Highlights Vs Lowlights

By on January 17, 2014

If you’re sick of your same old colour and fancy a change then lowlights or highlights can be the perfect way to do this. They can create a completely new look for you without you having to have your entire hair dyed. If you’re nervous about changing your colour completely or maybe it’s you first time experimenting with dye, lowlights or highlights can be a great alternative. They’ll completely make you over, bringing new shades to your hair, without you having to jump in the deep end when it comes to using hair dye.


Do you see the difference highlights make?


What Are Highlights And Lowlights

The technique for highlighting and low-lighting essentially involves only coloring certain strands of hair. If you add darker strands to your hair this is low-lighting and if your add lighter strands this is highlighting. Both techniques help to give your hair depth, complementing colours, variation and texture. You can choose to either have all of your hair highlighted or low-lighted or you can choose to only do the top half. While having only the top half of your hair dyed is cheaper and less time consuming, if you wear your hair up a lot the result may not be great. This works best for those of you who nearly always wear your hair down.

Maintaining highlights or low-lights is also much cheaper than maintaining a full head of dyed hair. When your roots begin to show you only need to have small sections re-coloured instead of all over.


Jennifer Lawrence looks elegant with her beautiful lowlights.


Why Have Highlights Or Lowlights?

Highlights or lowlights can really brighten up your hair, giving you an effortless sun-kissed look. They really help to brighten up your face and illuminate your skin, making you look radiant. As an added bonus, you still get to keep you natural hair color too which will help them look natural.


The One Tree Hill girls with beautiful highlights and lowlights.


Are Highlights Or Lowlights Right For Me?

You can get highlights or lowlights no matter what your hair type is. Whether it’s poker straight, wavy, curly or anything else you can think of, they’ll work. They only hair type we recommend you don’t attempt to highlight or lowlight is extremely short hair. You won’t be able to achieve the look of depth and varying textures that this style helps you achieve meaning the whole process will cost you time and money for little to no reason.


Jennifer Anniston constantly rocks her highlights.


Highlights And Lowlights Variations

While it’s true that highlighting is more popular than low-lighting, that’s not to say lowlights don’t still look fab. You see lush blonde highlights constantly but the rich, chocolate tones of lowlights tend to be understated. For those of you who are natural brunettes, adding a few darker strands to your hair will transform your look effortlessly while still ensuring you look natural.

A variation of highlighting and low-lighting that is gaining popularity by the day is dip-dying. This involves either highlighting or low-lighting the top or bottom half of your hair creating a unique and contrasting look. It doesn’t look natural but that’s not to say it doesn’t look absolutely fabulous. For this type of style, consider your skin tone when deciding which colour you’d like to have closest to your face. You can read my earlier article Hair Colours For Your Skin Tone here for more advice on how to match your hair colour to your skin tone.


Check out this beautiful dip-dye!


Rachel Bilson is one of the many celebrities sporting a dip dye, doesn’t she look fab?


How To Highlight Or Lowlight Your Hair

If you’re going to highlight or lowlight your hair you have to options, do it yourself of visit a salon. You can buy numerous different kits to highlight, lowlight or even dip dye your hair which can be very effective however for the best results you’re better off visiting your local salon. You hairdresser is the expert, they’ll be able to help advise you on what color will suit you best, if highlights or lowlights should be the way forward and when it comes to actually applying the dye they’ll know exactly what they’re doing and where to apply it. You’re better playing it safe than ending up sorry (I know from experience!). Your hairdresser will also be able to give you lots of helpful tips on caring for your new look and will be able to advise you on everything from what shampoo to buy to when you should be considering booking another appointment for a touch up.


Keira Knightly is another one of the many celebrities who love highlights.

Happy colouring!

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