Comments on: How Long Does it Take to Fall in Love Wed, 05 Oct 2016 20:56:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Tue, 30 Aug 2016 19:08:29 +0000 While you are dating her, be certain to not take any action of infidelity. The most important this for you to do at this point is to not cheat. If you are having these feelings, then it is clear that you are not having loving feelings for her. Treat her with the respect that she deserves and speak with her directly and honestly about your feelings. If she agrees, then you know what course of action to take. Remain positive and faithful as you move forward.

By: sàm Mon, 29 Aug 2016 18:26:29 +0000 I met this is girl 2 months back. We really like each other. But I feel she is bit self absorbed .
We started dating but I am not sure if its right choice. I trust her but I feel there is not enough love between us. I don’t know and when I see other girls I feel like hitting on them.

By: web admin Thu, 16 Jun 2016 00:33:16 +0000 Tom, it seems like she is having mixed feelings at this time. Perhaps she feels strongly about this other person. Make clear your feelings, but understand that everyone has their own insecurities and desires that they must deal with. Always demand respect from her, but give her the respect as well. If she feels like she can’t be good to you, accept that and be happy with yourself.

By: Tom Wed, 15 Jun 2016 13:08:47 +0000 So I have been with this girl for 5 months now and all of the sudden a guy she knew before me only for a month or two come back into town and asked her to hang and she said she doesn’t know who she wants and that she was in love with him and they never dated and only knew each other for 2 months and she said she is not in love with me and and can’t see falling in love with me. What do you think about all this?

By: web admin Thu, 31 Dec 2015 03:49:20 +0000 It all depends on your relationship. People fall in love at different points in the relationship, so it could be anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. When you are sure that you love your partner, go ahead and tell them. If they do not say it back, do not panic because it might just take them a little longer to fall in love.

By: Ruby Mon, 28 Dec 2015 04:06:22 +0000 When do you think in a relationship is a good time to tell the person you “love” them?
