50 Ghana Braids Styles

By on May 13, 2016

Ghana is a famous African hairstyle that looks particularly interesting. The braids are additionally known as banana braids, pencil or cornrow braids and they use a special braiding technique. The weaving complements women with frizzy hair that is difficult to style, and it matches perfectly with all kinds of outfits. Choose the hairstyle that best matches with your preferences and give yourself a hairstyle change for the summer. Here are 50 Ghana braids ideas to inspire you.

1. Zig Zag Ghana Braids

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These red ghana braids in a zig-zag are pretty cool. The braiding is neat and compact, which makes the hairstyle ideal for summer. As for the color, if you think it’s time for a change you should definitely try out red. It works with any type of outfit, and it will instantly bring out the color of your skin.

2. Cornrow Braids In A Bun

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This beautiful hairstyle begins in the front. The cornrows go from a really thin weaving to increasingly more prominent braids. Top off the style with a high bun to give your hairdo an extra touch of glam. The final result will surely exceed all your expectations.

3. Spiral Braids 

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An excellent alternative to the conventional ghana braids. The weaving begins in the front thus creating a visual, spiral effect. We love the thin/thick alteration of the braids, as well as the low ponytail that add more continuity to the hairdo.

4. Bulky Braids & Low Bun

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Bulkier ghana braids are great when you don’t want to spend a lot of time at the salon. They’re easy to make, and topped with a bun they complement perfectly any type of outfit. The style is excellent for women who love to wear over-sized earrings. Emphasize an original look and give your hair the makeover it deserves.

5. 3D Ghana Braids 

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Embossed ghana braids are the newest trend in hairstyling. Choose thinner or thicker braids and ask your stylist to give them a 3D effect. Basically, it’s the embossing of these braids that make the style work and appear so cool. There’s no doubt that the effect created will make people turn heads wherever you go.

6. Blonde Braids

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It’s time for a change in hair color this season. If you love ghana braids but you’d like to give them a different allure, opt for blonde braids. Cornrows in particular are quite interesting; they will completely change the way you look, not to mention that they will highlight the tone of your skin in the most sublime way.

7. Dual Effect

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Women who are sick and tired of the old-fashioned ghana braids should definitely consider a fresh styling. This octopus inspired hairstyle made of thin and thick ghana braids are absolutely fabulous. The bulkier aspect of the bigger braids blend in perfectly with the thinner ones. The final hairdo will have a wow effect on people.

8. Shiny Braids

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Shiny ghana braids with a hidden bun is a hairstyle perfect at a wedding or beach party. The hairdo looks incredibly compact, and this way you have the opportunity to protect your locks from damaging sunlight in the summer.

9. Long, Chic Braids

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Rather than cut your hair and be sorry down the road, why not have it braided in a couple of chic ghana braids? The hairstyle featured above has a fabulous urban allure. We love the spiral effect in the front!

10. Neat Ghana Braiding 

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Ghana weaving is a an incredibly stylish type of braiding that many African women adore. The hairstyle in the picture above looks particularly neat and sleek. Over-sized at the top of the head and rather thinner by the shoulder, the hairdo is an excellent option for women who love the casual look.

11. Ghana Braids & Blue Hints 

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Super sleek ghana braids are a perfect hairstyle for elegant women too. The hairdo highlights a woman’s beautiful facial features, not to mention that it allows them to play around and wear the craziest, most avantgarde earrings.

12. Ghana Braids & Shaved Side

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Give a twist to your ghana braids and shave some hair in the front. This will highlight the shape of your face and bring out your best features – eyes, eyebrows and lips.

13. Elevated Braiding 

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In the mood for super long braids? Check out these fancy ghana braids with beautiful side parting. The X in the front makes the hairdo appear even more ingenious and fresh.

14. Elegant Ghana Braids

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Whether you’re going to a party or wedding, these elegant ghana braids will surely turn some heads around. The neat look of the weaving is absolutely stunning. Simple and chic – exactly what you need to make an impression.

15. Ghana Braids with a Twist 

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Give a twist to your ordinary ghana braids and have them braided on the sides. To make things even more interesting, opt for additional micro-braiding. The effect will definitely make an impression.

16. Micro-Ghana Braiding 

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Micro ghana braids are excellent if you have long hair. It is an excellent hairdo that emphasizes your features and makes you feel attractive. Go for a zig-zag parting in the middle, and be ready to shine!

