How to Find Out if a Guy Likes You Without Asking Him
Sometimes it can be hard sitting there wondering if a guy is interested in you or not. Of course, you don’t want to embarrass yourself and flat out ask him in case the answer is no, and asking his friends would just be weird. What’s a girl to do? These are the top 15 signs on how to find out if a guy likes you WITHOUT asking him!
1. You Catch Him Looking Your Way Often
It’s true for both men AND women: when you like something, you want to look at it! If you notice that every time you look at this guy he’s either looking back or turning his head away real quick, it could definitely be a sign that he’s interested. (Or there’s something on your face; always make sure that handy compact mirror is in your purse pocket, ladies!)
2. He’s In Your Inbox a Lot
When you like someone, you want to talk to them constantly. Of course, you can’t let THEM know that, but you’ll still find yourself sending them random text messages or chatting with them when they come on Facebook. If this guy seems to text you at random times- even when he’s out with his buddies for the night or at work- then you can definitely take it as a sign he’s interested.
3. He Chooses You Over His Buddies
Now, this is a big one. A man doesn’t want to miss out on his precious time with the guys- he could miss out on beers, nonsense joking and horsing around, AND the game winning three pointer! So if he decides to pick you over his buddies, he likes you. It’s as simple as that. If he’s not at the point of asking you out to do things yet, if he even bothers to text you or message you while he’s with the fellas, he certainly likes you. He won’t even mind getting grief from his guy pals for messaging a lady all night!
4. He Invites You to Events
This is a rather obvious sign, but if he’s inviting you to events, then he’s obviously got a crush on you. He may try to be coy about it: “Oh, a few friends are going to this concert and I know you LOVE that band. Maybe you should come?” or he could be very obvious: “Wanna see a movie Friday night?” Both are good, GOOD signs of a crush!
5. He’s Interested in the Small Things About You
If he doesn’t have a crush on you, chances are he isn’t going to care what your favorite candy bar is or how many times you fell off your bike as a child. If he’s trying to find out the minor details about you, then he cares about you and wants to know you on a deeper level.
6. Remembers the Details
And, of course, it’s not so much that he asked about the small things, but he actually cares enough to remember. Anyone can ask you random details about your life, but remembering them is another story. THAT is a huge sign.
7. He’s Extra Sweet and Complimentary
Some guys are naturally just schmoozers and flirt with anything they see, so this one CAN be a little confusing. You need to pay extra close attention to how he interacts with other females. If he uses more in depth compliments with you or tends to treat you a little sweeter than the rest, it could be a sign he’s interested- but his flirty ways aren’t going to stop until the two of you are committed.
8. Goes Out of His Way Just for You
Remember when you said you left your book in science class and he went ALL the way to the BACK of the school to get it? Remember when he decided to make sure he grabbed you an extra cupcake from the staff room before they were all gone? If he goes out of his way JUST for you- big or small- it’s a sign he’s interested.
9. He Sends Random Gifts
He heard you loved those caramel chocolate candy bars, so he decided to surprise you with one on your desk. It may seem silly, but these little gifts show a lot. It shows that he pays attention to what you like and wants to make you feel special by showing you he cares with random gifts.
10. He Gets Jealous
No, the two of you aren’t together. However, you can’t help but notice he gets a little jealous when he sees you chatting it up with another guy. He probably won’t come out and say he’s jealous, but there’s a lot of clues. Maybe he acts a little distant or asks you if you’re interested in that guy, or maybe he just has a glum look on his face. Trust me- you can tell when a man is jealous!
11. He Playfully Touches You
This goes hand in hand with being sweet and complimentary. Think about it: does he do the notorious flirty arm touches when he talks to you? Does he love to give you a great big hug every chance he gets? Flirty touching is a sign he wants to get close to you- which means he may have a HUGE crush.
12. Treats You Differently Than the Rest of the Group
So, you notice he’s got a sweet spot for you, huh? (And everyone else probably notices it too). He seems to always give you extra attention and treat you better than the rest. If you’re the odd one out- in a good way- then he’s definitely trying to show you that he cares for you more than just a friend.
13. He Lets You Borrow His Things
He’ll let you borrow his favorite NFL jacket when you’re cold. He doesn’t mind lending you that cool video game for the weekend. Basically, he doesn’t see it as a hassle when you ask to borrow something. In fact, he enjoys you asking; that means you get to have a little piece of HIM for awhile.
14. He Sometimes Teases You a Bit
Yes, it’s SO elementary. But guys tease girls when they’re interested. It’s as simple as that.
