Bra Guide A-Z: 26 New Problem Solvers (Part Three)
If you have already read your way through Part One and Part Two of the Bra Guide A-Z; 26 New Problem Solvers, then you will already know some of the important things to know when getting fitted or buying new bra. It’s amazing how many women don’t know how to buy a new bra, let alone wash it properly so thankfully, we can point you in the right direction.
N is for nipples! You know that annoying feeling you get when you lean forward and your breasts seem to spill out of your bra and you are sure a nipple is hanging out? That’s because your bra is too small – you should be aiming for a bigger cup size. Get yourself fitted properly in a store and you may be pleasantly surprised at what bra size you REALLY are.
O is for Osteoporosis! Osteoporosis can cause serious problems when you are out bra shopping – sloped shoulders can mean that straps fall down and the breasts spill out of their cups. There are specially designed bras for exactly this problem, and if not, you can buy small padded gadgets that can easily be slipped onto the strap to help them to stay in place.
P is for Padded… or Push Up! These bras are a godsend for any women that wishes she had better breasts, or just want a bit of a fake lift. The push-up is padding that is placed at the bottom and sides of the cup itself to push your natural breasts up and make them appear to be much bigger and curvier than they are. Padding also helps if you hate other people seeing your nipples through the thin fabric of your bra and shirt.
Q is for Quit! – as in don’t. Don’t ever quit hunting for the perfect bra. Just because you can’t buy one from one store because your boobs are too big or too small, doesn’t mean there aren’t a thousand other stores that you can buy your underwear from. The internet has made life easier too – just type in the words “bras for big/small boobs” and you will find hundreds of results, dedicated to the cause.
R is for Replace! You should be replacing your bras every six months, more so if you wash them more often than you should do. The elastane will soon start going after this point, as will the under wiring and we all know how much of a pain in the backside it is when the under wiring of your bra stabs you in the side of your boob.
S is for Shoulder Straps! The bigger your breasts, the thicker the strap that you should have. If the straps are cutting into your skin, not only does it look ugly but it will also make you feel very uncomfortable. If your straps are leaving big red marks in your shoulders, your bra could be too tight, or you may need more support.
T is for T-Shirt Bra! This is the best bra ever made and not only helps to prevent against the whole nipple thing that we women have to deal, (it is lightly padded) but it is also somewhat seamless, making it perfect for those cute little tees that you love to wear during the summer.
U is for Under Wiring! If the under wiring of your bra is lifting away from your body when you are a bigger cup size than you thought you were. The under wiring should cup your breasts just right and if it doesn’t, you may be in for a treat and a bigger cup size!
V is for Voluptuous! All women want lovely, voluptuous breasts but the good news is – if you don’t have it, fake it! Padded bras, water bras, push up bras and even gel bras can all help you to get the larger breast silhouette that you so desire. The one thing that you shouldn’t do is wear a bra that is too big or small for you – if it is too small, your back strap will ride up and give you “back fat” and if it is too big, your breasts won’t fill the cups and it will just look sloppy.
W is for Water Bra! (Or gel bra!) These are very clever bras that contain a fluid to make it appear as if your natural shape is bigger. This basically has the same effect as the “chicken fillets” you can buy – the silicone gel forms that sit in your bra and add some “oomph!”
X is for X-Rated! Sometimes it pays to go a bit naughtier than usual. You will feel amazing when you have saucy lingerie on underneath your clothes, even when someone else isn’t going to see them. Try wearing some naughty, x-rated lingerie under your clothes and see those smiles directed at you from the hot men in the coffee shop – you will exude sexual confidence!
Y is for Yellowing! If your white bra is going yellow or grey, it’s time to get rid of them. This means that you have over-washed them and quite frankly, they look repulsive. You might not think that we can see the dirty colored bra that you have on underneath your white shirt, but we can. If you are going to wear a white bra, you had better make it white-white!
Z is for Zits! Disgusting topic of conversation ladies, but if you have zits or spots in the areas of skin that your bra normally sits (underneath the breasts, along the under wiring or around your nipples), then there is a good chance that you need to change your laundry detergent OR/AND find a better shape or style of bra. Some people can’t wear lace, some don’t like under wiring; we are all different and you need to find something that works for you. Your body will soon tell you if something is wrong.