Comments on: How to Find Out if a Guy Likes You Without Asking Him Sat, 28 Oct 2017 04:21:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Thu, 20 Jul 2017 02:44:02 +0000 Your best option is to walk directly to him and speak with him. If you are not interested in the easy way to speak with someone, then attempt to get his attention. If he comes to you, then he may start up a conversation. He might be interested in sharing his feelings with you. Have a great day, Ally!

By: AllyCat Wed, 19 Jul 2017 22:17:10 +0000 Thank you so much for the advice! I really appreciate it. Now I have to figure how to talk to him!!!!

By: web admin Tue, 18 Jul 2017 21:48:08 +0000 It is certain that the two of you are close and likely share a strong emotional connection. If you want to develop a relationship with him, then reach out to him. Speak directly and honestly with him about your thoughts and feelings. This will give him the chance to share himself with you as well. Then the two of you can determine the course of your relationship. Have a great day, Ally!

By: web admin Tue, 18 Jul 2017 21:47:17 +0000 It is certain that the two of you are close and likely share a strong emotional connection. If you want to develop a relationship with him, then reach out to him. Speak directly and honestly with him about your thoughts and feelings. This will give him the chance to share himself with you as well. Then the two of you can determine the course of your relationship. Have a great day, Ally!

By: AllyCat Tue, 18 Jul 2017 18:21:47 +0000 I’m in a school that is grades 1 to 8 and I’m going to grade 8 in September. So basically I’ve known all the guys and girls since then. There’s this guy I’ve known since grade 3 and he was kinda my friend. I was also in his class in grade 4 but I haven’t been in his class since until this last school year (Grade 7). We were kinda friend-enemy type thing. Then his friends started saying we were married after a dare i had to do (propose to him). We didn’t really care but before any of this, i used to think he liked me because of the way he acted with me. He acts like a typical teenage guy around his friends but we went to a competition for school with two other people and he was the most different person with my without his friends around. He was nice, playful, and we both kinda started teasing each other. That’s when i really started liking him. He also remembered small things like what i like and don’t like from all the way back in GRADE 3! He is a really amazing and sweet guy when he’s with me and he has also shared a couple a personal things with me.

BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After the dare, he kinda closed a little. And a couple of months after his friends said he had a crush on one of my best friends. She really doesn’t like him but I talked to him about it on our big end-of-the-school-year-trip and he said he really didn’t like her anymore.

He left school for summer vacation a week early and before he left he gave me a gift from the competition. 

Because I really like him….. Please help me! I would really appreciate the help. Because I want to ask him after I have a little hope. THANK YOU!!!!

By: AllyCat Tue, 18 Jul 2017 06:44:28 +0000 Hey I’m in a school that is grades 1 to 8 and I’m going to grade 8 in September. So basically I’ve known all the guys and girls since then. There’s this guy I’ve known since grade 3 and he was kinda my friend. I was also in his class in grade 4 but I haven’t been in his class since until this last school year (Grade 7). We were kinda friend-enemy type thing. Then his friends started saying we were married after a dare i had to do (propose to him). We didn’t really care but before any of this, i used to think he liked me because of the way he acted with me. He acts like a typical teenage guy around his friends but we went to a competition for school with two other people and he was the most different person with my without his friends around. He was nice, playful, and we both kinda started teasing each other. That’s when i really started liking him. He also remembered small things like what i like and don’t like from all the way back in GRADE 3! He is a really amazing and sweet guy when he’s with me and he has also shared a couple a personal things with me.

BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After the dare, he kinda closed a little. And a couple of months after his friends said he had a crush on one of my best friends. She really doesn’t like him but I talked to him about it on our big end-of-the-school-year-trip and he said he really didn’t like her anymore.

He left school for summer vacation a week early and before he left he gave me a gift from the competition. 

Because I really like him….. Please help me! I would really appreciate the help. Because I want to ask him after I have a little hope. THANK YOU!!!!

By: web admin Mon, 03 Apr 2017 19:04:06 +0000 Don’t worry-I understood. Let me know if you need any more help. Thanks!

By: web admin Mon, 03 Apr 2017 19:03:48 +0000 His number was most likely added to the spelling paper because he likes you, wanted you to text him and wanted a smooth way to give you his number without having to worry about getting rejected. You did not see the number right away and did not text him, so he may have thought that you were not interested and given up. Right now, you should start by texting him so that he realizes that you are interested. You can start out with something simple like, “Sorry it took so long for me to text. I didn’t realize that your number was on the paper.” That way, he knows why it took so long and the fact that you are texting him will give him hope that you could like him. From there, flirt a bit and keep talking to him. If you are feeling particularly brave, you could even try asking him out before long. Good luck, Laya!

By: Laya Mon, 03 Apr 2017 05:06:11 +0000 Off my chest*

By: Laya Mon, 03 Apr 2017 05:05:12 +0000 Hi, this didn’t help really but I need to get this off munch chest maybe you could hear what I say and determine if they like me because I’m not sure…. Okay so in 2nd period there is this guy and I had no feelings toward him like I never even thought of him well one day his friend asked me for My spelling word paper and me being nice I was like okay and gave him it well him and the guy were looking at my paper and I didn’t think much because they were studying well I never got my paper back till the bell rang so I just put it in my backpack and just forgot about it and the day this took was the day spring break was gonna start well before school started again I got a new backpack and I remembered the paper and took it out and I was gonna put it in my folder but I saw something that wasn’t there which was his number and I was like what…. Well I showed one my friends and she texted him and it was his actual number and she said my name and all he said was oh ok he didn’t say ummm how did she get my number so i was shocked the next day he asked her how I got his number so I was really confused because he could’ve just asked her through text anyways I always feel like I’m being watched in 2nd period and sometimes I catch him looking at me and one of my friends heard him say my name and to be honest I have never even talked to him before so that’s why my feeling are jumbled because lately I have been thinking he is cute but only I know that he is really confusing me…
