Dreams About Being Chased by a Killer
Dreaming that you are being chased by a killer can be one of THEE most horrifying nightmares imaginable; and get this: having a dream about being chased is one of the most common dreams that people have. Sucks, right?
Yes, it’s true that being chased makes our hearts pound out of our chest and leave us with a fright the moment we open our eyes. But that doesn’t mean it’s all bad, in fact, these nightmares have some serious meanings behind them that we need to look into instead of brushing them off as another ‘bad dream’.
You’re Struggling From a Real Life Situation
Some people go through some horrendous things in life, and having a dream that you are being chased can simply be your brain remembering the horrible experience; especially if you have been chased by an actual bad person before, or have been stalked by someone scary, or simply been through another bad situation in which you felt afraid- just like you did in your nightmare.
If you’re having bad dreams in relation to an actual real life event, you may want to seek help so these dreams do not continue and you can get rid of some of that pent up fear and PTSD.
Being Chased By a Human
Believe it or not, dreams of being chased and the meanings behind it actually change depending on what is chasing you. If you dreamed that you are being chased by a human, pay attention to who the person is. Is it someone you are afraid of or weary of? Is it someone you are jealous of? Is it someone you are in love with, but don’t want to be? Pay close attention to the person that is chasing you. If you can figure out the person, you can understand why it is happening.
On the other hand, if you could not see the actual person that was chasing you, it could be a sign that you’re running away from real life situations or emotions. Perhaps you are scared and running from a problem in your life, such as a big paper due at the end of the week. You may also be running away from feelings, whether it’s something sweet yet scary like love or something more intense like hatred or jealousy.
Again, pay close attention to your dream and what’s happening in your own life. Having a dream of being chased may mean you’re running from something, someone, or some emotion you need to overcome.
Being Chased By an Animal
Animals can be killers too, especially if you’re dreaming about larger-than-life animals or ones that have giant teeth, such as a lion, shark, or gorilla. However, the most common reason why you may have a dream about a killer animal chasing you is because you have some sort of pent of aggression that you are not handling in your real life.
After having a frightening dream such as this, you need to assess the situations in your life and how you are reacting to them. This dream should show you that you need to release your anger and move forward in life.
How to Stop Having These Nightmares
The only way to truly stop these nightmares is to understand what (or who) you are running from and handle the situation properly. Sometimes it can be a simple fix while other times it may take more work, but in the end you will feel better both in and out of your dreams.
The next time you wake up with your heart pounding out of your chest and your breath panting and wheezing from fear from your dream of being chased by a killer, understand why you are having the dream and go on from there. While sometimes we are just nervous worry warts that have a bad dream because we believe it’s something that could truly happen, other times it is a representation that we are running from something and need to handle the situation for inner peace.
Have you ever had a dream where you were being chased by a killer? What happened in your dream and what do you think it meant?
September 30, 2019 at 11:57 pm
I had a dream that this guy (I don’t even know who he is) was chasing me down for some reason. I don’t know how but everything was just off. First off, my friend and I went into this cave then we slept there for like a night, then the next day it magically turned into my previous school (that I have graduated from)and I was in my old room again, then people I knew from the school started coming towards me and telling me that’ they thought I was dead. All of a sudden, it was ‘time for dinner’ in the school (It was a boarding school) then I heard (run run, he is coming for you!) then I jumped out the window and that’s when the dream ended, cause I woke up.
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December 28, 2019 at 11:29 pm
Dreams about being chased and attacked are often manifestations of fears or concerns that you may have in your waking life. It is possible that your previous school may have been a place that made you feel worried. If you have similar dreams in the future, then speak with whoever is attacking you within the dream. This will help to prevent similar dreams from appearing in the future.
Jordan B
September 25, 2019 at 9:40 pm
I just had a dream where I was in a house and with some people I knew and didn’t know everybody. I was trying to get away and hide out from this serial killer/murderer and I kept getting away I felt like but then I would see him or feel he was near so I hide once more and right when I thought I was fine he stabbed me and left me for dead. Now usually I wake up when I’m about to die in my dreams but in this one I was still alive and just hurting or drying from me getting stabbed. I tried to leave the house but my brothers friend and someone else wouldn’t let me do then I tried to hide again because I knew the killer was still there. I saw someone’s mom get killed and I finally got to hide in a good spot but then woke up before I was found again… now I’m eating ice cream trying to go back to sleep. And I am not in a life situation where I’m running. From anyone so what could this mean?
