Health – Wed, 31 Oct 2018 13:46:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Health – 32 32 Low HGH and Anxiety: What Every Adult Should Know Thu, 11 Oct 2018 14:42:02 +0000 Anxiety is described as a feeling of worry, unease, agitation, nervousness, apprehension, or fear. Mild cases of anxiety can leave you feeling unsettled and depressed over circumstances that you may not quite understand. Severe anxiety can influence daily life and get to the point where you may not want to leave your house. Today, we […]

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Anxiety is described as a feeling of worry, unease, agitation, nervousness, apprehension, or fear. Mild cases of anxiety can leave you feeling unsettled and depressed over circumstances that you may not quite understand. Severe anxiety can influence daily life and get to the point where you may not want to leave your house. Today, we want to explain the connection between low HGH and anxiety so that you become aware of a potential cause for your concerns.

What many people do not realize is that adult growth hormone deficiency (AGHD) can be debilitating in multiple ways. Low HGH levels can impact emotional well-being, physical health, physiological functions, and mental performance. If you are growth hormone deficient, you have an increased risk for any of the following health issues:

  • Osteoporosis
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Atherosclerosis
  • High blood pressure
  • Obesity
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Dementia
  • Depression

Any of these concerns could take away your independence and cause an increase in stress. When we look at low HGH causing anxiety in adults, it is often because growth hormone decline is impacting at least one of these areas. For some people, it is a combination of emotional, physical, physiological, and mental health that stands in the way of daily happiness and quality of life.

Why Does Low HGH Contribute to Anxiety?

Your anxiety can stem from many things – poor health, relationship issues, monetary concerns, job stress, family life, and even how you are aging. There comes a time when every adult looks at a photo and wonders, where did the years go. Believe it or not, each of the issues mentioned can have roots in low growth hormone levels. As we delve further into low HGH and anxiety, you will understand why.

Poor health is a factor due to the impact that illness can have on not only the person with the condition but the family, as well. HGH plays a crucial role in strengthening the immune system. It helps to support blood cell production, circulation, cell regeneration, thymus gland hormone production, and heart health. When HGH levels are low, the body is at an increased risk of illness. There is often a longer healing time for people with AGHD. Whether you are the person sick or a caregiver, you may have to take time off from work which can impact financial status. Of course, all the above only further increases anxiety.

Relationship issues and family life tend to suffer when someone has AGHD. Growth hormone supports sleep, and lack of sleep can lead to fatigue, low energy, irritability, and further anxiety. As sleep declines, the body compensates by increasing the production of the stress hormone cortisol. Not only do you have to contend with more cortisol increasing your stress, but cortisol also inhibits GH production. HGH levels further decline, and stress levels continue to rise. More delightful information about HGH and other hormones you can find at

Because growth hormone impacts our weight, skin tone, hair growth, and muscle mass, AGHD often leads to premature aging. The mirror often shows us what we want to see. Photos tell the truth, which can lead to increased anxiety. Joint pains, blurry night vision, and even a decline in sex drive and performance can affect one’s emotional state.

Growth hormone also supports mental functions such as cognitive processing, learning, memory, and focus. When you start to forget why you entered a room or a person’s name, your level of stress will naturally increase. Fears of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are very real aspects of AGHD. Additionally, since HGH helps with drive, motivation, and productivity, you may find that your work performance suffers. This can lead to further stress on the job and concerns over monetary stability.

Along with cognitive performance, HGH also supports emotional balance. Growth hormone has a direct impact on the brain’s neurotransmitters. It can cross the blood/brain barrier to affect emotional well-being by boosting endorphin levels.

When you receive treatment to increase levels of HGH and reduce anxiety, you can help improve your emotional state.

How Do I Know If Low HGH is Causing My Anxiety?

As we have stated, anxiety can be caused by many factors. If you have recently undergone a relationship breakup or job loss, those are issues that can directly impact anxiety. Illness and injury often increase a person’s stress levels. Depression and anxiety are closely interrelated. Having one with the other is common. Hormonal imbalance is another leading cause of anxiety and depression.

How do you know if it is low HGH causing anxiety in your life?

The first thing to look at is if any mitigating circumstances are contributing to your anxiety.

Have you suffered a job loss, breakup, illness, or injury?

Has your self-image suffered due to changes in your appearance such as wrinkles, weight gain, or hair loss?

Are you tired, moody, not getting enough sleep (minimum 7 hours), or not eating right?

It may not seem like it at first, but each of these issues may have roots in low HGH and anxiety.

The only way to know for sure is to contact a hormone specialist who can run the necessary diagnostic blood tests to measure your hormone levels. Once you find out if low HGH is an issue, you will be able to treat the situation and decrease your anxiety.


What Can I Do to Reverse Low HGH and Anxiety?

The best way to reverse low levels of HGH, reduce anxiety, and restore emotional well-being is with HGH therapy. Daily injections of human growth hormones give back to the body what it is missing. When you create a state of hormonal balance, you improve emotional stability.

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HGH Benefits for Skin and Hair: Transforming Your Appearance Tue, 02 Oct 2018 15:49:11 +0000 In the quest for younger looking skin and fuller hair, some people will spend thousands of dollars every year. They will buy creams, vitamins, lotions, supplements, and various “tools” to help firm their skin and grow their hair. What many do not know is that the best way to do this is to give the […]

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In the quest for younger looking skin and fuller hair, some people will spend thousands of dollars every year. They will buy creams, vitamins, lotions, supplements, and various “tools” to help firm their skin and grow their hair. What many do not know is that the best way to do this is to give the body the tools it needs to accomplish this naturally. That is where the HGH benefits for skin and hair enter the picture to transform your appearance naturally.

If you have ever wondered why some people naturally retain their youthful appearance as they age, look to HGH. Human growth hormone is one of the body’s most influential chemical messengers. Although everyone will experience a decline in HGH production with age, some people face a more rapid decrease. The lower your HGH levels get, the more likely it is that you will notice signs of physical aging.

These aging signs can include any or all of the following:

  • Age spots
  • Skin discoloration
  • Dry skin
  • Thinning of the skin layers
  • Wrinkles
  • Cellulite
  • Sagging skin
  • Thinning hair
  • Male pattern balding
  • Bald patches
  • Slow hair growth
  • Dry, brittle hair
  • Natural color turning to gray

The way that HGH helps skin and hair improve is by getting right to the source – cellular regeneration. Your skin’s layers and hair require an abundant supply of new cells each day. Without a plentiful production of these cells, you will begin to notice the changes listed above.