15. He Only Has Eyes for You
When the two of you are talking, it’s like you’re the only girl in the world. Angelina Jolie could walk past and he wouldn’t even take a glimpse in her direction. If he only has eyes for you, he likes you.
True or not? Are these definite signs a guy likes you? Tell us!
January 19, 2017 at 8:16 am
So there’s this guy and we’ve been friends since I was twelve and now I’m turning fifteen. We go to the same school together and that’s how we met. He is sweet, kind, playful, cute and best of all… he gets me. I’m kind of a tomboy so i hang out with boys like everyday and they always find funny ways to piss me off, but he’s the only person in this world who gets me. He has never found a way to piss me off or hurt me.
So my feelings for him have been very on and off for he past two years now. But now I’m sure that he’s the one and I have to fight for him. The thing is, I dont know if he likes me. I think that maybe he does but hes in denial, because he’s always tryna make me laugh, he stares at me sometimes, he randomly texts me once in a while, and when i forward those whatsapp messages that ask “what do u think of me?’ and the have a bunch of options he usually picks the ones that say ” I always wanna have you around me and I always wanna talk to u.”
And when my friends or his friends tell us that it’s obvious that we have a connection and that we should go out, he first laughs and says ” i don’t know” before he says no. So i wanna know if he likes me and if he does, then how do i get him out of his denial.
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January 19, 2017 at 2:36 pm
It is likely that he likes you. He may not know if you like him. He may not want to reveal his feelings until you reveal your own. Speak directly and honestly with him about your thoughts and feelings if you want to. This will give you the answers that you seek. If he does not feel the same way, then you know that you can remain friends with him. If wants to date you, then you have what you want. Good luck, Calms!
December 20, 2016 at 5:03 pm
So there was this guy and we used to like each other, last year he put his arm around me when we were at the school play. But now he said that he likes someone else, but all of his friends tell me that he still likes me. He flirts with me a lot and we walk to classes together, is he using the other girl as a cover up or does he really like me?
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December 21, 2016 at 10:39 am
He may have liked you and he may still like you, but he may have been unsure about your feelings towards himself. Because of that, he may have decided to move on. Since he is in a relationship now, your best option is to not try to break them up. If their relationship naturally ends, then you can try to establish a romantic relationship with him at that time. For now, just do what you need to do for yourself and do not worry about him. Have a great week!
November 6, 2016 at 6:35 pm
There’s this guy, Aaron, who I think I have a crush on. Not definite yet. Anyways. He lives right up the street from me. We’re both in the same grade and go to the same school. And we’re both the same age. So we kinda have this hate/I-can-put-up-with-you thing going. Though he does talk to me sometimes but he doesn’t go out of his way to do it. Sometimes I feel like he’s flirting. Though sometimes I’m not sure and I wonder if he’s just messing around. We’re both 13 and in 8th grade by the way. Anyways. We don’t have any classes together but hell sometimes sit with me and my little friend group at lunch. But he doesn’t sit next to me or across from me or anything. He jokes around with me sometimes and picks on me when he gets the chance. Though I’m not sure if he’s just being annoyingly and mean, or if he’s flirting. HALP MEHHHH!!!! I don’t know what to do or if he likes me or not. This Halloween we ended up having an ice cube war (we threw ice at each other, of course him trying to get the ice down the front of my shirt and me getting revenge for it) and this other guy, Elijah, one of Aaron’s friends who was also there hanging out with us and the few other people who we were hanging out with, told us to “stop flirting”. Or course Aaron being Aaron, said “I don’t flirt with guys”. Was he just teasing me and really flirting with me? Or was he just being mean and annoying? Please help. I would really like to know if he likes me or not.
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November 7, 2016 at 3:26 pm
It is clear that the two of you have a strong friendship. As the two of you talk often, flirt with each other, and spend time with each other, it is clear that there is some feeling of closeness between the two of you. He may want to develop a relationship with you and he may not want to. If you want to become closer to him, then attempt to spend time with him outside of school. If you want to develop a relationship with him at that point, then speak with him directly and honestly about your feelings. Remain positive as you move forward. Best of luck, Nix!
