How To Bleach Hair

By on June 26, 2017

Going blonde is a huge leap to take, but it’s quite a popular change of pace! If you’re thinking about going blonde, you’re probably thinking you’re going to have to spend hundreds of dollars at a salon; but that’s just not true. You can bleach your hair right from the comfort of your home for more than half the price, and it is a lot easier than you might think.

We’re going to teach you how to bleach hair in just a few simple steps.

First and Foremost, Make Sure Your Hair is Healthy

It’s no secret that bleach can be incredibly damaging to your hair. For this reason it is incredibly important that you’re only bleaching hair that’s healthy enough to do so.

If you’re struggling with hair that is dried out and breaking on the ends, you’ll want to avoid bleach until your hair is in better condition. You can do this by reducing the amount of heated styling tools you use and applying conditioners after every wash. Leave in conditioners are also another great idea and natural options like coconut oil or olive oil is a great idea too.

Buy the Necessary Tools

Without the right tools for application it will be useless to have the bleach in the first place. Before you pick out your bleach, you need to purchase the following equipment: an applicating brush so it’s easy to douse your locks in the bleach, a small bowl for mixing the bleach and developer, and plastic wrap which is essential to achieving blonde hair color.

Purchase Your Preferred Bleach Powder

The first step to creating your bleach solution is to purchase bleach powder. Decide which shade of blonde you’re seeking and buy the corresponding bleach powder hue. Important things to remember:

  • You can buy bleach powder in packets or tubs, but tubs is a better option if you’re planning to bleach your hair often.
  • If you have thick or extra long hair you may need two packets.
  • Dark hair will require a red gold corrector to bring up the shade. Keep that in mind when buying your equipment and bleach.

Purchase the Developer for Mixing

The second step in creating your bleach mixture is to purchase the developer. The developer is extremely strong and is the ingredient that will bring up the blonde hue on your locks.

  • Blonde or light brown natural hair color will only need a 20 volume or 30 volume developer.
  • Black or dark brown natural hair needs a stronger developer, like 40 volume.

Purchase the Toner

Toners are necessary for getting rid of that ‘yellow-orange’ tint and giving you a lovely hue of blonde. This is extra important when looking to go platinum. Simply find a toner with the shade of blonde you desire. This will be applied after the bleaching process.

Create Your Bleach Mixture

Now that you’re home from the salon with all of your essential equipment and bleaching agents, head on home and get ready for action- just make sure you’re doing this in a well ventilazted area as the fumes from bleach powder and developer are extremely strong and you don’t want to get sick or woozy.

There will be instructions that come with the bleach powder you have purchase. Follow the directions and put the correct amount of bleach powder and developer in your small mixing bowl. Continue to mix the ingredients until thoroughly blended. When you’re done, the mixture will have a blue color to it- don’t be alarmed, this is what you want.

Apply the Bleach

After you’re mixture is ready to use, separate your hair into several sections using clips or bobby pins. Using your applicator brush, dip the brush into the mixture and paint the mixture onto your strands. You will want to start at the bottom of your strands and work upwards. Try to avoid getting too close to the scalp as this can cause burning on your skin.

Continue this process until your hair is completely saturated. Make sure you do not have any pieces missing and your hair has enough bleach on it to be completely covered. You may want to have a friend help you with this process so you don’t miss any pieces and have to redo the bleaching.

Cover Hair with Plastic Wrap

After you have double (and triple) checked that your hair is completely drenched in bleach, roll up your hair and put the plastic wrap on. Make sure there’s no strands sticking out as you don’t want the bleach to touch your skin as it may cause irritation.

Wait and Check Your Hair Often

Take a seat, make some coffee, do your nails- think of something to do while you sit and wait for the bleach to take effect. However, after 15 minutes of waiting you need to check on your hair to see if it has reached the desired shade yet.

To check your hair, take out a small chunk of hair and use a towel to wipe the bleach off and check the color. If you’re hair is still not blonde enough, reapply the bleach mixture to the strands you checked and put your plastic wrap back on for another 10 minutes. Continue this process with 10 minute intervals but do NOT leave bleach on for over an hour as this can cause serious damage to your mane.

Rinse Hair With Cold Water

Once you’re done with the bleach and you’ve reached your perfect hue, rinse out the bleach using cold water only. Do NOT use shampoo as this can cause damage to your locks. Rinse until your hair is completely free from bleach and let it air dry. Don’t use a hair dryer as this can also cause excess damage.

Create Your Toner

Now it’s time to create your toner! (Remember: if you like the color your hair is at after bleaching, you do not need to tone it.)

Using your small, clean mixing bowl, mix together one part toner with two parts of developer volume 20. Continue mixing the ingredients together until it reaches a nice blue hue.

Apply the Toner

Just like you bleached your hair, you will need to apply the toner in the same way. Make sure your hair is completely dry for this step, then section your hair and apply the toner all over. Make sure your hair is completely drenched in the toner and there are NO pieces or sections missing.

Wait for 30 Minutes

After your hair is soaked in the tint, let it sit for 30 minutes before rinsing it out.

Congratulations! You’re now a blonde bombshell and everyone’s going to be jealous of your bright, look-at-me mane. Get ready for an incredible time flaunting your blonde locks in the sun!


  • You need to avoid hot tools as much as possible. Bleach is very drying and damaging to your locks, and you want to avoid excess damage by staying away from hot tools.
  • Try not to shampoo your hair too often as you may wash out the color sooner than you’d like.
  • When you do shampoo your locks, make sure you’re using purple shampoos. Purple shampoo will keep your blonde mane looking bright and light.
  • Use colder water when washing your hair and avoid extra hot water as this can be damaging.
  • Always use a deep conditioner after shampooing your hair.
  • Leave in conditioners are an excellent idea, as they can be left on your locks all day long for added moisture and hydration that lasts.
  • Consider using all natural products like coconut oil or olive oil.
  • Put together a hair mask to increase the moisture in your mane.

Have you ever bleached your own hair at home? How did you did it? What were the results? Share with us below!

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