17. 3D Effects

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This leaf-like hairdo is a work of art. It is artistic, sophisticated and original. If you want to make an impression on someone, this is the hairstyle you should opt for. We love the 3D effect, and contrast between thicker and thinner weaving.

18. Top Bun & Loose Locks

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For an effortless type of hairdo, you should try out this cool top bun with loose locks on the back. It will make you appear taller and most sophisticated. A must-have at any beach party or social event.

19. Artistic Ghana Braids & Low Ponytail

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Ghana braiding can be particularly sophisticated. The weaving we can admire in the photo above is hands-down the coolest type of hairstyle we’ve ever seen. It seems so avantgarde but at the same time linear and really interesting. Top off the hairdo with a low ponytail and you’ll look amazing!

20. Thin Ghana Braids 

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Check out these thin ghana braids! They will beautifully shape your head, thus emphasizing your cheekbones and jawline. The hairstyle is recommended in the summer, when women with frizzy hair have troubles keeping their locks organized.

21. Ombre Effects

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Give your ghana braids an added touch of glam and go for a really light shade at the tips. Choose a really thin weaving to make your hairdo seem more fluid and you’ll surely love the end result.

22. Compact Weaving & Center Parting

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It might seem unusual to have a center parting, but in this case it just works. We love the effect created; the ghana braids will cover your head entirely, thus making the hairstyle look awesome.

23. Purple Ghana Braids

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Purple is such a trendy color, regardless of the season. It works perfectly with braids as it will genuinely bring out the chocolate color of your skin. Wear the braids loose by the shoulders or tied on the back.

24. Side Braids 

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These sided over-sized ghana braids are perfect in day time. They’re simple but chic, which will allow you to pair them with the most sophisticated outfits. If you’re searching for an easygoing, playful hairdo, this is it!

25. Purple Braids & Top Bun

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We love high buns because they’re practical. But we also love them because they add a touch of elegance to any type of outfit. The 3D weaving created at the roots is additionally astounding. Wear this hairdo with an outfit of your choosing and prepare yourself to make a memorable impression.

26. Spiral-Inspired Ghana Braids 

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Sleek hairdos are the best at a social event where you want to exude elegance. This spiral-inspired ghana braids hairstyle is everything you need when searching for a sophisticated style. It looks splendid!

27. Micro-Ghana Braids 

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Go micro this summer season and choose an amazing hairstyle that doesn’t just look good. It also feels good. The hairdo shapes your head perfectly, protecting your locks from damaging UV rays, and maintaining your hair looking healthy and shiny.

28. Ghana Braids & Low Ponytail

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For a more urban-like look you should try out these ghana braids. The spiral effect and low ponytail goes really well with military jackets, jeans and aviator-styled glasses.

29. Separated Ghana Braids

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Make your ghana braids looking neat and choose this amazing hairstyle. The separation between the braids give your look a fresh new vibe. It will make you look incredibly stylish and elegant.

30. Interleaved Braids

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These interleaved ghana braids are fascinating. The hairstyle is quite original and it will suit your personal style perfectly. The two braids on the back have idea symmetry.  Wear it with a casual outfit and you’ll feel like the most confident woman.

31. Purple Zigzags 

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Perfect braids are in trend this season. However, if you want to add a touch of innovation to your personal style, get a change of color and make your zigzag ghana braids stand out.

32. Side Braiding & Low Bun

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These doubled ghana braids with a low bun are excellent at a formal event. The sleek, neat appearance of the hairdo is pretty sophisticated. The side parting and contrasting weaving add even more originality to the look. A must-have for this season!

33. Blonde Ghana Braids

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Go blonde this season and choose to dye your ghana braids blonde. You’ll instantly draw some attention, not to mention that the light shade will emphasize the gorgeous color of your skin.

34. Light Purple Hints

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Women who don’t have enough courage to dye their braids from the roots should take things slow. Have only the top bottom dyed purple and see if you like it. We guarantee that the effect will please you.

35. Micro Madness 

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Let your ghana braids speak for themselves! This compact micro weaving brings out your eyes and delicate facial features. Excellent with a casual outfit, as well as with an elegant dress, the hairstyle should make you feel like the most confident woman.

36. Light Brown Ghana Braids

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Light brown with a slightly darker nuance at the roots is yet another beautiful combination. This caramel-like hue is particularly alluring, and you can easily match it with any sort of outfit – elegant and casual braids, perfect for the hot season.