April 19, 2016 at 7:59 pm
So, there’s this guy I like. I got a friend to tell him that I liked him, and then he eventually told my friends that he didn’t like me back. Everything’s good, and we talk often. It even seems like our friendship is getting better! (I even walked home with him once!) Then, my friend plays this stupid game with him, and he loses so he has to kiss me on the cheek. He seemed fine with it, but never did it. :/ Then my friend asked him if he liked me, and he replied with “50/50.” What does that mean?! If he just liked me as a friend, why didn’t he say “I like her as a friend,” like before? I’m really confused! Please help me! D:
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April 23, 2016 at 9:32 am
It sounds like he is uncertain if he likes you or not. Once he found out that he liked you, you suddenly became a possibility, so he may have started wondering what it would be like to date you. For the moment, it seems like he is uncertain if he is interested in you or not. Stay friends and give it some time. Hopefully, he will be able to figure out how he feels before long. Good luck, Mindy!
August 30, 2016 at 9:06 pm
He hugged me and said that we were bestfriend. I really like him and it was really confusing because he will always be nice to me but he sometimes tease me and one time he did a hand shake and didn’t let go of my hand for 10 sec. does he like me?
web admin
August 31, 2016 at 9:49 am
Since he is having such extended physical contact with you, it is likely that he has an interest in you. Some people do not want to date their best friends, but some people do. If you are interested in developing a relationship with him, then you should speak with him directly and honestly about your feelings. Next time he touches you for a long time – if you want him to continue – then hug him back or hold his hand longer. He will understand, but he may be uncertain of what to do next.
March 13, 2016 at 12:53 pm
Good evening everyone,
I came to this website for advice! Underneath my story, I am really curious to know if this guy was just being polite or if he is actually interested in me:
For privacy reasons I won’t use their name.
So on Friday night I get invited by my male friend to watch a movie. As I arrived at his place, his male neighbour is over as well. I great them & the neighbour comes over & shake hands & introduces ourselves. I ask if I am interupting, but they answer no. The neighbour was only just passing by. A little later he leaves.
My friend tells me he is short on money & food & got invited to grab a bite at 8 by his neighbour. He received a Whatsapp message saying : would Mandy like to come over as well? She is skinun after all.
(note: I am not skinny, I am normal size)
(note 2: my friend laughed & handed me the phone to read the message & answer myself)
I replied with something like “no, but thank u for the offer”.
So later at his friend house, he asked me once again, which I replied with ‘no but thank u”. He said up”u can have it, u still need to grow”. During & after they at we spoke for almost 2 hours.
The neighbour & I had a lot of eye contact & often smiled at each other. In my opinion he seemed to look at me a lot.
(i checked, there was nothing odd on my face!) he was very polite & kind.. & asked me a lot of questions such as work, hobbies, where I am from etc. Also how I stayed in this body shape without sporting (i am anti sport 😀 )
On a moment he (the neighbour) made an odd joke “when are you two going to marry?” (he ment my friend & me). I immediately replied “not” just as my friend. My friend & I have no love relation, also I have been dumped last year, so I do am single. Due my reply he asked “was that a rude question,”. I said “a little”, but we laughed about it.
Apparently he had a German girlfriend some years ago & saw the recemblence of my German side. He started giving me a lot of compliments & even used the words “German chick”. I became quite shy & obviously looked away. He saw that & took his opportunity to mention it as well. So I decided to check my phone because I felt to flattered…
I do not know if he was playing around or serious…
On a moment he had to do something, I don’t remember what… I believe prepairing for The movie we would watch with the three of us. The door was at my back & as he returned he super politely put the hood of my vest I was wearing on & mentioned it was cute.
After we spoke for nearly 1,5 hour, we were going to watch a movie. He used netflix. So we sat with the three of us on the couch, I left, the neighbour in the middle & my friend on the right.
We (neighbour & I) childishly played with his funny but high tech ambi light controller to see all the funny themes it has my friend played a game on his phone. Back to the movie. He offered me to pick, but I had no clue. He once again let me borrow his remote. (i don’t know if that is being polite or means more…)
During the movie He answered all my questions if I did not understood & laughed always if I laughed too. Maybe cooincidence…
During the movie my sister called me, (i promised to pick her up when I would go back home). We discussed something & after the call he once said “that sounded cute”… I quickly told him why she called & why I had to pick up… He called me “sweet big sister” because of it…
After the movie ( time: 00:35) I was like… “Ohw… I still need to drive all the way home..” when He put his hand of my knee & told me he felt bad for me… I told him it actually isn’t that bad…
My friend & I left the room because we where going home, as I walked out the room the neighbour out his hand on my shoulder. We thanked him, wished him a nice evening & left.
Thank u in advance. I am really curious to know if this neighbour is just being polite or if he ment more with it.