Benefits of HGH for Collagen and Elastin Production for the Skin

Your skin is made up of three distinct layers that all require cells:

  • Epidermis – top layer made up of keratinocytes. These skin cells are the ones that you see flake away when you scratch your arm. It may take as long as five weeks for these cells to reach the surface.
  • Dermis – the middle skin layer is where you find collagen and fibers of elastin. Nerve fibers and blood vessels are other features of this layer of the skin.
  • Hypodermis – the bottom skin layer houses the subcutaneous fat that insulates the body and protects it against injury.


We find HGH benefits on skin elasticity brought about by increased cellular regeneration. Human growth hormone stimulates the production of the body’s many types of cells. It is aided in this process by another hormone called insulin growth factor 1. IGF-1 comes primarily from the liver after it receives signals from HGH. When human growth hormone levels are low, the liver reduces IGF-1 secretion. Since these two hormones are the primary stimulators of cell reproduction, maintaining their supply is crucial.

As your cell production improves with HGH therapy, you will notice an increase in both collagen and elastin. Here are the HGH benefits for skin you will experience:

  • Increased Collagen – collagen helps to thicken the skin. HGH stimulates type 1 collagen found in connective tissues.
  • Improved Elastin – elastin increases skin elasticity, just like it sounds. You need elastin to help make the skin pliable and resistant to injury and tearing.


Decreasing Wrinkles and Firming the Skin with HGH

As collagen and elastin supplies increase, you will notice incredible tightening HGH effects on skin appearance. Collagen helps to reduce the appearance of sagging and wrinkles by plumping the skin’s layers. Along with that, the visual appearance of cellulite will also start to decline. Your skin will become firmer and tighter – producing a more youthful look.

Another benefit is the fading of any age spots or discoloration you might have. Your skin naturally becomes younger-looking without all those expensive creams. At the same time that you are experiencing these HGH benefits for skin tone, you will also be helping your body in many other ways. Energy, metabolism, immunity, libido, and brain functions all reap the benefits of human growth hormone therapy.

Of course, there is more to HGH benefits for the skin other than just how you look. While your youthful appearance is important to you, the benefits to the body from your skin are even more astounding.

You see, the skin is what protects the body from incoming invaders such as germs and viruses. The older you get, the thinner your skin layers become. That makes you a target for bacteria. One small scratch will take much longer to heal. You succumb more easily to infection. HGH helps to protect the skin, and therefore the body, against these germs. Human growth hormone also helps your skin heal faster by sending an increased supply of inflammatory cells to form a blood clot. Following this step, HGH helps increase the proliferation of keratinocytes that work from the inside out to restore the skin’s surface. Doctors have used HGH to help speed healing with skin grafts for burn victims.


Thicker Hair and Improved Hair Growth with HGH

Keratinocytes are not just for the skin. As we continue to explore the HGH effects on skin and hair, we find that each hair strand is also made up of keratinocytes. Inside the base of the hair follicle, a new bulb begins to form. The bulb is made up of living cells (keratinocytes) that divide and grow. As the new hair shaft forms, a lack of keratinocytes will cause it to become thinner than the previous hair strand. The result is a weaker hair that can fall out faster and grow slower.

Your blood vessels ferry a continual supply of hormones in the blood to help nourish the cells as they grow and divide. When prescribed HGH therapy for growth hormone deficiency, your hair begins to reap the benefits of improved cell regeneration. Each hair strand will receive an increased supply of blood cells, hormones, and keratinocytes.

The final way in which HGH helps the hair is by increasing the supply of cells the provide the pigment for the strand. As the new hair shaft pushes up through the layers of the skin, it passes through pigment cells that give the melanin necessary for hair color. An absence of these melanocytes leads to the loss of color and gray hair. That is why so many people report a return of their natural color six months into HGH therapy.

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100 Walking Team Names Tue, 24 Apr 2018 15:42:50 +0000 So you’re thinking of joining a walking team, huh? Well here’s some cute, funny, and awesome inspiration for your walking team name. 1. Baby Got Track This one is just downright hilarious, and hearing it one time immediately makes us think of that clever and funky song ‘Baby Got Back’. Who wouldn’t want that song […]

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So you’re thinking of joining a walking team, huh? Well here’s some cute, funny, and awesome inspiration for your walking team name.

1. Baby Got Track

This one is just downright hilarious, and hearing it one time immediately makes us think of that clever and funky song ‘Baby Got Back’. Who wouldn’t want that song jamming in their head while they’re out for a walk?

2. Between a Walk and a Hard Place

So clever- replacing rock with walk really seals the deal on this walking team name.

3. Blister Sisters

Yikes! Nobody likes a painful blister, but we can’t deny how clever this cute name is. If you and your gal pals tend to have achy feet after a long walk, this is probably the name for you.

4. Blondes Have More Run

Oh do they? We knew they had more fun, but we had no idea they had more run too. Blondies, you’re going to have to proof this one for us.

5. Buns on the Run

Buns on the run. Oh, come on. I giggle the second I see this one. Too funny and so cute!

6. Heels on Hills

Walking team that goes all over the place, especially those treacherous mountainy areas? Yup, your walking team name must be Heels on Hills!

7. Dashing Divas

You’re a diva, and you can dash. Heck yeah.

8. Forty and Fit

For the older walkers out there who aren’t afraid to flaunt what they’ve got, knowing they look dang good for their age, we love this walking team name.

9. Get ‘Er Run

When you’re going for a walk, just before you start, don’t forget to say “Get ‘Er Done”.

10. Happy Feet

This just really is THEE most unbelievably adorable walking team name we have ever heard. Love it.

11. Heart and Sole

You’ve got heart, and you’ve definitely got sole. 

12. Miles of Martinis

If you and your girlfriends will be hitting the martinis right after your long walk, this has got to be the name for you. 

13. Mind Over Miles

Sometimes that’s all you’ve got: mind over matter! I mean, miles.

14. Nerd Herd

Nothing wrong with being a nerd! Wear that name with pride and call yourselves the Nerd Herd.

15. Not Fast, Just Furious

Oh no! Hopefully some of that fury goes into your walking game.

16. Rapid Thigh Movement

This has no other comment except LOL. And LOL, again.

17. Road Runners

So you’re quick, huh? Like a road runner? Here’s the name for you.

18. Running on Empty

So you’re…. not quick, at all. You may be running on empty.

19. Sole Mates

How adorable is this? A great idea for a pair of walking lovers or just really close friends!

20. Spark Plugs

So fast it feels like you’ve got a pair of spark plugs underneath your toes! Love this one.

21. Straight off the Couch

Well, hey, at least you got up off the couch- that’s better than a lot of people out there!

22. Superfeet

You’re swift, you’re powerful, you’re Superman! Well, Superfeet. Which is just as good.

23. Team Spanks

Nothing wrong with a little Spanks when you’re trying to lose weight with some walking.

