100 Etsy Shop Name Ideas

By on August 28, 2018

Starting an Etsy shop is exciting. You have loved crafting or making art forever, and you finally get a chance to earn money from your work. All you have to do is register for an account on Etsy. Once you start selling items, you pay just $0.20 to list an item for a few months and a 3.5 percent fee when the item actually sells. Etsy lets you sell handmade products, crafting supplies and vintage items, so you probably want an Etsy shop name idea that matches one of these topics. The best Etsy shop name ideas will focus on the kind of business you are running. For example, a bead supply shop will need a different name that a shop that sells hand-sculpted artwork. You can only change your shop name so often, so you have to find the right name to start with.

Name ideas for your craft storeWhat to Name Your Creative Business

1. Snowflakes Winter Shop: This is a cute Etsy shop name for a shop that specializes in winter gear.

2. The Sewing Room: This is adorable. I think that the Sewing Circle would also work well.

3. Knotty or Nice: This would be adorable for any shop that makes or sells anything related to yarn.

4. Toe Ringer: Cute!

5. Dazzle Me Invites: If you specialize in making invitations, this would be a great Etsy shop name.

6. Sole Searching Shoes: The “sole” part of this name is a cute play on words.

7. Butter Me Up: Fun!

8. Needle Pointer: This would be great for a needlepoint shop.

9. Quirky Quilters: Alliteration is always a great way to make your Etsy shop name idea more memorable.

10. Great Gems ‘N’ More: Nice!

11. Beautiful Ears: This is great for an earring shop.

12. Its Sew Thirty: Yes, it is!

13. The Unique Boutique: This is a fun option.

14. Sew It Up: Perfect for sewing crafts.

15. Perfect Printables: Nice!

16. Paisley Prints: This would be a fun name for a shop that sells sewing crafts or supplies.

17. Lipstick ‘N’ Lip Smackin’: Use this for a makeup shop.

18.The Good Stuff: This could work for just about anything.

19. The Soapmaker: Perfect!

20. You Old Sew and So: This is a clever play on words.

21. The Clay Master: Nice!

22. That’s SEW Pretty: That is absolutely true!

23. King of Cowls: If you make cowls for sale, this would be a great name for your shop.

24. Hidden Cape: Adorable!

25. Heels Up Shoes: This would work well for a shoe shop.

How To Name Your Etsy Shop

26. One of a Kind Clothing: This could be for handmade or vintage clothes.

27. Grandmother’s Art-ic: This would be perfect for a grandmother who sells her art. It is a play on the phrase, “Grandmother’s Attic.”

28.The Golden Goose: Cute!

29. The Fastionista: This would be great for a clothing shop.

30. The Pin Cushion: I love this Etsy shop name.

31. Slippery Soaps: Slippery is definitely the word I would use.

32. Pins ‘N’ Needles: Adorable!

33. Hot Threads: This could work for any thread-related craft.

34. Print Art: This is a fairly basic option.

35. Claymation Creations: Cute!

36. Museum of Me: Because your shop is all about your handmade items.

37. Stars ‘N’ Stripes: Use this if you sell items with the American flag on them.

38. Get Animated: Fun!

39. Artsy Fartsy: This is a cute option.

40. ConARTseur: This is one of the best Etsy shop names for an art shop.

41. Head-2-Toe Fashionista: This is a fun choice.

42. The Artist’s Loft: Nice one!

43. A Stitch in Time: This is such an adorable name.

44. The Glove of My Life: This is a play on the phrase, “love of my life.”

45. ConARTist: This is the best type of con artist to be.

46. The Artist’s Retreat: This is a fun choice.

47. Silver Works: Use this for a shop that specializes in silver.

48. Make Me Blush: Perfect for a makeup shop.

49. Sinful Soaps: The alliteration really makes this shop name stand out of the crowd.

50. Beautique: This is a blend of the words “beauty” and “boutique.”

Craft business name generator

51. Fellowship of the String: Perfect if you like yarn-related crafts and Lord of the Rings.

52. Beautiful You: Cute!

53. Jewelry Exchange: This is a good, solid name for a jewelry shop.

54. Out of the Box: For out-of-the-box, super creative crafts.

55. Queen Emerald: You can change this to your favorite gemstone.

56. Masquerade Makeup: Fun!

57. Beautify Me: This is a cute choice.

58. Cotton Bunny Hunny: This one gets bonus points for rhyming.

59. Princess Embellish: Adorable.

60. Master Jeweler: Perfect for a jewelry shop.

61. Fashion Cutz: Cute!

62. Print Junkie: For a shop that specializes in prints.

63. Smooth Skinz: Who doesn’t want smooth skin?

64. Paintings and Pastels: This Etsy shop name idea gets bonus points for alliteration.

65. Get Sculpted: This works well for sculptors.

66. Smokin’ Glue Gun: Awesome!

67. Abstractiful Art: Perfect for abstract art.

68. Crown Me Regal Prints: Cute!

69. Threaded ‘N’ Ready: Ready, set, go!

70. Periwinkles Flower Art: This is a pretty name.

71. Put a Ring on It: Perfect for a shop that sells engagement rings.

72.Hot House Crafts: Nice!

73. It’s a Bling Thing: This is an adorable option for a jewelry shop.

74. Rub ‘N’ Scrub Facials: This name is even better because it rhymes.

75. Golden Scissors: Adorable.

76. Once Upon a Finger: This is a cute name.

77. Kissable Lips: This is one way to show off what you specialize in.

78. Crafts Etc.: Keep it simple with this name.

79. Diamond in the Rough: Fun!

80. Silver Crafter: This is an adorable naming option.

What to Name Your Creative Business

81. Facial Art: Art doesn’t have to be just on canvas anymore!

82. Sweet Scents Perfume: Perfect.

83. Scent-sational: This is a clever pun for a perfume shop.

84. Eau de Fleur: “Fleur” means flower in French and makes this name sound even classier.

85. Glitter-King: This is a play on the word, “glittering.”

86. Sweet as Sin Soaps: Nice one!

87. The Silver Shoppe: This is a fun option.

88. Shimmering Sand Art: If you love sand art, then this name is for you.

89. Glitter Goddess: This is one of the best examples of alliteration for Etsy shop name ideas.

90. Fuzzy Wuzzies Crafts: Too cute.

91. Nifty Thrifty Crafts: This name wins bonus points for rhyming.

92. Fuzzballs: This s a cute option.

93. Che Crochet: In Latin America, “Che” is slang for things like fellow or guy. It was also the nickname of the revolutionary, Che Guevara. This name uses “Che” to make a catchy Etsy shop name.

94. Knotty Knitter: This is one of the better Etsy shop names for a knitting shop.

95. Feeling Bead-iful: This is a great play on words for a bead shop.

96. Head to Bow: Perfect for a shop that specializes in bows.

97. Zenscape: I’m not sure what this shop would sell, but the name certainly makes it sound awesome!

98. Craft Owl: Cute!

99. Mermaid Queen: Mermaids are all the rage these days.

100. Making Masterpieces: This is a great name for an artist’s shop.


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