Doutzen Kroes Diet and Workout

By on April 1, 2014

Twenty-eight year old Dutch model, Doutzen Kroes, is one of the most famed supermodels in the business, and not to mention the fifth highest paid. She became a Victoria’s Secret Angel back in 2008 and since then has used her status to promote a healthy lifestyle, firmly standing up and saying that zero is not a size and that women should be proud of their curves. Doutzen Kroes has a two year old son and, unlike a lot of models, chose to take nine months off work after giving birth so that she could spend plenty of time with him and not rush back into shape. Her life revolves around her family, not her work, which is one of the reasons she’s an advocate for healthy and fit, not skinny.

Doutzen Kroes has also been known to say that it’s not reasonable for everyday women like us to expect to look like her, she even says that on her days off you would barely recognise her without her professionally curled hair and a full face of makeup. She gets a tonne of help from her personal trainer Michael Olajide, a former boxer, and Mary Helen Bowers, the founder of Ballet Beautiful, to ensure she stays looking as she does, advantages that aren’t available to everyone. That said, she’s kindly shared her dietary secrets and workout routines time and again for those of us who wish to try and follow in her footsteps. Just remember, it’s not about being skinny however, it’s about being healthy.


All Legs

Like all models, Doutzen Kroes has a gorgeous set of legs. In order to maintain them and ensue they’re never too skinny or too bulky she uses a range of toning exercises such as squats, yoga and stretching to keep her pins looking their best.


Jumping Rope

Instead of attempting to build muscle, Doutzen Kroes aims to simply look toned and lean. She aims to achieve this by doing simple workouts for long periods of time, opposed to complex ones for just a short period of time. She does a lot of cardio exercises to achieve this and enjoys running but her absolute favourite cardio exercise is jumping rope. It makes her body flexible, agile and alert as well as giving her a great workout.


Box It Out

One of the supermodel’s favourite workouts is boxing. It keeps her stamina and energy levels high which keep her ready to tackle every day life as a model, actress and mother and also helps her to vent any negative feelings. As well as keeping her physically fit, boxing keeps Doutzen Kroes on an emotional high too.


The Terrible Twos (And All The Rest!)

Doutzen Kroes has a two year old son and admits that since having him she’s put much less effort into working out. The reason isn’t just because she has less time to do so, it’s because just running around after him gives her all the exercise she needs. Even experts agree that mothers who are constantly active and caring for their child in their first seven to eight years are more likely to have a healthy and fit body than those who let their husbands do the work.


Pre and Post Workout Snacks

For Doutzen Kroes, one of the most important things to consider when it comes to nutrition is what to eat before and after a workout. According to her, it’s what determines the effectiveness of your workout so it’s vital you get it right. Before a workout, she tends to eat low fat yoghurt and wheat free granola along with a big cup of coffee to give her plenty of energy. If she’s lacking for time however, an energy bar is a good substitute.

What Doutzen Kroes eats post workout really depends on the type of workout she does. Mostly however she’ll eat a protein based snack, especially after toning, and these are likely to consist of hepm, chocolate or vanilla brown rice, dry fruits, unsalted nuts, protein shakes or oats.


Be Natural

Doutzen Kroes believes that the absolute best way to remain healthy and stay fit is to eat natural foods. Fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, lean meats and lots of water all feature heavily in her diet and have proved to be a winning combination.


Don’t Deprive Yourself

Doutzen Kroes has a weakness for eating french fries and potato chips and says she finds it hard to resist them entirely. Now and again she will allow herself to indulge, that way she’s less likely to binge on these foods, but tries not to eat an entire packet. Of course, sometimes even Doutzen Kroes can’t help herself however. According to her, it’s okay to have a food weakness, just so long as you control it and eat your favourite unhealthy foods in moderation.


(all images sourced via

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