24. Tenacious Turtles

This is just too funny. Could you imagine a tenacious turtle? They must be trying REALLY hard.

25. The Fit, the Fat, and the Funny

For the group of friends that just don’t match but love each other to death.

26. The Trotters

Globetrotters? Nope, just Trotters.

27. Training Wheels

You have to start somewhere. 

28. Twisted Blisters

That sounds painful.

29. WII Not Fit

This will definitely turn out to be a classic walking team name; it’s just TOO great.

30. Wonder Women

That’s right. All that walking IS making you turn into Wonder Women!

31. Where’s the Finish Line

Sometimes you just want it to be OVER WITH. Sound like you? Then you need to ask: Where’s the Finish Line!?

32. Your Pace or Mine?

So clever we have to laugh and roll our eyes at the same time.

33. We Thought They Said Rum

Oh, yeah. RUN not RUM. Well that’s a bummer. Maybe after the race?

34. Run Like the Winded

You’re bound to run like the winded at least one time or another in your walking career!

35. Whiskey Business

Just. Too. Clever.

36. Runaway Moms

Yep, sometimes mommy just needs to get away from her little terrors for an afternoon. 

37. Kiss My Asphault

Oh, my.

38. Stinky Sneakers

Eww! Somebody needs to give those guys some spray!

39. Cirque de Sore Legs

So chic and fancy, but my so true.

40. The Young and the Breathless


41. H2-Ow

Yeah, you’ll be saying ‘Ow’ after every sip of water when you’re done with the walking marathon.

42. Drinkers with a Running Problem

Maybe this sounds like you and your pals?

43. Creative Team Name

Sometimes you’re just not clever at all, and that’s where this silly name comes into play.

44. Last Placers

Just be honest with yourself.

45. Quads of Fury

Ah, yes. Those portruding muscles must be noted!

46. If You Ain’t First You’re Last

Ricky Bobby said it best!

47. The Fats and the Furious

Haha, well, you’re still trying nonetheless.

48. Just Going to Stroll

Why waste all that energy when you can enjoy nature while you walk!

49. Not Fast or Furious

So, you’re just chill and slow. Nothing wrong with that.

50. Thunder Thighs

So quick!

51. Medals for Participation

Hopefully they’ll be giving those out at the end of the marathon.

52. We’ve Got Sole

We’ve got sole, how bout you?

53. Walk This Way

Who doesn’t love Aerosmith?

54. I’ve Got Soles in Different Area Codes

Some Ludacris inspiration for this silly walking team name.

55. Walking with the Devil

Another great song!

56. IcyHots

So funny.

57. Team Orthotic

Perfect name for a group of older walkers!

58. Wheelies

So quick it looks like you’re on wheels? Heck yeah!

59. Cardio Hoes (Or Bros)

For you sassy chicks out there.

60. Spaghetti Legs

After a long walk you may definitely suffer from spaghetti legs, that’s for sure.

61. It’s For Charity

Let everyone know!

62. Sore to the Finish

You’ll be soaring to the finish line, and then be sore. Yup.

63. Fo Shoe

That’s just silly. 

64. Sole

Sole? Or soul?

65. Love at First Track

For the lovers out there who love each other and love the track!

66. Starting Slow, Getting Slower

Start slow end fast? No, stay slow.

67. Spongebob Slowpants

For the sillier groups out there who love the little yellow guy!

68. The iBlobs

iBlobs? So funny.

69. Smooth Snaling

Snaling along to the finish line, why not!

70. Running From the Law

Hopefully they’re running VERY fast.

71. Straight Outta Ibprofun

I wonder if that will help their aches and pains!

72. No Ubers In Sight

Oh darn, Uber couldn’t help you to the end of the track this time!

73. Chasing the Ice Cream Truck

That will get anyone walking quicker!

74. The Stupid 5

A funny name perfect for the funny groups!

75. We’ve Got Sole, How Bout You?

Well, how bout you?

76. Boom Shaka Laka Laka

Has nothing to do with walking, but it is funny.

77. Chicks with Attitude

For the bad-a$$ girls out there who just don’t give a darn!

78. Straight Outta Bed

Out of bed and onto the track, the best way to be.

79. Superheroes in Training

Every superhero has to start somewhere in their training!

80. Matching Uniforms

Yes, you’re matching. Good for you, we didn’t notice. Ha!

81. Scrambled Legs

Spaghetti legs? Oh no, you are so sore after a long walk your legs are straight scrambled!

82. Game of Soles

Forget the Game of Thrones, it’s all about the Game of Soles!

83. The Lord of the Soles

And whoever wins gets the grand prize.

84. Not Last Place

They’re really rooting for themselves!

85. Team No Name

If you really can’t think of anything, this always works.

86. One Track Wonders

A wonderful name for those wonderful walkers!

87. Stomping Grounds

The track is your stomping ground, of course.

88. Those Who Shall Not Be Named

So mysterious. So cool.

89. Go getters

Very inspirational!

90. After Shockers

You won’t even know they’ve come by until it’s too late.

91. Bye

Love this. Your team is so fast all you have time to say is ‘bye!’.

92. The Caboose

They bring up the end, every time.

93. Booze and Shoes

A beer while you’re walking? Sure, why not.

94. Queen Bees

For the queen bees of the world.

95. Walkie Talkies

This is just one of those favorite walking team names you’ll never forget.

96. The Grand Slams


97. This Isn’t the Bar

Oops! We thought you said bar, not walking track.

98. Sole Passion

If you’ve got the passion for walking, this is the name for you.

99. Runnin Mums

Go mums, run while you still can!

100. Santa’s Little Walkers

Santa doesn’t need helpers- he needs walkers!

Which one is your favorite?

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How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks on Breasts Wed, 16 Aug 2017 07:56:07 +0000 No matter where they are located, stretch marks are a HUGE pain. They don’t look particularly attractive and have the potential to really take a toll on a woman’s self esteem, especially if they’re found on the breasts. But before you start thinking low cut tops and sexy lingerie for nighttime romps with your hubby […]

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No matter where they are located, stretch marks are a HUGE pain. They don’t look particularly attractive and have the potential to really take a toll on a woman’s self esteem, especially if they’re found on the breasts.

But before you start thinking low cut tops and sexy lingerie for nighttime romps with your hubby are out of the question, know this much: while you can never truly erase stretch marks, you can significantly reduce their appearance by doing one of these home remedies for getting rid of stretch marks on your breasts.

First, Let’s Understand Why

It may seem self-explanatory as to why stretch marks appear: your skin stretches, thus your skin is going to have a mark from the expansion. But did you know there’s a couple of other reasons why you may end up with extra unwanted stretch marks?

