Erin Heatherton Diet and Workout
Having hit the catwalk for names such as Stella Mcartney, Marc Jacobs, Chanel, Prada and Valentino amongst others, the American supermodel and Victoria’s Secret Angel Erin Heatherton has so far had a colourful career which is nothing if not a success. She’s undeniably a beauty and in 2013 was even ranked as the world’s fifteen sexiest model by
But just how does she do it? What’s her secret to keeping her five foot eleven frame looking so irresistibly good? In Erin Heatherton’s case, the secret is being dedicated and working hard day in and day out. In her early ears as a model (though being only twenty-five it’s arguable she’s still in them) Erin Heatherton focused soley on exercise and working out but after meeting fellow American model Cindy Crawford she realised that nutrition and diet was just as important. Cindy told her about how important a protein rich diet and warned her that she may lose her curves otherwise. Now it’s something Erin Heatherton firmly believes in and follows religiously.
Working Out
Erin Heatherton works out with her personal trainer, Justin Gelband, four days a week. Instead of focusing on particular parts of her body, she realises that all of it is important therefore works her entire body every workout. She uses a wide variety of exercises to maintain her weight, most of which revolve around interval training and weight resistance which are her favourite exercise methods. By increasing her heart rate with these exercises she’s ensuring she’s burring the maximum amount of calories possible and also keeping her heart and lungs healthy by working them too. As she does a range of exercises and varies her workouts Erin Heatherton never gets bored with her workouts. The variety and lack of routine keeps her coming back for more, as well as the gym sessions she manages to fit in too. Even when she’s not training with her personal trainer she tries to do about one hour of exercise per day.
Depending on her upcoming events, she sometimes coordinates with her personal trainer to change her routine to suit a particular event. This sometimes means intensifying the workouts or adding more depending on her schedule and the forthcoming event.
It’s safe to say that Erin Heatherton is certainly not lazy when it comes to exercise! In fact, I’m tired just thinking about all she does! It’s widely whispered that she may well be one of the hardest working models (exercise-wise) there is which is no mean feat.
Diet Plan
After speaking to Cindy Crawford, Erin Heatherton always takes care to eat a well balanced diet that sees to all her nutritional needs. She makes sure she gets plenty of fruit, veg, proteins, nuts, granola etc. Two of her favourite foods are fish and chicken so she eats these along with a healthy side regularly. Another favourite of her is bacon, something a little less healthy but something she does allow herself now and again. When it comes to indulging herself, she’s merely human like the rest of us and sometimes has to give in. In these cases she loves to fill herself with delicious cheeses and meat. Even so, she tries to restrain herself and eat only small portions of these foods even when she is splurging. Erin Heatherton is all too aware of the costs of over eating and eating badly and how hard you have to workout to overcome the consequences.
Erin Heatherton tends to eat lots of small meals on a regular basis opposed to only having three full meals a day. This allows her to keep her energy levels up, keeps her metabolism racing so she burns off more calories and overall aids her in maintaining her ideal body weight so she can stay looking catwalk ready. When it comes to snacking, Erin Heatherton is a sucker for a juicy peace of fresh fruit but reports also state that she enjoys energy bars and handfuls of nuts at times too. All these things are perfect for giving her the energy boost she needs to see her through her busy work schedule and pushing her through her many tough workouts.
All in all, the supermodel leads an extremely healthy lifestyle that ensures her body gets all it’s nutritional needs and plenty of exercise so it can stay looking it’s best. If she keeps up her hard work there’s little doubt that we’ll be seeing Erin Heatherton on the catwalk for many big brands and as the face of many companies for years to come. If you’d like to copy some of her workout routines, you can find various videos online of her demonstrating particular moves – fingers crossed they help us sculpt ourselves a body like Erin Heatherton!
(all images sourced via