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December 27, 2019 at 5:56 pm
Dreams about being chased and attacked are often indications of stresses that you have in your life. You have stated that you are not running from anything, so it is possible that this dream is a manifestation of your knowledge of recent shootings and other violent events. If you have a similar dream in the future, then address the people who are chasing about their purpose within your dream. This should cause these dreams to appear less frequently.
September 14, 2019 at 10:35 am
I keep getting dreams where I know someonevis out to get me I had a dream where my parents changed me around the house trying to slit my wrists and I had another dream where I was with a guy that my mum told me I shouldn’t be with (I didn’t onow that guy in real life) and he slit my throat. I just woke up from a dream where there’s a sniper that keeps killing random people (neighbours etc) and he shot at my so I went to the hospital and when I got out with family we went to the hotel and I thought to myself there’s no way that the killer can find me here it’s a fancy hotel with good security but he kicked the door and killed me and my mum. It’s really stressful because I’m scared the whole duration on the dream.
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September 14, 2019 at 9:39 pm
Your dreams seem to be indications of concerns or worries that you have in your life. Many aspects of these dreams are similar to movies or shows that you may have seen. Allow the negative aspect of your dreams to fade. Abstain from consuming violent and dramatic media, as this will reduce the frequency of similar dreams manifesting in the future. If you have similar dreams in the future, then address whoever is chasing your attacking you regarding their purpose within the dream. Have a great day, Erica!
September 13, 2019 at 1:42 pm
I dream 2 times about someone trying to catch me, they try to kill me either by throwing a knife or punch me. The first dream is about me and my family want to go out at night, we are just getting the vehicle I suddenly get urge to use the toilet, and when I’m in toilet, the light is dim and there is someone there, when I want to turn around that person punch me in the stomach so I wake up. The second dream is about someone trying to get revenge, he/she(they are always changing) trying to stab me.he try to kill me at the sportfield, at the boat, at almost everywhere, at first everyone trying to protect me and help me but slowly whenthey guard down, he/she is using a worm in my teeth and turn it into a girl with white dress. S/He deceive me by that girl, and when finally I know who she is that girl grip on my cloth and that when her skin touch my, I wake up it felt so real and I’m scarred. Conclusion it always want to catch me whenever I get killed or finally catched, the dream would end.oh my god please help me answer this I need someone who can interpret this dream in so scared.
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September 13, 2019 at 6:51 pm
Dreams about being chased and attacked are manifestations of concerns or worries that you may have in your life. The first dream is a sign of your uncertainties about public places. The second dream could be a sign that you are confused about what stresses in your life you need to address. Reduce influences in your life at this time, as this will help you better determine what you want for your future. If you have a similar dream, then address whoever is chasing or attacking you about their purpose. This will prevent similar dreams from manifesting in the future. Have a great day, Daisy!
September 11, 2019 at 4:25 am
I just woke up from a nightmare of me being chased by a man who was going around murdering my grams, who had already passed away 3 yrs ago this Thanksgiving, and them my Aunt, my cousins who lived next door to where my grandma used to live.
I remember running as fast as I could when I came upon this mobile home on people I did not know, people who let me in.
While inside the home.i tried to warn them about the person chasing me on a tractor.
NOONE I know has a tractor where they live but as I was trying to find a place to hide inside these people’s mobile home after hearing the wife being choked I ran into the kitchen and told the husband of the lady that “HE” the chaser and murderer was choking her and that’s when I took off running again but this time I came upon 3. Locked doors before escaping. I got through the 3 doors and ran through another field and that’s when I woke up with my heart pounding.
It’s.bad enough I was diagnosed with asthma and waking up with a pounding heart did not help.
Any interpretation on my dream would be so much appreciated.
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September 12, 2019 at 3:48 pm
Dreams about being chased or attacked are often reflections of concerns or worries that you may have in your life. The tractor and mobile homes could be a sign of influences in your life, such as the media you consume. Your pounding heart is a sign of the strength of this dream. It seems that you will benefit from reducing the amount of influences that you have. You seem concerned about your health, so take whatever action will help you at this time. Have a great day, Tina!