While stretch marks on breasts are likely to happen during puberty as the breasts expand rapidly, they can also occur by:

-Not getting enough water and rendering yourself dehydrated.

-Rapid weight loss or weight gain.

-It runs in the family.

-You’re not wearing proper undergarments, which can be hard work for bigger breasted women.

Now Let’s Talk About How to Help the Problem

All Natural Oils

It seems like the first go-to answer for any skin or health problem is always all natural oils; and that’s because they work. All natural oils including castor, almond, olive, and coconut oil are loaded to the brink with plenty of vitamins and minerals that are amazing for the skin. Vitamin E is especially great for all skin problems from acne to dryness, and of course stretch marks.

To get the best results from your all natural oil of choice you will need to massage the oil into your skin on a regular basis. It may take a bit of time before you see visible results, but you can feel good knowing you’re using an all natural product that is beneficial for your skin in so many ways.

Lemon and Cucumber Juice Blend

Lemons and cucumbers are amazing for the skin when fighting off wrinkles, sagging, and dryness, but did you know that this amazing duo can also kill off those stretch marks? By simply mixing these two juices together you create a powerhouse of ingredients that work to reduce your stretch marks not just on your breasts, but all over the body.

Apply the juice mixture to your breasts and leave on for about 30 minutes, then rinse off. Make sure you’re using ALL NATURAL juices- in fact, making your own from fresh product is even better.

Cocoa Butter

At some point or another you’ve probably seen commercials or heard from a mother how beneficial cocoa butter is for stretch marks on pregnant bellies; but cocoa butter isn’t just for the moms-to-be out there. Cocoa butter is also great for stretch marks on breasts, loaded with collagen producing agents for sensationally soft and stretch mark free skin.

Massage this yummy-scented product onto your breasts and enjoy the miraculous results.

Egg Whites

We all know egg whites are the perfect ingredient for tightening and brightening the skin, but what can it do for stretch marks? Well, let me tell you this: egg whites are full of protein and have the potential to tighten the skin while lightening stretch marks, making them almost unnoticeable.

All you need to do is get some egg whites, whip them, and apply to your breasts. Once dried, hop in the shower and rinse off. When you’re all done, make sure you apply a good moisturizer so your skin doesn’t dry out and end up with more stretch marks!


Ladies! Always make sure you are drinking plenty of water. As we mentioned earlier, dehydration can be a sure fire reason for getting stretch marks, so if you want to reduce the sight of your stretch marks and prevent future ones from appearing, then you need to be drinking the recommended amount of water each and every day. Do this and you will be good!

Tretinoin Cream

If you’re not interested in a home remedy, there’s always the option of purchasing professional grade cream. Any product you find with tretinoin cream (especially if it is made with other ingredients for fending off stretch marks) is a great option. Tretinoin cream lightens the skin while also working to replace old skin with new skin for a more tight and toned look, minus the marks.

Don’t let stretch marks get you down. By using the 6 options above you can seriously reduce the visibility of your stretch marks so you can enjoy your breasts to the fullest.

Do you suffer from stretch marks on your breasts? What did you do to get rid of them?

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How To Get Rid of a Pimple In Your Nose Sat, 15 Jul 2017 07:45:56 +0000 A pimple inside of your nose can be one of the most irritating and painful acne experiences of your life, and this discomfort is certainly something you would like to get rid of quickly and easily. There are many different natural, simple remedies that can end your inner nose pimple problems and we’re going to […]

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A pimple inside of your nose can be one of the most irritating and painful acne experiences of your life, and this discomfort is certainly something you would like to get rid of quickly and easily. There are many different natural, simple remedies that can end your inner nose pimple problems and we’re going to discuss them all right here.

Why Do You Get Pimples In Your Nose?

Most of the time a pimple in the nose is nothing to worry about. If you’re prone to acne already, it may simply form because of bacteria buildup and pore blockage. However, you may also find yourself with an inner nose pimple because you pick your nose, blow your nose too hard, have a hormonal imbalance, or trim your nose hairs.

There may also be more serious conditions related to your inner nose pimple, although it is unlikely. If you have any dizziness, excruciating pain or fever associated with your pimple you may need to see a doctor as it can be a sign of cellulitis, vasculitis, or lupus.

Remedies For Treating a Pimple In Your Nose

There are plenty of different ways that you can conquer your pimple right from the comfort of your home, and these all natural remedies will give you results in a matter of just a few days.


Although leaving the scent of garlic in your nose for a couple of days may sound unpleasant, remember that it is beneficial to your body and has the power to kill your pimple quickly. Garlic is loaded up with anti bacterial properties and antioxidants, making it a great choice for pimple treatment.

All you need to do is this:

-Find a fresh garlic clove.

-Cut the clove so it can fit inside of your nose.

-Rub the garlic against the pimple.

-Repeat the process multiple times throughout the day.

Salt and Water

For decades salt has been used to treat wounds as it is a great way to flush out bacteria and fungus from the skin. This process is incredibly useful and can be done twice a day.

To make your salt water treatment, do the following:

-Boil some water and put regular table salt inside.

-Let the water cool completely.

-Dab a cotton ball or swab in the water and rub the pimple with the solution.

-Dry the area completely using a clean cotton ball or swab.

Tea Tree Oil

Anyone who struggles with acne knows that tea tree oil is always a go-to when it comes to getting rid of pimples fast. Although it may sting a little bit when applied, the anti bacterial properties are so strong that it is worth the little bit of pain.

-Dip a cotton ball or swab in the tea tree oil.

-Place the tea tree oil on the pimple for around 3-8 minutes.

-Repeat the process up to 3 times a day.


Lemons are so beneficial to the skin, whether it’s for brightening and tightening or simply refreshing your face. Loaded to the brink with vitamin C and other beneficial ingredients, it’s also a great option when treating pimples as lemons can dry out pimples and knock out bacteria quickly.

To use lemons on your nose pimples, do the following:

-Cut a lemon and squeeze out the juice into a clean bowl.

-Dip a cotton ball or swab inside of the lemon juice.

-Rub the lemon juice on your inner nose pimple and douse it as much as possible.

-Let it dry naturally.

-Continue this process up to 3 times a day.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is another one of the go-to products when trying to fight off bacteria and get rid of acne, no matter where it is located. Apple cider vinegar is an anti-bacterial product that can certainly be used to kill off inner nose pimples, and the directions are simple:

-Pour a little bit of apple cider vinegar into a clean cup or bowl.

-Dab a cotton swab or ball into the ACV.

-Apply the ACV directly to your nose pimple.

If you find that the smell of apple cider vinegar is too intense for you, you may want to dilute the ACV ever so slightly in some water to help dilute the strong scent.

