Comments on: What To Do If He Just Wants To Be Friends Mon, 02 May 2016 16:45:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Thu, 28 Apr 2016 15:36:05 +0000 Just hang out with him and see what is on his mind. You already know that he is not looking for a relationship and does not want to get involved with anyone at work. He either wants to tell you this again in person because he respects you, or there is a possibility that his desires have changed. Whatever the case, the only way you will find out is to talk to him in person. His attitude via text most likely just changed because he assumed you were shutting him down or upset–it is really easy to misunderstand text messages. Just meet him in person and see how things go. Good luck!

By: web admin Mon, 25 Apr 2016 14:08:26 +0000 I don’t know if he needs more time or not. It seems like his primary worry is not having time or being in a position to actually settle down because of work. Until that problem is fixed, it looks like he is going for the logical choice of just remaining somewhat single for the near future. :( Good luck, Marilyn!

By: Thalia Mon, 25 Apr 2016 08:21:18 +0000 Om torn and could use your help. This is a time sensitive issue. I work with a guy sonce last June and recently just got out of a long term relationship. One night at a friends party i not only told him we seperated but that i ahve like hiM for a long time. We hooked up but didnt sleep together. A week later same thing. Then we slept in his bed and he held me. I know from the get go he didnt want a relationship. Im ok with it. He told me he doesnt mess with people at work. I told him it was between us. Then last wed he text me to say he just wanted to be friends. I was hurt and i wanted to talk. He said he was fine with talking as long as i understood this is what he wanted. I asked to hang with him this past sat to talk and he said he was busy. He said how about monday? For the plans we had i was assuming it would be afternoon into pm. I told him i may have meetings but if i didnt sure. We see eachother at work but i stopped texting. Today i get a text to meet for coffee in am. He said he wanted to talk to me in person. I kept my texts very short. I dont really want to talk anymore and have no idea why we would be going for coffee. He know im not a morning person. What do i do if hes meeting for me to say how i feel? What do i do if he says he never wants to hang again? I told him when he had text about just being friends that i thoughy we were on the same page and just having fun. His attitude changed so drastically. What could he want to talk about? Why not hang out later like planned? Do i tell him im hurt or play it cool. I could use some advise. Thanks :(

By: Marilyn Sun, 24 Apr 2016 14:42:53 +0000 Ok no problem, thanks! I was asking if there is a possibility that I have ruined the friendship by even having that conversation. Although we never texted every day anyway, he was to brief and not responsive a few days later, so I’ve stopped texting altogether and haven’t heard from him in a week. I’m just wondering if its possible that he is now uncomfortable and no longer wants to be friends or if he just needs time to absorb what was discussed(aside from being busy).sorry I don’t see your other response. Thanks again.

By: web admin Sat, 23 Apr 2016 18:59:53 +0000 Moving to a new location is extremely difficult for anyone you love, but it is even harder if you are uncertain if he is going to hang around for long. If you move, it is just as friends and he may never want anything more. It sounds like it would be a better idea to not move and try a long-distance relationship for a while. If you guys can keep up a long-distance relationship, then your chances of lasting are better. Plus, it will give him a chance to decide if he wants you in his life as more than a friend. If he is unwilling to be more than friends right now, then don’t move because you are immediately setting yourself up for a failed move and a difficult–and potentially impossible–relationship.

By: web admin Sat, 23 Apr 2016 13:55:03 +0000 I just responded–my apologies for it taking so long. Read through my response and let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks for commenting!

By: web admin Sat, 23 Apr 2016 13:48:39 +0000 You are welcome–I hope that everything works out for you. Good luck, Marilyn!

By: jo Fri, 22 Apr 2016 20:04:01 +0000 Ive been seeing this guy I met online off and on nothing serious. We were serious for 4 1/2 months I did find out he had a kid and that he was moving to a different state he asked me to go and I was going to go. After our trip there he told me he just can be dating anyone right now but he still wants me to move with him but as friends. If we move I’m moving there for three weeks just me and then he is moving shortly after. I’m not sure what is the best thing to do. I still love him but I know I love him more than he loves me. I want to move out there but I don’t know if should just get my own place or move with him and try the friend thing. I feel like I invested almost two years of my life and now he just wants to be friends until he is ready to date. what am I to do?

By: Marilyn Tue, 19 Apr 2016 03:22:59 +0000 Thanks! Can you give any insight on my most recent post?

By: Marilyn Sun, 17 Apr 2016 16:28:04 +0000 Oh Thank you so much for your responses, very helpful! I felt lost because it seemed that he was completely writing off any possibility of being with me by mentioning me finding Mr. Right; but I guess I understand now; that he also wants me to be happy and not wait around if it’s too long? I also didn’t understand why he wanted to make sure I let him know my family does not think we are more than just friends. He got along with them so well, but I thought that was strange. Also I’m hoping I didn’t ruin any chances by having this conversation/confronting him about my feelings (alhtough we were both up-front and honest); it seems that he is not as responsive to texts since this conversation (3 days ago), he takes long to respond and is very brief. I’m not sure if he is uncomfortable, needs some time, or is done with me :-(. Thanks again for your honest responses.
