Michelle Keldgord – herinterest.com/ https://www.herinterest.com Thu, 26 Mar 2020 05:03:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.3.9 https://www.herinterest.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/cropped-Herinterest_new-32x32.png Michelle Keldgord – herinterest.com/ https://www.herinterest.com 32 32 7 Signs From a Loved One in Heaven https://www.herinterest.com/7-signs-from-a-loved-one-in-heaven/ https://www.herinterest.com/7-signs-from-a-loved-one-in-heaven/#comments Sat, 11 May 2019 13:43:40 +0000 https://www.herinterest.com/?p=37380 At one point or another, all of us have experienced pain from losing a loved one. It is one of the saddest moments in our lives, and something that we never forget. These loved ones remain in our hearts and we wish more than anything we could just see them, hear them, or feel them […]

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At one point or another, all of us have experienced pain from losing a loved one. It is one of the saddest moments in our lives, and something that we never forget. These loved ones remain in our hearts and we wish more than anything we could just see them, hear them, or feel them one more time.

Did you know there are several ways a loved one in heaven can make a connection? We’re going to discuss 7 different ways in which a loved one in heaven is showing signs that they love you and are nearby.


Cardinals have long been known as spirits from heaven because of their distinct bright red hue. If you notice a cardinal nearby, it could very well be a loved one coming to pay a visit. They are most likely seen after a recent passing of a loved one, as if they are coming by to say they are still there even though you can’t see them.

You may notice that cardinals pop up at certain times during your life when you are in need. If you’re feeling an overwhelming amount of sadness about a passing, a cardinal coming around could be a sign that you should not be in distress, as they are there to comfort you.


You will hear many people say that they see an orb of light and believe it to be their loved one; and this could very well be true. When it comes to a sudden bright light appearing out of nowhere- which could be a streak of light, an orb, or a bright light out of the corner of the eye- it could possibly be your loved on coming to pay a visit.

Sometimes spirits do not have the capability to enhance their energy far enough to turn into ghosts. In this instance, you will see a bright light rather than an actual ghost. If you see a light such as this, rest assured it could possibly be your loved one.

Their Smell

They say that a certain smell can bring back a memory of a certain event or a certain person; and this couldn’t be more true when it comes to departed loved ones.

If you notice a certain smell out of nowhere that reminds you of the deceased individual, they are probably coming to say hello. You see, a spirit can change the air molecules around you for a short amount of time. Therefore, if they are near and trying to visit you, they will change the scent so you can smell them and be reminded of them. This could be anything from a perfume they wore or your favorite meal that they cooked, so pay close attention to what you’re smelling.

Coming as an Animal

Have you ever noticed an animal acting strangely? For instance, you may find a butterfly coming to land right on your shoulder, or a cat that isn’t normally loveable coming up to snuggle with you. When an animal is acting out of its normal character and being extra close to you, it could be that your loved one is channeling their energy inside of the animal in an attempt to get close to you.

Unfortunately signs like these are not noticed usually. Most of the time, people just think the animal has finally come around to being the loving pet they have always wanted. Pay more attention to the animal behaviors around you and you may find out that a loved one is trying to communicate with you, and it wasn’t just random.

Placing Objects For Us

Sometimes our departed loved ones will do something more bold like placing objects that remind us of them, nearby. For instance: if you find a coin on the ground in a very remote and random location and find that the yearor coin has significant meaning, it may be that your loved one placed it there for you to find.

You may also notice something strange like a flower or feather popping up under your pillow when you know you didn’t put it there, or that you find something on a trail that isn’t likely to be there.

These are little gifts from our departed loved ones that they are leaving for us. They are gifts that not only say ‘Hello’, but that they are nearby and with us always. We should keep these gifts as great teastures that came personally from our deceased loved ones.

Appearing in a Dream

One of the most common and prominent ways in which a loved one will connect with us is through our dreams. After all, while we are dreaming we are not in our physical state, but put under a meditative like state that can easily be entered by the spirit world.

It is important to note the kind of dream that will occur when a loved one visits. A dream in which someone from the spirit world is coming to say hello will usually be quite vivid and lively. You should remember what happened and what was said in great detail, as most of the time the spirit will awake you quickly so you remember all of the details of the dream.

It is said that you can even ask a loved one to visit you in your dreams. It doesn’t mean it will happen right away, but if you ask with diligence and stay positive, it’s true that a loved one could possibly visit your dream and leave you with a feeling of their presence.

Hearing a Particular Song

Some songs just bring back memories of loved ones instantly. If you find that you are hearing a particular song more often, it could likely be a loved one trying to reach you by way of music. That is why it is so important to pay attention to the little details day in and day out. You never know if it is a beloved deceased one that is trying to make a connection with us or not.

Departed loved ones will also play songs that they think we need to hear. This could be a song that is uplifting us when we’re down, a song to encourage us to go forward, or a song that will make us feel a certain type of way.

It is true that loved ones who have departed with us, always try to send us signals when we are least expecting it. They want to show us that they still love us and are watching over us, even if we cannot see them. It is up to us to pay attention to small details to recognize when they are trying to communicate with us so we do not miss it.

Remember that there are 7 big ways that a loved one may try to connect with us. One of the biggest ways is by coming to us while we are in a dreamlike state, although other ways of communicating include placing significant objects or smells by us, putting their energy through an animal, or letting us hear a certain song during the day.

