Has Kris Jenner Had Plastic Surgery?
She might be a 58 year old woman (and Grandmother now!) but she sure doesn’t show any signs of slowing down at any point soon. Not just a TV personality known for shows such as Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kris, America’s Next Top Model and The Talk, she’s also an author.
A woman that is always in the public eye, Kris Jenner must feel pressured into keeping herself looking young and has fully come out and admitted that when it comes to celebrity plastic surgery and looking young, she’s going to do “what a girl’s gotta do”. It makes a refreshing change for someone to speak the truth about their celebrity nip and tuck work, doesn’t it?
In the autobiographical book Kris Jenner and All Things Kardashian, she speaks about her plastic surgery work. It would seem that the list was much longer than we had anticipated. She has had breast augmentation done twice to make them bigger. As you can see from the pictures, her breasts barely look a “regular” size without even needing to compare them to the “Before” shot! When you look at the comparison of a “Before” and “After”, you can clearly see that her breasts have been made bigger by surgical methods. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to work that kinda stuff out!
Other celebrity plastic surgery that she came out and spoke about in the book was the work she had done on her nose. There have been many surgeries done on this area to perfect the look for her – the multiple and extensive work is all in a bid to get the perfect look for the camera.
A lot of the work she had done was performed in the months leading up the wedding that we were all talking about – the wedding of Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries which you knew was going to be just as insane as the couple behind it. Who’d have thought this two-some would be the one that made the cut? We sure didn’t have them down for babies and marriage… They lasted just 72 days before Kim filed for the divorce. We didn’t see that coming…. Much!
On top of the extensive nose surgery that Kris Jenner has had, you’ve got the plentiful Botox going on. She wanted the perfect face and sadly, it would seem that she is showing the common signs of this sort of celebrity plastic surgery – the puffy, plastic-looking forehead.
Many surgeons have come out to suggest that the Kris Jenner plastic surgery list might even be longer still with other surgeries including a face lift. All of the work was said to be part of her “freshening up” phase before the wedding. She sure does look stunning but it does seem like an awful lot of surgery as well as an awful lot of maintenance, especially with the Botox.
According to other media reports, Karen Houghton (Kris’ younger sister) has publicly come out to talk about her bigger sister following the announced separation between Kris and Bruce Jenner. In the statement, she reputedly said that Kris Jenner had spent over a whopping $1 million on celebrity plastic surgery. According to the younger sister, the problems stem from Kris’ childhood issues with being overweight. Whatever the problem stems from, it’s sure proving to be a damn expensive one! Who has that sort of money to spent on something like plastic surgery? We are clearly in the wrong job…
Of course, money is no issue for Kris Jenner when you consider that her net value in 2011 was said to be over $30 million.
Delving a little further into her personal life and it would seem that things haven’t gone all that great for her in the love department. Her recent announced separation from Bruce Jenner shocked a lot of people. They have been married for 22 years. She was also married to Bruce Kardashian from 1978 to 1991. We wonder if it will be hard for her to adapt to single life at her slightly more mature age?
At the end of it all, it doesn’t really matter what we think about the celebrity plastic surgery work that Kris Jenner has undergone. If she is happy with herself, it shouldn’t matter what the rest of the world thinks. You must admit though, she does look very good for her age. Plastic surgery or not, this chick is still smokin’ hot!