My apologise for the long story.
web admin
March 14, 2016 at 7:37 pm
You seem to have commented twice on this one. I have to approve each comment manually, so it sometimes takes me a little while to approve and answer all of them. If you do not see a response to your comment right away, don’t worry because you will. Read through my answer to your first comment and let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks for commenting!
March 13, 2016 at 12:38 pm
Good evening everyone,
I came to this website for advice! Underneath my story, I am really curious to know if this guy was just being polite or if he is actually interested in me:
For privacy reasons I won’t use their name.
So on Friday night I get invited by my male friend to watch a movie. As I arrived at his place, his male neighbour is over as well. I great them & the neighbour comes over & shake hands & introduces ourselves. I ask if I am interupting, but they answer no. The neighbour was only just passing by. A little later he leaves.
My friend tells me he is short on money & food & got invited to grab a bite at 8 by his neighbour. He received a Whatsapp message saying : would Mandy like to come over as well? She is skinun after all.
(note: I am not skinny, I am normal size)
(note 2: my friend laughed & handed me the phone to read the message & answer myself)
I replied with something like “no, but thank u for the offer”.
So later at his friend house, he asked me once again, which I replied with ‘no but thank u”. He said up”u can have it, u still need to grow”. During & after they at we spoke for almost 2 hours.
The neighbour & I had a lot of eye contact & often smiled at each other. In my opinion he seemed to look at me a lot.
(i checked, there was nothing odd on my face!) he was very polite & kind.. & asked me a lot of questions such as work, hobbies, where I am from etc. Also how I stayed in this body shape without sporting (i am anti sport 😀 )
On a moment he (the neighbour) made an odd joke “when are you two going to marry?” (he ment my friend & me). I immediately replied “not” just as my friend. My friend & I have no love relation, also I have been dumped last year, so I do am single. Due my reply he asked “was that a rude question,”. I said “a little”, but we laughed about it.
Apparently he had a German girlfriend some years ago & saw the recemblence of my German side. He started giving me a lot of compliments & even used the words “German chick”. I became quite shy & obviously looked away. He saw that & took his opportunity to mention it as well. So I decided to check my phone because I felt to flattered…
I do not know if he was playing around or serious…
On a moment he had to do something, I don’t remember what… I believe prepairing for The movie we would watch with the three of us. The door was at my back & as he returned he super politely put the hood of my vest I was wearing on & mentioned it was cute.
After we spoke for nearly 1,5 hour, we were going to watch a movie. He used netflix. So we sat with the three of us on the couch, I left, the neighbour in the middle & my friend on the right.
We (neighbour & I) childishly played with his funny but high tech ambi light controller to see all the funny themes it has my friend played a game on his phone. Back to the movie. He offered me to pick, but I had no clue. He once again let me borrow his remote. (i don’t know if that is being polite or means more…)
During the movie He answered all my questions if I did not understood & laughed always if I laughed too. Maybe cooincidence…
During the movie my sister called me, (i promised to pick her up when I would go back home). We discussed something & after the call he once said “that sounded cute”… I quickly told him why she called & why I had to pick up… He called me “sweet big sister” because of it…
After the movie ( time: 00:35) I was like… “Ohw… I still need to drive all the way home..” when He put his hand of my knee & told me he felt bad for me… I told him it actually isn’t that bad…
My friend & I left the room because we where going home, as I walked out the room the neighbour out his hand on my shoulder. We thanked him, wished him a nice evening & left.
Thank u in advance for your help/advice… I hope that u can help me figure out if he was being just polite & friendly or maybe is actually interested…
My apologise for the long story.
Kind regards, Mandy
web admin
March 14, 2016 at 7:36 pm
It sounds like he likes you. He was being extremely flirty, kept inviting you over and even put his hand on your knee. While it is not 100 percent that he likes you, it seems pretty close. Short of just asking you out, there is little else that he could have done. Now, you just have to decide what you are going to do about it.
March 7, 2016 at 8:16 pm
There is guy I been friends with for a few months and not even close friends we just have good conversation but about a month back he had been acting really flirty and is always cuddling and hugging me but he only shows 4 of 15 signs that he leaves his friends for me, teases me, playfully touches me and treats me different and extra sweet but I just can’t tell if he like me even though he acts like my boyfriend when were with friends and says things like I with her or she’s mine and he can be flirty with other girls and I do t know if trying to commit or he just being a flirt with no intention if dating me
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March 8, 2016 at 11:23 am
You seem to have commented twice on this one. I have to answer each comment and approve it individually, so it can sometimes take a little bit to get an answer. If you do not see a response immediately, do not worry because you will. Read through my first response and let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks for commenting!