Have you ever had a sign from a loved one? What did they do or say? Share your experiences with us below.

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What does Ringing in the Ears Mean Spiritually https://www.herinterest.com/what-does-ringing-in-the-ears-mean-spiritually/ https://www.herinterest.com/what-does-ringing-in-the-ears-mean-spiritually/#comments Sun, 07 Apr 2019 13:17:40 +0000 https://www.herinterest.com/?p=37378 Have you ever experienced a strange ringing in your ears? It’s undeniably one of the most irritating things ever, especially if it is an ongoing phenomenon that simply won’t go away. And while most people may think that ringing in the ears has to due with some type of medical issue, there is also a […]

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Have you ever experienced a strange ringing in your ears? It’s undeniably one of the most irritating things ever, especially if it is an ongoing phenomenon that simply won’t go away. And while most people may think that ringing in the ears has to due with some type of medical issue, there is also a spiritual meaning that goes hand in hand with a ring in the ear.

Possible Medical Problems

Yes, it’s true. Sometimes a ringing in the ear has to do with a medical issue. If you think your ringing in the ears has to due with something medical related, you need to see a doctor. Most of the time you can tell between medical and spiritual ringing in the ears by the length of time in which the ringing remains, and any other medical problems you may have.

Keep in mind that a medical problem causing ringing in the ears will last for a significant period of time. It will likely be accompanied with other symptoms like a headache or other aches, pains, or diseases. If you think the ringing is from a medical problem please see a doctor as soon as possible.

Possible Spiritual Meaning for Ringing in Ears

On the other hand, it is completely possible that your ringing in the ears is associated with something spiritual. One easy way to tell the difference between spiritual meanings and a medical problem is the length of time the ringing occurs. If it is spiritual, it will not last long and will likely occur during a big event in life, such as a job interview, a date, or moving to a new home.

You also need to pay attention to which side of the ear the ringing is taking place, as both sides have very significantly different meanings.

Ringing in the Right Side

If you notice ringing on just the right side of your head, this has a very significant meaning. Ringing in the right side has positive connotations. The ring is symbolizing that whatever you’re about to do will have a positive outcome. That means that if you hear ringing in the right side during a job interview, you will probably land the job.

Ringing in the Left Side

However, ringing in the left side has a more daunting meaning. If you hear any ringing on the left side while you are doing something, the outcome will not be good. This is especially important if you are hanging out with someone new or planning on purchasing a property, as this could signify that you should not go through with the purchase or continue being around this individual. The angels are telling you NOT to proceed, so take heed of their warning.

Either way, a ringing in the ears is a high frequency that allows angels to pass their message along to you in a unique way. Unless you have experienced before, it is hard to describe exactly how it is done. But the simplest way to describe it is a sudden ring in ONE ear that only lasts for a few seconds, possibly minutes. It is either a positive or a negative symbol from the other realm that you should proceed or discontinue whatever adventure you are about to go on.

How to Stop the Ringing

While ringing in the ears that is caused by something spiritual should not have any side effects or be persistent, it can be bothersome for some people. If you notice that you are experiencing discomfort or annoyance from the ringing there are certain steps you can take to relieve the ringing in your ears:

  • The best way to deal with ringing in the ears from angels is to be at peace. Meditating is always a great option because you will relax your mind and become more at peace in your spiritual world as well, which will ease off the ringing.
  • Another way to get rid of the ringing in your ears is to head out to nature. Nature has such a calming and relaxing effect on people. Go to a local park and take a seat on the grass, and just listen to nature. Listen to the stream flowing and the birds squawking. It will take your mind off of the ringing and put your body and soul at ease.
  • You should avoid anything too loud while the ringing is happening. This can cause excess friction in your ears that is actually more damaging and may prolong the experience.

Always remember that is the ringing is persistent or you have any other discomfort or aches and pains associated with the ringing you should always visit your doctor to find out if it is coming from another source.

Ringing in the ears can be spiritual. If you believe you’re dealing with angels using ringing to get your attention, pay close attention to which ear the ringing is taking place to discover if the rings are positive or negative.

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Bible Dream Interpretation https://www.herinterest.com/bible-dream-interpretation/ https://www.herinterest.com/bible-dream-interpretation/#comments Thu, 31 Jan 2019 14:52:49 +0000 https://www.herinterest.com/?p=37328 Having a dream about the Bible can leave you in a state of disarray, whether you’re a Christian or not. You will wake up wondering and trying to process the meaning behind the Biblical dream, and what the dream may be trying to say to you. We’re going to dive deep into the world of […]

The post Bible Dream Interpretation first appeared on herinterest.com/.

Having a dream about the Bible can leave you in a state of disarray, whether you’re a Christian or not. You will wake up wondering and trying to process the meaning behind the Biblical dream, and what the dream may be trying to say to you. We’re going to dive deep into the world of Bible dream interpretation so you may have a better understanding of what your dream means.

Is God Trying to Speak to You?

This is oftentimes one of the first questions to arise when someone has a dream about a Bible, or anything that has to do with God for that matter. The real answer to this is simply, yes. God is constantly speaking to us in our dreams, whether it’s a dream involving anything Biblical or not. You can tell if God is trying to speak to you about something in particular by completely dissecting your dream from start to finish and understanding what has taken place and what steps are to follow.

Dreaming of Owning a Bible

If you have a dream that you own a Bible, or that a Bible has been given or sold to you, this has great meaning- especially true if you do not have a Bible in real life.