Baking Soda

This particular home remedy for nose pimples may not be one you hear too often, but it’s a great one! Baking soda helps to exfoliate skin in a gentle manner, which means it will be able to get rid of any bacteria that’s hiding inside your inner nose pimple. Although the directions are a bit tougher, it’s worth it:

-Squeeze out some lemon juice into a small bowl or cup.

-Create a thick paste by mixing together baking soda with the lemon juice.

-Put the paste on the pimple in your nose.

-Let it dry out and leave it on for about 5-10 minutes.

-Wash your face.

Purchasing Drugstore Products

If you prefer to go the drugstore route, there are several options available to you. Simply visit your local drugstore and find a product geared towards fighting acne. If you need assistance finding the best product for your inner nose pimple, ask a pharmacist and they will be able to assist you in the right direction.

Fighting off inner nose pimples isn’t so hard now, is it? Which one of these remedies have you tried that worked for you?

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7 Vegan Meal Replacement Powders That Taste Great Thu, 20 Apr 2017 04:15:49 +0000 More and more people are trying to drift away from animal products, focusing on a better mind and body, while also giving more attention and importance to animals and the environment. But let’s face it, a lot of ‘meal replacement’ powders out there taste gross, whether they are vegan or not. We’re putting an end […]

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More and more people are trying to drift away from animal products, focusing on a better mind and body, while also giving more attention and importance to animals and the environment. But let’s face it, a lot of ‘meal replacement’ powders out there taste gross, whether they are vegan or not.

We’re putting an end to gross protein powders and giving you the top 7 list of vegan meal replacement powders that are not only delicious, but packed to the brink with essential nutrients your body is craving.

Powerootz Superfood Nutritional Shake Powder

Completely plant-based and delicious, PowerPoint Superfood Nutritional Shake Powder is a definite must-try. It is loaded up with a whopping 23 grams of protein made from raw Belgium peas and USA organic peanuts. Alongside 5 grams of fiber per serving and 1500 milligrams of raw superfoods, there is also an amazing 500 milligrams of a rare earth calcium that your body can truly benefit from.

Every shake is designed with a delicious taste, whether you opt for a delightful chocolate and peanut butter madness to crush sweet cravings, peanut butter bliss for the peanut butter lovers out there, or the vibrant vanilla that creates a sweet and delightful flavor in your mouth.

With absolutely no gritty texture, this non-Gmo and vegan meal replacement powder is made without any type of soy, corn, chemicals, preservatives, fillers, artificial sweeteners, or any other disgusting and unwanted ingredients so you know you’re truly getting the best out of your powder.

Sun Warrior Warrior Blend Chocolate

Sun Warrior is undeniably one of the most popular brands out there, and for good reason, too: there products are simply amazing and they taste great too!

This particular vegan meal replacement powder from Sun Warrior is designed with a succulent chocolate taste that anyone would love to devour. It’s easy to mix in with your favorite beverage and you know you will be getting a powerhouse of nutrients with each and every sip.

What’s inside of this outstanding vegan meal replacement powder? Well, let’s take a glance: this powder is uniquely designed to give you the best plant based protein boost from an exciting blend of peas, hemp seeds, and cranberries. Fused altogether, these three nutritional ingredients turn into an incredibly smooth and delicious superfood powder you will adore.

Not only can you reap the benefit of these nutrients, but there’s also the addition of coconut oil inside of this powder to create a seriously beautiful powder your body will be thankful to have.

Blenditup Protein and Smoothie Mix

There is a WHOLE lot of amazing things packed inside of this delicious tasting vegan protein powder, and the best part is, it can easily be used as a smoothie instead of a usual ‘protein powder’. Add it in to your favorite smoothie recipe to boost the nutrient density AND the taste!

What’s inside of this vegan dream come true? Well, the simple answer is: tons. But to get a better look at this powder, let’s check out some of the other amazing ingredients found inside: soybeans, amaranth, quinoa, buckwheat, millet, and chia. All of these combined creates a seriously powerful protein that will give your body a quick boost in all essential nutrients, which means a very happy, energized body that will see you through the entire way and anything that comes your way.

Simply add in your favorite fruits and vegetables and have a delicious smoothie any time of the day with the Pitchblende Protein and Smoothie Mix.


Vega One All-in-One Nutritional Shake

You have undoubtedly heard of the ‘Vega’ vegan protein powders in recent years, and that’s simply because they are one of the BEST protein powders on the market. Packed to the brink with nutrients and a HUGE variety of flavors, it is quick and easy to find a vegan protein powder you’re going to adore. Some of the flavors include the basics: chocolate, vanilla, and berry; but some of the more unique (delicious) and exotic flavors include: coconut almond, vanilla chai, and natural.

With only 170 calories per serving, you will end up with a huge amount of 20 grams in protein to help build and repair those muscles, 6 servings of greens made up of broccoli, kale, spirulina, and chlorella, and 50% of your daily intake of vitamins and minerals necessary to stay healthy. Oh, and of course we have to mention it includes 27% of your fiber intake as well as 1.5 grams of essential fatty acids from flax seed and hemp.

Choosing this vegan protein powder means choosing flavor and nutrients you won’t mind drinking every single day of your life. Pick a flavor and get to drinking- you certainly will not forget it.

KingFisher Naturals SuperGreens

If you are looking for a vegan protein powder that is more than just a ‘protein powder’, you won’t be let down from the KingFisher Naturals SuperGreens.

Seriously- ‘greens’ are some of the most important things that our bodies need, but most of us don’t get the recommended daily amount of ‘greens’ that we really, truly need. When you’re struggling to pack in enough vegetables and fruits throughout the day, it may seem impossible; well, that is where this handy and delicious powder comes into play.

This particular powder is loaded to the top with over 15 servings of vital organic raw fruits and vegetables. This means you are getting a huge amount of 50 energy-packed whole foods in just one scoop. It’s easy to use and you’ll be getting all the enzymes, fiber, probiotics, vitamins, and minerals you could possibly dream of with just a simple drink every single day.

Add some serious nutrients to your life and make your body happy than it has ever been by simply tossing in this ‘greens’ protein powder to your favorite drink or smoothie; what a cinch!

Biochem Sports Vegan Protein Vanilla

You could certainly refer to the Biochem Sports Vegan Protein as a ‘basic’ vegan protein meal replacement powder, but although it is somewhat on the traditional side, it doesn’t mean it isn’t AMAZING.

Biochem has been in the business for over 15 years and they definitely have a customer base that wouldn’t change their powder for the world; and if that doesn’t tell you all you need to know, perhaps knowing the ingredients in this protein powder will.

