Dream About Worms
Dreaming about worms is generally an unpleasant experience. Unfortunately, the meaning of this dream does not improve the situation very much. When you dream about worms, it typically shows that you are arguing with enemies. It may warn that your physical health may come under attack from an illness.
At the same time, there can occasionally be positive meanings to dreaming about worms. In nature, germs are responsible for keeping the soil fertile. Because of this, they may represent the fertility of the soil, rejuvenation, health and new growth. They help Mother Nature cycle nutrients and waste from the soil. In some cases, dreaming about worms can show that you are transforming your life and rejuvenation is possible.
What Does It Mean to Dream About Worms?
The meaning of your dream about worms can depend significantly on what happens in the dream. Worms can show that you should persevere toward your goals because tough times are ahead. By persevering, you will be rewarded and will emerge unscathed. If you see many, many worms in your dream, it may show that there are arrogant people near you. You have to be careful in financial dealings because your enemies may be trying to steal from you.
If you see just one worm, it means that a friend will help you when you need it and did not expect it. A single worm in your dreams may also represent someone new coming in to your life. Stepping on a worm shows that you will push your closest friends away if you do not make changes. Meanwhile, using worms for fishing shows that success is about to arrive in your life.
Different Interpretations About Worms
1. Worms in Your Food
When you see worms in your food, it is generally not a positive sign. This typically means that someone at your work is jealous about your success or position. They will not stop in their attempts to beat you. They may question the quality of your work or your integrity to take you down. Be careful!
2. Eating Worms
Eating worms is not a pleasant experience in real life or in a dream. Luckily, this is actually a good sign in your dreams. It shows that you will achieve whatever you are trying to accomplish. The people around you will respect you and praise you for your achievements.
3. A Worm Crawling on Grass
If you dream that one or more worms is crawling through the grass, it means that there will be a hostile situation at work or at home. You should be careful and notice if something is upsetting a person near you. Otherwise, they may direct their aggressive, angry outburst toward you.
4. Earthworms
Earthworms generally means something about your personal relationship with someone else. It may mean that there will be a major change in your relationship, or new possibilities will develop. This type of dream can also mean that travels are in your future.
5. Worms Crawling Across Your Body
If there are worms crawling on your body in the dream, it shows that you have an inner desire to achieve financial or material prosperity. Unfortunately, you may be struggling with your goals because they are not within reach right now. If you brush the worms off of your body, it may mean that you are not interested in getting material or financial prosperity because you would rather focus on non-material things.
6. Silkworms
Silkworms are a positive symbol in your dreams. They show the connections or strings that link you to other people. Your connections are strong, so you are able to rely on these connections for support whenever you undergo hardship. As long as you return their support, the relationships will remain strong.
7. Crushing Worms
Women who dream about crushing worms shows a potential for distress from unwanted attention. The best way out of this problem is to politely refuse their advances. You have to be direct though because they will not realize you are truly not interested otherwise.
8. Fishing for Worms
When you dream about fishing with worms, it shows that you are being pulled into a routine. You may be dressing too boringly, or you may be stuck in the same rut during your daily life. Sometimes, you need to make changes to grow. Even if you just cut your hair or buy a new jacket, it may help to change your life for the better.
9. Worms Emerging From Your Body
Worms are often connected to decay and dirt. They are also a symbol of fertility and rejuvenation. In your dream, the worms emerging from the body may show that a certain event is forcing your suppressed feelings to emerge. Those feelings may be good or bad because it depends on where they are emerging from. Worms out of your eyes shows that your perspective is negatively skewed. Worms from your ankles show that you have a distaste for the material things of the world.