If this is the dream you had, you can rest assured knowing it is a good thing. The Bible is simply representing all of your inner thoughts. These thoughts include thoughts and feeling you may have towards yourself, the thoughts you have on others, and even the longing to find a fulfillment in your heart- a missing piece, which may be God. The good news is that having a dream like this causes you to search through your inner thoughts, which leads to thoughts finally coming together in the end.

Finding a Bible

Let’s say you’re strolling along in your dream, and you come across a Bible. It may not be a mint condition, but it is in the middle of nowhere and you feel beyond shocked and excited to find a Bible in the midst of nothingness. It’s quite a great feeling, and the meaning behind it is even better!

If you find a Bible in your dream, it means you have plenty of confidence in yourself and should keep up with these confidence levels. However, it may also be a sign that you need to focus a little bit more of your confidence on God. Take a look at yourself and understand whether or not you need some more faith in Jesus, as this may be a big sign.

Carrying a Bible

If in your dream you notice yourself carrying a Bible underneath your arm, it may be a sign that you are going through some major struggles right now but you are going to come through stronger than ever. By carrying or holding the Bible, you are carrying the faith and security needed to conquer the storm.

However, if you feel like your lacking confidence in God that he will see you through the struggles, this may be a sign that you need to reconnect with God and allow him to help you more throughout your battles in life.

Dreaming of Specific Biblical Scripture

Dreaming of a particular scripture in the Bible is probably one of the most exciting things to happen. It is as if God has entered your mind while you’re dreaming and has spoken to you directly. Think about the verse that was read in your dream. Whatever it says, you need to take it to heart. It may be suggesting that you need to forgive someone for what they have done to you, or that you need to change your life in one way or another.

The verse that was chosen for you in your dream needs to be applied to your life. It can help you in a wide range of problems, from struggling financially, struggling emotionally, or whatever else you may be struggling with.

These verses don’t always have to be about change, though. Sometimes a Bible verse can be given to you in a dream to show you that God cares about you, or that you were made in His image and should be happy with yourself. These little pick-me-ups may be just exactly what you needed to goon with your day.

The only way to truly know what the Biblical scripture meant in your dream is to remember what the verse itself was. Then, you can dissect the verse to find out what the meaning behind it is. Lucky for us, verses tend to have a very obvious meaning behind them, so knowing why the verse was given to you will be easily known.


Burning Bible

A dream in which a Bible is burning can be extremely unsettling, especially for Christians or anyone who knows the scripture in which burning the Bible is a horrendous sin. That being said, seeing this with your own two eyes may be one of the most frightening things you can witness, and you may feel like God has betrayed you in some way.

However, unlike what you may think, a burning Bible in a dream has nothing to do with sinning or betrayal. A burning Bible in a dream is simply means that are going through a really difficult time and may not be able to see the right path or a way out. If you have a dream like this, you need to figure out the right path to take to get out of the situations you are in. It’s a sign from God himself to relax and find your way out of the storm.

Giving Away Bibles

Handing out Bibles in your dream? This is an interesting one. For this particular Bible dream, it’s a sign that you’re in one particular situation that you just can’t seem to find your way out of. It’s a situation in which you can’t see the end and don’t know where to go, but you will find the right path to take.

This may sound very similar to the burning Bible dream interpretation, but it’s slightly different in the fact that in this instance there is a single struggle that needs to be dealt with, while the burning Bible dream represents a humungous storm in which there are plenty of struggles with seemingly no end in sight.

Dreaming about the Bible is almost always a good thing. It may mean you have confidence, need confidence and guidance, or simply need to recall things in your life and make changes or improvements. Take a good look at your dream from start to end and you will be able to discover exactly what God is telling you.

Have you ever had a dream about the Bible? What happened in your dream? Did you discover what the dream actually meant? Share all of your Bible dreams with us below.

The post Bible Dream Interpretation first appeared on herinterest.com/.

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Pregnancy Test Dreams https://www.herinterest.com/pregnancy-test-dreams/ https://www.herinterest.com/pregnancy-test-dreams/#comments Sun, 27 Jan 2019 04:25:27 +0000 https://www.herinterest.com/?p=37332 Pregnancy test dreams are often not associated with pregnancy whatsoever. In fact, ninety-nine percent of the time a pregnancy test dream has more to do with our day-to-day life such as anxieties, relationships, and work. We’re going to take a look at what a pregnancy test dream means, and what different emotions it can bring. […]

The post Pregnancy Test Dreams first appeared on herinterest.com/.

Pregnancy test dreams are often not associated with pregnancy whatsoever. In fact, ninety-nine percent of the time a pregnancy test dream has more to do with our day-to-day life such as anxieties, relationships, and work. We’re going to take a look at what a pregnancy test dream means, and what different emotions it can bring.

Positive Pregnancy Test Dream

If you dream that you have a positive pregnancy test, it most likely is displaying the fact that you need to change something in your life or something will happen very soon that will cause big changes. If you feel like you are ‘stuck’ in your own life and not pushing yourself as hard as you can, this can be a big indicator that it’s time to turn up the pressure and get things handled.

If you can actually see the positive sign on your pregnancy test in the dream, it may be a signal that you feel as if people are judging you in real life, whether it’s in a friend situation or a work situation.

