Comments on: Dating Finnish Men Tue, 08 Sep 2015 00:06:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Sat, 05 Sep 2015 20:21:55 +0000 If you like him and want to stay in touch, then go ahead and try talking to him on Facebook. With such a distance between you, you will need all of the social media options possible to stay in contact. You do not have to tell him about your feelings or send him a long message–a basic hello would be fine to start the conversation off.

By: A girl... Sat, 05 Sep 2015 16:33:28 +0000 Thanks for all informations! :) I read lots of things about Finns, Finnish guys… And ah i think, i’m falling in love with a Finnish guy, or i’m just fan of him, i’m not sure… I’m 17, i visited Savonlinna/Finland in last January. I met a Finnish guy, he’s a student, (we went to there with school…) he’s so helpful but he doesn’t speak so much. One time he sat my near at cafeteria, next time i sat with him but he didn’t speak again. Then i asked his name and age, he’s 24, but he didn’t ask my name or age. I couldn’t speak him well. He’s my friend on Facebook and i can’t speak with him still… It’s 8 mounths and i can’t miss him! What should i do? I know, we’re so different, i’m Turkish and Turkish people are generally so warm… But ah i really don’t know what should i do… :'(

By: web admin Sun, 23 Aug 2015 20:28:53 +0000 It is a good thing that you are here to tell the world about Finnish men, since you say that they are not boastful. ;) All kidding aside, I am sure that many people who have dated Finnish men would agree with your description. Thank you for commenting! I am glad to see that this article was able to help you out!

By: Asumaan Suomeen Sun, 23 Aug 2015 18:50:22 +0000 Finnish men are interesting persons and good husbands. Finnish men have a lot of qualities what women appreciate. I think all the women of the world would like to date finnish men if they would just know how great they are. Finnish men don’t usually keep a lot of noise about them selves.