March 6, 2016 at 6:46 pm
So this guy that I liked during the summer use to tease me and play around with me.his friends kept telling me he likes me and everything but I was acting harsh because I was kinda mad at him and acted like I hate him but no it was the opposite. But I went to his school and than he will stare at me until I started dating one of his friends since than he stop staring at me. Than my best friend ask him if he hated me and he said yes. He will also get mad when my friend mention me to him. About a week ago in detention he said hey to me than I’m like what is going on he was nice. Than a couple of minutes later he call me again and asks me something about my phone I couldn’t hear him so I was asking what and still couldn’t hear him. Than I got in trouble for talking than he start to laugh because I got in trouble just like when he didn’t hated me. But this last week he got a girlfriend and this hole time I’ve been confuse. Its OK if he doesn’t want to date me I just want to be his friend but I’m scare to talk to him and I’m also confuse because when we met he liked me and he had a girlfriend too. Should I go up to him and talk to him as a friend and see how he acts? Or should I just forget about him?
web admin
March 7, 2016 at 9:12 am
It may be okay to have space. If he makes a move to be a friend, act like a friend around him, but you do not need to go out of your way to talk to him. He had a chance to ask you out in the summertime, and he did not take it in time. While you may have worsened the situation, he did have a chance beforehand. It sounds like he may still have some feelings for you, but he does not sound like someone who is able to remain friends if there is no hope of being together. Since you are in a relationship, he may assume that he does not have a chance–plus, you dated one of his friends, so he may not want to hurt his friend by pursuing you. Although you want to be friends with him, it seems like he is not able to remain just friends. Until he is able to be friends or is single, I would just forget about him. Be nice to him if you talk together, but don’t go beyond that.
February 25, 2016 at 7:58 pm
How is it possible I think this guy likes me but I am dating someone and started to have feelings for the other I was thinking of breaking up with him bc I don’t want to date someone if I hAve feelings for another but when I read this I think the guy the I like has a crush on me and he has had a crush on me but still think he likes me and I like him back
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February 26, 2016 at 11:57 pm
It is quite normal to feel attracted to someone else when you are taken. Even when you are in a relationship, it does not stop the opposite gender from being attractive. What matters is how you respond to that attraction–ignoring the feelings, choosing to be with your partner and not giving up on your partner. It is also not a good idea to leave your boyfriend for the hope of being with someone else because it would place a lot of stress on your new relationship if it were to begin. Overall, I would put the thoughts of the other guy out of your mind. If you decide for some other reason that you do not like your boyfriend any more, then it would be fine to break up with him. I would be very cautious and think carefully before you break up with him. Good luck, Cristal101!
February 14, 2016 at 9:20 pm
So.. There is this guy that always stares at me.. We talke not a lot though. I think he is very attractive and would like to get to know him without making a foolout of my self. He had a girlfriend that he broke up with.. But she wants him back and I don’t know how he feels. I just don’t know if I should go for it or not?
web admin
February 15, 2016 at 8:54 am
You may want to begin going for it now. If he is single and his girlfriend wants him back, then there is a chance that he will not end up single for long. Be careful though because she may end up starting drama if she feels like you are honing in on her ex-boyfriend–hopefully, the girlfriend is not a friend of yours. If she is a friend, you will probably lose her if you date her boyfriend. For the moment, start talking to him and get to know him better. If he seems to react positively, you can always try flirting with him or asking him to hang out one-on-one. Good luck, Caitlin!
February 14, 2016 at 4:32 pm
oh yeah he also asked me to kiss him once but i said no even though i really wanted to. Does that help???
web admin
February 14, 2016 at 5:27 pm
If he asked you to kiss him, then he must like you on some level. Considering the amount of time he spends with you, I doubt that he was just wanting a kiss as a segue into a fling of some sort. It seems much more likely that he is genuinely interested and would like to be with you. Now, you just have to decide what your next move will be. Good luck, Selena!
February 14, 2016 at 4:26 pm
ok so theres this boy that i like but im not sure if he likes me… we knew each other for a long time and were really close? but he talks to alot of other girls.. like a lot.vat my school whrn i told someone that i liked him she said “everybody like him”. like he acts like he likes me and he says hes just firends with those other girls and he spends the most time with me…. and idk how to tell him that i like him. Help…..
web admin
February 14, 2016 at 5:25 pm
It is entirely possible that he likes you. If he talks to every girl though, then nothing is for sure. It seems like you have a lot of competition, so it is up to you if you take the risk of asking him out. He spends more time with you and seems closer to you than the other girls, so he either views you as a really good friend or someone he could potentially date. You can either play it safe or go after him–it seems like a 50/50 chance that he likes you or not.
