Hottest Male Actors in their 40’s (Part One)

By on September 24, 2013

We’ve had a hot man frenzy going on recently, haven’t we ladies? We went a bit mental with the One Direction Facts and Justin Bieber Facts. Then there was the Hottest British Men, the Hottest Men in the World, and even the Hottest Black Men! We have decided to now pay homage to the hotter, older men that we watch on TV and spot in magazines. It’s time for the Hottest Male Actors in their 40’s!

We won’t keep you waiting too much longer for the silver foxes but we’d love to know what you think of our list so if there is anyone you agree (or disagree) with, please don’t hesitate to let us know!

We tried hard to put these in order, so we hope that you love what we have come up with as much as we do!

The Hottest Male Actors in their 40’s:

40 – John Cusack

John Cusack

He’s tall, he’s dark and he’s handsome – what more could you possibly want from a hot older male actor? Not just an actor, John Cusack is also a screenwriter and he has been in and written some of the most impressive Hollywood stuff!

Who could forget Con Air in 1997? Being Joch Malkovich in 1999 certainly didn’t hurt his career either. 2000 brought along High Fidelity, 2007 brought the crazy 1408 film that we weren’t sure if we liked or not, and who could forget Hot Tub Time Machine just a couple of years ago in 2010?

Originally from Illinois in the USA, John Cusack was born on June 28th, 1966 making him currently 47 years old. Can you believe this guy is going to be fifty in just three years time? It’s insane how good he looks for his age!

For those of you that can’t get enough of this guy, there are plenty of films coming out that are likely to strike your attention. 2014 is going to be a busy year for this guy as he has many films being released. Love & Mercy, for example, will see Cusack playing the older life of The Beach Boys musician and songwriter, Brian Wilson. There’s also a thriller called Motel being released later on of this year in which Cusack will star alongside Robert De Niro and Crispin Glover, and there’s a few more to keep your eye out for as well – Grand Piano, Drive Hard, Maps to the Stars, Airspace and Five Minutes to Live.

39 – Rob Lowe

Rob Lowe

Robert Hepler Lowe was born in Virginia on March 17th, 1964, making him a beautifully ripe age of 49 years old. We said that John Cusack looked young but this guy is just ONE YEAR from fifty and it still lusted after by thousands of women all over the world! How on earth do these guys stay looking so young? Whatever moisturizers they are using, we want it, right?

If you liked 1990’s films, you’ll know who this guy is. He was in some of the funniest and most brilliants films of the decade including Wayne’s World, The Outsiders, The West Wing and even Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me! They were brilliant films and in fact, still are!

He was in Californication for a while alongside David Duchovny and he’s going to be in a movie and a TV movie in the next few months. Killing Kennedy is the TV movie and is said to be released later on this year, and he is currently filming Sex Tape which is due for release in 2014.

Unfortunately for us ladies, he is not up for grabs and is happily married to a makeup artist which whom he has two little boys with. We love the family man thing about him, but don’t you just wish that he was YOUR family man? Sigh….

38 – Mark Ruffalo

Mark Ruffalo

Despite the fact that we think Mark Ruffalo looks a little bit Hispanic, he is actually an American actor that was born in Wisconsin on November 22nd, 1967, making him stand at a very beautiful 45 years of age. He has been in some of the most iconic films of our team, encouraging even the girliest of girls to watch some of the manliest of films such as The Avengers, back in 2012, in which Mark Ruffalo played The Hulk in the hit movie.

Just take a look back through some of the films that this guy has been in and then you’ll understand why he belongs on the list of the Hottest Male Actors in their 40’s! You have got greats such Shutter Island, Date Night, Zodiac, 13 Going on 30, Collateral and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind… Now do you see why we love him?

He’s had a pretty tough time over the years. He is a happily married man with three kids and a booming career but he sadly lost his brother in his house in 2008 in a rather nasty game of Russian Roulette.

You’ll be seeing Mark Ruffalo around and about over the next couple of years. It would seem that he has been keeping himself busy and has more than a few films coming out. FoxCatcher should be out later on this year, Infinitely Polar Bear will be coming out next year, and then 2015 will be bringing the already-amazing The Avengers: Age of Ultron!