Negative Pregnancy Test with Feelings of Relief

Taking a pregnancy test in your dream where the end result is negative and you feel overwhelmingly relieved, it may be a sign that you’re going to experience something unexpected in life very soon. The dreamer can rest assured this is a positive dream in which something great is almost bound to happen.

  • Dreaming about not being able to find your pregnancy test in your dream is simply a sign that you have lost something very valuable to you in life, whether it is a person or good. The best thing to do in this situation is to wake up and move on with life. Grieve if need be, but in the end, pick yourself together and move past it.
  • If you bought a pregnancy test in your dream but ended up losing it somewhere along the road, it may be a sign that you’re going to meet someone very soon.
  • When a pregnancy test doesn’t work correctly in a dream and malfunctions without showing a positive or negative result, it is indication that the dream has not thought through a situation thoroughly and really needs to take a second look at the situation before any decisions are made. If not thought about thoroughly, the dreamer may experience some very difficult problems in the future.
  • If you’re terrified of taking the pregnancy test in your dream, it is showing that you are trying to avoid something hectic in your life. The best thing to do is wake up and handle the situation in confidence, whatever it may be.
  • While taking the pregnancy test in your dream, if your significant other is trying to hide and not see the results, it may be a sign that there are secrets within the relationship. If you think this may be true, you need to have a serious talk with your lover and make sure that any secrets are brought to life before the relationship continues.

Could it be Premonition?

Yes, in some cases having a pregnancy test is a premonition of real life. Oftentimes women who become pregnant will start having more dreams about pregnancy and babies, so it is not far off to say a recently pregnant woman may have a dream about a positive pregnancy test.

However, a trying to conceive mother who has not had any luck yet may also have a dream about a pregnancy test being negative, in which case the dreamer should wake up with a positive outlook and keep trying.

While pregnancy tests often don’t indicate an actual pregnancy, they represent a wide range of emotions and situations that may be arising in our lives. Take a good look at what happens in your dream, and you will be able to figure out what needs to change in your life.

Have you ever had a dream that you have a pregnancy test come out positive or negative? What did the dream actually mean, according to this article? Share your dreams with us below.

The post Pregnancy Test Dreams first appeared on herinterest.com/.

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Dreaming About Black Snakes https://www.herinterest.com/dreaming-about-black-snakes/ https://www.herinterest.com/dreaming-about-black-snakes/#comments Tue, 22 Jan 2019 04:25:17 +0000 https://www.herinterest.com/?p=37330 Having a dream about a black snake can be a very frightening experience, especially considering that the particular hue of black represents a negative energy or dangerous connotation. And while most black snake dreams have a powerful, yet destructive meaning behind them, there are certain situations in which a dream about a black snake can […]

The post Dreaming About Black Snakes first appeared on herinterest.com/.

Having a dream about a black snake can be a very frightening experience, especially considering that the particular hue of black represents a negative energy or dangerous connotation. And while most black snake dreams have a powerful, yet destructive meaning behind them, there are certain situations in which a dream about a black snake can be somewhat positive.


Positive Outlook on Black Snake Dreams

  • Before we dive into the negative meanings behind seeing a black snake in your dream, let’s figure out some positive ones.
  • If you return home and you are not scared but are rather happy with yourself, this could be a sign that you have conquered whatever negativity was trying to bring you down and you can proceed with life.
  • If you wake up and realize you know who is causing the negativity in your life and you know what changes need to be made, that is a great indication that the black snake undid your blindfold and you can now see the light.
  • Waking up and realizing the problems you need to fix as soon as possible is also a very positive outcome of having a black snake in your dream.
  • When the dream was ending it was a positive experience, no matter what happened through the rest of your dream, you can wake up knowing it was not all for nothing and figured out a solution to the problem.

Black Snake Attacking

Let’s say during your dream a black snake attacked you, and you really couldn’t defend yourself too well from it. Having a dream like this can mean that you’re having difficulty with coping in different areas of your life. You need to look deep into your mind and heart to discover what things you’re being unable to cope with. Even if you think you’re perfectly happy on the outside, there may be some deep-seeded issues you need to come to terms with.

Black Snake Cut in Half

During your dream, if you stumble upon a black snake that is completely cut in half, you can chalk it up to the message being that you need to do better in social situations. Perhaps you’re a bit on the mean side when it comes to new people, or you’re overly distant and shy? Having this dream indicates that you need to cut those bad habits in half when it comes to socializing. You need to make a change with yourself and realize that you can give respect and kindness to others, and they will return the favor.

Baby Black Snakes

Simply put, the baby black snake represents the small amount of finances you may have. The baby snakes is a sign you need to get back on track with money and quit spending too much.

Black Snake is Threatening

If in the dream the black snake is frightening to you or threatening you in any way, this may be a representation or a troublesome person in your life. It is a big sign that you need to let this person go and move on with your life, or they will continue to destruct it any way they please.

Black Snake in the Wild

Finding a black snake in the wild is typically a sign that you are delving into some dangerous situations. What you need to do is remove yourself from these situations immediately so you may find peace in your heart and mind.

Oftentimes in dreams such as these, the black snake will actually say words to you. It is important to recall and remember the words, as they are usually a small insight of wisdom that you need to listen to and apply to your life.


Having a dream about a black snake is typically associated with something negative. But don’t think of this as an all around negative experience. Take the dream as a warning. See what things in your life you need to get away from or change so that you can have peace all around.