February 8, 2016 at 10:45 am
How do you tell the difference between someone who is a flirt and who likes you? Is it possible for a guy who’s a romantic & a flirt to like someone for real? How do I know if he’s just doing what he does to everyone?
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February 11, 2016 at 8:35 am
It is entirely possible for a flirt to be really interested–it is just much harder to tell. Sooner or later, everyone falls in love and is with someone else. The flirt may want to just play the field for now, or they may be genuinely interested. If you like them back, go ahead and go on a date. You will never know what could be possible unless you take a chance and date them now. Good luck!
January 13, 2016 at 5:37 pm
Okay so I have liked this guy pretty much since September of 2015. And I can’t really go into detail of why I like him because I’m sure it will take me too long ? Anyway, I’m kind of getting mixed signals from him. He looks in my direction a lot and I catch him looking but he doesn’t look away. Also, because I sit in front of him in class, he sometimes makes an excuse (usually to go to the restroom) and I notice him glancing at me before he leaves. We text every once in a while but we never talk anymore and I find that really weird. We used to talk when I sat next to him and play around but now he won’t even say hi to me. I’m not sure if he likes me or if he just wants to be friends. I would be okay with either one, no hard feelings. Please let me know what you think, because this confuses me. Thanks so much!
web admin
January 14, 2016 at 5:44 pm
It sounds like he probably did like you in the past, but the sudden lack of communication and cold shoulder is confusing. If he did talk to you a lot previously, then this may be an indication that he no longer feels the same way or does not want to lead you on. I would wait things out and see if the situation or his behavior changes. Good luck, Monica!
December 20, 2015 at 2:37 pm
So… I have this one friend and I have known him for about 4 months now, but I started talking to him a few weeks ago and I started liking him because he seems like a good person. I think it’s really early to see if he likes me or not, but I am starting to get suspicious.
A few days ago we were in 1st hour (which is a 90 minute class) and the teacher said we can move around to work on stuff for finals. I was calling my friend over to sit next to me and before I knew it, he just came and sat down. I was a little mad that my friend couldn’t sit there but then I got confused as to why he was sitting there. I was the only person he talked to (besides once when the guy next to me asked him something) for an hour before another guy came and sat with us.
I have also been noticing some small things, like when I was standing by his group of friends, he was the main focus of the group. I know that sounds weird, but it was as if his friends were quieter that day than they normally are… I have also heard that he is really funny, but in the class I’m in with him he’s really shy. I know that there is a slim chance of him liking me, but I’m so confused.
I know I’m about to get annoying because there is a second guy that I’m about to talk about… So I have known this other guy for about the same amount of time, but I have liked him longer than the first guy… Anyway, so he and I have had a few conversations but they were really nothing big. But a few weeks ago he had a snack and I asked for some and he was like Nah, so I asked him why and he was like “Because I’m starving.” then I replied with “I’m starving too, I woke up half an hour late this morning!” and he started laughing… Then a couple of days ago he had the same snack and I asked him for some and he was smiling but also trying to look irritated but he let me have some. Then on that same day, he was using his phone to fix his hair and I turned and looked at him and he ran his hand through his hair, looked at me, smirked, and did ‘the nod’. I just laughed and looked away, later when I asked my friends they said that that is a sign that he likes me.
I am a very confused person right now.
web admin
December 27, 2015 at 4:46 pm
It sounds like both guys could like you, but they have not done enough of the signs to be sure yet. Fortunately, this could be a good thing because it will give you more time to decide which guy you actually like the most. It is actually quite normal to be interested in two guys at once, but you would obviously have to choose one or the other at some point. You could also just wait longer until one or the other guy does something else to show that they are interested, or wait until one of them asks you out.
