Giuliana Rancic Diet and Workout
This Italian-American beauty has had her fair share of up’s and down’s over the years but throughout it all, she has looked absolutely stunning every step of the way. She met the love of her life, Bill Rancic, and married him in 2007, and after two years of fertility issues (2009 & 2010) they finally gave IVF a try. Sadly, after getting pregnant early on in that year, she suffered with a miscarriage at nine weeks, and a second IVF try was seemingly unsuccessful. After discussions surrounding the third try, it was discovered that she had breast cancer and following on from that, she underwent a double mastectomy.
Most girls would be sat around in their pyjamas, eating bucket-loads of ice cream and wallowing in self pity, but not Giuliana. She stayed true to herself, eating healthy and still heading to the gym, and at one point she even went public for a magazine stating that running was her form of ‘therapy’.
Thankfully, the story has ended with a beautiful baby boy, and although this was through a gestational carrier, the couple have never been happier, and Giuliana especially.
The Fashion Police host is forever in the public spotlight which means that she always has to look her best, and in order to achieve that, she follows a good diet, and a good exercise plan, details of which can be found below…
Giuliana Rancic Diet
Only packing her body full of nutrient-rich foods, Giuliana is a big fan of anything fresh such as fruit and vegetables. She likes to perform high intensity training in the gym so she needs a diet that is rich enough to keep up with that, and things like grilled chicken and leafy greens are the perfect thing to keep her cells healthy and rejuvenating, and her energy levels up.
She has admitted to having a bit of a sweet tooth (as many of us do!), and to keep those sugar cravings at bay, she likes to keep fresh and dried fruit around her to give her the sugar and energy hit she needs, while avoiding high calorie delights like candy and cake.
The average day for Giuliana would start with a great vitamin-packed breakfast such as egg white omelettes, with a glass of lemon juice mixed with a dash of cayenne pepper. If you can’t quite handle that fiery drink first thing in the morning, hot water with a fresh lemon slice will do the trick quite nicely, and this will actually help to detox the body too. The more water you drink, the quicker the bad stuff will be flushed out, so even if you can’t stand water on its own, the lemon slice trick is a great cheat.
For the average dinner, Giuliana would have something to eat that again, is high in nutrients, and to follow in her footsteps you should be making things like steamed broccoli, plenty of vegetables, and grilled chicken or steamed fish – these are all very easy dishes to make, and with a multilayered steamer, can all be throw in the same cooking pit and left to its own devices.
For a snack, fruit is always a great idea and not only helps to keep sugar cravings at bay (as we’ve already mentioned), but with fruits such as grapefruit, there are additional links to boosting weight loss, so are definitely great foods to consider.
Giuliana Rancic Workout
A good diet is nothing without a great exercise regime, and there is no secret behind her love of exercise. As well the high intensity training sessions she likes to do with her personal trainer, you can find this 40 year old Italian beauty in the great outdoors running – something she once referred to as her therapy.
For her, working out is not just a way to keep fit, but also to keep stress levels down and with everything that has been going on with her life over the last few years, you can hardly blame her. In fact, there is something very soothing about going to the gym and bashing out a great exercise when you are furious or looking for a fight, so next time to sit on the couch with your own anger, why not try to hash it out at the gym instead?
She’ll dedicate an hour of her time to working out per day, although on other days she may even manage more, but she’ll spend about half an hour of her day running, either outside or on the treadmill, and for the last twenty to thirty minutes of her workout, she’ll be using weights to help tone and define that killer body we have come to know and love.
Of course, one final thing that it is definitely worth mentioning about the workouts that Giuliana performs – she tries to partake in them with her husband as much as possible, and statistics have shown you are more likely to lose weight when you have a supportive hand doing it with you, than what you would have done if you were to exercise alone.
Food for thought, right?