Comments on: How to Hug a Guy Wed, 02 Nov 2016 20:12:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Wed, 02 Nov 2016 20:12:47 +0000 If you intend to hug him, then you two are likely close enough that he won’t mind. Hug him when you first see him, as that is a normal response when seeing a friend. Afterwards, try to spend more time with him and talk with him when you are able. He will almost certainly want to be around someone who wants to be around him. Enjoy life and thank you for all of your comments, Zena!

By: web admin Wed, 02 Nov 2016 19:42:24 +0000 If you intend to hug him, then you two are likely close enough that he won’t mind. Hug him when you first see him, as that is a normal response when seeing a friend. Afterwards, try to spend more time with him and talk with him when you are able. He will almost certainly want to be around someone who wants to be around him. Enjoy life and thank you for all of your comments, Zena!

By: Zena E Wed, 02 Nov 2016 16:47:05 +0000 Hello! Tomorrow I’m seeing a classmate who I have liked for three months. I haven’t seen him for almost a week and I just want to hug him. We don’t know each other very well, because wa have only talked sometimes and we know each other for three months. I don’t even know if he likes me, or if he will feel uncomfortable with it. We haven’t hugged anytime before, so I don’t know if I should do it. I would like as fast help as possible, but I won’t rush. Thank you!

By: Zena Wed, 02 Nov 2016 15:46:09 +0000 Hello! Tomorrow I’m seeing a classmate who I have liked for three months. I haven’tseen him for almost a week and I just want to hug him. We don’t know each other very well, because wa have only talked sometimes and we know each other for three months. I don’t even know if he likes me, or if he will feel uncomfortable with it. We haven’t hugged anytime before, so I don’t know if I should do it. I would like as fast help as possible, but I won’t rush. Thank you!

By: angela Sun, 11 Sep 2016 08:22:12 +0000 great insight! i wished to know if a guy who has been flirting with you hugs you from behind, pulls you close, stays there for awhile and then goes to kiss your cheek and plants a kiss on your lips to which you somehow pull away?? and agin when you go for a hug he hugs more harder till you feel his upper part of his body against yours? does it mean anything?

By: web admin Sat, 16 Apr 2016 01:28:47 +0000 That is awesome to hear. I am happy to find out that this article could help you out. If you liked this article, there are a number of ones like it on Her Interest. Make sure to check them out if you have the time! Thanks for commenting!

By: Dixie Thu, 14 Apr 2016 15:36:14 +0000 Thank you for the advise, I know how reconnect more with my boyfriend now through just a hug.

By: web admin Thu, 07 Apr 2016 15:08:15 +0000 Thanks! I am happy to hear that you enjoyed it! If you liked this article, there are a number of other articles like it on Her Interest. Make sure to check them out if you have the time. Thanks for commenting!

By: ahmed Wed, 06 Apr 2016 23:00:50 +0000 Nice article about hugs. i like the way you write, you have nice style, i love it.

By: web admin Wed, 06 Apr 2016 19:44:05 +0000 I am happy that this article helped you! If you liked this article, there are a number of similar topics on Her Interest–make sure to check them out if you have the time. Thanks for commenting!
