50 Creative Coffee Shop and Cafe Names
Since Starbucks first became popular years ago, coffee shops and cafes have spread far and wide. In the birthplace of Starbucks in Washington State, there are drive-thru espresso stands, coffee houses and cafes on just about every corner. If you are good at running a business, then starting a coffee shop may be a lucrative business plan for you.
Choosing Creative Coffee Shop and Cafe Names
Now that you have made the decision to start your coffee shop, you have to invest in recipes, buy flavors, find an espresso machine and rent a storefront. You also have to think of the right coffee shop name. While making a name is a good step, you should be careful about how you do it. Long ago, one coffee shop decided to name itself Federal Espresso. The cute, creative name was a violation of FedEx’s copyrights, so FedEx sued. The coffee shop then changed its name to Ex-Federal Espresso, but this still did not work. A creative name needs to be original, or you will end up running into the same problem.
As you try to figure out the right coffee shop name, look around at some of the shops in your area. Like any business, these coffee shops are designed to have catchy, unique names. Often, they express the underlying culture or values of the coffee shop. You need a name that will make a casual pedestrian or driver want to visit, so take your time with this step. Once your coffee shop is incorporated, it will be much harder to change your name later on.
50 Coffee Shop and Cafe Name Ideas
1. The Busy Bean: For the working professional, this is a great name for a cafe.
2. [Name’s] Cafe: If you cannot think of any other name, you can always just use your name followed by cafe or coffee shop.
3. The Daily Grind: Since coffee beans are ground up, this is a clever name for it.
4. The Coffee Club: This sounds like a fun, inviting name that is easy to remember.
5. Baristas: If you cannot think of a more creative name, Baristas is a classy, easy name to use.
6. Ground Up Cafe: You start a business from the ground up. You also start your day from the ground up with a cup of coffee.
7. The Friendly Bean: This name is great if you want to make your inviting for everyone.
8. Seattle Barista: Obviously, you can change the city name to your actual city. You could also pick a French or Italian city name instead to signal that your coffee is as good as these coffee centers.
9. Aroma Mocha: Cute and simple.
10. The Family Bean: This is a good name to choose if you want to signal that your coffee shop is family friendly.
11. Coffee House: It might be simple, but it still sounds quite cute.
12. Coffee Time: Coffee Time is a name that is easy to remember and simple to spell—perfect if your customers are going to search for your shop online.
13. Jacked Up Coffee: This is a clever, cute name.
14. The Hideout: Use this coffee shop name if you want your clients to feel like they have found a refuge from the rest of the world whenever they step into your cafe.
15. No Doze Cafe: If you drink enough coffee, you are likely to lose out on sleep.
16. Espresso Express: This is a cute play off of the word “espresso.”
17. Cup of Joe: Cup of Joe is a basic play off of one of the common terms for a cup of coffee.
18. Grinders Cafe: Be careful with this option since many sandwiches are also called grinders.
19. Impresso Expresso: While this option is cute, it may be hard for customers to spell out if they want to search for you online.
20. Mugs Coffee: When you post your employee of the month, you could use mug shots to play on this name.
21. Love You a Latte: This is my personal favorite on the list and the one I would choose if I set up a coffee shop.
22. The Steam Room: Since you steam milk, the Steam Room is a great name.
23. The Split Bean: Not a bad name to use.
24. Lava Java: It rhymes with Java, so this name is easy to remember.
25. Wake Up Cafe: Hopefully, your coffee will wake your clients up.
26. The Grind: Simple, yet accurate.
27. Manhattan Mocha: You can switch Manhattan to your city’s name. To make it easier to remember, use alliteration—try to use a coffee drink that starts with the same letter as your city name.
28. Beans ‘N Cream Cafe: This is a super cute name.
29. Wide Awake Cafe: Many coffee shops use some variation of “awake” in their name.
30. Jitterbug Cafe: This is an adorable name to use, and it easily lends itself to a cafe mascot.
31. The Roasted Bean: Cute!
32. Beany Business: This one might be a little too cute.
33. Espresso Cafe: It might be simple, but it works.
34. Yo Jo Coffee Shop: This is a simplified way of saying, “Your Joe,” as in, “Your Cup of Joe.”
35. All Steamed Up: This doesn’t sound particularly family friendly, so perhaps you should use this if your coffee shop is in a fairly hip, young area.
36. Coffee Express: Simple, yet perfect.
37. Screamin’ Beans: If all of your favorite names are taken, try this one.
38. Common Ground: Common ground is where people can share believes and meet together. Coffee grounds are found at a coffee shop. Clever? We think so.
39. Topped Off: You top off coffee with whipped cream or “top off” a cup of coffee, so this name is great.
40. Whipped: Again, this is a better name to use in a hip area since it isn’t particularly family friendly.
41. Spiced Chai Cafe: We love this name, although some customers may think that you have a tea shop instead of a coffee shop.
42. Dream Bean Cafe: A play off of the phrase, “Dream Team.”
43. Expresso: A fun name for a cafe.
44. Jumpstart Coffee House: This is a cute coffee shop name, and it would work especially well if you are in an industrial area or near a mechanic shop.
45. Hug a Mug Cafe: Adorable.
46. Jumpin’ Beans Coffee: Another great name.
47. Cafe Au Lait: It is a type of coffee drink, but also a great business name.
48. Steaming Mugs: This sounds like the type of coffee shop you would go to on chilly winter days.
49. Club Coffee: It might not be the most creative on this list, but it would work in a pinch.
50. Latte Da: This is an adorable name for a coffee shop.