Comments on: Cancer Man in Love Wed, 09 Sep 2015 18:14:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Wed, 09 Sep 2015 17:56:06 +0000 Don’t worry, I understand. Let me know if you have any other questions!

By: web admin Wed, 09 Sep 2015 17:55:43 +0000 Hmm…I think the best step would just be to act as you normally would. You want to fall in love with him for who you are, otherwise the relationship will end up falling apart later when he realizes that the girl he first loved was just a mirage. As for taking steps to be with him, have you tried asking him to hang out outside of work? You do not have to ask him on a date, but you could ask him to grab lunch or coffee with you sometime. Since it seems like he is either shy or not interested via text, you will want to hang out with him outside of work to see if he is really interested or not. Afterward, you can always try to ask him out. Good luck!

By: web admin Wed, 09 Sep 2015 17:40:17 +0000 Although it is true that it is not the best type of compatibility in general, you can never assume that two people will fit their astrological signs perfectly. If you have you found someone that you love and get along well with, then go for it. There is no reason that you should hold yourself back from true love because of an astrological sign. These compatibility descriptions are supposed to just indicate how you will generally get along with someone–you are the one who is actually in control of your destiny.

By: ConfusedLeo Wed, 09 Sep 2015 11:56:12 +0000 *Leo-Virgo. I have no idea what I’m typing. Too confused and hyped. I’m sorry XDD

By: ConfusedLeo Wed, 09 Sep 2015 11:54:24 +0000 Sorry for this super long message, but I am in dire need of advice.

I am a Leo girl, and I have fallen in love with a Cancer boy because of a joint project. He is a year younger than me.

He is a late June- Cancer. I have been in an emotionally isolated relationship before with a Libra previously. I forced myself to grow up and be less emotional because my ex-boyfriend was completely emotionless and overly mature with a pessimistic view towards life. I grew accustomed to two texts a day without affection and had learnt to accept all of him. My friends considered this relationship emotionally abusive for he was cold but I kept on explaining to people that I love him and he treats me well.

I have broken up with him, but my values are a bit altered. So when I met this Cancer boy, I saw childishness and genuine happiness in his eyes of which I have never witnessed in any other males and it captured me.

We have known each other for about a year, but we didn’t know each other well back then. It was not until we were assigned to be partners that our relationship suddenly got a lot of closer within a span of a few days. As a person who is used to emotional distance but would play super closely with males, I can’t tell whether he has an interest in me or not.

He treats me better than other girls in the project and I’ve so far held his hand and leaned on his back and touched his cheeks, but all are results from messing around (such as hand wrestling). I am able to communicate with him using eye contact. However, when I texted him I can’t decide his attitude at all. I am not sure whether he is shy or annoyed or what.

I am naturally very outstanding within our own group because of my role as a more able member who knows how to fix things in all the fields, and I’m known for being funny and loud and makes indecent jokes. He laughs at my jokes, but I’m not sure whether if I’m too bold for him.

I want to approach him even more. I’m willing to go into a very long and devoted relationship with him. I can tell he is a slightly more logical Cancer and his birthday is around the borders of Gemini and Cancer.

I am around a few days before the August-Virgo border. What should I do to develop with him in a stable context? How should I treat him? Should I continue to be a loud sunshine or show my softer sides?

By: ScorpGal Wed, 09 Sep 2015 06:03:55 +0000 I always read a lot about Scorpio Female compability with Cancer Man. But a lot of comment appears “push pull relationship” and not match made in heaven. a little bit confused. seldom have a success relationship between cancer man and scorpio female. is it truth that cancer man need a lot of times to know each other before they fall in love to a girl?

if scorpio woman fall in love to him, i don’t know what kind of move that we should took?

i think as a girl, we couldn’t easy to show our feelings to them, we can only follow his leads, because all man are like chase a girl instead being chased.

By: web admin Wed, 09 Sep 2015 02:15:43 +0000 He made out with you because he realized that he had finally crossed the line completely to a point where you would no longer be his friend or lover. After all of those betrayals, his excuses, cheating and lies, it is time that you move on. You have put up with more betrayals than most people would ever be willing to go through. The only way that you will be able to move on and find happiness is to leave him for good and find someone else. He is gambler, womanizer and liar–you certainly deserve better. You have spent 12 years of your life trying to figure out a relationship that he was never really committed to in the first place. If he had been committed to being with you, he would have introduced you to his friends, shared his feelings and actually cared for what you thought. Move on, find someone else and be with a man who actually deserves you. From your message, I can tell that you are a kind, compassionate and forgiving woman–you do not deserve any of the things that he has put you through.

