Emma Stone Diet and Workout

By on April 14, 2015

26 year old, New York-born actress, Emily Jean Stone, better known as Emma Stone to you and I – the girl from Easy A, Zombieland, Crazy, Stupid, Love, and The Help. The fiery red head is well known for not keeping her mouth shut on issues that mean the most to her, and it is her infectious and bright personality that makes her beautiful, her stunning looks aside.

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Of course, any actress worth her weight in Hollywood knows how to keep herself looking both trim and in shape, and we can honestly say that there has never been a picture of this young actress looking anything other than beautiful.

Emma Stone Diet

She likes to keep things as healthy as she can, but she’s a realist – she knows there will be days that she really craves something fast and greasy, such as fried chicken or Chinese food. The good news about the diet that Emma follows that you are allowed to eat those ‘bad’ foods. It’s just working out how to eat them in moderation that you’ll need to learn. You must know by now that fast food every night of the week is bad for your health and will cause you to put on weight? The odd take-out night is acceptable – we all do it. It’s when you’re a repeat offender that you have yourself a problem.

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We would advise you to avoid crash diets if you want to lose weight and keep it off, and that’s the line that Emma follows as well, believing them to be pointless and really bad for your health and well being which in reality, they are.

She has a big breakfast to help kick-start the day and keep her feeling full-up right through until lunch, and normally this will be something like oatmeal make with low-fat milk, maybe some strawberries, walnuts, and even a teaspoon of honey throw in for sugar, and added loveliness!

This is actually a very good breakfast to have if you want to start getting in shape – it has everything you need. Protein to give you a good boost of energy that will stay throughout the day, plus to help keep the cells in your body health too. Then there’s carbohydrates for the metabolism-boost and energy levels once again. There’s also fibre to help things going regular, and not too much fat to help keep your heart in tip-top condition. Plus the good stuff in the yogurt will help to keep your lady parts nice and healthy, and the large mix of vitamins and minerals will keep your gut, skin, nails, and hair in great condition, while the yogurt provides calcium which helps your teeth and bones. It sounds like Miss. Stone might be on to a winner here, right?

The rest of her day is relatively healthy – if she fancies a candy bar, she’ll have one, but she’ll make a note to workout for ten minutes or so extra later on. She does try to keep things as healthy as she can, and will always turn to nuts, seeds and fruits where possible however, and with other delicious and healthy meals like grilled salmon, banana smoothies, roasted turkey, grilled chicken, tuna, and salads, she has a diet that is both mixed and delicious, as well as being super good for you!

Emma Stone Workout

She’s given herself a great boost of energy with all those healthy carbs and proteins in her breakfast, and what better way to burn it all off than with some exercise that gets your heart pumping, your pulse racing, and your head cleared from stresses and strains. Pilates is a great workout for those exact things, building your core strength and relaxing your mind, while at the same time stretching and strengthen your muscles, and helping to tone the entire body too. Another great exercise for all of those things is swimming – the resistance of the water gives you a workout that doesn’t actually feel like a workout… Until the next day when all your muscles are aching!

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Loving the outdoor way of life really helps Emma to stay in shape, and rock climbing is something she has found herself really getting into; something that builds and shapes your upper body and abs like nothing else on earth. She combines this with brisk walking wherever she can, and she has herself a pretty successful recipe of both exercise and a pretty healthy diet that keeps her happy, and doesn’t prevent her from eating or drinking any of the things she loves. She’s a ‘normal’ girl, and if she can do it, we can too!


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