Inside this handy vegan meal replacement powder you will find a protein blend consisting of nothing but pea protein, organic hemp seed protein, and cranberry seed protein. Combined with medium chain triglycerides from coconut oil, this is definitely a must for the men and women out there that want a great tasting shake that will fuel their bodies after an intense workout.

There is no ‘fluff’ or cuteness here. All you get with this amazing protein powder is pure protein from all natural sources. There’s no soy or nasty ingredients found inside this powder, so you know you’re fueling your body only with the best. Twenty grams of protein and only 110 calories, it’s a great choice for the athletes out there who need to feed their muscles and help them recover and build up.

Garden of Life RAW Organic Shake and Meal Replacement

I’m going to tell you this before I go any further discussing it: I LOVE this particular vegan meal replacement protein powder and will never try anything else. I seriously love it. You can’t go wrong with this product.

But you’re probably wondering why I am so obsessed with the Garden of Life RAW Organic Shake and Meal Replacement protein powder. This protein powder is seriously DELICIOUS, whether you’re opting for the chocolate or vanilla (and both are equally good, so it depends on your particular taste preferences!). And as I have tried a ton of different yucky powders, it was definitely refreshing to taste something decent- especially when blended with almond milk and a banana for a quick meal or snack.

But aside from the delicious taste, there’s another reason to instantly fall in love with this protein powder: there is a ridiculous amount of amazing superfoods packed inside.

Seriously. Take a glance at the ingredients found inside of this protein powder. You will be OVERWHELMED by the huge amount of amazing foods found inside, from organic fruits and vegetables like asparagus, cherries, red cabbage, alfalfa juice, and spirulina, to a fiber blend of flax and chia.

I could go on and on about this product, but the best thing to do is look for yourself. Take a glance at the ingredients and you will be ASTONISHED. It’s an amazing superfood powerhouse that will completely transform your body and health.

Give it a try.



Which is your favorite?

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12 Signs You’re Having a Girl Fri, 23 Sep 2016 05:46:33 +0000 You’re having a baby, congratulations! There is no more exciting time in your life than when you get to bring a new life into this world and raise them to be someone you’re proud of. Although this is really exciting, finding out the gender can sometimes be even more exciting. There are a number of […]

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You’re having a baby, congratulations! There is no more exciting time in your life than when you get to bring a new life into this world and raise them to be someone you’re proud of. Although this is really exciting, finding out the gender can sometimes be even more exciting.

There are a number of different reasons you may want to know the gender of your baby. Some people want to buy appropriate clothes, others want to think up different names that fit their gender, and others just want to know because they’re so curious.

Whatever your reason is, waiting until you get that ultrasound can be difficult. And even then, sometimes your partner doesn’t want to know the gender and therefore you can’t know. But if you want to be sneaky, you can tell if you’re having a girl by some of these signs.

  1. High heart rate

This is a really accurate science based sign you can use in order to tell if you’re having a boy or a girl. Boy fetuses naturally have a lower heart rate that is either 140 or lower whereas girls have a higher heart rate between 140-160. If your fetus has higher heart rate you can expect to be having a girl!

  1. You carry high

This is a very old way to tell which gender you’re going to have that has been used since before ultrasounds were even around. If your belly seems to be carried higher up on your abdomen, then chances are you’ll be having a girl. Although we don’t know the specific science behind this sign, it’s been tried and true for most cases.

  1. Bad morning sickness

Due to the hormones going through a woman’s body when she’s expecting a girl, she will probably have much more morning sickness. Although hormones are going crazy all throughout pregnancy, there are simply more of them when you’re having a girl and this can affect that severity and frequency that you get sick.

  1. Acne

Another thing that involves hormones when you’re pregnant is if you get acne or not. Some women don’t ever seem to get acne during any pregnancies, however, if you’re carrying a girl, you’re more likely to get a lot of hormonal acne whereas you’ll have much less if it’s a boy. So if you’re breaking out a ton, have no fear! It’s just a girl!

  1. Oval belly

The shape of your pregnant belly can also tell you which gender you’re having. Although there isn’t really a scientific reason that this works, it has been used for hundreds of years in predicting the gender of babies and has worked for a large majority of the time. If your belly is more oval than it is round, you’ll be having a baby girl.

  1. Crazy mood swings

We all know that pregnant women have mood swings no matter what they’re having, but if you’re someone that has crazy mood swings and you have them often, you can probably expect a girl in that delivery room. This is mostly due to the surge of hormones specific for when you’re having a baby girl.

  1. Your left boob is bigger

While most women’s left boob is typically bigger than their right, if you go through pregnancy and notice that it develops a LOT more than your right, it’s said that you’ll be giving birth to a baby girl and not a boy.

  1. The garlic test

This may be a difficult test to take – especially if you don’t like garlic – but it’s very reliable in determining the gender of your baby. If you eat a whole clove of garlic and your body odor doesn’t change its scent at all, you’re having a girl. If you can clearly smell that your body odor has changed to a garlicy smell, then you’re having a boy.

  1. You have dull hair

It is said that the hormones responsible for giving you a girl are also responsible for making your once luscious hair very dull and dingy. If your hair has seemed to worsen in condition since you got pregnant, then it’s a good chance that you’ll be having a girl. If you’re having a boy, your hair will probably get shinier and healthier.

  1. Craving Sweets

I think most of us ladies can agree that we always crave sweets! However, if you’re craving them NON STOP since you got pregnant and your sweet tooth just can’t ever be satisfied, it’s said that you’ll be having a girl. While there’s no science to back up this reasoning either, it’s a method that’s been used since long before ultrasounds were around and has held up fairly well when tested.

  1. You’re not clumsy

Getting pregnant changes your bodies in many more ways than just growing your belly. It also changes your coordination a lot. One method that was used ages ago for determining which gender you’re going to be having is how graceful you are during your pregnancy. If you’re graceful and not at all clumsy, then you’ll be having a girl. This method is difficult to test, though, since many different people vary in their degree of clumsiness even before pregnancy.

  1. You sleep on your right

If you’re someone who sleeps on their right all throughout their pregnancy, it is said that you’ll be having a baby girl. This is another theory that has been used for many, many years in order to predict which gender your baby will be. However, this also can change from person to person because people have different preferences in their sleeping arrangements and it may make more sense to sleep on their left depending on which side they sleep on.

Having a baby is a really big thrill and an exciting time for everyone in the family. If you want to know if you’re having a girl long before she arrives, these old and new techniques will help you out immensely. Have any of you tried these methods? Tell us below which worked and which didn’t at all!

