Top 10 Hottest Women News Anchors

By on December 16, 2017

Women have been making headlines for many years, but it seems that they’re reading the headlines more and more these days too. We’ve decided to take a closer look at some of the top 10 hottest women news anchors.

1 – Jenna Lee

Let’s get things kick-started with the beautiful Jenna Lee, a 37-year-old journalist from New York City. Not just a journalist, Jenna also had a former anchor spot on the Fox News Channel, but it was actually freelance writing for Forbes that got things rolling. Using her experience, she attempted to get in front of the camera, and that’s just what she achieved too, being picked up by the Fox Business Network. It was in 2010 that she left the channel, hopping over to Fox News Channel, and that’s where she stayed, taking on various roles until she announced that she was leaving to do other things in June of 2017.

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Source: jennaleeusa

2 – Robin Meade

A star that has made multiple names for herself, across multiple industries, 48-year-old Robin Meade was born in New London in Ohio, and actually started her career as a model, not a news anchor. It was back in 1992 that she was crowned Miss Ohio, and it was in that state that her broadcasting career was taken to the next level. She was a reporter, and then an anchor, and she even covered the 1996 Olympics with the NBC affiliate, WMAQ-TV. From that came a book, joined HLN, which was known as CNN Headline News at the time, became a host on Oprah Winfrey’s Ask Oprah’s All Stars, and even went on to have a successful country music career. Impressive? We think so!

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Source: robinmeade

3 – Alex Wagner

Not content with making a name for herself in the world of TV, she then turned her hand to magazine editing, currently holding the role of senior editor at The Atlantic. She’s also a political commentator with liberal views, and was even the White House Correspondent for a spell, working with AOL News, and then The Huffington Post (after AOL snapped it up). You will currently see her working on This Morning Saturday on CBS.

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Source: nowwithalex

4 – Tamron Hall

Tamron Hall is very well known in the news industry, born in Texas and then attending Temple University to get a bachelor’s degree in the field of broadcast journalism. She’s had some pretty impressive specials to sink her teeth into over the years, and recent works include coverage of the University of Texas at Austin shooting, with the 50th-anniversary commemorative show, Guns on Campus: Tamron Hall Investigates. Her work with crime stems from her very personal experiences with domestic violence. Although never accused, it was alleged that her sister’s partner had murdered her sibling, spurring her on.

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Source: tamronhall

5 – Susan Li

Born in China but grew up in Canada, Toronto to be exact, Susan Li is a 32-year-old news anchor who was known for working with the TV channel for America, NBC. She can speak three languages — Mandarin, English, and Cantonese, and also has a degree in economics after graduating from the University of Toronto. Her career actually started in Canada, with CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), but it wasn’t long before she moved on to other things. Until recently, she worked for CNBC as a relief broadcaster and a correspondent, leaving in August of 2017.

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Source: Pinterest

6 – Brooke Baldwin

This 38-year-old American TV news anchor and journalist has been signed up with CNN since 2008, but it was back in 2001 that her news career initially started. She first joined WVIR-TV in Charlottesville, Virginia, before moving on to WOWK-TV in West Virginia (Charleston and Huntington), and then, eventually, CNN. She’s had various roles within the station, and can currently be seen hosting CNN Newsroom with Brooke Baldwin.

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Source: brookebcnn

7 – Gigi Stone Woods

Born in New York City, Gigi Stone is known for working with some of the biggest stations on US TV, including Bloomberg Television, ABC News, and CBS News. It was at Columbia University that she studied and then got her master’s degree. You can probably guess the subject — journalism. Things went from strength to strength since then, and it has been reported that she could be worth over $4 million.

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Source: gigistonewoods

8 – Julie Banderas

If you happen to watch Fox Report Weekend or America’s News Headquarters on a Saturday, you’ll spot Julie Banderas. She’s the anchor for the AMH show on Saturday and is also an anchor and TV news correspondent for the Fox News Channel. It was actually in Massachusetts, Boston, to be exact, that she first started her career, at WLVI-TV. It wasn’t long before she was promoted to locals news anchorwoman, and this was for a number of stations, covering New York City, Harrisonburg, Virginia, and more.

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Source: Pinterest

9 – Megyn Kelly

This 47-year-old is one seriously kickass babe, becoming not just a corporate defence attorney, but also a political commentator and US journalist. At the moment, she’s working with NBC News but she was also linked to Fox News for 13 years, starting in 2004 and announcing her departure in 2017. Things have gone from strength to strength for this beautiful anchor over the years, with a published autobiography under her belt, and an annual salary of somewhere in the region of $15 and $20 million, it has been reported.

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10 – Courtney Friel

Born in Pennsylvania, US, 37-year-old Courtney Friel is an American journalist, known for working with KTLA-TV right now, in California (Los Angeles). She has been linked to other stations, including the Fox News Channel, as well as KTTV/Fox 11. Oh, and just to prove that she’s worth of her place on this list of Top 10 Hottest Women News Anchors, she’s even been featured in the lads-mags FHM and Maxim.

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Source: courtneyfriel


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