37 – Vince Vaughn

Vince Vaughn

This guy is already known to be a legend in Hollywood and although most of us know this guy, many of us don’t understand exactly how many films this guy has been in! He’s 43 now – he was born on March 28th, 1970 in Minnesota, USA, and he has been in a very impressive array of movies:

  • 1996 – Swingers
  • 1997 – The Lost World: Jurassic Park
  • 1998 – Psycho
  • 2001 – Zoolander
  • 2004 – Starsky & Hutch
  • 2005 – Mr. & Mrs. Smith
  • 2005 – Wedding Crashers
  • 2006 – The Break-Up
  • 2007 – Into The Wild
  • 2008 – Four Christmasses
  • 2009 – Couples Retreat

That’s not even a list of all of his movies! He seriously has been a very busy guy, hasn’t he? How has he managed to fit any sort of life into that sort of filing schedule?

He hasn’t had the most successful of love lives to be honest. It was the 2005 filming of The Break-Up that lead to his brief encounter with Jennifer Aniston but they broke up not long into 2006. He is now married to a real Estate Broker and they have a son together so hopefully his love life is back on track. We still don’t understand how he has managed to have a family and have time for all that filming too!

36 – Stephen Moyer

Stephen Moyer

At first glance, you might not recognize this guy. Have you ever seen True Blood? He’s the infamous Bill Compton out of the hit TV series and you’ll be pleased to see that he is just as hot as a “normal” man as he is as a vampire!

Born on October 1st, 1969, making him currently 43 years old, he certainly deserves his place on this list with his floppy brown hair and beautiful brown eyes.

Believe it or not, this hot actor is actually British. He was originally born in Brentwood, Essex, home of the hilariously funny British TV Show – The Only Way is Essex. Give it a watch if you get the chance; you will laugh your head off! Anyway, back to Stephen Moyer and when you look back through his history, he has actually been in a fair few things!

He’s done an awful lot of TV stuff over the years, but there have been some good films in there too. He was in 2004’s Deadlines, plus 88 Minutes in 2007. As well as carrying on with True Blood over the next year or so, there is also one TV movie called The Sound of Music coming out, plus a film called Devil’s Knot which is said to be out later on this year – you’ll need to keep your eyes peeled.

Unfortunately for us ladies, he’s happily married to his co-star on the True Blood show, Anna Paquin. They have twins together, alongside the two kids that he already had from a previous relationship, and it would seem that they are now happier than ever. Life isn’t all bad for this messed up vampire, right?

35 – Ewan McGregor

Ewan McGregor

If you can name one person that doesn’t like this guy, we will eat our hats. Well, we probably won’t but we would be mighty surprised. This guy is just a good guy – he looks like a really good friend in all the “reality” and TV stuff that we’ve seen him in, and he was even in one of the Star Wars films guys and girls – that just makes him the coolest of all Hottest Male Actors in their 40’s!

Another Brit on the list, Ewan McGregor was born in Perth (Scotland) on March 31st, 1971 which makes him 42 years old at the time of writing. He has been a very, very busy boy recently and as well as having a string of films constantly released over the last few years including Jack The Giant Slayer, Nanny McPhee Returns, Amelia, Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, Black Hawk Down, Moulin Rouge and even the really messed up Trainspotting, he has got married and found the time to have four beautiful daughters. That’s on top of all the charity work that he does as well – he regularly works with the GO Campaign and UNICEF.

Could this guy be any cooler?

The good news is that although he isn’t up for grabs, there is plenty of opportunity to catch him out n the next few months. Born to Be King is due to be released in 2014, as is Jane Got a Gun and Son of a Gun, and Our Kind of Traitor in 2015 too.

34 – Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves

Another one that will soon be dropping off this list and into his 50’s is Keanu Reeves who currently stands at 49 years old. Born on September 2nd, 1964 in Lebanon, this Canadian actor is best known for his role as Neo in the amazing out of this world series of films – The Matrix.

He has been in a number of amazing films over the years that his career has spanned – The Day the Earth Stood Still, Constantine, The Devil’s Advocate, Speed, Bill & Ted series, Point Break…. Do we need to carry on?

He hasn’t had a great time of things. Firstly, his girlfriend gave birth to a still-born daughter in the eighth month of their pregnancy and she later then died in a car wreck just two years later. Doesn’t it make you want to give him the biggest hug?

