Carol Burnett Plastic Surgery

By on April 8, 2014

Famous for her comedy skits, Carol Burnett has also drawn attention for her work as an actress. Unlike many starlets, she has come forward about her plastic surgery procedures. Born on April 26, 1933, it is not unusual for stars her age to get plastic surgery. As a child, Carol Burnett wanted to be a comedian and an actress. Unfortunately, she felt hindered by her looks. One of the first procedures she went through was to bring her chin forward. Uncomfortable with her chin, she wanted cosmetic surgery prior to appearing on television. She settled on changing this part of her face first because she felt that it was the least attractive of her facial features.


What Plastic Surgery Procedures Has Carol Burnett Had?

Outside of chin implants and procedures, Carol Burnett has probably had a facelift. At the age of 80, it is perfectly normal for her skin to start to sag or become looser. Due to a facelift, her skin appears smoother and tighter than it normally would. Likewise, there are other procedures that have probably helped. Restylane and collagen injections could have reduced wrinkles and helped to smooth out the face. Despite these procedures, Carol Burnett has discussed staying away from plastic surgery in the future. Appearing a decade younger is fine, but she feels that she is too old to try to keep a youthful appearance for forever.

The most exceptional thing about Carol Burnett’s plastic surgery procedures is the fact that she is so open about it. Unlike other actresses, she is upfront about procedures like her chin implant. Until recent years, she also regularly used Botox. Known for reducing and eliminating wrinkles temporarily, Botox was used to give her smoother skin. Although it has to be injected several times a year to stay effective, it is one of Hollywood’s favorite techniques to look younger. Over the last few years, she seems to have stopped using procedures like Botox. Instead of looking like a garish mask or impression of youth, Carol Burnett has decided to let her body to return to the normal aging process.


Since the procedure to have a fuller chin, Carol Burnett has used other procedures to keep a youthful appearance. Open and honest about plastic surgery, she has also been honest about straying from the surgically enhanced path. Her focus on everything natural has allowed Burnett to age gracefully and develop a beautiful elegance.

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