December 14, 2015 at 11:00 am
Well. There is this guy I have liked a lot. He actually sits behind me. We live in the same block. Our roll numbers are consecutive. He teases me a lot. But then he teases other people also. He helps me when I need help. He acts normally around me. Actually I started to like him last year and it all went viral and he knows I like him . He is pretty normal with me. I don’t exactly know loads about him but he on the other hand has invaded my personal space plenty times. He once read a whole diary part I wrote and then said he found it funny. He always takes my answer sheets just to see my marks without Askin me or many times even when I refuse to give it to him he just takes it while I am somewhere else. I really am confused when it comes to does he like me. I don’t think so because I am very good friends with his girl bestie and she told me he likes no one. I have never found him looking at me. He has a really sweet personality so chances are that he actually is trying to act normal around me, not to act like I hate u or something. We sometimes exchange notes and help each other during classes btw I don’t know. I am starting to give up. I know he doesn’t like me and I really want to just shake the crush feeling off. But I can’t help it. And …. I feel like an idiot around him because he knows way more Embarrassing things about me than any other boy also he is in so many clubs plus he is linked with all the three most perfect girl in our class. I know there is no chance of him liking me. But I really can’t shake this crush feeling. I need help. Luke seriously
web admin
December 14, 2015 at 9:34 pm
It is possible that he likes you, but he at least likes to talk to you and be around you. If his best friend girl says that he does not like anyone, then she might be right. If he does like you, he could easily make a move since he already knows that you like him back. It is always possible that he likes you or will in the future, so don’t give up hope quite yet. For the moment, just enjoy having a good guy friend and get to know him better. He seems to be a genuinely kind, considerate and sweet person, so he would be a great person to have in your life as just a friend or a boyfriend.
confused from california
December 4, 2015 at 3:17 am
Well, there’s one guy I’ve had my eyes on for four years. He is a grade higher than me and in pretty much all of my classes. He is a really sweet and shy guy, and a nerd like me, and I really like him, but I am a bit… Weird. Yet, he has been my best friend since I met him after I moved to Maine from California.
During free reading time, he’ll sit right next to me on a small green chair in the classes “book nook”. So, he likes to get pretty close. We’re never apart. We are always together at school, and I have been to his house a few times. He always makes eye contact and runs his hands through his hair a bit when I am talking. I often catch him looking in my direction when I am across the room from him. But he always looks away quickly. He gets a little awkward around me when I am talking to some of my other guy-friends or when a guy who likes to flirt plays with my hair or calls me “babe”. We have a lot in common (except for the fact that I love Black Veil Brides, Skillet, Three Days Grace, etc.!!) We are always partners for everything, And when our choir/music teacher told him he could play Hallelujah for the winter concert, he automatically asked if I could sing. The concert is in a few days, actually. And often when we play chess on one of our IPads, and I goof around and try to hit the undo button, he will hold my hand for a few minutes and look into my eyes.
But I have my doubts. He has another friend, and if it is one of my non people days, he’ll hang with her and I get really jelous. But he doesn’t seem to like her too much, though. I’ve asked him to dance before, and got rejected. But he knows I have a crush on him, and he doesn’t mind me being up close to him. Oh yeah, and he let me fall asleep with my head on his chest, once, on a bus ride. But, anyways, I don’t know if he likes Me as a friend or possibly more… what do you think?? Thanks for listening to my blabbering.
web admin
December 5, 2015 at 9:13 pm
It seems like you are his first choice for someone to hang out with, not the friend girl, so I would not worry too much. The rest of your description makes it seem like he could be really interested in you. Getting jealous of you talking to other guys, being around you all the time, joking around with you and trying to look at you secretly are all signs that he could be interested. Now, you just have to decide what you want to do about it. Would you like to be in a relationship with him? Are you brave enough to make the first move? He may not make a move unless you do because he might not be willing to ruin his friendship with you. If you do want to be with him, you may have to make the first move.
December 1, 2015 at 7:27 am
So I read the information and some of these things happened.
I met this guy, two months ago. He’s really nice and always does anything for me when I truly need the help.
He pays attention to me, leaving His friends behind.
Always makes eye contact and smiles when he sees me.
He asked me about me.
My middle name, my nickname, my goals in life, if I liked meeting new people, if I enjoy myself around him and the one I love the most is.. “say your name, I like hearing it coming out of your mouth”…
A day before yesterday though, I kind of had a little problem.
My parents anniversary party.. .
I had to ask himto dance.
We talked about alot of things and we didn’t even know we had danced two songs by then.
We danced one last one and it was a slow song.
His grip around me was alright and all.
Our lips almost touched and he excused himself.
After the party he said a short good bye and that made me a little sad.
I don’t know what to do since my family is going to visit him this weekend.
I don’t know how to act around Him after the incident.
