Everything You Need To Know About Hair Extensions

By on August 10, 2013

Hair extensions are becoming increasingly more popular each and every year. More and more celebs, women and young girls find themselves purchasing these, whether over the internet, a beauty store or at a salon. There is so much to know about extensions and today, we’ll go through what you need to know.

  • Why Do People Get Extensions?

They may get extensions to help give volume to thin hair, cover damaged hair, add length to short hair, to add different colors without actually using dye or they may just want them for the beauty aspect of long hair.

  • What Are Hair Extensions Made Of?

Extensions can be made of real human hair, which is usually much more realistic looking and is easier to work with. They can also be made synthetically, usually out of some sort of plastic or other alike substances. 100% human hair recommended because of its silkier feel, natural look and it has an easier care routine.

  • Where Should I Get Them?

As mentioned earlier above, you can get them online, a store or at a salon. The internet can give you much cheaper options, but the quality can be deceiving and you may end up with extensions that don’t last long. Buying them yourself and doing them that way can be effective. Getting them done at the salon is most likely your best bet if you want them to be near perfect and last a long time.

  • How Do I Get Them Put In?

There are many different types of ways that hair extensions can be applied in your hair.

  1. Tape- The tape method is applied in a wide weft (a weft is a larger chunk of hair) by heating and gluing the tape under layers of your hair. These can look more natural and are easier to keep up with. They do usually need to be maintained around a month and a half after you’ve initially applied them.
  2. Micro-Bead- This method is less likely to damage hair because it doesn’t require any chemicals or heat. To use this method, whoever is doing your extensions will pull strands of hair through beads until eventually the entire amount of extensions is beaded.
  3. Tubes/Shrinkies- These are like beads, but they are made of plastic instead of metal and they are much smaller. Heat is used to apply these so that they form and shrink around the extensions and real hair both. Damage may occur is beads pull on the roots while in.
  4. Fusion Bonding- This is a type that should be carefully thought of because it is done to make extensions last 3-6 months. To get this method of application you have to go to a salon for professional help. They will fuse the extensions to your hair with a protein glue that literally bonds the hair and fake hair together. Either cold or hot fusion may cause a bit of damage from preventing you from caring from the roots for a long amount of time due to the glue there. This is also the most expensive method and can range up to $8,000.
  5. Sew-In- This is a fairly simple application method for extensions. All that has to be done is a braid needs to made across the scalp under some of the top hair. From there, a weft will be sewn into the braid. Ensure that the braid is very tight or else the extensions may come undone before you’d like them to. The sew-in types don’t usually last too long but, are a cheaper method.
  6. Clip-Ins- This is a cheap method and is usually meant to be done yourself or by a friend/family member. You can buy these online and at any beauty store. They usually range from $50-$300. These extensions are great if you don’t want a long-lasting type. They can be taken out at night and don’t prevent you from caring from your hair. They do, however, tangle easier and sometimes they don’t curl or look as natural.
  • Keep In Mind These Following Things When Getting Extensions.

How long do you want them to last?

What would you be most comfortable with?

Ensure that the color matches your color or else you will risk an unnatural look.

Extensions usually take a lot of care and dedication.

They can be heavy, itchy, hot and annoying.

You may not be able to wear your hair up.

They can be super, super expensive.

If not done by someone who knows what they’re doing they may turn out disastrous.




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