Comments on: 14 Signs He’s Just Not That Into You Wed, 01 Apr 2020 07:24:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Wed, 01 Apr 2020 07:24:59 +0000 Thank you for sharing your supportive comment. Please share more of your insights and experiences in the future.

By: web admin Wed, 01 Apr 2020 07:24:39 +0000 It seems that you need to make a decision about the future of this relationship. If this relationship is viable, then the two of you may still be together. Ensure that he is treating you with respect. If he didn’t love you, then it is likely that the two of you are not together. Take this time to determine what you want for your future, and take appropriate action.

By: web admin Wed, 25 Mar 2020 22:45:22 +0000 It seems that he was confused about the status of your relationship. If the two of you are still together, then you should nourish your relationship by spending additional time together in person. If there is any time that you are uncertain about his feelings, then you should speak with him about your feelings and give him an opportunity to share himself with you as well.

By: web admin Tue, 24 Dec 2019 19:39:43 +0000 You seem to be concerned that he does not respond while he is at work. For most people, there are restrictions while they are at work in regards to how often they can speak on the phone with people that are unrelated to their career. You should be mindful of his concerns, as he has bills to pay. Make a decision about what you feel is appropriate, and speak with him about your thoughts and feelings.

By: web admin Sat, 21 Dec 2019 05:49:00 +0000 The two of you share a long social history. It is clear that he is attracted to you or wants to nourish a friendship with you, though he may not know how to initiate a conversation. This may be due to his personal insecurities. Make a decision about what you want for the future of this relationship. Speak with him about your thoughts and feelings, and attempt to spend time with him in person. Have a great day, Anon!

By: Cait Sat, 19 Oct 2019 03:49:16 +0000 So I’ve been dating a guy for two months now and I’ve fallen really hard for him, the other day he asked over texts if we’re good friends. I’m confused and feel like he forgot that he asked me out and that I have feelings for him. πŸ˜•

By: lind Thu, 17 Oct 2019 20:55:36 +0000 well i have a crush on a guy he told me he loved me but Doesn’t show anything like love .like he never kissed me pr things like that. i think it is because i told him i wanted to stay friend with him . do you thik it is because of that?

By: lind Thu, 17 Oct 2019 20:49:36 +0000 talk about it to him . feel free if he kissed that means he has some feelings for you.

By: Sandra Tue, 24 Sep 2019 07:47:08 +0000 There is this guy i know many years ago we were just friends and flat mate for like 1yr then we lost contact then after 10 yrs again we meet on social media both of us find out that we are still single he asking me for date of which i accept we are in two different countries but close countries spain and holland my problem is he does call alot he called me when he wants not when i want but he calls he will tell me that he is busy at work that there is noon other that am his world .what should i do to make him have my time and treat me the way deserved?

By: Anonymous Tue, 17 Sep 2019 16:53:21 +0000 There is this guy that I’ve known since we were 11 years old. From since we were about 13, I noticed that he started staring at me a lot in school; sometimes he would look away quickly and other times maintain the stare. Smiling at me while talking to his feinds, etc. And now that we’re at university together pretty much the same thing is happening. I still however have my doubts since he only initiates contact about once a month and we talk for a few days afterwhich. Confused about his feelings.
