Brandi Glanville Diet and Workout
Just one of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (second season) wives was 42 year old Brandi Glanville, but you’d never have guessed she was the age she is just by looking at her. California-born Brandi is not just a TV personality, but a model too and with a body as beautiful as hers, it’s hardly surprising, is it?
It was actually at the age of 16 that she moved from her home in California to Paris, France in a bid to kick-start her modelling career. It was within a year of making this choice that she found herself on runways in Paris, and over the 17 years that her posing spanned, she worked with a number of prestigious fashion names, including Gucci, Giorgio Armani, and Chanel, and even graced the pages of some of our most loved magazines such as Cosmopolitan and Glamour.
Of course, you can’t have a career as fabulous as that and not keep yourself in check, and just a little while ago, her secrets were shared by personal trainers and dieticians to the stars.
Brandi Glanville Diet
You need to work hard to get a body that buff, but you need to eat the right stuff too and although she tries not to be overly restrictive with the food she can enjoy, she does pump her body full of good and healthy foods where possible.
She loves a morning cup of coffee, for example, so has just that but instead of a high-calorie version, she swaps the high-fat milk for fat-free creamer, and uses sweetener rather than sugar.
She still lets herself have the odd glass of wine as well. She admitted to finding that she needed to tweak her diet as she got older, but she still allows herself to have the good stuff from time to time. BBQ chicken made on the BBQ, for example, is perfectly fine every now and again, and you can even help yourself to some healthy homemade coleslaw. Why not add a wholewheat bun to the mix and you have yourself a great recipe for success this summer. While you’re enjoying the mid-day sun, why not have some healthy fruit too? There is nothing better than a flavoursome slice of watermelon on a baking hot day when you’re lounging by the pool… If only we could all have the days to ourselves like this glamorous housewife can!
See that’s the thing about trying to lose weight or get your body in shape in time for the bikini-filled summer – sometime’s it is the smallest tweaks that can make the world of difference, such as swapping full fat milk for it’s low fat creamer counterpart, or having one less sugar in your hot drinks.
Brandi Glanville Workout
As well as admitting to changing a few things in her diet as she got older, she also re-evaluated the levels of exercise she was doing on a weekly basis, and realised that she would need to do more in order to get that bikini body. After she takes her kids to school in the morning, she heads right for a session of Pilates with her personal trainer, and she also loves to go for bike rides with her kids, step out with her pups either walking or jogging, and even hikes in the woods and hills local to her home.
You see – you don’t need to pay out for an expensive gym membership in order to get bikini ready for this summer. All you need to do is move more, just as Brandi Glanville has shown – the more you move, the more calories you are burning off, and the faster you will get leaner. Combine this with a few weight bearing exercises, and you’ll even start to tone up and get that definition to your muscles you want too. In fact, that’s just what Pilates offers you, and is why so many celebs seem to be rocking out to this exercise tune!
As well as the exercise she does, she always takes other steps in order to stay fit and healthy, and just one of the little tricks she likes to use is to never take the elevator, and always take the stairs. She squeezes her butt as she does so, but this is an optional extra, but when you’re trying to keep your figure in check, every little helps and Brandi has just proven that point!