By: Jadore Tue, 08 Sep 2015 14:25:13 +0000 Virgo woman with Cancer man here. We have been friends for 12 years, I had been guiding him to live his life well all these years despite countless times he let me down and hurt my feelings when I had made so much efforts to aid his career and lifestyle. On his side, he had been taking care of me like fetching me to work and sending me to home, buying meals for me, took me for some short trips together. Yes, we sound like a couple to many but the fact is we are just friends. I couldn’t feel that he loves me, as he keeps his personal things to himself and never share with me, who are his friends and what he is doing after sending me home or when we did not meet, He didn’t call me, he didn’t even ask about my activities or my feelings when I am down or upset because of him or other matters. He ignored my feelings and never concern when he hurts me and I am always the one who went to him and would like to solve it or pretend nothing so I could still see him. 9 years after, I found out he had been gambling all these while even before we met, he went private parties and had one night stand with a girl when he is drunk, his friend checked him and that girl to the hotel for him, he went night clubs with his friends etc, I was so heart broken as I never know he is a man so, how could a friend I dear so much or a man I love so much that is always decent and respectful to me, he never tried to be funny with me throughout the 9 years did those without me knowing a single thing. It is so scary to believe. I couldn’t take it, trust him and fear all his words that I have heard over the years before that happened. I was suffering greatly from that and he went silence for 2 years without checking on me via sms. 2 years later I contacted him because I had my cellphone line under his, and it is time for cancellation, so we met. I couldn’t see sign of remorse and pains after so long. However, he tried to contact me and ask me out sometimes, after a few months, one day he told me one he needs to stop gamble or he could really lose everything he have in life. I can’t not help him after all the efforts I had given for this friend I dear very much, and I aid him like before but I couldn’t trust him like before. So treating him as a friend is all I could place myself in order not to be hurt from him and his actions to me. 1 year later which is now, he had upset me because of a poor planning and put me in trouble, and once again he shown his attitude by ignoring me, leaving me to solve it myself like before.. I hate the same feeling coming to me after these 3 years and I found out he added a random wechat girl and chat with her while I was suffering alone. I asked him out, cried and ask him stop and told him my suffering all these years and why even now so when I do not deserved all these at all, why is he not even treating me well as a friend who did so much for him, and I told him I am letting go completely. He then realised that I love him, he told me he loves me too but he is inferior, he then told me he lied to me he had no relationship before but he had a girlfriend and had sex with her before we knew each other but he didn’t want to tell me because he didn’t care about that at all and want me to be his first for everything, he told me about his one night with the party girl was true, he is really drunk he didn’t even know if he had done that with the girl since the girl was gone when he woke up, he even told me chat with that random girls before because he is lost and he don’t know what to do with his life but those are nothing and he met them only with his guy friends along, he never met them alone. I am in great pains because I couldn’t believe him anymore, his actions throughout the 12years are not love, not even treating as a good friend that he could pour his heart and soul truthfully once. After that day, he keeps finding me because he knew I am suffering these years alone and he had been cowardly running away and that he doesn’t want to run from anything anymore. After a week, we meet.. and he knew that I had bad broken sleeps from the pains he gave me, he saw I am off colored and feverish, and he booked a resort room immediately for me to stay indoor. Saying he will stay by my side like before and watch me to sleep. Of course I can’t get to sleep but I am drained and exhausted, I doze off for minuties and woke up crying from the pains inside me, he hugged me and cried, then he kissed my forehead and slowly my lips and he makeout to me. I was so painful and I don’t know why is he doing that, I pushed him to look at him, he draw me closer, I want to know who he is, what is he thinking, what does he want etc.. After that night, I drifted further, he realised too and he told me he loves me and he wants to give me his everything, he had no lust on me and he want me to feel that I am his only one. But I can’t feel love and I can’t trust everything he said. It is like so many hidden and ommisdive lies like those years, so many things he could do to hurt me, ignore my feelings.. even when I was so painful and crying in pain and torture.. why would he makeout with me and tell me that is love and his everything. I am in great pains. he realised too and he told me that he loves me and he wants to give me his everything, he had no lust on me and he wants me to feel that I am his only one. But I can’t feel love and I can’t trust everything he said. It is like so many hidden and ommissive lies like those years, so many things he could do to hurt me, ignore my feelings.. even when I was so painful and crying in pain and torture.. why would he makeout with me and tell me that is love and his everything. I am in great pains.

By: web admin Tue, 08 Sep 2015 00:00:19 +0000 It looks like you commented twice. I have to approve of each comment manually, so it can sometimes take a bit for me to get through all of them. If it does not appear right away, do not worry because it will. Read through my response and let me know if you have any other questions! Thanks for commenting!

By: web admin Mon, 07 Sep 2015 23:59:08 +0000 Does he also believe that your relationship lacks love and passion? If you guys are no longer getting along very well, have you thought of a divorce? Although you guys have a daughter together, it may be a better environment for her if you guys are separate instead of still together. This is obviously not true in every case, but in many marriages, staying together for the kids only creates a worse environment for them to live in than having two single parents. What do you want to do?