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10 Signs You are Having a Boy Fri, 23 Sep 2016 05:45:05 +0000 Having a baby is one of the biggest moments in your life. That’s why it’s so understandable that so many people want to know just what they’re having. Sure, you can get an ultrasound. But even then, you have to wait weeks to find out! However, there are a few things you can do to […]

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Having a baby is one of the biggest moments in your life. That’s why it’s so understandable that so many people want to know just what they’re having. Sure, you can get an ultrasound. But even then, you have to wait weeks to find out!

However, there are a few things you can do to know whether or not you’re having a boy. Since some couples even decide to wait until the actual birth to know what they’re having, it’s still fun to make guesses based on some of the signs below that can give you clues as to what you’re having. It’s even more fun if you place a bet on it!

  1. You carry them lower

Although there’s no science behind this technique, there are so many people who swear by this method because it has a high success rate. If you’re carrying your baby lower on your body, there’s more of a chance that you’ll have a boy than a girl. This was a trick used way back before ultrasounds were even around and it was a very popular method in determining which sex you’d be having because it really did work most of the time. This method is harder in shorter women, however, because their torso is so short the belly looks to be both high and low.

  1. You get cold feet

No, this isn’t about having a baby in general. This is when you literally get cold feet. There is a scientific reason for this one, actually. When you have a boy, for whatever reason, your circulation is worse than when you’re having a girl. Therefore, if you have cold feet and hands often, you’re more than likely having a boy.

  1. Little girls love you

If you’re around baby girls or girl toddlers and they all just seem to LOVE being around you all the time, it may be because you’re having a boy. This goes back to the way our DNA is made for us to seek out a possible mate as early on as possible. Those babies and little girls may like you so much simply because their pheromones can detect that you’re having a boy – AKA, a possible future mate.

  1. Your right boob is bigger

There really isn’t too much science to this and it’s also hard to detect because all women have different sized boobs already, but there are women who swear by this method. The idea is that if your right boob develops to be bigger during your pregnancy than your left, then you’re having a boy! Now, this is specifically interesting to many women because naturally, most women have a larger left breast simply because it’s closer to the heart. So if your right boob really does grow bigger, it’s more likely to be a boy.

  1. You don’t crave sweetness

This is another method that doesn’t have science backing it up, but there are women all over the world who guarantee it means you’re having a boy. This idea is that if you don’t crave sweet things but instead all you want is savory food then you’re most likely having a boy. However, this can be really hard to tell if you’re someone who naturally doesn’t really like sweets all that much. Either way, it’s worth noting!

  1. Check the Chinese birth chart

There is a birth chart that exists and has been used for over 700 years. This chart was discovered in a royal tomb and is said to be able to predict the gender of your baby based on your age and the month you conceived the baby. So if you really want to know what you’re having before you’re able to get an ultrasound to find out, try out the chart and see if it really works!

  1. Heartbeats under 140

This is actually science based and a great way to tell if you’re having a boy or a girl. Truth be told, girl fetuses have a naturally higher heartbeat than boys. So the next time you’re in for an ultrasound and want to know the sex of your baby but can’t see on the screen, ask them what they’re heartbeat is! Just be warned that it’s not 100% accurate because each fetus is completely different and the different stages of development can change their heartbeat.

  1. Your belly is round instead of oval

This is another old legend that doesn’t have much science to it, but nevertheless, people use it in order to determine what they’re having. Before ultrasounds were around, women used to tell they were having a boy based on how round their belly was. If it resembled having a basketball underneath it, chances are it would be a boy. If it looked much more oval than round, it would probably be a girl.

  1. You don’t gain very much weight

This is another theory based on many different women’s experiences but nothing that’s too factual. There have been so many women claim that when they had a boy, they didn’t gain very much weight at all but when they had a girl they gained a whole lot more in a lot more places. If you’re having a boy and gain weight, it’s usually only around your belly whereas your weight gain by a girl is gained elsewhere – like your face, arms, and legs. However, there’s no science to support this so be warned that it may not be completely accurate.

  1. Ring on a string

This method is very old and it’s more of a wise tale than anything else. However, people still do this in order to determine if they’re having a boy or a girl. All you have to do is take an old ring (most use their wedding ring), tie it on a string, and then hold it over our belly. If the ring moves in a circular motion, you’re having a boy!

Now that you know how to tell what you’re having, go out there and place some bets! How many of you have tried these and guessed correctly?

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How to Stop Feeling Sick Mon, 02 May 2016 06:01:59 +0000 We all get sick at some point in our lives. Multiple times, actually. That’s just a part of life, really. Our immune systems aren’t always in tip-top shape and we fall ill – usually to the common cold, but sometimes to much worse conditions. I’m lucky enough to be a person that only gets sick […]

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We all get sick at some point in our lives. Multiple times, actually. That’s just a part of life, really. Our immune systems aren’t always in tip-top shape and we fall ill – usually to the common cold, but sometimes to much worse conditions.

I’m lucky enough to be a person that only gets sick every once in a while. Maybe twice a year I’ll feel crappy and the rest of the year I’m as healthy as an award-winning horse. My roommate, however, is not as fortunate as I am.

She tends to get sick once every month or so – which is extremely annoying to me because I HATE getting sick. But when she does fall ill, I’m always there to help her feel better. Throughout our time living together, I’ve given her a lot of advice on how to stop feeling sick and I’ll share all of that advice with you today.

  1. Stay Hydrated

If you want to stop feeling sick, you need to flush that darn sickness out. You should normally drink 8 cups of water a day. However, when you’re sick, you should aim to drink about 10-12 cups of water. You may be getting up to go pee more often, but you’re also flushing out all the stuff that’s making you feel crappy.

  1. Take Vitamins!

When your immune system is down, it may be because you’re deficient in certain vitamins. You should always take a daily vitamin when you’re sick to ensure that you’re getting the proper nutrients you need to fight off the illness.

  1. Eat These Foods

When you’re sick, help yourself to these foods: crackers, mint, applesauce, toast, ginger, bananas. All of these foods are not only easy on your stomach, but will provide you with the proper nutrients you need. Ginger and mint are a bonus because they also help stop any nausea you might be experiencing.

  1. Sleep

Your body can somewhat heal while you’re awake, but all the recovery actually happens when you’re sleeping. Make sure you’re getting at the very least 8 hours of sleep at night. And if you have a more severe illness, sleep as much as you can during the day, too.

  1. Stay Relaxed

A stressed out body can’t really heal itself. Adding any tension to it while you’re sick will only make the sickness last longer. Take the day off work, curl up in your blankets, read a book or watch a movie, and just relax. You’ll feel much better.

  1. Medicine

I personally don’t like taking medicine when I’m sick just because it’s a personal choice. However, medicine definitely does make you feel better. When you feel a cold coming on, head down to your nearest convenience store and buy something that gets rid of your symptoms. Make sure to take it according to the directions only.

