10 Ideas for a Girls’ Night In

By on November 19, 2014

Whether you are looking for a girls’ night in for a bunch of friends, or you are just looking to do something fun with one of the girlies there are a plethora of things to do on a night at home. It’s only too easy to do the same old, same old, but there are, in fact a lot of things that can spice up a night at home and turn it into one to remember.

Hire a Teacher


Whether you want to learn massage techniques, belly dancing, yoga, how to bake the best ever chocolate cake, goal setting, pole dancing, or some self-defense techniques, you can hire a pro to come teach you for the night. You can turn this into a monthly thing where every month one of you hosts the night and hire a teacher. That way you get twelve different classes in a year!

Chocolate Extravaganza


Let’s face it: red wine and chocolate, or, alternatively, champagne and chocolate dipped strawberries are things that are perfectly suited for a girls’ night in. If you fancy something more cozy, opt for hot chocolate and have a hot chocolate bar where you can put your own toppings and flavors into the chocolate. You can also turn it into a chocolate baking or chocolate tasting night. If you bake get everyone involved in making chocolate treats. You can have different groups make different chocolate treats, or simply let everyone make their own chocolate dipped strawberries, using different kinds of chocolate. When they are done share your treats, maybe after first having dinner, or whilst watching a movie.

Pajama Party


Bring on the PJs! This is when you dig out those flannel pajamas, bigger than life and fluffier than Fluffy the Bunny slippers and as many ice cream buckets as you can find. Of course, it all needs to be accompanied with a typical chic flick movie, like Grease (note the pajama party they are having in the movie) or Dirty Dancing.


Spa Night


In Grease the girls are piercing ears during their pajama party if I can remember it correctly, which is probably not something you should attempt, but why not indulge in other things that make you feel fabulous and beautiful? Like massages, pedicures, manicures and the likes. If you fancy you can start the night by making your own spa products. After all, the best spa products only contain what you’d find in the kitchen cupboard, plus some additional medicinal herbs and spices.

Make Over Night


Do you remember as a kid playing dress up? Well why not dress up your friends? Make sure everyone brings an assortment of clothes that you can mix and match! If you fancy you can even go shopping for each other beforehand (just check you can return the clothes). Also read up on make-up tips and hairdos. Then have an epic night of transforming each other. There will probably be some hilarious tries to make things fit that don’t and some surprising finds of what really does suit someone. Have fun, drink champagne (not too much if you want to put the eyeliner on straight) and really enjoy pampering each other. (Don’t forget to look crazy in the “before shots”!)

Game Theme Night


You gotta love a good night of games! Get your favorite games out, or take out that old deck of cards and decide what games to play. From Twister to Poker there are plenty of games to choose from so you are sure to be able to find one game you will all love.

50s/60s Night


Deck the halls with quotes from Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn, download 60s make-up tips and get those hair rollers ready to transform everyone into the sixties version of themselves. Rent a few movies too like Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Rebel Without a Cause (Jimmy Dean – yum!), a Marilyn Monroe flick, or if it’s coming up to Christmas: It’s a Wonderful Life (admittedly set in the mid/late forties).


Book Exchange


Bring some of your favorite books, wrap them up so no one knows the real title, add a description and let people choose the book that speak the most to them. Serve some book inspired meal or cakes, chat about why you love the books you brought and enjoy being book worms for the night!



Get the ladies together for a night of scrapbooking when you talk, laugh and fill your books with whatever floats your boat! Whether you want to create a scrapbook filled with the adventures that you want to go on (inspirational vision board type of scrapbook), a scrapbook for your kids or your boyfriend, one for your father’s birthday or one that you fill with inspirational quotes and images to perk you up on a rainy day, it’s much more fun to do it when you get to chat to others whilst working. Get creative – bring all sorts of fun things to put in your books to turn them into artworks. Maybe this is the time when you finally put all your recipes in one place and produce a cookbook you can sell in the iBooks Store?


Wine Tasting


Nothing like some wine to get the conversation flowing. Sure you should spit it out after trying it, but once you’ve decided on your favorite bottle, it’s time to drink it! Bring out some old episodes of Sex and the City or other highly important TV show afterwards, sip your wine and forget all about being sophisticated – talk men, sex, career, fun times and fashion. Or skip the movies and get super intellectual and sit around like the Parisians having philosophical discussions whilst sipping French wine.


1507760_10152392614860079_8379465670289960282_n copy 2By Maria Montgomery – Maria is a freelance writer, director and social entrepreneur. She’s also the spokesperson for The Little Angels Community Center and an avid blogger. You can find her somewhere between Cape Town, London and L.A., where you will most likely find her in the hills, looking out over the city she loves. @OhMyMontgomery

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