Dating Brazilian Men
As stereotypical as it can seem to say that a certain nationality is a certain way when it comes to dating, there are definite cultural differences. And when it comes to the Brazilian men they are known for being good looking, physically fit and extremely passionate. Read on fi you find yourself attracted to Brazilian men…
Hello, Let’s Kiss
Brazilian men have no qualms about approaching a woman whom they find attractive. In fact, they go up to almost any woman who catches their eye. They will start talking to you and paying you attention physically by touching you and kissing your cheeks. After a while, maybe as little as five minutes they will try to kiss you on the lips.
Of course, not all Brazilian men are that forward, especially not if they are living abroad and know that the speed of getting to the first kiss is a bit slower, but expect that a Brazilian man who is interested in you will try to make out with you sooner rather than later.
Brazilian men will compliment you like there’s no tomorrow – anything they see that they like about you, they will tell you about. Presumably that will be a lot of compliments as there’s a reason why they are dating you!
Bear in mind though that Brazilian men will compliment you from the day they met you, so whilst some compliments may be extremely sincere if they’ve known you for a long time, many compliments only tell you what they like in the moment.
In other words: Brazilian men love women and they will show the women just how much they appreciate them, from the moment they lay eyes on them!
Dating Exclusively
If you meet a Brazilian man who wants to flirt with you and showers you in compliments at a bar, it doesn’t mean you’ll ever see him again. Only when a Brazilian man tell you that you are exclusive or boyfriend girlfriend (namorar), which often happens relatively fast, will you know he has some more serious intent with you.
The Brazilian dating culture is different from the American one in that most Brazilians decide to become exclusive right off the bat. It takes them a week to figure out if they have worthwhile chemistry with a person and from then on they will be exclusive with them. That, on the other hand does not mean they are looking for a super serious relationship. Some want fun forever, some want fun right now.
Fidelity on the whole is less strict than in America, but this is of course individual too. There are people who see faithfulness different in every town. If you expect your man to always be faithful, you will have to discuss that to make sure you are on the same page.
As the story goes – love is one thing, fidelity another.
Whilst Brazilian men aren’t always faithful, they are usually very possessive of their women. If other men try to flirt with them in front of them, they do not take it lightly.
Going Out Together
If you are a couple in Brazil you tend to attend most social functions together. It’s rare for men and women to go out by themselves with friends once they are an item. Brazilian men love flirting with women so if a woman shows up alone, they will do so. Your boyfriend, as a result, won’t like the idea of you going alone to social events. If you go by yourself somewhere it’s often seen as a sign that your relationship is a bit rocky.
Brazilians are often close with their families and will introduce you to them right off the bat. Being introduced to someone’s family doesn’t mean they want to marry you – it’s no different to them than introducing you to friends. Or well, their relationship with their family may be different from that to their friends, but they don’t see it as a serious business introducing you to their family. They simply want to share that part of their life with you as it is a big part of their life.
Living at Home
Whilst it’s not true of all Brazilian men, many live at home till the age they get married, not least because the salary you first earn when you start working doesn’t pay the bills. So be prepared to date someone who hasn’t yet learnt how to fold their own laundry… But don’t worry – there’s an exception to every rule…
They Show Affection
Public displays of affection are not unusual in Brazil. It’s a culture where people touch each other much more so than in America. So be prepared for a man who will cuddle and kiss you in public!
By Maria Montgomery – Maria is a freelance writer, director and social entrepreneur. She’s also the spokesperson for The Little Angels Community Center and an avid blogger. You can find her somewhere between Cape Town, London and L.A., where you will most likely find her in the hills, looking out over the city she loves. @OhMyMontgomery