How to Curl Thick Hair
Thick hair is a blessing- and a curse, sometimes.
While a thick mane is undoubtedly one of the most envious features a woman can possess, it still comes with its own set of problems- especially when it comes to trying to curl those thick locks.
If you’re tired of trying to curl your hair with no luck, you’ve got to try out these 7 must-know tips for making thick hair hold its curls.
Let Your Hair Get Dirty
I don’t care what anyone says or what anyone tries to tell you: dirty hair holds a curl WAY better than clean hair does! It’s just a rule or something. I am not saying not to wash your hair for a week before you try to curl it, but seriously- do not wash it the same day you want to curl it. There should at least be a 24 hour time period before you try curling your hair. If you try to do it soon after washing your hair, you will probably find your hair losing the curls within just a few hours after curling- and that’s a downright disaster!
Use the Right Products
The right product is absolutely necessary when you’re trying to make your thick hair holds its curls. It may take a little bit of trial and error before you find your perfect product, but it will make ALL the difference.
Product specifically designed to help hold in curls do exactly that- going the extra mile with the right ingredients to ensure those curls are there to last, no matter WHAT may come your way that night!
Seriously, go out and try some curl products and see the amazing results.
And, much like the right before product is necessary, the right after product is a must too. You have to use hairspray when you’re done with curling your locks. But don’t go for that sticky 80s hairspray that will make your hair feel like a static nightmare and doesn’t even slightly move. You need to find a lightweight hairspray that will keep hold without causing any nasty, ugly side effects.
They’re out there, trust me. Find a light and non-sticky hairspray to lock in your curls and still have that gorgeous movement and bounce with every step.
The Right Tools
The next step to perfect curls is finding your perfect curling tool! For some women, a curling iron that goes all the way up to 400 degrees will do the trick each and every time, while others have absolutely no look with that specific hot tool. If you can’t work a curling iron to save your life (I sure can’t), you may need to try something else.
One great option to try is a curling wand. They take a little bit of getting used to, but I have had amazing results using a curling wand. It’s much different than a curling iron- you have to wrap the hair around yourself. But while it is a little different, it is so simple and I have never had a problem with lousy curls.
Another amazing way to make your thick hair curl is to use your straightener! We’ve all heard about this all new phenomenon, and if you have not tried it yet, you need to give it a shot! After discovering you can achieve such gorgeous, voluminous curls with your straightener, you’ll be able to achieve all your hair dreams with just one tool. If you need help, there’s tons of YouTube tutorials to help you get curls from a straightener.
Clip It
You need bobby pins if you’re going to curl your hair; no seriously, you need them. And as a woman, you probably have a ton lying around already. Well they can be a HUGE help when trying to get your thick hair to curl. When you’re done curling a piece of hair, remove the curling iron or wand or whatever other hot tool you’re using, and pin it up until it cools down. By pinning your hair up while it’s still coiled up and hot to touch, the curl is ‘locked in’. Once cooled down, remove the bobby pin and you will notice a seriously full and bouncy curl that isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
Such a simple trick but I promise you- it helps a TON.
Try Natural Ways
There is a lot of ways to get curls without using a hot tool. One way to get some beautiful curls is to braid your hair while it is wet. Of course, you may be left with a look that’s a bit more wavy than curly, but it all depends on the size of the plaits you make.
Option number to is to toss your hair up into a sock bun while it’s wet. Sleep on it, wake up and remove the bun, and you have beautiful bouncy curls that will last all day with almost NO effort on your part. How cool is that!
Make Sure Hair is Healthy
Last but not least, make sure your hair is healthy before even attempting curls. I mean, have you ever tried to curl hair that’s dried and crusty? It doesn’t go over so well, and if it does, it does not look so good. Making sure your hair is nice and healthy will help you out a ton when it comes time to indulge in some beautiful curls.
This means taking the time to condition, moisturizer, and just simply take care of your each and every strand!
How do you get your thick hair to keep a curl?