20 Birthday Surprises for Him
That special someone in your life has a birthday coming up, huh? And let me guess- you have NO idea what to do for him. I mean, there’s the obvious: throw him a party, take him to dinner, give him a gift- but how boring! You want to show this man just how special he is in a unique and cool way… BUT HOW!? Don’t worry, ladies. We’ve come up with 20 totally surprising birthday gifts for him. All of which are guaranteed to make him happy and smile on his one special day.
1 Make Him a Four Course Dinner
One of the easiest ways to show someone you care about them is to cook for them- no, seriously! Cook with care, ladies, and make your man a four course dinner he will remember for the rest of his life. Make his favorites and finish it off with his absolute favorite dessert to really show him that you care and listen to him, and really want to make him- and his tummy- happy.
2 Surprise Birthday Party
‘Hey, we are having a party for you at 5 o’clock this Saturday, see you there’. Umm, how boring is that? Sure, he will love to have a party, but what’s even better than a normal old party is to throw him a SURPRISE PARTY! You’ll plan everything out- which is extra points for you- and he will be shocked when he comes through the door. Now those are some serious girlfriend/wifey skills he will surely appreciate.
3 Do Something You Hate that He Loves
Ladies, let’s be honest here: there has to be at least ONE thing you absolutely despise, that he loves. Maybe it’s watching sports. Maybe it’s going out to eat sushi. Maybe its watching the horse races. I don’t know what it is, but whatever he loves, just do it ONCE for HIM on his birthday. Trust me, he will be super shocked and will be forever grateful that you put yourself aside for a day to do something he loves. He will love sharing the new experience with you!
4 Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger hunts may take a little while to put together, but come on, they’re so FUN. Your man will get a kick out of going on a scavenger hunt for his birthday, and he will be shocked that you went through so much trouble to put the scavenger hunt together.
5 Lie
I know what you’re thinking: ‘LIE!? What do you mean LIE!?’. But really just hear me out ladies. So let’s say he wanted to get a PS4 for his birthday, and you said you would love to get it for him. So, along comes the day night before his birthday, and you say you didn’t get it because you ran out of money. He’s probably upset, but it’s okay because you’re going to see him tomorrow anyways. And BAM! While he is at work, you set up the PS4 you ACTUALLY bought for him and he’s surprised with it when he gets home. Talk about best woman ever award, right?
6 Fill Fridge with Beer
So your man is a beer drinker, eh? Don’t worry- we all know plenty of men who love a beer or two with dinner. But oh no- supply is running low! Girlfriend to the rescue. For his special day, FILL UP THE FRIDGE WITH BEER. I mean, can you just imagine his face when he opens up the fridge looking for that last measly can of beer, and there he sees it stocked from front to back with his favorite brand? Wow, that’s love!
7 Barbecue for Him
Your man is probably the barbecuer of the family, and no one else would even dream about touching the grill while he’s around. Well, while he may be the barbecue guru, you can let him sit back and relax while you take on the flames. Make some ribs, make some burgers, toss on some carne asada or steaks- whatever he likes, take your barbecuing to the ultimate test.
8 Weekend Getaway
What man doesn’t want to go on a weekend getaway with the love of his life? I mean, seriously? Make reservations to a super-cool location, whether it is by the beach up in the mountains or even a few countries away. Work whatever you can into your time and budget and surprise him with the gift of a lifetime. As an added bonus you could get all of his things packed and ready to go for your trip! (Because we all know men hate to pack, and they aren’t very good at it anyways.)
9 Surprise Room Key
‘So, hey babe, let’s go get drinks at that new high-end hotel downtown’. Start with that. Then end with having drinks at the bar. Pull out a room key and invite him upstairs. Um, yeah, I’m like one hundred and ten percent sure your man would LOVE this one.
10 Don’t Wear Underwear
Okay, okay, we all know men love those sexy panties and thongs; but there’s just something so tantalizing about a woman that’s not wearing panties. Bring his risque dreams to life by going commando for a day- and make it known. Maybe you could wear a short skirt and accidentally ‘drop something’ in front of him? Oops, he gets a peak, and suddenly you’ve peaked his interest in more ways than one. Oh yeah, he’s going to love this birthday surprise.
