Halle Berry Plastic Surgery Shocker!

By on January 14, 2014

She’s definitely well known in Hollywood circles. In fact, she’s well known all around the world, not only because of her great acting skill, but also because of her natural beauty. She really is one of the most beautiful women in the world. However, recent reports would suggest that Halle Berry is not such a natural beauty after all. If you like to believe all you read, it would seem Halle Berry has had plastic surgery.


She’s flatly denied the rumours of course – who wouldn’t? She’s the face behind some of the biggest makeup and beauty names in the world. There’s no way she could come out and say that she HAS had celebrity plastic surgery!

She was born in California on August 14th, 1966. She might be 47 years of age but she certainly doesn’t look it. We’ve often wondered what her secret was.

She was a fashion model before she turned into one of the world’s best known and best loved actresses. She even entered a beauty pageant or two along the way too. It would seem that she’s always been beautiful but has she always looked the same way?

3f273216c30809e202a3245a7b3f16efShe’s had three marriages and two kids to enjoy and raise along the way. Some of the men that she has been romantically linked to are the most beautiful men in the world so it makes sense that she needs to keep herself in tip top shape. David Justice, the baseball player, Eric Benet, the musician and even Olivier Martinez have put a ring on it, and she was also with Gabriel Aubry for five years; he fathered one of her two children. She’s still with Oliver Martinez, and they have since had her second child.

She’s not had the best of times with everything to be fair. When she broke up with David Justice, she publicly came out to admit that she had considered taking her own life. Benet later checked himself into a sex addiction clinic shortly after they broke up… There was the custody battle that she had to fight with Aubry, plus a fight between him and Oliver Martinez reportedly broke out with both of them later being treated in local hospitals, and Martinez also later threatened to kill him, after which injunctions started being thrown around.

What a crazy life triangle!

Moving on to a much happier topic and we go back to Halle Berry’s beauty. Did you know that back in 2003, she was voted as the No. 1 in “50 Most Beautiful People in the World” by People. She actually made the top ten of this list a whopping seven times. We told you she was hot.

As if we needed it to be confirmed anymore, Halle Berry has also been voted No. 1 on the FHM “Top 100 Sexiest Women in the World” in 2003, No. 35 in the Men’s Health “100 Hottest Women of All-Time” and even Esquire has voted her on the top of their polls too. We’d call that validation, wouldn’t you?

The problem with all of this is that now the rumours have surfaced, we can’t help but think that perhaps Halle Berry might have had a little extra help from a plastic surgeon or two to look the way that she does. She might be beautiful but is she fake beautiful?

Back in 2007, she said in an interview that she would “never say never” to the idea of plastic surgery but she hadn’t had any work done herself. Despite this, it would seem that a breast augmentation might be on the Halle Berry plastic surgery list. If you look at a picture of her chest from a few years ago and then take a closer look at what she appears to be packing now; you will see there is quite the difference. They definitely seem bigger and perkier too. She’s 47 years old – shouldn’t things like be sagging by now?


Another thing that seems to have changed somewhat is her nose. It’s thinner than it used to be – this is something we can clearly see in old and new photos of her. Did she do this to better her looks, do you think? We think she looked super cute before anyway. Did she really need to have celebrity plastic surgery in order to strive for perfection…. Her nose definitely seems wider before. #JustSayin


She may have denied the reports but there’s something changing in Halle Berry and we aren’t sure that these are all just natural changes. Looking at the before and after pictures of the beautiful actress, it would seem that things have changed too dramatically to be a clever makeup trick or a photo editing moment.

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