37. Native American Ghana Braids

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Native American inspired braids are yet another sleek type of ghana weaving. The braids on the scalp are thinner whereas the rest of the hair features thicker braids. The hairdo looks really natural, and it should definitely help you feel more confident and self-assured.

38. Thick/Thin Ghana Braids

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Do you want your ghana braids to stand out? Well then you need to consider this cool hairdo. The alteration between thicker and thinner braids will give your hairdo a different yet really appealing vibe.

39. Detailed Braiding 

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Ghana braiding seems really complex. However, an expert can weave the perfect braids. The hairdo in the picture above is precise, which is exactly why we love it. The braids are evenly weaved, thus giving your head the most perfect round shape.

40. Sharp Ghana Braids

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Give your hairstyle a brand new appeal and opt for these sharp ghana braids. Use the sleek weaving to bring out your features – eyes, lips, jawbone and your face will look clean and incredibly fresh. Choose a nude make-up but consider a more prominent color for the lips to create balance.

41. Red & Yellow Combo

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They say red and yellow are two colors that don’t go really well together. And yet, in this case the combo is absolutely fascinating. We love the glow of the braids, as well as the weaving technique. These ghana braids will frame your face perfectly, and thus all eyes will be on you everywhere you go.

42. Top Purple Bun

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Top buns are the cutest! But when they come in a really striking color, they somehow look even better. The ghana braids in the back are exquisite too. Give yourself a boost of confidence this summer, and explore this variant. It will pleasantly surprise you.

43. Ghana Mohawk 

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Ghana braids are fabulous! But then again, if you feel you need to change your hairdo a bit, you can easily opt for ghana mohawk. Basically, the sides of your scalp neatly weaved, and then at the top your hairstylist will make you a cool braided mohawk.

44. Spiral Ghana Braids & Hair Accessories 

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The beauty of this hairstyle lies in the craftsmanship of the weaving. Attentively braided and complemented with hair clips, this hairdo is an excellent choice for your frizzy hair. Please notice the pronounced partings and the beautiful shaping adds  which even more fluidity to the style.

45. Jumbos & Shaved Front

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Ghana braids that are thicker are also known as jumbo braids. Have them tied in a high ponytail, and shave some hair in the front. The final outcome will exceed all your expectations. The style will accentuate your cheekbones and jawline, as well as your eyes and lips. Wear this hairdo everywhere you go, and all eyes will be on you.

46. Red Octopus 

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An octopus-inspired hairstyle is everything you need to make an impression. When beautifully braided and dyed red, the style looks even more striking. Women with longer locks should give this hairdo a shot at least once in a lifetime. It is extremely elegant and chic. We love the symmetry between the braids, as well as the shape, size and weaving technique.

47. Turban-Like Ghana Braids

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Nobody will even know you have ghana braids! This complex hairstyle gives the impression that you’re wearing a turban on your head. The distance between the braids is almost inexistent; which is exactly why the hairdo is so appealing.

48. Classic Ghana Braids

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Sometime the coolest hairstyle is the simplest. Just like in fashion, in hairstyling less is more. The hairdo presented in the picture above is impeccable. If you have a perfectly round head and a pronounced jawline, then you must try it out. Complemented by a low bun on the back, the looks is both elegant and chic.

49. Different Ghana Braiding Ideas

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Choose a style for your ghana braids, or more. There’s so much you can do with your hair. All you need to do is be willing to try them all. Wear your ghanas on one side, in a bun, or make a half updo. Create a side fringe from some strands of hair or tie in a ponytail. Regardless of your choice, the end result will look fascinating.

50. Silver Ghana Braids

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The coolest hair color of the season is gray. Believe it or not, increasingly more women want to get the “granny look”. But what can you do if you have ghana braids? It’s simple: you choose to dye your braids silver. The nuance is quite striking, so if you want to wow your friends with a spectacular look, this is it.

Make yourself stand out this season and give your hairstyle a complete makeover. Ghana braids in particular, are ideal if you have curly or frizzy hair, and you don’t want to spend hours on a daily basis to style it. The hairdo is extremely original; it can be styled differently, so your have a wide variety of choices. Pick the one you love the most by checking out our 50  ghana braids suggestions, and prepare to embrace your new hairdo. It will suit your personality perfectly!


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