September 5, 2019 at 5:15 am
I had a dream that I was walking late at night in a nice, quiet neighborhood. I heard a girl scream from far away and a random guy pops out from the area. I immediately go to the ground and try to hide but it was opened bushes so I wasn’t really hidden. The guy was getting closer, he had some blood on him and a visible knife with blood as well. He was on the phone with his friend, I forgot what he said. I was hoping he didn’t see me but I knew he would because I wasn’t well hidden. He got closer and just threw the knife into my back. I thought I would die but I didn’t. I tried to act like I was dead but I was breathing too heavy. I took the knife out and tried to stab him back but missed. After that, I ran as fast as I could into an apartment. A lady was there with her babies. As soon as I walked in her apartment, the man and his friend were waiting outside for me. I could see them through glass doors on the roof. I locked all of her doors but saw that she was talking to them outside like she knew them and was okay if they killed me. I ran out and saw security but I couldn’t ask for help. I ran over a roof and landed on a flight of stairs. One guy was on the stairs with me, the other was waiting at the bottom. They both had golf clubs. Once I landed on the ground, I ran as fast as I could and woke up. There was some type of quote in my dream that basically, i wouldn’t die like the first girl that screamed in my dream, I would just be severely injured since I survived. I have no idea what that meant. The guys were total strangers and I was so scared.
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September 6, 2019 at 8:20 pm
This dream is a reflection of concerns and worries that you may have in your life at this time. Your decision to attempt to stab the person who attacked you may be an indication of how you may behave in a similar situation. You will find great benefit in abstaining from consuming violent and dramatic media. The people who appeared in this dream may be placeholders for social relationships and stresses that you may have in your life. If you have similar dreams in the future, then address the person within your dream about their purpose in the dream. Have a great day, Marissa!
Marina Madrid
September 5, 2019 at 1:30 am
I had a nightmare that took place in my house with my kids and even both neighbors were in it. I seen the face but didn’t recognize it. The people that came to help were killed. Everywhere I went he know where I was and found me. He was mad because I didn’t want to hang out with him nor invited him in my house. It had happened at 339 am and we were still all up. He tried calling he knocked on my door, then forced his way in. He had a knife he wanted to kill us. That knife killed those who tried to help it eventually turned into a machete. He chased me everywhere while I had the kids hide I called 911 but then lost my phone trying to hide. I found a knife and sliced him and stabbed in in areas that should’ve killed him. I went to my neighbors house and though not exact layout it was pretty close. He killed him as well. We were all in the kitchen me the kids and him. He mentioned something about dishsoap made him crazy. He seemed to being slowly dying til I threw dishsoap on him to cover his eyes it brought him back and we ran out to my car. He followed us closely. Then I woke up.
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September 5, 2019 at 9:09 pm
Being chased and attacked are manifestations of concerns or worries that you have in your life. Many aspects of this dream are similar to violent movies. You will find great benefit in abstaining from consuming violent and dramatic media at this time. The neighbors and family members are indications of people that you share a connection with. If you have a similar dream in the future, then address the person chasing you about their purpose within your dream. Have a great day, Marina!
August 25, 2019 at 5:54 pm
i had a dream where people were killing each other(face structures of theirs were scary). suddenly one woman chased me and another person and atlast she found us. she killed that another person and she tried to kill me also.. but somehow i was more stronger than her and i defeat her and iwas able to survive.
the people in my dreams were so strangly scary. now i dontremember their faces.
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August 26, 2019 at 10:21 am
This dream was a manifestation of your knowledge of recent shootings and other violent events. It is possible that the shows and movies that you watch influenced this dream as well. You will find great benefit in abstaining from consuming violent and dramatic media. Ensure that this dream guides you to share your kindness and compassion at all times, as this will bring you many benefits. Have a great day, Prasuna!
Alecka Siao
July 7, 2019 at 1:24 pm
Hi admin, I have this dream twice but in a different scene, place & ending. My dream was all of my family were in a house I’m not familiar with. my auntie was there, my son, my parents, my brothers and cousins. Then there was this one unknown person but in my dream, all of us know this person who he/she is, But I can’t remember his/her identity after waking up.
On my first encounter of this dream, all of my family members died because of this person, but stabbing & gun shot even my son and I’m the only one who survives. It made me feel scared and guilty to not saving them.