Have you ever had a dream about a black snake? Did it end up helping you to make changes in your life?

The post Dreaming About Black Snakes first appeared on herinterest.com/.

https://www.herinterest.com/dreaming-about-black-snakes/feed/ 53
If You Had a Dream of Someone, Is It Because They Think of You? https://www.herinterest.com/if-you-had-a-dream-of-someone-is-it-because-they-think-of-you/ https://www.herinterest.com/if-you-had-a-dream-of-someone-is-it-because-they-think-of-you/#comments Sat, 06 Oct 2018 09:40:04 +0000 https://www.herinterest.com/?p=37137 When you have a dream about someone out of the blue, you will most likely wake up thinking “why”. And why wouldn’t you? Having a dream about someone can be completely random and leave you feeling stumped. Luckily there’s a few different reasons why you may be dreaming about someone in particular. They Are Thinking […]

The post If You Had a Dream of Someone, Is It Because They Think of You? first appeared on herinterest.com/.

When you have a dream about someone out of the blue, you will most likely wake up thinking “why”. And why wouldn’t you? Having a dream about someone can be completely random and leave you feeling stumped. Luckily there’s a few different reasons why you may be dreaming about someone in particular.

They Are Thinking About You

A lot of people believe that when you have a dream about someone, they are in fact thinking about you. However, there is technically no scientific evidence to back this up.

Keep this in mind, though: just because it hasn’t been researched in depth and we don’t have solid evidence this is what your dream means, doesn’t make it untrue. In fact there are plenty instances in which someone ended up dreaming about someone while they were thinking of them. Coincidence? Maybe. But you can certainly consider this a possible reason for dreaming about this certain someone.


You See Them Often

Dreams are typically just a reflection of our day-to-day lives, our minds recurring places, people, and events that have happened recently. If you notice that you tend to see the person in your dream on a regular basis, they may have popped up for literally no reason at all.

While this solution to discovering what your dream means is rather basic, it can take the edge off if you find that you’re dreaming about someone who you’re not particularly close or fond of.


They Represent a Feeling

When you have a dream about someone in particular, it could be that they are representing a feeling that you have. What you need to do is take a deeper look at the person in your dream. What type of feelings did they bring to the table?

For instance, if you are having a dream about an ex-boyfriend that you despise, then you may just be having some pent up anger in your life that cam through in the representation of a person you can’t stand.

On the other hand, if you’re dreaming about someone who is successful in life and you look up to them, you may be having an urge to improve your life and become more successful in life just like them.

You need to consider when and where this person was in your life and what type of emotions and feelings they gave for you. Was it happiness? Sadness? Anger? The dream may have nothing to with them, but rather an emotion you’re feeling while you sleep.


They Represent a Want

This special person you’re dreaming about can actually just be a representation of a want you have in your life.

Let’s go back to the ex-boyfriend scenario. Perhaps the two of you ended on good terms. You are no longer sad or mad about the breakup and you don’t miss him at all. If you ended up having a dream about him, it doesn’t necessarily mean you want to be with him again. It may mean that you have a want or desire to be in a relationship and have that feeling of love again.

Dreaming about someone with your dream job? That may be just because you have a deep desire for having that career, and it’s shown through this person.


At the end of the day, if you are wondering if dreaming about someone means that they are thinking of you, the answer is truly uncertain. You must take a deeper look into your dream and all other possibilities before settling on a decision as to what your dream means.


If you are able to actually ask this person without sounding completely crazy, then that is a huge bonus! Go ahead and put your dream to the test and see If they were thinking of you. You never know what their answer may be!


Have you ever had a dream about someone? Did you find out what the dream meant? Share your stories and discoveries with us!

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I Always Dream That Someone Is Running After Me and Trying to Kill Me. What Does That Mean? https://www.herinterest.com/i-always-dream-that-someone-is-running-after-me-and-trying-to-kill-me-what-does-that-mean/ https://www.herinterest.com/i-always-dream-that-someone-is-running-after-me-and-trying-to-kill-me-what-does-that-mean/#comments Sat, 29 Sep 2018 16:26:15 +0000 https://www.herinterest.com/?p=37139 Having a dream where someone is running after you and trying to kill you can be one of the scariest moments. You’ll most likely wake up with your heart pounding out of your chest and the feeling of utmost fear throughout your body. But before you succumb to the fear and believe you’re going to […]

The post I Always Dream That Someone Is Running After Me and Trying to Kill Me. What Does That Mean? first appeared on herinterest.com/.

Having a dream where someone is running after you and trying to kill you can be one of the scariest moments. You’ll most likely wake up with your heart pounding out of your chest and the feeling of utmost fear throughout your body.

But before you succumb to the fear and believe you’re going to die, let’s take a look at some of the real reasons why you may have a scary dream such as this.

Avoiding a Hard Situation

Sometimes things in our lives can be given a new light in our dreams, in a crazy fashion we would never even think about. (Our brains just do the craziest things sometimes, don’t they?)

In a dream where someone is running after you and trying to kill you, the ‘someone’ could actually represent a situation you are trying desperately to avoid in your life. Think about it- if you are trying to avoid something and it’s preying on your mind and you’re doing everything not to think about it, there’s a clear connection to a dream where ‘someone’ is chasing you and you’re trying to avoid it altogether.


Trying to Avoid Confrontation with Someone

Now let’s talk about the actual person in your life. Who are they? Do they happen to be someone you are trying to avoid because you don’t want to indulge in an impending confrontation with them?

