Doin’ Leftover’s with Style!
There’s nothing worse than eating the same thing every day for a week because you have so many leftovers. Sadly this is the case with many houses around the world after Christmas, simply because people don’t know what to do with leftovers. You don’t need to eat a traditional roast dinner every day for a whole week because you had potatoes, turkey and vegetables left over. There are so many more things that you can do! We decided to show you exactly what you can do with your Christmas Day leftovers… and also how to make them healthy!
We won’t bore you with too many ideas about what to do with the leftover turkey – we feel that we have paid the bird plenty of attention. For now, we are going to concentrate on the things that you can do with the vegetables and the spuds – the good stuff!
Don’t fancy another roast turkey dinner? Why not try a leftover turkey dinner casserole. Literally throw everything into a casserole dish and whack in the over for a few hours with some extra vegetables and additions if you have them to spare. Alternatively, you could leave this to cook all day in a slow-cooker. It’s easy and lazy – that’s exactly what you need while you are feeling sluggish after Christmas, right?
If you want to tang your casserole up a bit, you could add lemongrass and ginger to give it a Chinese-style tang to it. You could even add garlic to add the Italian flair. Honey-mustard is another great sauce style to opt for – we told you there were plenty of choices!
If you have leftover Christmas pudding, why not make a strudel out of it? You could even make a cheesecake if you are smart, mixing cake with biscuit for a crunchy, tangy base! You could make Christmas pudding ice cream, mini christmas pudding strudels or tarts (or bigger ones if you prefer), Christmas pudding trifle, brownies and so much more! Not that we expect there to be any leftover Christmas pudding, of course!
If you have cheese left over from a cheese board, why not make a cheese and onion tart out of it? You can make the tart/quiche/flan bases ready made, and they aren’t difficult to make yourself. You could even consider attempting a souffle but that sure looks like a lot of hard work!
What about a spice parsnip and ham soup to use up the last of the ham and the vegetables you still have. You could throw onion in here, carrots, turnips; in fact, pretty much anything you fancy. You could substitute the ham for chicken, turkey, duck… Again, the possibilities are endless.
You could make a mincemeat crumble with low-fat custard for a hearty winter treat, a rustic soup to warm those cold winter nights, soups, risottos and much ore with your Christmas day leftovers.
Remember to take the usual notes into account and your Christmas leftovers could be just as healthy as you would want them to be – replace butter with low-fat spread, make sure you use lean cuts of meat, don’t fry anything and use low-fat or low-calorie substations where possible… Let’s end the year in style!
**Photos of the delicious goodies found on