But on my 2nd encounter of this dream, we all survive and this person was arrested. I knew what will happen to my dream so I told all of them that we must all fight back. I manage to escape with my son and my new born, my mom let me escape for me to be able to save my children. I called an old guy friend in my dream who happened to help me escape. After few days I tried going back to our home (in our real house) just to check if my family was still alive. I’m happy to see them all alive and heard the news that the murderer was arrested.
But I still worried after waking ul, it seems that I want that person to be dead instead than to be arrested thinking he/she might escape from prison and chase us again.
What does it mean?
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July 8, 2019 at 2:49 pm
Dreams of being chased and attacked are reflections of concerns or worries that you have in your life. The shootings and stabbings within your dreams are manifestations of your knowledge of recent shootings and other violent events. You will find great benefit in abstaining from consuming violent and dramatic media. The arrested aspect of your dream is a sign that you are aware that actions may be taken to remove these people from society. Ensure that you share your kindness and compassion at all times, as this will bring you many benefits in the future. Have a great day, Alecka!
July 3, 2019 at 5:30 am
We weren’t being chased really, kinda like hunted but we did escape in the end. In my dream, me my boyfriend his sister and her boyfriend went camping at the sisters boyfriend’s suggestion. Everything was great. Me and my boyfriend were at the cabin while the sister and her boyfriend drove off somewhere in the woods.
Then it got dark out and like an hour later it got really bright out. My boyfriend and I went to investigate. The two cars we had taken to get there were out front, engine off, lights on along with two more cars. I saw this and immediately wanted to leave the cabin and camping ground and wanted to go home. My boyfriend checked his car and saw that the battery wasn’t dead, but the battery was dead for the car his sister and her boyfriend drove off in.
Again I wanted to leave, but my boyfriend was trying to convince me to stay the night and leave in the morning since we had driven 3 hours to get there. I said no. That we were getting his sister and her boyfriend and we were leaving. He gave in and we went to get her but her boyfriend was missing. I told her to call him. If he didn’t answer we’d come looking for him in the morning. He didn’t answer, we left.
We got to this food place 2 hours away from the place and ate inside. I decided to look up the place we were camping at and found out that the locals murdered tourists bc they just didn’t like tourists. I showed my boyfriend and he was very apologetic about trying to make us stay the night. I said it was fine. But we’d have to go back in the morning with cops to get the other car and find his sisters boyfriend. I told the sister to call him again, but he still wouldn’t answer
When I woke up I was under the impression that the sisters boyfriend had to know about the murders (they were the first things that popped up when I did the search) and bc he was the one that suggested we go I was thinking he had to be one of the killers or that he wanted us to die for some reason.
What does it mean? (If it helps I know everyone in this story fairly well except for the sisters boyfriend. I only met him once but I hear about him a lot. According to my boyfriend the sisters boy is similar to him but Italian)
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July 3, 2019 at 9:19 pm
Dreams about being chased or hunted are manifestations of worries or concerns that you may have in your life. Many aspects of your dream are related or horror movies. You will find great benefit in abstaining from consuming violent and dramatic media. The fact that you do not know your sister’s partner well may have made you feel concerned. Allow this dream to fade, and nourish your relationship with the people in your life by spending additional time together in person. Have a great day, Nikki!
May 16, 2019 at 7:07 pm
I had dreamed of being informed of a sad news that a few of my best friends are in the bus being pursued by a violent character whom I had no idea whom that was had attempted to kill the entire bus passengers. Minutes later, I was being informed that they are all murdered. After hearing such news somehow I managed to travel back in time in this case to get in the same bus with them before they are murdered but back then the murder has started chasing over by the cars.
I started panicking, i try to save one of my best friends who was heavily pregnant to escape the bus . However the chase for us was yet to finish, I manage to find a second bus to place my heavily pregnant friend in. Due to space constraint in the second bus, I did not managed to get in,and I somehow landed in the murderer’s house. She had lock her son in but I manage to save her son out.She had came back and I tried to escape out from her house and that is where the pawns of the murderer was hot on my trails to chase and kill me.
After that I saw a related colleague who had to become the murderer’s minion to chase me and tried to kill me with a guitar but she let me go off and I throw the guitar over to the sea pretending that her mission has acomplished. Just then I saw a familiar minion had tried to chase me again. I woke up after this scene.
Please advise.
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May 18, 2019 at 12:27 pm
Your dream is a reflection of various influences. Dreams about being chased or attacked may be manifestations of concerns or worries that you have in your life at this time. You will find great benefit in abstaining from consuming violent and dramatic media. The experience that you had at the murderer’s house could be a reflection of how you deal with concerns in your life. Have a great day, Racelle!
