Comments for Thu, 12 Aug 2021 13:16:59 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on 20 Hottest Hollywood Actresses by Christopher Nowak BFA MLIS Thu, 12 Aug 2021 13:16:59 +0000 ELISHA CUTHBERT!!!!!

Comment on 20 Hottest Hollywood Actresses by Christopher Nowak BFA MLIS Thu, 12 Aug 2021 13:13:26 +0000 In reply to cybertheolibnut.


Comment on 20 Hottest Hollywood Actresses by Christopher Nowak BFA MLIS Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:38:48 +0000 In reply to Christopher Nowak BFA MLIS.

Sorry folks.
It should be COUGAR TOWN.

Comment on 20 Hottest Hollywood Actresses by Christopher Nowak BFA MLIS Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:30 +0000 Donna Douglas, Linda Purl, Piper Perabo, Diane Lane, Elizabeth Berkley, Halle Berry and Sarah Carter???!!!

Comment on 10 Signs Your Crush Likes You Back by Jessica Wed, 12 May 2021 08:31:23 +0000 A man I know checked for something under my eye, gently brushing my skin twice (as though wiping a tear away) and then cupped the side of my face/cheekbone in his hand for a second or two. The gesture felt very tender and unexpected.

Do you think he likes me? Is this a romantic move?

He has also sat down across from me (no table) with his feet touching mine. This happened on two separate occasions. He also touches me a lot BUT since I never think someone is flirting with me it’s hard to be sure. What do you think??

Comment on How To Get Your Crush To Like You by Kayla Wed, 17 Feb 2021 21:48:21 +0000 In reply to Kayla.

So today he decided he would speak first since I’m so shy. He asked about when I’d be at lunch and I told him 2nd. I saw him looking for me and he texted me later and said he didn’t see me and I told him I saw him looking for me. Later on he asked me when would I speak to him I said probably never cause I’m don’t have the courage to 😭. Then he asked when would I let him speak to me and I said I can’t control what you do then he asked me where I go when class is over and he came and spoke to me. He kept saying how little I am a lot 😂 and asked me why I’m so shy compared to text. I said I have to get comfortable with you first. Then we were talking a bit more and he said I better say hey to him when I see him or he’s gonna beat me up in a joking way you know it went surprisingly well considering how freaked out I was

Comment on How To Get Your Crush To Like You by Kayla Wed, 17 Feb 2021 04:57:06 +0000 So I’m a 17 year old senior and recently like three weeks ago now I was at lunch and I saw this guy a couple tables across. I thought he was the cutest guy ever and I couldn’t stop stealing looks at him. So, I found out who he was and we started talking. He’s kind of a reserved guy like he won’t say hey irl and I’m way too shy to cause I’ve never really been like this with a guy. I saw him on the way to lunch one time and we made direct eye contact. Later on that day he texted me and asked why did I act like I didn’t see him? I’ll be honest I really did act like I didn’t just cause I was shy. He was kinda offended in a way for a lack of a better word that I didn’t speak to him. Then he started to talk about how I’m so short it was cute honestly. I was surprised by this. So lately something really sad happened and one of my bests friends actually passed away and I’ve been really down about it but he’s been there to support me still. He even asked me today why I’ve been so distant and not texting him like normal. I don’t like to feel like I’m bothering people and like I said earlier he’s on the more reserved side too. Even so, he’s really been so sweet to me idk it’s just different you know? I was just curious what do you guys think about this?

Comment on My Crush Knows I Like Him – Now What? by Olivia Tue, 05 Jan 2021 03:30:32 +0000 So he knows that I like him but won’t say that he knows. He’s been my friend for so long and that’s how he found out, the fact that he knows me so much. What should I do bc we live far away but I want him to like me too but I feel like he doesn’t like me. He has given hints that he may have a tiny crush on him but like, now what?

Comment on If You Had a Dream of Someone, Is It Because They Think of You? by Grace Thu, 24 Dec 2020 01:27:02 +0000 Hi there! I had a dream about a guy I used to like a lot. However, I don’t like him anymore because of his bad personality. Anyways, the dream was that he was lying on my lap while I was stroking his hair. We were stargazing and it felt like I was in love. There may be a few details I’m missing, but this is all I can remember. I just can’t stop thinking about it! I’m confused as to why I would dream about him rather than my current crush that I have now. I hope you can help me interpret what this means 🙂 Happy Holidays!

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