The A-Z of Awesome Car Names for Girls
It is believed that over a quarter of all motorists will name their car, and this is an even higher figure if it is a first-time car. Cars are a big deal — your first car is an especially big deal. It symbolises your first brush with freedom — being able to travel wherever you like, whenever you like, without needing to rely on somewhere else to get you there. A car isn’t just a car these days; it’s a lifeline. People rely on them to get around, to get to work, to get groceries, the kids to school, etc.
It just makes perfect sense that you would name your vehicle, and if you’re a gal looking for a special kinda name for your car, first car or otherwise, you’ve definitely come to the right place. We’ve got a whole A-Z list of names, and there’s bound to be one in the list that is just perfect for you and your car.
What’s in a name?
Picking a new name for your car doesn’t need to be a difficult task. In fact, you can often come up with a name by the vehicle’s appearance alone — a green-themed name for a green vehicle, for example — Emerald, Mossy, Green Galaxy. A red car could have a red-themed name, such as Rusty Ruby.
You could also use features on the car to help give it a name. A red and rusty car, for example, could easily be called Rusty Ruby, although, this is a name probably given to the car by accident, rather than deliberately …
If you’ve had the car for a long time, or the car has been in the family for years, you could consider calling it something similar to family names — Grandma Golf, for example. If you haven’t had the car for long at all, or seem to go through cars at a much faster rate than anyone else, you could also give the car a number-themed name, Rusty Ruby 1, perhaps?
There are a hundred and one ways that you could grab inspiration for your next car name; why not get together with your family and friends and see if you can’t come up with a fun name too.
The A-Z of Awesome Car Names for Girls
- Abi (or Abigail)
- Amethyst
- Angel
- Angie
- Angry Bull
- Apollo
- Aqua
- Aria (just in case you were a fan of Pretty Little Liars)
- Aurora
- Bailey-Brum
- Bam Bam
- Betsy
- Betty Buick
- Billie Jean
- Black Betty
- Black Magic
- Blue Moon
- Blue Steel (great for a blue car)
- Boom Boom
- Bubbles
- Brimstone
- Burn
- Burner
- Buttercream
- Cabbie (also, Cabby)
- Caddy Cadilliac
- Canary (if you have a yellow car)
- Carat
- Carlotte (like Charlotte)
- Car-oline
- Carro (means car in Portuguese)
- Carzilla
- Cherry Bomb
- Chevy
- Cinderella
- Cooper Camaro
- Cora the Car
- Cutie Pie
- Daffodil (great for a yellow car)
- Dam Hoover
- Delorean
- Devil Dodge
- Devil Driver
- Diamond
- Diva (let’s hope your car doesn’t act like a diva too!)
- Dodger
- Donatella
- Drama Queen (for a car that likes to break down and misbehave a lot)
- Duchess
- Dust Devil
- Eleanor
- Emerald Explorer
- Evie (great for a kid or a car!)
- Fast Five
- Fast & the Furious
- Firebird
- Firebrand
- Flash
- Flora
- Foxy Ford
- Frankie Ford
- Furiosa
- GaGa
- Galaxy
- General Garnet
- Gas-Guzzler
- Greenie
- Goddess
- Gypsy
- Gucci
- Hannah Banana
- Harriet Honker
- Herbie
- Highway Diva
- Honda Honey
- Hot Mess
- Hubcap (if your car could use a little TLC)
- Ice Queen
- Ironhead
- Iron Maiden
- Ivanna Focus
- Jade
- Jeeper
- Jelly
- Jellybean
- June
- June Bug
- Karma (but will Karma be good or bad to you?)
- Kitten
- Kitty (or Kittie)
- Knockout
- Lady Gaga
- Lemonade (Beyonce would approve!)
- Lightning McQueen
- Living Dead (for a car that has definitely seen better days)
- Lovebug
- Lucille
- Lucy Lincoln
- Ma-car-oni Cheese
- Magenta
- Mama’s Ride
- Maria the Motor
- Melanie
- Mercy
- Merlot
- Minnie
- Minty
- MOMobile (you know, a mobile for moms)
- Monica
- Monty
- Mossy (or Mossie)
- Nellie
- Nevaeh (heaven spelled backwards)
- Nia
- Nora
- Nova
- Ode (means born on the road or to travel in Nigerian)
- Olive
- Olly
- Olympia
- Ona (means graceful in Hebrew)
- Onyx (great for black cars)
- Opal
- Oralie
- Pearl
- Penelope
- Penelope Pitstop
- Penny
- Peter Rabbit
- Peyton
- Phantom
- Piston Pony
- Pokey (great for a small car)
- Pooh Bear
- Pookie
- Poppy Polaris
- Porscha (for when you just can’t afford a Porsche)
- Poudretteite (it’s one of the rarest gemstones in the world, therefore, a cool name for a car)
- Prada
- Princess
- Purple Dream
- Qadim (means Ancient in Arabic)
- Queen
- Queenie (or Queeny)
- Race
- Racer
- Racing Rocket
- Rainbow Rider
- Rally Sally
- Rihanna
- Ri-Ri
- Roadpunzel
- Roadrunner
- Rocket (just don’t drive as fast as one)
- Rosa
- Rose
- Rosebud
- Rosy
- Rouge
- Royal Carriage (you are a queen, after all)
- Ruby
- Rusty Dusty
- Rusty Ruby (in fact, Rusty-anything)
- Sadie
- Sapphire
- Sassie
- Sassy Sedan (for a Sedan)
- Serenity
- Sheila (if you’ve ever seen the Sheila’s Wheels TV commercial, you’ll know!)
- Shooting Star
- Silver Bullet
- Smoke
- Speed Machine
- Star
- Starburst
- Sugar Rush
- Suzuki Sidekick
- Taz
- Tazmanian Devil
- Tigger Tesla
- Tinkerbell
- Tiny Dancer
- TO
- Truckenstein
- Turtle (particularly ironic for slow vehicles)
- Uber (because everyone relies on you for rides everywhere already)
- Ulyana (means universal ruler in Teuton)
- Urian (means Princess in Nigerian)
- Ursula (because everyone loves the sea witch, right?)
- Valda (means brave in Latin)
- Valen (means powerful in Swedish)
- Valentine
- Valentino
- Valery (means brave in Latin)
- Vanora (means butterfly in Greek)
- Venus
- Versace
- Virginia Vehicle
- Wade (means dancing girl in Native American)
- Wainwright (means wagon maker in German)
- Waki (means watchman)
- Wee Beasty
- Wheelie
- Xavierre (means fair horse in Greek)
- Yara (Brazilian green-haired goddess)
- Yoana (mythical giant)
- Yves
- Zaidee (means splendor or dazzling in Arabic)
- Zephyr
- Zeta (means amored battle maiden in Teuton)
- Zoe
- Zooma Zimmer
- Zoom-Zoom
- Zora
Of course, if you don’t like the name you’ve given to your car, there’s nothing wrong with changing it. It’s YOUR car — you should give it a name that you feel is appropriate. You spend a lot of time in there, and to many people, it’s more than just a car; it’s also a moving closet, a safe space, and a mode of transport to get you to the places that you really want to get to. The name that you give your wheels should be every bit as special. There’s a good chance that you will remember the car for the rest of your life, particularly if it is your first car.