Do you think I did something wrong?
web admin
December 2, 2015 at 7:51 pm
Just act naturally around him like a friend would. If he flirts, then flirt back. I do not think that you did anything wrong. He chose to dance with you and he held you close. Plus, he nearly kissed you and has been trying to get to know you better. To me, it seems like he likes you. He may be trying to take things slow, or he may have been worried about the almost kiss because he does not know for sure how you feel. At any rate, I do not think that you have much to worry about. It seems like your relationship will naturally start to develop over time if you let it. Just relax and take things easy.
confused from california
December 4, 2015 at 3:19 am
I don’t think you did anything wrong, and I think he really likes you! At least he danced with you. I got rejected.
web admin
December 5, 2015 at 9:18 pm
Thanks for the advice! 🙂
confused from california
December 4, 2015 at 3:21 am
And he is probably a little shy or confused at first. I know how it is to like girls, pretty confusing!! I used to like a girl in my class, but then I met someone who I think is my soul mate.
web admin
December 5, 2015 at 9:19 pm
Congrats on meeting your soul mate, Confused! It is a wonderful feeling to finally find the right person. Good luck and thanks for commenting!
November 17, 2015 at 3:14 pm
So i have been friends with a guy named Javier. We have almost been friends for a year. Yesterday i saw him after quiet some time. He goes to a diffrent school school then me which is the sad part so i barely see him. When i saw him yesterday he wanted to spend alot of time with me. Javier was making me laugh, he was teasing me but we were just playing around. At the end of the night he was putting his arm around me and sitting closer to me. He even put his arm around my waist to bring me closer to him. When ever i would mess around him he tickled me and i would hold his finger and it seemed like he was going to hold my hand. At times when he was play around me javier would call me dumb as a joke and i would say “ok so ill just leave” he would grab me and pull me to my chair. Does he like me? I dont know if i have feelings for him.
web admin
November 20, 2015 at 4:42 pm
It sounds like he does like you. Other than just telling you, he is doing all of the signs of being interested like pulling you closer, teasing you, not wanting you to leave and sitting with his arm around you. Now, your only real question is if you like him back. Before you decide if you want to make a move, you should make sure that you genuinely like him and are not just interested because you know that he likes you. Once you know your feelings, you could always try asking him out or asking if he wants to hang out with you sometime alone.
November 4, 2015 at 4:53 pm
Hi admin, I commented on this website a couple of weeks ago and I would love to get more help concerning my crush. Thank u so much for ur time.
Okay, like I mentioned b4,he’s a super close friend, but not my best friend… he sends me mixed signals whether or not he likes me because he feels comfortable about talking about his ex-crush when he found out I was a mutual acquaintance when I first started to really befriend him. B4 this, he was just my TaeKwonDo senior (he’s a year older) and we started being really close because of other stuff. He shares his favourite songs, we’re both science geeks winning most of participating competitions, God, he even shares his dreams with me.
He wasn’t awkward when I asked him out for lunch and he goes out of his bro group to talk or be with me. Supports me by showing up unexpectedly at an important competition of mine, always tries to sit next to me. We’re kind of equals, like he’s my counselor and I’m his at most times. People have once asked if he was my big brother maybe because of how he protected me and cared for me. I started liking him because of his emotional problems and I think I may have shown a lot of signs…but what I’m sure of is that he is pretty comfortable with me. But why I’m unsure if he likes me is because he keeps complaining about his ex-crush, he wants to try to forget her and all.
Well, its been a while since we’ve talked bcos of exams, but ofc we still do. Just less than usual. So the last two days, he was preparing for a competition and had to go to another state. Which means he’s staying in a university dorm with his friends for two days. The night before the competition,I just kinda missed him so I kept my facebook messenger online because thats the only social platform i can communicate with him.
I couldn’t really sleep so i just minded my business on the net not wanting to text him bcos he was busy doing his project. It was 2.30 am which is waypast my bedtime but i couldnt sleep. Suddenly he messaged me at that moment which I know he shouldn’t bcos he’s busy with his project.
Why are you not asleep yet???
Those were the exact words he sent. I told him I couldn’t sleep and kinda teased him that he wasn’t asleep as well. He took a photo of his project he’s been working on with his team for the competition the next day. We chatted shortly but it was really fun. Then the most unexpected text I got from him was…
See ya Mara…goodnight
And sweet dreams
That particular message made me smile so wide, i felt a whole zoo in my stomach because no one has ever tucked me in to bed through a text message let alone a comforting one. But I’m really confused if he shows that he truly cares or the big possibility that he likes me.
Please help?
web admin
November 5, 2015 at 3:31 pm
If he is still trying to get over his ex-crush, then it may take a bit for him to really process his feelings for you. It sounds like he likes you or could like you, but he is not able to go farther quite yet. I would just stay friends and wait until he gets over his ex-crush completely. Then, you will have a better chance at winning him over. You seem to be doing everything right already, so keep it up! Good luck, Mara!