For those of you wanting more, more, more of Keanu Reeves, there are a couple of films coming out over the coming few months to keep you satisfied. Man of Tai Chi will soon be out, followed by 47 Ronin, plus there’s another one scheduled to be released in 2014 too – John Wick.

33 – Patrick Dempsey

Patrick Dempsey

Oh man this guy is hot, hot, hot, right ladies? He’s not just an actor, he’s also a racing driver which instantly makes him hotter than ever before and when you consider that he is most famous for his role as the amazingly sexy Dr. Derek Shepherd in the hit American TV series Grey’s Anatomy, he just gets hotter still.

He has beautiful blue eyes and a smile that could melt a heart made of stone. Just take a look at his picture and tell us that it doesn’t make you melt? There’s just something about him…

Not just a TV actor, he’s been in his fair share of films too. There was Sweet Home Alabama back in 2002, plus Transformers: Dark of the Moon in 2011. It would seem that he could play his hand at any part and to be honest, it just makes us lust after him that little bit more.

There are rumors that there is going to be an Enchanted 2 coming out and he is said to be in it. He was in the first one so this does make sense. Grey’s Anatomy is your best bet of catching this real cute in action.

Believe it not, Patrick Dempsey is 47 years old and was born in Maine, USA on January 13th, 1966. There is no way this guy looks like he is just three years away from fifty….

32 – Hugh Grant

Hugh Grant

You can’t say that you don’t love the British accent that this hotter older Hollywood movie star rocks. With the floppy brown hair and playboy rumors surrounding him, there is something very attractive about the guy that once played Daniel Cleaver in the brilliant British films Bridget Jones’ Diary.

He’s been in some pretty awesome British movies like About a Boy, Four Weddings and a Funeral, Notting Hill and even Music and Lyrics with Drew Barrymore. He’s been a little quiet recently but there are a couple of films coming out (or rumored to be) soon so it might be worth keeping your eyes out for them if you love this British hottie. The Man From U.N.C.L.E. is your best chance of seeing him in action!

31 – Jamie Foxx

Jamie Foxx

He featured as Number 7 on our list of the Hottest Black Men, and he pops up again here on our Hottest Male Actors in their 40’s. This guy really is hotter than hot!

Jamie Foxx, believe it not, is 45 years of age! We certainly didn’t believe it when we found out how old it was. It was, in fact, this exact fact that lead to the making of this post on our website. We couldn’t believe the ages of many of the men that we were lusting after in the films that we were watching. Can you believe that Jamie Foxx is 45 years old? He was born in Texas, USA on December 13th, 1967!

Crazy, huh?

He’s been a busy boy recently and he has a number of films coming out over the next couple of years. 2014 will see the release of Rio 2 in which Foxx plays the voice of Nico, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Annie and Why Should White Girls Have All the Fun?

30 – David Boreanaz

David Boreanaz

You’ll know this hot actor if you’ve ever seen the hit American TV show Angel. You will have seen him in Buffy the Vampire Slayer too. David Boreanaz also starred in Bones. These are all shows that we have come to know and love – do you love them too?

Whether or not you can believe it, David Boreanaz is actually now 44 years old. Born on May 16th, 1969 in New York, USA, he has had a pretty impressive career. He’s currently starring in another great TV show called Full Circle, and there’s Bones still on the air as well. Plenty of time for us to lust after him, right ladies?

The bad news (you know there’d have to be some somewhere) is that David Boreanaz is not single. Oh no, he is married to a beautiful blonde called Jaime Bergman, and they now have two kids too. It hasn’t all been plain sailing for them. Hollywood sprinkled the relationship-destroying dust that it is known for and it soon came out that David Boreanaz had an affair with one of the women that Tiger Wood’s had also had an affair with (apparently) and he admitted that the rumors were true.

Bad David Boreanaz!

29 – Edward Norton

Edward Norton

I can remember the exact moment I first fell in love with Edward Norton and that was during the film Red Dragon when he fought against The Silence of the Lambs terror, Hannibal Lector. Not just known for that film, he also starred alongside Brad Pitt in Fight Club, was Steve in The Italian Job, starred in The Illusionist, The Invention of Lying and The Bourne Legacy and… he has many more films coming out over the next few months too!

