Funny Group Chat Names

By on November 22, 2017

Looking for a funny group chat name for family, friends, or work colleagues? We’ve come up with some fun ones!

Many people complain that with the age of social media people talk less to family and friends, but they actually talk more, just differently. Chatting with people through online messaging and group chats has become increasingly popular and it’s rare a day passes without friends, family and colleagues messaging one another. To liven up one’s life it can therefore be fun to name the various groups something more interesting than “Family,” “Work,” etc. Especially if you have two (or ten) groups for your friends.

The good thing about group chat names? You can always change them! If you grow tired of a name, or circumstance change so it’s no longer applicable you can just change it.

Below you find a list of some fun names we’ve found/come up with and feel free to add more in the comments!

Family Group Chat Names

Staying in touch with family members (without having to call, or visit them) has never been easier. Gone are the days when you had to message five different people to say the same thing as well: now you can send one message in a group chat and be done with it. Of course, it’s often a lot nicer to chat on the phone, or meet in person, but let’s face it: there are times we just want to say one silly thing and there are other times when we really don’t want to meet in person (and other times when we really should even though we don’t want to…).

Pick a family group chat name that you’ll remember as well – you really don’t want to message your family by mistake with things that should only be heard by your friends…

Below is a list of adorable, shocking, horrid and fun family group chat names!

  1. Full/Fuller House
  2. Family Ties
  3. Family Secrets
  4. Meet the [insert surname]
  5. The Madhouse
  6. The Family Knot
  7. The Wonderful Ones
  8. The [insert surname] Klan
  9. Best Family Ever
  10. Family Hug
  11. Nutcase Relations
  12. 24-Hour Drama
  13. The Crazy Ones
  14. The Secret Life of the [insert surname e.g. “Fullertons”]
  15. Family Time
  16. Family Tides
  17. One Big Bunch of Loonies
  18. The Herd
  19. The Royal [insert surname] Family
  20. The Fabulous Five
  21. The Fantastic Four
  22. The Super Six
  23. The Tremendous Two/Three
  24. The Kooky Ones
  25. Council of War (when you all sit down by the table to discuss, vote on things, etc…)

Group Chat Names for Siblings


Siblings are both a great annoyance and a great relief. If you have many siblings group chats are excellent as you don’t have to text each one of them to say the same thing. Such as remembering that it’s your father’s birthday this week.

Of course you might have internal jokes that are perfect to refer to when coming up with a name, but if not, you can try some of the below!

  1. Bonded by Blood
  2. The Troublemakers
  3. Sibling Squad
  4. Siblings for Life
  5. The Crazy Ones
  6. The Fabulous Five
  7. The Fantastic Four
  8. The Super Six
  9. The Tremendous Two/Three
  10. Bloodlines
  11. One For All, All for One
  12. The Three Musketeers
  13. Bros Yo!

Group Chat Names for Sisters

Let’s be real: some secrets are only to be shared by sisters! The thought of your parents finding out (or finding your phone…) is not a good one…

  1. Friends for Life
  2. Bonded by Blood
  3. Sisters Only
  4. The Sister Club
  5. The Sisterhood
  6. Sisters for Life
  7. Sisters Rock
  8. Sister Sentiments
  9. Sisters United
  10. The [insert surname] Sisters

Group Chat Names for Brothers

If you want to start a chat group for just you and your brother(s) you find some fun names below! Of course, you probably have experiences, nicknames, etc. that you might want to use for naming the group as well.

  1. Brothers by Blood
  2. The Brotherhood
  3. The Troublemakers
  4. Yo Bro!
  5. Bros Forever
  6. The Man Zone

Group Chat Names for Girls and Women

The girlies clearly need their own chat group…or more. One for gossip, one for personal secrets, one for dating stories, one for this, one for that. Truth is, you can have a lot of fun coming up with different names for different topics of discussion. And when something happens, like you are planning a trip somewhere, or some of you are invited to be bridesmaids at a wedding, you can create a separate group for that!

Also, you probably have different sets of friends and it’s good to have different groups for them.