May 11, 2019 at 9:51 am
I’ve had 3 dreams in a row where I’m being car chased (I can’t even drive but I can drive good in the dreams except the last one) the first 2 dreams were proper car chases and running away out of cars as well and people were chasing me not sure if they actually wanted to kill me but I ran away like my life depended on it. The last one my dad was driving and loads of cars and trains came out of nowhere trying to crush our car and i ended up taking the wheel when I couldn’t drive and then one particular car started to chase me and I knew it was trying to kill me (I always successfully got away I don’t know if that means anything) and I’ve had loads of dreams in the past where I have to drive the car when I don’t know how to drive.
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May 11, 2019 at 9:33 pm
Dreams about being chased are often manifestations of fear or concerns that you may have in your life. Car chases are often depicted in films. You will find great benefit in abstaining from consuming violent and dramatic media. If you have dreams about being chased in the future, then address whoever is chasing you in the future. This will help reduce the frequency of this dream manifesting in the future. Have a great day, Purple!
May 6, 2019 at 10:48 pm
Every night I’ve been having nightmares about murders. There’s never anything I can do to stop them. The first one was of children being brutally butchered. I would try to hide them but they would always find us! I’m always with the person or people that get killed. It’s a different murderer and situation each night. And it’s been every night for a week now!! I don’t watch tv so it’s not from that.
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May 6, 2019 at 11:03 pm
Your dream is a reflection of various influences in your life. You rarely watch television, so ensure that you abstain from consuming other forms of violent and dramatic media. If you find that you or other people in your dream are being chased or attacked, then address the chaser or murderer in your dream. This will help you discover the purpose of these dreams, and this will help reduce the frequency of similar dreams manifesting in the future. You will find great benefit in sharing your kindness and compassion at all times, as this will draw positive people and energy into your life. Have a great day, Jeanine!
March 9, 2019 at 2:20 pm
I just had this dream that someone callef me and telling me he lost his phone in a certain area i don’t know why i even let him tell me the exact place where it was lost and i even went there. Then when i told him on the phone that it was not there, i think i saw him on under the tree, it was dark but i can see silluet, he’s on hoodie, he want me to come near him, but i already knew what he will do, then there is this girl who appeared and holding a knif really angry to me and then, i just saw my self running away from them. A lot of people saw us and i asked for help but none of them are helping they are just cheering. until i just remember i have this big bag, and i told my killer that i have gun, then i was acting that i’m getting the gun, then they stepped back. So i went again to the same road where he first called me, there is a house now they are open and i asked for their help, but they wont help me, until i confronted my killer, she want to kill herself because the knife is pointing to her now, and i already has the feeling that the killer wants to kill him now. then i woke up.
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March 10, 2019 at 4:44 pm
Your dream may be a reflection of a wide variety of influences in your life. You are aware of violent events that are occurring in the world. You will find great benefit in abstaining from consuming violent and dramatic media. Allow the negative aspects of this dream to fade from your mind. Share your kindness and compassion with everyone in your life. This will help to draw positive people and energy toward you. Have a great day, Pinky!
February 17, 2019 at 11:22 am
I just woke from a dream where I went this big house in the country and realized that this place was a trap and I saw some old man kill a police officer and he wanted to kill me too so trying to escape I made it outside and saw my sister she had got keys to this van with the whole back missing just the two seats up front but it worked we were driving through a dirt road maze that led us to these rundown trailer homes the van got stuck in the mud we knocked on this door for help but they were there to help the killer we ran towards a fence but couldnt go that way because of an overflowing fast moving river. We went another way it seemed riverway we tried to go we would end up back in the same place in front of the original house and the killer would find us again we went down some way where there was alot of junk and I found some beautiful rocks I picked a few up and was gonna put them in my pocket but threw them instead cause I felt I was stealing them from the old guy trying to kill us I then woke up
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February 18, 2019 at 7:53 pm
Dreams about being chased on often reflections of worries and concerns that you have in your life. The presence of your sister is a sign of your emotional connection with her. The water and rocks would be a sign of your desire to make a reasonable change in your life. Share your kindness and compassion with everyone in your life. This will bring you many benefits in the future. Have a great day, Aykaye!
