Elizabeth Berkley Plastic Surgery

By on April 8, 2014

After getting her start in Saved by the Bell, Elizabeth Berkley has had a notable career. During her years of acting, she has been in productions like Showgirls and the First Wives Club. Over the last few years, her appearance has changed drastically. Fans believe that she has had a breast augmentation in the last few years. In addition, her ageless looks are most likely due to Botox and filler injections. There are additional allegations that she has had a nose job to make her nose straighter and slimmer.

Has Elizabeth Berkley Had Plastic Surgery?

The most obvious sign of plastic surgery is the smooth skin around Elizabeth Berkley’s eyes and mouth. Although she is growing older, her facial skin retains an elastic, flawless appearance. Due to this, plastic surgeons guess that she is a regular user of Botox. These injections help to smooth out wrinkles and fine lines. As long as the right quantities are used, it produces a natural smoothness to the face. Since Elizabeth Berkley’s look still has a natural ambiance, she has managed to walk the fine line between beauty enhancements and excessive cosmetic procedures.


Did She Get A Nose Job?

Another one of the procedures Elizabeth Berkley has probably had is a nose job. It would not have been a significant change, but there is certainly a difference. In recent photos, Elizabeth Berkley has a better sculpted and defined nose. This slimmer profile has been the source of the rumors about a potential rhinoplasty procedure.

Breast Implants and Surgery Procedures

Other than facial procedures, Elizabeth Berkley has probably undergone some physical changes as well. According to experts about plastic surgery, Berkley’s breasts appear larger and more rounded now. Although this could be due to weight gain or an excellent push-up bra, there is also a chance that she has had a breast augmentation. This plastic surgery procedure probably occurred after she gave birth to her son, Sky Cole. After his birth, new photos of her physique show a noticeable increase in her cup size.


Like many celebrities, Elizabeth Berkley has remained quiet about any plastic surgery procedures. The only way fans can tell if she has went under the knife is by comparing before and after photographs. Unless she is impervious to aging, Berkley has probably spent some time in consultation with an excellent plastic surgeon. Fortunately, each of the procedures has turned out well and her looks are better than ever.

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