44 years old – that’s the age of Edward Norton right now. He was born in Massachussets, USA on August 18th, 1969. Just an actor, he is also a screenwriter, producer, director and award winner! He has been nominated for a couple of Academy Awards for his roles in Primal Fear and American History X.

Known to be rather talented in hiding from the press, he considers himself to be a down to earth man and hates being the centre of attention in the media. He is a happily married man with one son that was born just a few months ago in March of this year, and loves doing his thing for charity. Doesn’t it just make you melt?

There are a few things going on over 2013/2014 for this guy. Two films are currently in post-production, said to be released at some point in 2014 and these are The Grand Budapest Hotel and Birdman. Keep your eyes peeled ladies!

28. John Stamos

John Stamos

Erm hello Hottie! This guy has something all dark and mysterious going on for him doesn’t he? Currently sitting at 50 years old, we have decided to include him in the list of Hottest Male Actors in their 40’s because he has only just turned 50 – August 15th, 1963 is his date of birth. He’s from California in the USA and you may have seen him in the delights of General Hospital or ER – these are the two shows that he is most famous for.

John Phillip Stamos was born in California and has a couple of films coming out over the next few months. One of them is a movie called My Man Is a Loser, and the other is a TV movie called I Am Victor. Both are set to be released at some point this year.

This isn’t the first time that John Stamos has branched into films rather than TV – there have been a number of TV movies over the years, and a couple of small budget movies. You can see him in the TV show Necessary Roughness if you can’t wait to see him in the movies though!

At the moment, it would seem that John Stamos is single. He dated and then married Rebecca Romijn at the Victoria’s Secret fashion show, but they later separated. That means he is back on the market ladies….

27 – Chris O’Donnell

Chris O’Donnell

We couldn’t believe that Robin out of the 1995 and 1997 films Batman Forever and Batman & Robin is now 43 years old but on closer inspection, it would appear that it’s true! Born on June 26th, 1970 in Illinois, USA, he is better known for his roles as the Batman side-kick, but he has been in a few other films aside from these. 2002 saw him starring with Al Pacino in Scent of a Woman, and he was also in the hit TV show NCIS: Los Angeles in 2009. In fact, this is what you can see him in if you can’t get enough of the Hollywood hottie.

It would seem that things are quiet for him on the film front but he shows no signs of leaving the NCIS show soon so for now, that will just have to do!

We still can’t believe he is in his 40’s!

26 – Russell Crowe

Russell Crowe

We can never make our minds up about Russell Crowe – one minute we think he is totally hot, like when he played in the amazing film Gladiator, and sometimes we think he looks totally not hot like he was spotted on the beach with that podgy belly and unflattering shorts.

New Zealand born, Russell Crowe is now 49 years old – his date of birth is April 7th, 1964. Although he hasn’t always been seen in the media in the best of lights, he certainly is an amazing actor. It was his role in Gladiator that won him his Academy Award for Best Actor, and he won a bunch of other awards for his part in the movie too. This is what first boosted him to an international level of success and a position that it would seem he abused at times.

Of course, it wasn’t just Gladiator that you will have seen Russell Crowe in. Les Miserables starred this hunk as well as A Beautiful Mind back in 2001 and L.A. Confidential back in 1997.

He’s got stuff going on over the next few months including Man of Steel released soon! There’s a few more coming out over 2014 as well – Winter’s Tale is currently in post-production as is Noah and The Water Diviner!

It would appear that Russell Crowe is back on the market again, just in case any of you were still interested, especially as it would appear that he has got himself all “buff” again. Danielle Spencer is an Australian singer and they have been on and off since around 1989. They got married in 2001 but just last year (2012) it would appear that they had once again broken up.

Not just Australian singers that Russell Crowe has been linked with – for a brief spell in 2000, he was romantically linked to his co-star in the film Proof of Life, Meg Ryan.

25 – Javier Bardem

Okay so Javier Bardem is not conventionally hot but there is something about him that still gets the pulses racing of many a woman all over the world. He has, in fact, had our Herinterest team split on their opinions on many occasions. Whether you love him or hate him, you can’t deny that there is something special about him and he certainly is a fantastic actor.

Now 44 years old, Javier Bardem was born in Spain on March 1st, 1969. He has an incredibly low-profile relationship with actress Penelope Cruz – they married in 2010 and now have one son and one daughter.

