Farewell Messages to Colleague

By on April 25, 2018

Every now and then, the time will come where you’ll need to say goodbye to someone from your workplace. Whether or not you are pleased to see them go, there is no doubt that you will be expected to throw some money into a leaving gift fund and write in a card. You’d be surprised by how little you can think of at the moment too; how farewell messages to colleagues always seem a thousand times more difficult when you have been put on the spot.

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How to Write a Farewell Message to a Colleague

There are a few things that you will need to take into consideration when writing out farewell messages to colleague, such as, how well you know them, what age they are, what kind of sense of humor they have, why they are leaving, and more.

If you are good friends with the colleague who is leaving, you can be a little more ‘dangerous’ with your leaving messages, but if you don’t know the person that well, or that person doesn’t understand your sense of humor, you are likely to be offensive by accident.

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New Job Farewell Messages to Colleague 

  1. Oh, you’re leaving? I didn’t even know you’d started! I’m just kidding, it’s been a pleasure working with you. Wishing you all the best for the future!
  2. It’s so strange to know that I won’t see your face around here anymore, especially as we’ve been working together for the longest time. It’s been so much fun. I’m jealous of your new coworkers who get to keep you for themselves.
  3. I can’t believe you’re leaving me to find pastures new! Who am I going to get all the latest gossip from now? I’ll miss your face around the office, but I hope you have the best time at your new job!
  4. Your new work colleagues are so lucky! This place is going to really miss you and your shining personality! Good luck! (I don’t think you’ll need it.)
  5. Hey! You don’t know who I am, but I put some money in the fund for your leaving present! It’s a shame we didn’t get to know each other more, but I wish you all the best in your new job!
  6. Well done for getting out of this place! Think of the rest of us still here, though, as you enjoy your new life in your new job … I’m just playing with you. We’re all going to miss you a lot. You were a shining star in this workforce and we’re all very sad to see you leave. All the best!
  7. Of all the things I’ll miss, your cups of tea will always be the most important. You made the best brew in this place. I’m sad to say goodbye to them … and you, of course.
  8. I would really love it if we could stay friends when we’re no longer colleagues! Have the best time in your new job — I hope everything works out great for you!
  9. Wishing you all the very best of luck in your future endeavours. We’ll miss you here!
  10. I’ve long since seen you as more of a friend than a colleague, and this place just isn’t going to be the same without you. Good luck with everything, but make sure you keep in touch! (I’ll hunt you down if you don’t … )
  11. If I could describe you in three words, it would be — dependable, funny, and great friend. (Sorry, the last one is two words combined.) It’s not going to be the same here without you. Hope all works out for the best!
  12. It’s so bittersweet to say goodbye to a friend who is going on to bigger and better things. I wish nothing but the best you, dear friend, but I sure am sad that you’re leaving me here alone.
  13. I know we haven’t worked together for very long, but you really have been one of the best colleagues I’ve ever had the pleasure of working alongside. I hope your new colleagues cherish you just as much as your old ones do. Your memory here will live on! Come back and see us often!
  14. It was Winnie the Pooh who said: “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” Saying goodbye to you will be hard; you’ve been such a big part of this workforce for a long time. We all hope that you have the best time wherever you go from here, and that everything works out perfectly for you!
  15. “If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.” – Paulo Coehlo. I love that quote. I also hope that your brave goodbye will be your rewarding hello. Good luck in all of your future endeavours!

Farewell Messages to Colleague Going Travelling 

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One great tip that you could use when saying goodbye to a work colleague who is going travelling, is to write out their entire farewell message in the language of the country they are visiting. Of course, this does require some research on your part, but the internet can help to translate basic phrases, which you can then use in your farewell greetings card.

