Comments on: 60 Cute Things to Say to Your Crush Thu, 19 Sep 2019 05:55:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Sun, 15 Sep 2019 03:48:49 +0000 You are aware that she has a boyfriend. Do not attempt to harm their relationship. Do not attempt to nourish a romantic relationship with her. It is appropriate for you to continue to share your kindness and compassion with her. If her relationship ends and she reaches out to you, then speak with her about your thoughts and feelings at that time. Have a great day, Khasim!

By: Khasim Sat, 14 Sep 2019 13:46:33 +0000 Hello I have this girl I really love but she has a boyfriend and she knows I love her but I don’t knw wats goin on?

By: web admin Wed, 11 Sep 2019 03:47:59 +0000 The two of you have been maintaining a physical relationship and you are aware that your feelings for him are growing. Make a decision about what you want for the future of this relationship. Speak with him about your thoughts and feelings, and give him an opportunity to share himself with you as well. Have a great day, Tiffonel!

By: Tiffonel Tue, 10 Sep 2019 23:02:54 +0000 Hey,
I have been hooking up with this guy for about 7 months. I caught feelings and I am not sure what to do.

By: web admin Wed, 28 Aug 2019 04:46:45 +0000 She has a boyfriend, so you are aware that she is unable to maintain a romantic relationship with you at this time. The face that she sent in response is an indication that she appreciates the compliment. However, she is in a relationship. Do not continue to send her flirtatious messages. Instead, just share your kindness and compassion with her. If she ends her current relationship and reaches out to you, then speak with her about your thoughts and feelings at that time. Have a great day, Buzzy!

By: Buzzybuzzgurl Wed, 28 Aug 2019 02:36:29 +0000 I like this girl 😅 shes amazing. Nice,cute,loving, we Hug,hold hands, we sit together and nap sometimes… Well she got a boyfriend…and left me…. I didn’t know what to do so I sent this from the article-Just wanted to let me know that you make me act like an idiot every time you are nearby me- she sent me this- 😙…idk what to do

By: web admin Mon, 26 Aug 2019 18:33:05 +0000 The two of you share a strong relationship, and it is clear that he wants to spend additional time with you in person. You are feeling impatient, so make the decision to make the first move. You do not need to wait for him to gain the confidence to ask you out. Determine what you want for your future, and take whatever action that you feel is appropriate. Have a great day, Zara!

By: Zara Mon, 26 Aug 2019 11:01:05 +0000 It’s really nice to read this and all. Nice work on the article!!
My crush and I have been texting eachother non-stop since we exchanged numbers, to the point where he evens saves a seat for me on the bus. Our shoulders touch, our hands brush and he changes his posture ever so slightly so that I’m leaning into his side.
He even flirts a lot with me, calling me “pretty” and “beautiful” but avoids the topic of dating.
I like him a lot, but he isn’t asking me out and I’m getting impatient.
What should I do?
Love and thanks for the article,

By: web admin Fri, 23 Aug 2019 22:45:50 +0000 You are interested in developing a relationship with her. You have her number. If she gave you her number, then send her a message. If you got her number through another means, then delete it. Make a decision about what you want for the future of this relationship. Speak with her about your thoughts and feelings. Nourish this relationship by spending additional time with her in person. Have a great day, Sherry!

By: Sherry Fri, 23 Aug 2019 18:04:14 +0000 I’ve a crush, she don’t I’m in love with her, we don’t talk even over texting , but i really want her what should I write to her, I’m nervous ,I have her number.