11 Naughty Surprise
There’s a few different ways you could surprise your man in a naughty way. Maybe you’re up to try something new in the bedroom? You know, that thing you always say no to but he is dying to try (and probably won’t stop bugging you about). Or, perhaps you could write down a few naughty treats on some paper and put them in a box. Let him use one of the cards each day. Make enough for a whole week so he can have special naughty birthday surprises all week long. Sounds like loads of fun to me!
12 Give Him a Day Off
Your man works hard day in and day out, so why not give him a break on his birthday? For this birthday surprise, you let him do whatever he wants (within reason). He doesn’t have to take out the trash, he can sleep in till 2 o’clock in the afternoon, he can watch sports and hang out with his friends. Just let the man relax! (It’s only one day out of the year, after all..)
13 Make a Scrapbook
Men may not be as in to pictures as women, but even your boyfriend or husband can enjoy a book full of cute pictures of you and him. Pick out all the best pictures, you know the ones where you two went on a date or just hung out at home together. Throw in the silly pictures too, the ones you really didn’t want to show anyone else. This book is just for him so let him enjoy all the memories.
14 Write Him a Poem
A card is always nice, but what is even better than a card is a hand-written note. You may not be the best with words, but give it a try. It really doesn’t matter how it turns out, because in the end it’s the thought that counts. He will love reading your beautiful message and it will show him just how much you love and adore him. It’s a card that won’t be thrown in the trash at the end of the day, that’s for sure. Be prepared to see your note hanging on the refrigerator or hung in his room somewhere, because he’s going to want to read your message often.
15 Go Down Memory Lane
Remember where the two of you went on your first date? Maybe it was at a restaurant, maybe you went to the park, maybe it was even an amusement park. Wherever the two of you had your first date, go back and recreate the scene. It will be a fun trip down memory lane and the two of you can talk about that day like it was yesterday, sharing all the romantic moments and the goofy moments and everything in between. You may even feel those butterflies return- you know, the ones you had throughout your ENTIRE first date. Sounds like a ton of fun to me!
16 Movie Night
Birthdays don’t have to be super fancy, in fact they can be really relaxing and fun. Pick out some of your man’s favorite movies and pop them into the DVD player. Pop up some popcorn, throw on your pajamas, and kickback on the couch- just the two of you. You can eat, snuggle, laugh, and just spend time together while watching his favorite flicks. I can’t think of a single man on earth that wouldn’t want to do something simple like this with his lady.
17 Be Fancy
On the other hand, there’s nothing wrong with being fancy on a birthday either! You know that high-end restaurant downtown? The one with the incredible view and the delicious meals that may or may not be incredibly overpriced? Don’t worry about the bill tonight. Just get super-dressed up, dolled out, and head out to the fanciest place you can think of. He will get to see his woman all pretty in her best dress and heels, and the two of you will enjoy an amazing date with just-as-amazing food to make your bellies happy. A glass of champagne is also necessary on a trip such as this one.
18 Picnic!
I don’t know about you, but there is nothing cuter and more relaxing than a picnic. Bust out your picnic basket and pack up some delicious treats for you and your man to enjoy. Bring out the blanket, your coolest picnic outfits, and sit back and relax with your significant other. It will be fun just to relax and eat with him, and maybe afterwards the two of you can take a walk around the park. Try a picnic on the beach or a lake to shake things up a bit and give you two some extra foliage and nature to enjoy.
19 Do Something Crazy
Calling all thrill-seekers! If you want to make his birthday super memorable, then do something CRAZY. Maybe try sky diving for the very first time? Try climbing a huge mountain? I don’t know what you consider ‘crazy’, but whatever comes to mind, do it! He will be impressed by your will to do something out of the box, and it will certainly be a memory he will remember for the rest of his life.
20 Engraved Ring
Who said men don’t love jewelry? Of course you can’t really give your guy a pair of earrings or a necklace like he would give you, but there’s something so amazing about an engraved ring. If the two of you have been together for awhile and you really want to give him something extra-special (and maybe a bit more pricey), go get him a manly ring that’s engraved with a special message from yours truly. He will be SHOCKED- and he will LOVE it. Plus you’ll get to see your work of art on his finger all the time, while also letting others know he is one hundred percent taken.
What do you give your man on his birthday to surprise him? Share with us below and give us some cool new unique ideas!