One of the films that he is best known for, especially for the ladies out there, was Eat Pray Love in which he played the love interest of Hollywood beauty, Julia Roberts. He also played one of the Baddies in the Bond film Skyfall. There is a film called The Counselor coming out soon, and there is also a 2014 film called The Gunman that we are pretty excited about.

He might be happily married and a total family man but that doesn’t stop us dreaming, does it girls?

24 – Billy Zane

Billy Zane

Did you know that UK model and actress Kelly Brook once ditched the beautiful Jason Statham for this man? They may be two very different men but they are certainly both hot in their own right – maybe we’ll even see Jason Statham later on in our series….?

Most of us will know Billy Zane for his part in Titanic – the hit film that saw Billy playing the one that kept getting in the way of the flourishing romance played by Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio. You’ll probably remember him from the Back to the Future series of films too – he was in those! He’s been really busy recently and you are going to see him in a large number of films. A Winter Rose, for example, is in a completed state and is said to be released at some point this year, probably towards the winter if the title is anything to go by. Finding Harmony is another film set to be released later on this year and going into next year, Scorned and Mining For Ruby are the two films that you’ll need to keep an eye out for.

Just in case you didn’t believe this hottie was an actor in his 40’s, he was born on February 24th, 1966 which actually makes him 47 years of age. Can you believe it? We sure can’t!

23 – Ethan Hawke

Ethan Hawke

There’s something gritty and intriguing about this actor. Born on November 6th, 1970, Ethan Hawke is now 42 years old. He’s still a baby in comparison to some of the beautiful men that we have featured in this series!

He’s from Texas in the United states and since his film debut in 1985 when he starred in the film Explorers – a science-fiction feature-style film, he has had a number of hit films under his belt. In fact, he is such a good actor, he has been nominated for Academy awards for not just his acting, but for his writing too – he is also a screenwriter and director!

There are a number of films that you may have heard of in his film career. One of our firm favorites is Taking Lives in which he starred alongside Angelina Jolie. That was back in 2004 and since then, he has had success with Training Day, New York, I Love You and Total Recall. There’s more to come from this hotter older actor too. You’ll see him in the up and coming films Predestination, Cymbeline and Body Defenders; all of these are coming out over the next couple of years!

22 – Clive Owen

Clive Owen

Another Brit on this list and we come to Clive Owen. There’s something about him that flutters the hearts of women all over the world and when you look at some of the weird and wonderful films that he has taken his part in, you can understand why he has such a broad spectrum of followers. From men and women to children and pensioners; there’s a Clive Owen film for everyone, it would seem.

Believe it or not, this Hollywood veteran is now 48 years old – he was originally born in Warwickshire, England on October 3rd, 1964.

It was the 2004 film Closer that bought him to international levels of fame. For that one film alone he won a number of awards – a Golden Globe, the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor and even a BAFTA too! Now that’s impressive!

Since then, he has found success with a number of films – Inside Man in 2006 was a favorite of many as was The Bourne Identity in 2004. To see him in the future, you’ll need to check out the up and coming films – The Last Knights and also a TV mini series called The Knick.

21 – Jason Bateman

Jason Bateman

The final guy on the first part of our list – Hottest Male Actors in their 40’s and we come to Jason Bateman. It was about time we bought some more humor to the table, don’t you think?

He’s got the cutest of faces and is well known for his dry and sometimes sarcastic sense of humor as seen at its best in films like Horrible Bosses back in 2011 and Juno in 2007. There was also Paul in 2011 and Couples Retreat back in 2009. It’s safe to say that he has found his niche movie role and he is hitting it to the max!

He’s 44 years old now – he was born in New York on January 14th, 1969. It was the TV series Arrested Development that first won him a TV Land Award, two Satellite Awards and also a BAFTA. From there he has gone to new levels of super stardom as he hits Hollywood hard. Not that we are complaingin of course!

Unfortunately, things haven’t always been squeaky clean for Jason Bateman. During the 90’s he admitted having a pretty bad struggle with drugs and alcohol. He is married with a couple of kids now though so it would seem that things are finally on the up for the guy that brings the humor back to Hollywood!

So there you have them ladies – the first installment of our Top Male Actors in their 40’s. Why not keep your eyes peeled for Part Two but at the same time, have a look around the site? Who knows what eye candy you could find!

Let us know what you thought of our Hollywood hotties!


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