If the person chasing after you and trying to kill you in your dream is someone you’re actually trying to avoid, then this can be the reason why you would have a dream like this. The best solution is to buck up and handle the confrontation to release the negative energy from your mind.


Extremely Angry at Someone

Again let’s take a look at the person who is chasing you. What do you think about this individual? If you can clearly say that you despise this person with everything in you, then it may just be a representation of just how much you dislike this person.

Yes, that’s right. Your extreme anger towards this individual has made it so that they are so evil in your mind they’re trying to kill you. Now that is some crazy stuff.


Extremely Stressed

You can become so overly stressed in your life that your mind twists your stress into thinking you’re actually going to die from overload (you’re not, but your mind is going haywire from all the things going on). If you know that you’re struggling with life right now, this is just a symbol of just how stressed out you are and you need to take a step back and relax.

The best thing to do in this situation is try and get rid of as most stress factors in your life as possible. Not just so this horrendous dream will go away, but so you can go on with your life in a healthy and happy manner.


Scared from a Previous Event

Has something terrifying happened in your life recently? Maybe you were in a car accident, or you saw something disturbing happen in real life or even on television. Just think about it. If you are still scared from something that has happened to you or that you have seen, then your brain may translate it into another scary event in your dream.

The way to conquer this is to ensure you have a good support system in your life. Friends, family, even therapists can help you overcome your fear if you can’t seem to do it on your own. Coming to terms with what you are afraid of or scared of can help you live a much more happy life that will hopefully deter these dreams from happening again.


Dreaming that someone is chasing you trying to kill you is obviously petrifying, but it doesn’t mean that someone is actually coming for you (thank goodness). Take a good look at your life and what it may represent, whether this person actually represents a person in your life or a situation. Then handle it and move on!

Have you ever have a scary dream like this? Did you figure out what your dream actually meant? Share your stories with us.

The post I Always Dream That Someone Is Running After Me and Trying to Kill Me. What Does That Mean? first appeared on herinterest.com/.

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100 Nicknames for Dad https://www.herinterest.com/nicknames-for-dad/ https://www.herinterest.com/nicknames-for-dad/#comments Tue, 25 Sep 2018 04:52:41 +0000 https://www.herinterest.com/?p=37141 There is nothing quite like dear old dad. We got to love them, don’t we? But why settle for the same old boring name ‘dad’. Spice up his life and make him smile with one of these cool, funny, or unique nicknames for dad. 1. Daddy : the classic nickname we all call our dad […]

The post 100 Nicknames for Dad first appeared on herinterest.com/.

There is nothing quite like dear old dad. We got to love them, don’t we? But why settle for the same old boring name ‘dad’. Spice up his life and make him smile with one of these cool, funny, or unique nicknames for dad.

1. Daddy : the classic nickname we all call our dad at one point in our lives.
2. Dada : for the little ones out there!
3. Dad : keep it simple.
4. Pa : and even more simple.
5. Papa : a cute, classic nickname for dad.
6. Papi : a more creative, Spanishy twist for papa.
7. Pop : who doesn’t love to call their dad pop?
8. Admiral : because he is the MAN in charge. Yes sir!
9. Bald Man : a silly name for the dads out there lacking in the hair department.
10. Big Papa : because he loves it when you call him Big Papa. But more seriously, perfect for the beefier big guys out there!
11. Brave Heart : your dad is a brave soldier in the line of parenting and careers. Show some respect!
12. Bud : something super casual for when your dad is your best bud.
13. CEO : the big leader of the whole family company, yes.
14. Superman : your dad truly is a superhero, so this name is suiting, isn’t it?
15. Wallet : a really funny one, because we know we always go to dad when we’re in a pinch and need some cash.
16. Plumber : he’s the guy that always fixes the toilet after all, right!?
17. Daddy Doolittle : a cute fun one your dad is sure to enjoy coming out of your mouth.
18. Popeye : he’s strong like Popeye, so this name is of course very suiting for your powerful and fun dad!
19. Chief : because you’re dad is obviously the chief of the family.
20. Coach : a funny, but rather true nickname. I mean, dad DOES coach you on a lot of life lessons, right?
21. Daddyo : easy and fun!
22. Daddy Dearest : an adorable nickname for dad, especially for the young girls out there who love their dad!
23. Daddy Cakes : another cute one for the daughters out there.
24. The Dadonator : too cool.
25. Dude : what? Your dad can be a cool dude, too!

