All posts by Shannon Yrizarry
- 12 Best Fruits for Weight Loss
You may be wondering why incorporating fruit into your diet will help you lose weight. When your body is hungry it’s usually either dehydrated or lacking essential nutrients. Fruit has both a high water content as well...
- Posted April 7, 2015
- Dating a Divorced Man
So you’re thinking of dating a divorced man or maybe you already are. Or perhaps you will date one in the future and this article will help you keep an open mind about getting to know him....
- Posted April 5, 2015
- Dating an Athlete
If you want your relationship with an athlete to work, you need to realize that the way they think is going to be different, not bad, but different. That affects how they spend their time, their moods,...
- Posted April 4, 2015
- 13 Best Calorie Burning Exercises
Here are fun cardio exercises that will help you lose weight while having a good time. See which ones you want to try out and you’ll figure out which ones suit your personality. Whether you’re competitive or...
- Posted April 3, 2015
- How to Get a Boyfriend in Middle School
Alright girls, so you are hoping to figure out how to get a boyfriend in middle school. Often some of the things we do can actually scare guys away so we are going to talk about those...
- Posted April 1, 2015
- How To Motivate Yourself to Workout
Here are some insider tips on how to get yourself motivated to workout. They really do work and just reading this will help you more than you can imagine! These tips are the real deal. Think of...
- Posted March 31, 2015
- How to Flirt With a Guy in Middle School
If there is a certain guy that catches you eye and you’re in middle school, here are some fun ways to get his attention and see if he likes you back! Remember, it’s important that you hang...
- Posted March 30, 2015
- Dating Men With Kids
If you’re considering dating a man with kids, this article will help you prepare for how it will be different than dating someone who has never been a father. When a person is responsible for looking out...
- Posted March 26, 2015
- How To Date A Rich Man
There’s nothing wrong with dating a successful man and as long as you are able to stand firm for what’s important to you, you could live a very happy life together. I think where women sometimes go...
- Posted March 25, 2015
- Where to Meet Rich Men
So you want to meet an ambitious and confident man that knows how to execute a plan? Well there are some places they commonly hang out that you can start to frequent. Smart and motivated men can...
- Posted March 25, 2015