How To Get Rid Of Cellulite Fast

By on March 10, 2014

Urgh, cellulite. It’s awful, right? It’s a depressing moment when we spy some of those ugly fat deposits in the mirror, those wrinkled dimples that are anything but cute. Some of us just downright hate them, others grudgingly learn to live with them and a lot of us are terrible embarrassed by them. No doubt we’ve all heard of quick fix solutions to the problem but we all know how well (or rather how horribly) they work. That said, don’t panic. Believe it or not there are ways for you to get rid of your cellulite fast and (you may want to sit down for this part) permanently! Yes, I said permanently! Interested? I though so. Keep reading for ten great ways to get rid of cellulite fast and for good.


1. Anti Cellulite Creams


There are countless creams on the market that claim to be miracle treatments for cellulite but the bad news is that most of them are fake. Still, that’s not to say some of them aren’t worth a go and don’t work wonders. When you’re choosing a cream, look for a one with as many natural ingredients as possible and one that claims to fight skin laxity as this is part of the root of the cellulite problem.


2. Anti Cellulite Diet


As with everything, diet is key. Make sure you get plenty of fruits and vegetables as they are known to keep cellulite at bay and reverse the effects of it. Other things it’s recommended you eat to help ease cellulite are onion, ginger, lemon, cayenne pepper, cloves and cinnamon so stock up!


3. Slimming Bath Salts


Yes, you read that right, you can buy bath salts that can help you to slim down while getting rid of that nasty cellulite at the same time. Make sure you buy your salts made with natural ingredients and for the best results I recommend you take a bath with them twice a week. It will likely take a couple of weeks for you to notice a difference in your cellulite but in the mean time you have the bonus of super soft skin.


4. Eat Healthier All Around


I mentioned before an anti cellulite diet but ultimately adding a few leafy greens into your diet isn’t enough. If you’re going to commit to this, you need to make a lifestyle change. That means cutting out all junk and processed food and replacing all your soda drinks (yes, even if they are diet!) with water. Drink plenty of water, six to eight glasses a day is recommended, and cut out the junk foods to help flush out your cellulite and improve your body and health all around. Your entire body will thank you for this, not just your cellulite.


5. Microcurrent Body Treatment


A lot of you may not have heard of this but basically it’s a procedure where electrodes send specialised electric pulses through your body which imitates the body’s ability to move fat naturally. In short, it helps you to lose weight, fat and cellulite all in one go! Plus, you’ll see results after only one treatment, how amazing is that? On the downside, it can be costly so maybe try a few of the other tips before splashing out on microcurrent body treatment.


6. Body Wraps


Sadly, body wraps are only a temporary measure for getting rid of cellulite but if you’ve got a big even just around the corner then they may be just what you need. Not only will a body wrap help to decrease your cellulite for a little while but it will also help you to trim a few inches temporarily too.


7. Exercise


As with any body improvement, exercise is the key. It doesn’t matter whether you walk, run, do yoga, cycle, swim – do anything, just so long as it gets the muscles in your lower body working. This will help to fight you cellulite and fat while toning you up and making you look fitter, healthier and slimmer. Seriously, where can you go wrong? Exercise is great for you for so many reason and it doesn’t have to be hard. Just a half hour each day can do wonders for your body.


8. Skin Brushing


Your skin is the largest organ in your body so it only makes sense that it’s there all the toxins and imbalances in your system show first. You need to keep your skin healthy and glowing and to do that you need to do more than hop in the shower every day. A simple dry skin brush is a great way to look after your skin and keep it healthy. It takes no more than five minutes per day but will show great results. Make sure the body brush you choose has natural bristles and that you brush all of your body, not just the problem areas.


9. Trio Lift Treatment


Trio lift treatment is an incredible non invasive treatment that tightens your body while liquifying fast, making for some fantastic results. It’s a revolutionary cellulite treatment but again it does come at a cost. If you’ve tried many of the other options and failed however then this may be worth a shot. At present, there’s only one salon in the USA offering this treatment but there are plenty of them all over Europe.


10. Anti Cellulite Massage


We all love a good massage so you’ll be pleased to know you can in face get one while fighting off cellulite at the same time. The procedure is done with a mix of suction and cylindrical rollers which aim to stimulate blood flow and lymphatic drainage which triggers the body’s system for eliminating fat cells. Chances are you’ll need more than one session depending on the severity of your cellulite but, after a few of these massages, you should be cellulite free!


So there you have it, ladies, ten great tips to help you to get rid of cellulite fast. Cellulite may be unsightly but don’t panic, it’s not forever. Work hard, eat clean and you’ll see results in no time at all!

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