26. Fixer : because we all know dad fixes everything.
27. Godfather : no words. Just yes.
28. Goof : so your dad’s a bit of a goofball? This nickname is for him.
29. Grandpa : for those dads that act old or have a little more gray hairs than they should.
30. Grizzly Bear : because he is big, strong, and cuddly!
31. Handyman : another great choice for the man who fixes everything.
32. Homer : a great one for the dads out there who really do act like Mr Simpson!
33. Mate : for your dad who is also your pal!
34. Old Guy : another great choice for the older dads out there.
35. The P Man : the one and only papa, The P Man. Love this one.
36. Commander : after all, he is the one giving off most of the commands, right?
37. Shark : big, strong, and a little scary, this one is perfect for all the dads out there.
38. Professor : because dads teach us a lot, even though sometimes kids just think dad is a know-it-all.
39. Papa G : obviously because your dad is the coolest dad in the world. He’s so fresh and cool he’s Papa G all the way!
40. Pop Pop : why settle for a single pop? Double it up and go with POP POP!
41. Prince Charming : perfect for little ladies out there who look up to their dad like he is prince charming.
42. Sarge : the commander in chief, yes.
43. Sensei : our teacher and ruler, this is the best name for dad.
44. Snoozer : when your dad snores louder than the train passing nearby, this is the perfect nickname for dad.
45. Warden : for the dads that keep everything in line, day to night!
46. Zeus : strong and full of courage, this is the perfect nickname.
47. Booboo : something ultra cute for dad and daughter to share.
48. Popsicle : he isn’t just ‘pop’; he is the popSICLE. So funny and creative!
49. The Boss : simply because, well, he IS the boss.
50. Papa John : we love their pizza, and we love our dad. Combine the two!
51. Papa Bear : what a lovely little nickname for dad!
52. Padre : a real classic
53. Parental : he is, in fact, THEE parental.
54. Papa Smurf : another silly one he will greatly enjoy
55. Daddy Long-Legs : we can’t get enough of this one. It’s too adorable!

In Other Languages..

1. Afrikaans: pa

2. Albanian: baba

3. Amharic: ābati

4. Arabic: abbi

5. Armenian: hayrik

6. Bosnian: tata

7. Bulgarian: татко

8. Chinese: Bà

9. Czech: Táto

10. Danish: far

11. Dutch: pa

12. English: father

13. Estonian: isa

14. Filipino: ama

15. Finnish: isä

16. French: père

17. German: vater

18. Greek: patéra

19. Hawaiian: makua

20. Hebrew: av

21. Hindu: pita

22. Hungarian: apa

23. Irish: athair

24. Italian: padre

25. Japanese: Chichi

26. Korean: abeoji

27. Latin: patrem

28. Latvian: tēvs

29. Mongolian: aav

30. Persian: pedar

31. Polish: ojciec

32. Portuguese: pai

33. Romanian: tată

34. Russian: otets

35. Samoan: tama

36. Serbian: otac

37. Somali: aabbe

38. Spanish: padre

39. Sundanese: bapa

40. Thai: Ph̀x

41. Ukrainian: batʹko

42. Uzbek: otasi

43. Vietnamese: cha

44. Yiddish: fater

45. Zulu: ubaba


With so many fun names to choose from, it’s almost too hard to pick! What do you nickname YOUR dad? Share your awesome nicknames for dad below!

The post 100 Nicknames for Dad first appeared on herinterest.com/.

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What Does It Mean When a Guy Says He’s Confused and He Needs Time to Think? https://www.herinterest.com/what-does-it-mean-when-a-guy-says-hes-confused-and-he-needs-time-to-think/ https://www.herinterest.com/what-does-it-mean-when-a-guy-says-hes-confused-and-he-needs-time-to-think/#comments Tue, 14 Aug 2018 11:00:22 +0000 https://www.herinterest.com/?p=36870 One of the worst things that can happen to a woman is this: you’re in a seemingly great relationship with some dreamy guy you can’t get enough of. You went on a hot date last night and it was a hit! However, you woke up today only to hear the dreaded words: “I’m confused and […]

The post What Does It Mean When a Guy Says He's Confused and He Needs Time to Think? first appeared on herinterest.com/.

One of the worst things that can happen to a woman is this: you’re in a seemingly great relationship with some dreamy guy you can’t get enough of. You went on a hot date last night and it was a hit! However, you woke up today only to hear the dreaded words: “I’m confused and just need some time to think about things”. Uhhh, what? It’s a joke right? Unfortunately not, and it is gut-wrenching. But before you flip out and wonder what’s wrong with you, let’s take a look at what this may actually mean.

Boyfriend Says He Needs Time to Think

Reasons He May Say the Dreaded Words We Never Want to Hear

He is Genuinely Scared

Let’s face it: relationships can be, well, rather scary. When you feel like you are falling in love with someone and they’re taking up your time and thoughts constantly, you can feel overwhelmed. And in some cases a man may start to feel this way when he is falling deeply in love with you. He needs to take some time to think about what love is and if he is really ready to dive in and be with a woman full time and let his emotions overtake him.

He Needs to Reclaim His Masculinity

When a man falls in love with a woman, he lets his guard down. All of the sudden he is a romantic lovey-dovey sap, and when a man realizes this he can become somewhat bothered, feeling like his masculinity is being taken from him. Yes, it is kind of silly, but men are all about being macho and strong and impressing females. If he feels like he is becoming to emotionally powered and feeling weak giving into his loving emotions, he may want to take a step back to simply redeem his testosterone levels.

He’s Not Interested

This is the one we all dread hearing, but unfortunately sometimes being ‘confused’ and ‘needing time to think’ are code words for ‘I am not interested and I may even be interested in another woman already’. If this is the case, it’s important to remember there is nothing wrong with you. Sometimes relationships simply do not work out and the spark dies off; or in some cases, was never there in the first place.

reasons why your man wants space and what to do about it

How You Need to React

Don’t Panic

How you react to a man saying he’s confused and needs time to think is imperative. Show him you’re not crazy and not all about him. Show him you can be independent and strong and DO NOT PANIC! Yes it’s terrible to hear, but panicking and over-thinking is NOT going to help you in the slightest. Remain calm and stay cool- it is way more attractive than being the ‘crazy’ girl he never wants to see again.