There are lots of ways to say goodbye in different languages. How about some of these:

  • Adieu is French
  • Adiós is Spanish
  • Addio is Italian
  • Adeus is Portuguese
  • Aloha is Hawaiian & can also be used as a hello
  • Arrivederci means “until we see each other again” in Italian
  • Auf Wiedersehen is German
  • Bon Voyage is French for “good journey”

Of course, if you’d like to stick to old-fashioned English, here are a few more examples of farewell messages to colleague that you could use:

  1. I’m so envious that you get to explore some of the world while the rest of us are stuck in this office, dreaming of bigger and better things. I hope you see all the wonders that this planet has to offer. Enjoy every second of it! Bon voyage!
  2. I hope you have a wonderful time on your travels! We’re going to miss your funny jokes and beaming smile like crazy here. Have the best time! Take lots of photos!
  3. Thanks for the memories and the jokes, the coffees and the lunchtime doughnuts. Thank you for all those times you covered for me, and all those times you kept watch while I used the work computer for something I shouldn’t. It’s going to be weird without you, but I wish only the very best for you. Enjoy your travels. Have fun around the world.
  4. Travelling has always been one of the things I wanted to tick off my to-do list, but I never quite got around to doing it. I’m so jealous of your coming adventures and I hope to hear all about them. Keep in touch, dear friend, and make sure you share all of your holiday snaps online so that we can keep up with you!
  5. Good luck on your travels! I hope you get to see everything you want to see in the world. (And a few things that you don’t.)

Maternity Leave Farewell Messages to Colleague 

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  1. Good luck on the birth of your child! It must be very weird to know that you’ll be swapping this bunch of babies for a real baby! We’ll miss you taking care of us all!
  2. I order you to go home, put your feet up, rest, and fit in as much sleep as you can … You’re going to need it! Good luck with the new baby!
  3. It was Brooke Davis who said: “So, for now, I say goodbye to this chapter of my life and I look forward to what comes next.” Congratulations on the newest chapter in your life — wishing you all the very best!
  4. We will all miss you so much while you’re at home with your brand new bundle of joy, although, we know and appreciate that it won’t all be plain-sailing. You should probably fit as much sleep in as you can now because life will be tiring from the moment that beautiful bundle is born. Just remember that we are all here if you need anything … even if it just a babysitter for an hour so that you can have a bath! Good luck! Congratulations!
  5. Enjoy the lie-ins and lack of rush hour traffic now that you’re off on your maternity leave. We can forget that you’re replacing them with a screaming baby and dirty diapers for a little while longer at least. Wishing you the very best of luck with your new baby!

Retirement Farewell Messages to Colleague

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  1. You have worked so hard for your entire life, don’t you think it’s about time that you sat back and enjoyed the fruits of your labor?
  2. You have taught me so much in the years that we have worked together. I can’t thank you enough for that, and I’m really sad that we won’t see each other every day, sharing coffees and doughnuts when we think we can get away with it. I hope you enjoy every minute of your retirement, although, knowing you, you won’t be able to sit still and enjoy it for long. All the best wishes in the world! Have fun!
  3. Happy Retirement! Just remember; if you get bored, you can always come back and give us a hand. Enjoy your time!
  4. Retirement is such a huge milestone — congratulations! With all the energy, time, and absolute dedication you have put into working here over the years, it’s definitely overdue that you kick back your heels and enjoy a calmer, quieter life. Happy Retirement!
  5. Congratulations on finally cutting loose the boss! (Just don’t tell your wife I said that!) Happy Retirement, I wish you all the best.

Funny (Although, Slightly Offensive) Farewell Messages to Colleague

  1. I heard you’re venturing off into pastures new, as the old saying goes. I hope everything goes brilliantly for you, but just remember this one thing — there is c**p in every field!
  2. See ya later, bud. We never really liked you anyway … 😉
  3. I’d like to say it’s been a pleasure to know and work with you, but honestly, you make the worst coffee ever. I hope your next place of work has a good coffee machine!
  4. I know how much you hate big goodbye speeches, so, see ya!
  5. Good luck & good riddance! (I’m kidding — take it easy!

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