Christie Brinkley – CoverGirl or Cosmetically Enhanced?
During our investigations of so-called celebrity plastic surgery, we are often shocked by what we come across. We are shocked that some of the women that we considered to be naturally beautiful are not as natural as we first thought. Just one of these women was Christie Brinkley – the face of CoverGirl for over 25 years.
This contract was the longest contract of its kind ever seen in history. It was unusual to see the face of one celebrity as the endorsement. There is always a better looking, prettier, slimmer, more perfect celebrity to take your place. Surely this meant that Christie Brinkley has whatever it was these makeup companies are looking for – a beautiful face, perfect skin, flawless complexion, etc.
She’s a model AND actress but is perhaps her public marriages to some of the biggest names out there that has drawn her the most attention.
There was her marriage to the musician Billy Joel from 1985 to 1994. There was also the previous marriage to Jean-Francois Allaux from 1973 to 1981. He was a French artist. Then there was the Real Estate Developer called Richard Taubman from 1994 (he propose while she was still married to Billy Joel) to 1995 after one child together. She also had a child with Billy Joel. There was then a very public and tumultuous marriage and subsequent breakup with Peter Halsey Cook. With reports of porn-obsessions, affairs, overwhelming force within the marriage and psychiatric situations, it is likely that her love life would have taken its toll on her looks and her mental health.
Despite all of the ups and downs her life has gone through, she still looks every inch the beautiful young lady. The only problem with this, of course is the fact that she’s not actually all that young anymore.
She was born in Michigan on February 2nd, 1954 which means she’s coming up to her 60th birthday! There is no way this woman looks anywhere near 60 years of age! Just compare that to how your mother’s or grandmother’s look – there’s no resemblance at all, is there?
Of course, the fire was fed when Christie and her daughter went into hospital together, reportedly to have celebrity plastic surgery. The daughter had her nose fixed although this was said to be because she had suffered with breathing problems, and it as mentioned that Christie herself could have gone under the surgeon’s knife.
Although there are no visible marks that Christie has had celebrity plastic surgery, she has defied the ageing process so spectacularly, it can’t be down to just natural causes. She’s the face of CoverGirl so any plastic surgery she does have, if any, needs to be so subtle that no one could recognise it. If that was the goal, it has definitely been achieved. She definitely doesn’t look completely made over like some other celebrities out there such as Goldie Hawn or Melanie Griffith. Any changes to her face have been so slight, they have barely been recognised, and this would also suggest an ongoing process.
She doesn’t have the puffy yet smooth forehead that is often associated with Botox users but nevertheless, Christine Brinkley has a forehead that is almost completely flawless. Surgeons have suggested fillers or a possible face lift, but if there has been any work done, the surgeon was a true professional.
There’s possible dental work done there. Was 60 year old woman has teeth quite that beautiful? There are no wrinkles around the cheeks either. With actresses such as Meryl Streep, you can see certain signs of the ageing process. With Christine Brinkley, there are none.
There are a few lines around the eyes but not quite as many as you would expect to see on a woman of this age, and this would suggest an eye lift perhaps.
Although she doesn’t confirm the rumours, they are still continuing to fly around and you know what they say – there is no smoke without fire. CoverGirl is a great makeup brand and we know that, but even the best makeup in the world can’t defy the ageing process, right? If there is such a brand of makeup available, we sure would love to know about it! 😉
So what do you guys think? Could Christie Brinkley look as good as she does because of a great, healthy lifestyle, plenty of sleep, lots of exercise and a non-boozy approach? Or has the magic wand that is the plastic surgeons knife performed the unspeakable and allowed a 60 year old woman to look barely half her age? We’ll let you decide…