadows to blue eyes.


Choosing an eye shadow color for blue eyes

Colors that pair best with blue eyes are lighter shades of; pink, purple, green and yellow. It is suggested to dabble around with the colors and choose more than one to apply. For instance, yellow pairs well with each pink, purple and green and pink pairs well with purple. For more dramatic results, choose shades of grey, brown and or black. These colors are also ideal for evening wear.

Another suggestion when choosing an eye shadow color is to consider what you are wearing. You can match your eyeshadow to the color of your top or dress or you could use a different color that pairs well with both blue eyes and your outfit color. Either way is fine; however, it is suggested to consider this pairing of apparel and make-up before applying.

Blue eyes also pair well with darker colors such as; gold, rose and green. Please refer to the image below:

blue 1

Applying eye shadow to blue eyes

When applying make-up to the eyes you want to first start with a color pallet from the shades previously suggested. First, apply a base coat of your lightest shade to lighten the area. Next, add one color (such as pink) to the lower, corner of the eye. Next, add a different color (such as purple or yellow) to the lower, outer eyelid. Using your light base color, lightly cover the entire eye to enhance and soften colors.

Other colors that pair together nicely with blue eyes are as follows; pink and silver, pink and brown, blue and silver, blue and brown, purple and grey and purple and black.

The image below offers another technique for applying eye shadow to blue eyes:


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Make-Up Tips for Green Eyes http://www.herinterest.com/make-up-tips-for-green-eyes/ http://www.herinterest.com/make-up-tips-for-green-eyes/#comments Mon, 30 Sep 2013 14:11:42 +0000 Melissa Broach http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2972 green 1

Depending upon eye color, when applying make-up there are certain colors that should be used and others that should be avoided. Green, being amongst the rarest colors of eyes, pairs well with shades of gold, silver, copper and bronze. Other colors to consider for green eyes include shades of purple and brown.

If looking for a more dramatic appearance, use darker shades such as brown, titanium or black. These colors are ideal for evening wear and can also enhance the overall appearance of green eyes.

green 2

Choosing an eye shadow color for green eyes

The most obvious eye shadow colors for green eyes are shades of; gold, silver, copper and bronze. These colors allow for green eyes to sparkle and enhance their overall appearance. Also consider shades of gray and deep reds such as cranberry or brick red.

When choosing an eye shadow color for green eyes, shades of gold, silver, copper and bronze can be worn both in the day or at night. These shades are also ideal for casual attire or glamorous. The same can be said for shades of grey and reds. Green eyes have an uncanny ability to  illuminate at all hours of the day.

When applying make-up to the eyes, it is suggested to use an eye liner and “volumizing” mascara to achieve the best appearance. If you have short, or thinned out, eye lashes it also our suggestion to use “falsies” (fake eye lashes).

Lastly, consider the color of your apparel before applying make-up. You will want to use eye shadow(s) that matches or coordinates with the colors you are wearing.

green eyes 3

Applying eye shadow to green eyes

When applying eye shadow to green colored eyes, first, select a pallet of colors from the shades previously stated. Start by applying a light based to the whole eye. Using soft strokes, go back and forth until the eyelid is covered with your base color. Next, apply a medium based color to the outer eyelid smoothing inward. Using a dark based color, place your eye shadow brush in the lower corner of your eye and gently pull outward (making a dark line of color on along the bottom of your eyelid). Lastly, starting in the up corner of your eye and using your base color, gentle cover your eyelid highlighting the colors previously applied.

Photo credit from weheartit.com


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Make-Up Tips for Hazel Eyes http://www.herinterest.com/make-up-tips-for-hazel-eyes/ http://www.herinterest.com/make-up-tips-for-hazel-eyes/#comments Fri, 27 Sep 2013 12:43:36 +0000 Melissa Broach http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2956


Make-Up Tips for Hazel Eyes:

When applying make-up to the eyes, depending upon skin tone and eye color, there are particular shades and applications that work best for each eye color. Hazel colored eyes are amongst the most common color and pair well with shades of yellow, green and purple. Other shades that pair well with hazel colored eyes include; gold, orange and brown.


Choosing an eye shadow color for hazel eyes

Hazel eyes are a lighter shade of brown to the human eye; however, upon close inspection hazel colored eyes have specks of yellow and green. By applying shades of yellow and green, it helps to bring out these colors in the eyes. The secret to applying the correct color of eye shadow is ensuring that you are using colors that enhance and brightening the eyes.

When applying shades of purple to hazel eyes they will appear to “pop.” Shades of brown and purple naturally pair well together and extrude a mystic appearance. Some shades of purple to consider; lilac, lavender, violet, plum and eggplant.

The most obvious shades of color for hazel colored eyes are gold, orange and brown. These colors are suggested for outdoor events in the sun, and or, an “evening out on the town.” Shades of gold and orange are known for brightening the skin and creating a glow. Darker colors, such as black and brown, are best known for creating a dramatic appearance; an appearance one may try to capture for an “evening out on the town” or on a “date night.”


Applying eye shadow to hazel eyes

When applying make-up to hazel colored eyes, it is suggested to start with a light based color. Light colors help to enhance hazel and green colored eyes. Next, starting at the outer edge of the eye, apply a medium based color keeping in mind the shades previously spoken of. Lastly, apply a dark based color along the outer edge of the eye working inward down the bottom of the eyelid and finish with a touch of the light based color on the enter eyelid to further high-lighten.

When applying make-up to the eyes, it is suggested to apply particular colors according to eye color. This way, it is the eye color that stands out, not the eye shadow color(s).

Photo credits from: weheartit.com

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