Top 10 Beautiful Albanian Women
In its mother tongue, the name for Albania is Shqipëri, and yes means no, but no means yes. (Well, in a head shake and nod sense anyway.) Albania is known for many things, but I bet you didn’t know that the country has its fair share of truly beautiful women. In fact, we’ve decided to pay homage to a few of them in the list of Top 10 Beautiful Albanian Women.
1 – Valbona Selimllari
This Albanian beauty was born in Tirana, Albania, and is known for being a beauty pageant winner. Back in 1992, she was crowned Miss Albania, but that wasn’t the end of her pageanting career. She went on to compete in Mrs Globe, representing her home country and won the crown. These days, she spends her time being fabulous on Instagram, amongst other things. She’s developed quite the following over there, 242,000 to be exact. Will you be her next follower?
Source: valbonaselimllari
2 – Enca Haxhia
Known as Ruensa Haxhiaj or Enca Haxhia, this 22-year-old rose to fame releasing covers on Youtube, gathering over one hundred thousand views on one video alone within 24 hours. That wasn’t her first brush with music, of course, nor her last, and the Tirana, Albania-born lovely seems to show no signs of slowing down as far as releasing songs is concerned. With over 1.6 million fans on Instagram, it’s her good looks as well as her musical talent that’s entertaining the masses.
Source: enca
3 – Diana Avdiu
This 24-year-old Kosovar-Albanian model competed in Miss Universe Kosovo in 2012, and she was crowned the winner of the title too. It’s hardly surprising when you take into consideration that this beauty has been in the modelling industry since she was just 15. Her career has gone from strength to strength since then, and she’s even appeared in New York Fashion Week shows, which we’re not jealous of in the slightest! Definitely worthy of her spot on the list of Top 10 Beautiful Albanian Women.
Source: thatdianaavdiu
4 – Emina Cunmulaj
Another Albanian model, but this one was born in America to Albanian parents. Spending some of her childhood in Montenegro, she picked up a few languages over the years, and can now speak English, Montenegrin, and Albanian. Fluently too. At 17 years old, the beauty moved to the United States to follow her modelling dreams, and it seems to have been a very good decision for her. A blue tick, 161,000 followers and counting …
Source: eminacunmulaj
5 – Angela Martini
Although she was born in Shkodër, Albania, Angela Martini moved to Switzerland with her family when she was just ten years of age. Carry on down the timeline a few more years, and the Albanian beauty moved to the United States to follow her career. She’s a model and a beauty pageant winner and has even been spotted on Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.
Source: angela_martini
6 – Misse Beqiri
This model is also a WAG, married to the Manchester United’s old goalie, Anders Landgaard. You may also know who she is if you’ve ever seen The Real Housewives of Cheshire, known for causing controversy and mayhem on the show. With lots of sultry, black and white shots on Instagram (and 200,000+ followers), it’s for certain that we definitely haven’t seen the last of this Albanian beauty.
Source: missebeqiri
7 – Vildane Zeneli
She calls herself a musician and a model on her Instagram bio, regularly giving her followers a swimsuit shot or two. With enviable curves, it’s hardly surprising that she has over 451,000 followers on the social media account. She grew up in America, but was originally born in Kosovo, and Vildane Zeneli can speak three different languages too — French, English, and Albanian. We’re totally impressed.
Source: vildanezeneli
8 – Luana Vjollca
Born in Tirana, Albania, you will know who Luana Vjollca is if you’ve ever watched the TV shows, Top Fest and Summerfest. She’s been a presenter on both. Alongside that, she’s had a rather successful music career, and has gained her close to a million followers on social media (Instagram) too!
Source: luanavjollca
9 – Xhesika Berberi
With over 100k followers on Instagram, you may have already spotted this Albanian beauty, 26-year-old Xhesika Berberi. Born in Tirana, Albania, it’s her cute looks and blonde hair that won the nation over, and she’s not just a model, but also a competitor in beauty pageants as well as an actress. In 2011, she was crowned Miss Universe Albania too.
Source: xhesikaberberi
10 – Dajana Kllogjri
Smart as well as beautiful, this stunner is actually more focused on her studies than her modelling career, but that doesn’t mean that she’s not kicking butt at both. A finance student that has been modelling since she was around 15 years of age, her youthful looks have definitely made her a bit hit, not just in her home country, but internationally.
Source: dajanakllogjri