  1. The Sisterhood
  2. Women in Shining Armor
  3. The Soul Sisters
  4. Sisters from Different Misters
  5. The Coven
  6. Always Together
  7. The Women’s Circle
  8. The Girlies
  9. The Hot Ones
  10. Wonderful Women
  11. We Love Ourselves
  12. The Beauties
  13. Prom Queens
  14. The Bachelorettes
  15. Gossip Girls
  16. The High Heels Club
  17. Women Only
  18. No Cooties
  19. The Kooky Club
  20. The Beautiful Ones
  21. The Ton (for Regency enthusiasts…)
  22. Girl Diaries
  23. Man Ban
  24. The Lovelies
  25. The Drama Queens
  26. The Queendom
  27. Kitchen Goddesses
  28. Hot Chicks Club
  29. The Circle
  30. Wild Women
  31. The Housewives
  32. The Wonder Women
  33. Cat Girls
  34. Super Women
  35. Hot Moms Only
  36. When the Babies Are Sleeping
  37. Yummy Mommies
  38. The Goddesses
  39. Oh My Goddess
  40. What Happened Last Night
  41. Wonderful Wives
  42. The Love Goddesses

Group Chat Names for the Office

Whether you include the boss or not is up to you, but having a forum where you can either send work related messages, or messages for hanging out after work (might want to keep the two separate) is great. Especially when you want to say something to everyone and not have to message each single one in your department, or your company.

With this group, just be sure you never send a message by mistake. You really don’t want to your boss to know what you did last Friday night…

  1. The Boss Is Out
  2. The Office
  3. The Secretaries
  4. Office Gossip
  5. Outside Work
  6. Drinks After Work
  7. Day Off
  8. Workaholics
  9. Work Mates
  10. 9-5:ers
  11. Bonded by Paperwork
  12. I am Working
  13. Not by My Desk

Group Chat Names for Foodie Friends (and Cocktail Lovers)

You know who you are – the ones who want to discuss food. But maybe not only food…so you want one place that’s great for food alone. A separate group for food talk. Oh and drinks – let’s not forget the drinks!

The great thing with a group like this as well is that while it might just start out being three people in it, the more people you invite, the more recipes (and real life dinners) you can share. Actually groups that are about different hobbies are awesome as they tend to lead to real life meet-ups and having a circle of friends you see on a regular basis, especially in a big city, is an excellent way of building community.

  1. Foodies United
  2. Bonded by Food
  3. We Eat
  4. Epicurians
  5. The Gourmet Chefs
  6. Friends Who Dine
  7. The Cooking School
  8. Enchanted Food
  9. Food Stories
  10. Stories Round the Table
  11. Bakers Royale
  12. The Happy Cupcakes
  13. Breaking Bread
  14. The Silver Spoons
  15. Sugar ’n’ Spice
  16. Yummy Ingredients
  17. The Cocktail Lovers
  18. In Vino Veritas
  19. Friends who Drink
  20. Wine and Dine
  21. The Mixologists

Cool and Fun Names in General 

You might have a special group for college friends, cousins, etc. i.e. groups that are a bit more specific, or simply don’t fit into any of the above categories, or you might have looked at your category above and not found what you were looking for. In that case there are some ideas for you below (some which were already mentioned in one of the categories, but which fit other kind of groups too). And remember – you can come up with any name you like, just get creative with it and think about what the people in the group have in common. Internal jokes are a great inspiration for coming up with names too!

  1. The Nerd Herd
  2. Nerds United
  3. The Inner Circle
  4. The L.A. Family
  5. The Parliament
  6. Unofficial Law School
  7. Do Not Join
  8. Only Us
  9. Wickedly Wild
  10. The Wicked Ones
  11. The Friend Circle
  12. The Chosen Ones
  13. Dumbledore’s Army
  14. Pigeon Post
  15. YoursTruly
  16. The Superheroes
  17. The Wonderfully Weird Ones
  18. No Spam
  19. 24×7 Drama
  20. The Losers Club
  21. What’s in a Name?
  22. The Intelligentsia
  23. Happy Times
  24. Walkie Talkies
  25. Confessions
  26. My Precious
  27. Hack My Phone
  28. No Name
  29. The Un-named
  30. College Mistakes (friends from college)
  31. What the Bleep
  32. Only Nonsense
  33. Important Gossip
  34. The Ninjas
  35. The Fellowship
  36. Public News
  37. Friends with No Benefits
  38. Happy Hour
  39. The Cocktail Hour
  40. Oupsy Daisy
  41. The Loved Ones
  42. What Happened in Vegas…
  43. Heartbreak Hotel
  44. The Loved Up Ones
  45. The Nutcases
  46. Our Wonderful World
  47. The Dandies
  48. The Cosmopolitans
  49. Keep Calm (…and carry on…)
  50. Comedy of Errors
  51. The King’s Men
  52. The Queen’s Women
  53. The Knighted Ones
  54. The Dukes
  55. The Duchesses
  56. Nosy Neighbors


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