  1. Natural Remedies

Some natural remedies to feeling better that I’ve picked up over the years is putting some eucalyptus essential oil in a diffuser and chewing ice. While I don’t know the science behind this exactly, I know that it’s worked for me and many people I’ve suggested it to.

  1. Hot Tea

You usually feel pretty cold when you’re sick, right? One thing that can ease your chills and quench your thirst while throwing in some much needed antioxidants is hot tea. Preferably green tea. It will keep you hydrated and ward off that sickness!

  1. Coconut Oil

You can either add it to hot water or hot tea, but mix it in somehow. Coconut oil is high in antibiotics and antifungals and provide your body with natural nutrients that you need to recover. If you have a sore throat, drinking coconut oil in a hot beverage can make it disappear quickly.

  1. Sea Salt Water

This is really only if you’re having sore throat issues. Gargling sea salt water when you have a sore throat can kill any harmful bacteria that are threatening your health and well-being. You can also use warm sea salt water in a neti pot to clear sinuses easily and effectively – releasing pressure in your head that can cause pain.

  1. Vapor Rub

Vapor rub works wonders at relieving coughs and congestion. Go to your local store and get a vapor rub and smear it all over your chest (and I like to put some right under my nose for maximum effectiveness) and enjoy the almost instant relief.

  1. Steam Yourself/Face

Another way to clear your sinuses and relieve some of that pain associated with it is to steam yourself and face. You can either take a piping hot shower or bath – making sure the bathroom stays steamy – or boil water over the stove and put your face over it with a towel over your head and breathe in the hot steam for 10 minutes. It works better if you add eucalyptus oil, too. The steam helps break down mucus so it can drain easier.

  1. Raw Honey or Pineapple for Coughs

Raw honey and pineapple are proven to work more effectively at relieving your cough than traditional cough medicines. Just swallow some honey (or add it to tea) and eat pineapple. It’s that simple.

  1. Exercise if You’re Not too Sick

If you’re just feeling the onset of an illness and still have some energy in you, hit the gym. Sweating can increase blood flow, heighten your immune system, and even flush out toxins that are making you sick. Just don’t overdo it!


When you eat you’re fueling your body with the vitamins and nutrients it needs to heal and get rid of all that stuff that’s making you feel super crummy. If you don’t think you can handle a full meal, opt for making a fruit smoothie that has spinach in it.

Not only can all of these help you to stop feeling sick, but they can go a long way to preventing any illnesses in the future, too. What are some of your tried and true remedies for sicknesses?

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9 Sleeping Positions Meaning Sat, 28 Nov 2015 18:52:58 +0000 Sleep, glorious sleep. I don’t know about you, but I could probably sleep for at least 12 hours out of the 24 hour day. I love it! But did you know that there’s actually a lot more to your sleeping position than just comfort? Your sleeping position actually tells a lot about your personality. Take […]

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Sleep, glorious sleep. I don’t know about you, but I could probably sleep for at least 12 hours out of the 24 hour day. I love it! But did you know that there’s actually a lot more to your sleeping position than just comfort? Your sleeping position actually tells a lot about your personality. Take a look at these 9 different sleeping positions and their meanings- is it true for you and your preferred position?


1. Fetal Position
The ‘fetal position’ is undoubtedly the most common sleeping position, used by a whopping 41% of the population. In this particular position, the person lays on their side with their legs bent up and in towards the stomach with the arms resting together at the side (or maybe one arm is placed underneath the pillow). This curled up position has been proven to be used by individuals who have a rough and tough exterior but have a rather sensitive, emotional side on the inside. They are also a bit shy at first but can quickly warm up to those around them.
2. Log Position
Used by around 15% of the population, the ‘log position’ is performed when an individual lays completely straight on one side of their body. People who use this particular sleeping position have been said to have a trusting and outgoing personality. As this is a rather rigid sleeping position, it may be surprising to find out that they love to be social and hang out in crowds, always taking life in a free and easy-going manner.

3. Yearner Position
With legs slightly bent and head and arms resting to the side, the ‘yearner position’ is a comfortable variation of the ever-popular fetal position. In this position, arms are typically extended out as if the individual were attempting to reach for something. People who sleep in this way are usually open and free, however they can be suspicious at times. They also have a hard time making up their mind and coming to a decision, but once they do, they are rarely swayed from their choice.
4. Soldier Position
In the ‘soldier position’, the individual will sleep on their back with the arms completely flat on either side of them. This rigid position is preferred by those who have a quiet and reserved personality. They are also known to be the individuals that set incredibly high standards for themselves and refuse to settle for less. They’re even said to set high standards for everyone around them as well, which may make them seem a little bit controlling or over-achieving.

5. Freefall Position
The ‘freefall position’ is described as someone who basically jumps and falls into their bed, landing on their stomach with their head turned to the side. Their arms typically hold the pillow or will rest on either side of the head while the legs dangle freely. People who like to sleep in the freefall position are noted as being extroverts with a rather impulsive behavior. They don’t think before they act and hate to be criticized by others.
6. Starfish Position
Unlike the soldier position, the ‘starfish position’ is performed when an individual lays on their back but their arms and legs are spread out to the side and relaxed. A person who enjoys sleeping in the starfish position is often very helpful and a great listener to everyone around them. They prefer small groups and don’t like to be the center of attention and are often said to be the best type of friend to have.
7. Solider-Starfish
The hybrid position known as ‘solider-starfish’ is done when an individual sleeps on their but they don’t have super rigid arms and legs like the soldier, but don’t sprawl out across the bed like a starfish. They sleep on their back but their arms and legs are in different positions, however it may be comfortable to the individual. Someone who sleeps in this hybrid position is thought to be an easy going individual, although they can be easily influenced and persuaded by those around them.
8. Pillow Hugger
Pillow hugger isn’t technically a sleep position, but rather a sleep addition that can tell a lot about your personality. Someone who prefers to sleep holding a pillow believes friendships and relationships are incredibly important and holds their loved ones very high in their life. They also love to please those around them, making sure everyone is happy and content before worrying about themselves.
9. Undecided
Some people (and I am definitely one of them!) can’t choose a single sleeping position throughout the night. They often change between sleeping positions each night, and sometimes change their position several times throughout a single night. Someone who can’t stick to one particular sleeping position is known as an undecided sleeper, and are distracted easily. They are also said to be individuals who are stressed out often or confused about something going on in their life. Some research has even come to the conclusion that an undecided sleeper has a fear of commitment and can’t stay in relationships for long periods of time.

There’s so much more to sleep than just getting a good nights rest. After reading through this list, do you think researchers were correct? We would love to hear from you! Please let us know which sleeping position is your preferred sleeping position and whether or not the researchers were right about your personality traits.

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