Leave Him Alone

You certainly do not want to portray yourself as being desperate. Show him that you’re a strong woman that can live without him and he may become more attracted to you and realize you’re the woman of his dreams. On the other hand, leaving him alone will give you time to relax and GET OVER HIM! If he isn’t so sure about you, then don’t waste your time trying to win him back. There is a man out there who knows for sure that he loves you and it won’t confuse him to feel loving emotions.

What Does It Mean When a Guy Says He's Confused and He Needs Time to Think

Pull Back and Let Him Come to You

Keeping your distance from him and actually allowing him time to think can be the best thing for your relationship. Sometimes people truly just need some time to sit back, relax, and assess the situation. Pulling away from him and showing him you can give him his space without freaking out is a great way to handle the situation. When he decides he wants to be with you, let him come to you- and let him work for it. Show him you weren’t just waiting around for his answer. Have him come to you, never go to him begging for him to make up his mind and be with you.

Have you ever heard a man tell you that he is confused and needs time to think? How did you handle the situation and how did the relationship ultimately work out? We would love to hear some stories! BUT ALWAYS REMEMBER: DON’T PANIC! Sometimes people just need a breather!

The post What Does It Mean When a Guy Says He's Confused and He Needs Time to Think? first appeared on herinterest.com/.

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What Does It Mean When You Dream Someone Is Pregnant? https://www.herinterest.com/what-does-it-mean-when-you-dream-someone-is-pregnant/ https://www.herinterest.com/what-does-it-mean-when-you-dream-someone-is-pregnant/#comments Tue, 31 Jul 2018 05:04:55 +0000 https://www.herinterest.com/?p=36864 Dreaming about someone else being pregnant can give you a whirlwind of mixed emotions. What could it possibly mean? If you’ve found yourself waking up after a strange dream such as this, do not be alarmed. There’s plenty of simple reasons why you may be having a dream that someone is pregnant. They Are Actually […]

The post What Does It Mean When You Dream Someone Is Pregnant? first appeared on herinterest.com/.

Dreaming about someone else being pregnant can give you a whirlwind of mixed emotions. What could it possibly mean? If you’ve found yourself waking up after a strange dream such as this, do not be alarmed. There’s plenty of simple reasons why you may be having a dream that someone is pregnant.

Pregnancy Dream Interpretation

They Are Actually Pregnant

It is certainly an old wives’ tale that dreaming about being pregnant or dreaming about somebody else being pregnant means exactly that: that they will be expecting a bundle of joy very soon. And while it may just be a myth to some, we can’t deny the fact that sometimes it is a premonition of things to come. Take notice of the person in your dream and see if they do end up pregnant. If they don’t you may have misinterpreted your dream and one of these other explanations may be the answer.

You’re Jealous of Them

There is always that certain someone in our lives that have ALL the luck. It seems like no matter what WE do, we just can’t compare to this other person. And now, in your dream, that is being represented in the form of a pregnancy. Becoming pregnant is a magical experience, and much like everything else in life, this person you’re jealous of is pregnant and excited instead of it being you.

Seeing someone else with a pregnancy in your dream can be a sign that you are jealous of this person, whether you knew it or not. Take a good look at yourself and this other person and identify whether or not you may be truly jealous of this individual, then you can decide what your next steps are.

You Don’t Feel Worthy of Being Pregnant

This is definitely the sadder aspect of interpretations, but it can certainly be a true one. If you have been trying to get pregnant for a longer period of time than you had expected, you may feel like giving up- especially if you have a dream about somebody else being pregnant while you’re still without child.

If you have been trying to conceive for awhile and have a dream like this, do not get your hopes down. Don’t take this as a sign that it is never going to happen for you. This dream is simply your emotions being released, but don’t take it to heart too badly. Keep it up and keep trying for that baby you always wanted!

What Do Dreams About Pregnancy Mean When You're Not Pregnant

Something New and Exciting is Heading Their Way

With pregnancy it’s all brand new. A new forming child, a new future, a new person. And heck, it’s one of the most exciting things that can ever happen to a couple! However, seeing someone pregnant in a dream does not always mean that they’re new and exciting adventure equals a new bundle of joy. In fact, it could be something as simple as a job promotion or a vacation.

To put it simply: dreaming that someone is pregnant is a sign that something new and exciting, like a pregnancy, is coming their way. It’s a joyful dream that should bring yourself and your loved one a bunch of happiness while wondering what is going to come next!

There’s a New Project Coming Up

Let’s face it: babies are a TON of work; they’re a huge project just in themselves! That being said, dreaming that someone is pregnant could be a sign that there is a huge project coming up for them. This project could mean a home renovation, fixing up an old car, or creating something brand new. The possibilities are endless, but there’s one thing for sure: dreaming about the pregnancy is simply a reminder of BIG and exciting projects to come, and therefore nothing to worry about.

They Are Changing

Think about the person that was in your dream. How have they been acting lately? Is something changing in them? Have they been acting differently towards you, possibly more distant? Are they more focused on their new job than anything else in life? If the pregnant person in your dream has been changing recently, this could serve as a reminder that this individual has changed a lot and you need to find a way to stay close and in contact.


Dreaming about someone being pregnant is nothing to worry about. It could be a sign of changes or good fortune in the future, or it could be a reflection on your own life. Take a good look at the sequence of events in your dream and how you felt throughout the dream to better understand it.

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