February 3, 2019 at 11:07 pm
My dreams of being chased are repetitive and differ quite often. Not only is a hitman trying to kill me, sometimes it’s a whole squad of professional hitmen trying to kill me. Most times I tend to run and hide in witty ways in order for them to think they lost me or for to try and see their faces without getting caught. But other times I divice a plan to try and kill my chaser. Whenever the confrontation becomes too much, I wake up due to the tention in my body. What does this mean?
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February 4, 2019 at 1:19 pm
Your dreams of being chased are likely reflections of fears or concerns in your waking life. If you have similar dreams in the future, then turn and address those who are chasing you in your dream. You may question them about their purpose. This will help you understand why these dreams are appearing, and cause these dreams to no longer manifest in the future. You will find great benefit in sharing your kindness and compassion at all times. Have a great day, Lige!
February 3, 2019 at 7:12 pm
I was drinking water from a water fountain I noticed someone was bringing something for me behind my back. I turned around and it looked like gifts.
When I turned the other side there was again a rondom person who tried to sneak up on me this time, it was a killer. I dint have time to react I stepped back to turn and run.
What I did notices was there were 4-5 people could be they were planning together.
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February 4, 2019 at 1:14 pm
The people sneaking up on you in this dream may be a sign of your relationships in your life. The person bringing you gifts could be a sign of positive relationships in your life. The killer could be a manifestation of harmful relationships that you are maintaining. Ensure that the negative aspects of this dream fade from your mind. Allow this dream to influence you to share your kindness and compassion with everyone in your life. Have a great day, Sol!
January 30, 2019 at 11:42 pm
I had a dream that I was being chased and hunted by Michael myers. I was even with him but he didn’t recognise me and I managed to get away. And also the police are never available to help?
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February 2, 2019 at 1:53 pm
This dream is a reflection of the movies that you watch. You will find great benefit in abstaining from consuming violent and dramatic media. Allow this dream to influence you to share your kindness and compassion with everyone in your life. These actions will help reduce the frequency of similar dreams manifesting in the future. Have a great day, Nix!
Gaby Martinez
October 3, 2018 at 10:26 pm
I’ve had this reocurring dream but the place changes each time. Sometimes it’s in a dorm, apartment, workplace,home, on the road etc.
I’m being chased by a man in a mask hes trying to kill me.
I hide from him or run to get away.
I escape but he always creep up or finds me soon after.
Like I can get away but hes there lurking.
And in my dream I know He’s near because a eery song says the same word each time. Giving me fear and anxiety. I have female friends who help me escape and a attractive man Who is my sense in comfort.
I always wake up when I escape or when he finds me again.
What could this mean?
I’ve had this dream a couple times already
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October 5, 2018 at 2:06 pm
Repetitive dreams are reflections of a strong feeling or thought. However, they are not dreams of fact or of the future. You are aware that there are violent people in the world. You may find benefit in abstaining from watching violent and dramatic media. The women and man in your dreams who support you may be reflections of those in your life who care for you. Have a great day, Gaby!
August 24, 2018 at 7:31 pm
I had a dtþream last night, about a certain guy having a little conversation in the road with his girl and me along the road eating some fruits. Then there comes an army man looking for his colleagues and He didn’t found any of his colleagues but instead he saw this two lovers talking in a dark road and he throw a rock to them. And the Boy got angry for what the army man did so the guy chased him and about to kill him with a gun but then He never kill the army and he ended up chasing by that army man and try to kill him too. I got very scared that moment because of the thing I saw, so I ran with the guy because I am afraid that the army man might kill me for what I saw. So We ran toward our house and just when i’m about to close the gate,the army man was already standing infront of it so I went outside the house and explaining and telling the killer that I have nothing to do with them and I immediatly run and I was frightened and dont know with way I go, should i go left or right way. And then the guy who was chasing by the killer, with his motorcycle,came and ask me to come and ride to get rid of the killer,but then I refusd and I look for my way out on my own.
PS. I dont know the army man, but the guy who chased is a celebrity.
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August 24, 2018 at 10:22 pm
This dream may be a reflection of a wife variety of influences in your life. It is possible that your experiences with people in the military may have influenced this dream. You may have something in your life that is causing you stress. If you have similar dreams in the future, then speak with whoever or whatever is chasing you, as this will cause these dreams to manifest less frequently. Have a great day, Dzen!