Comments on: How to Know That You Have a Crush on Someone (And What to do Next) Mon, 29 May 2017 20:05:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Thu, 04 May 2017 17:52:25 +0000 If you are interested in developing a relationship with him and your friend explained that he is also interested in developing a relationship with you, then speak directly and honestly with him about your thoughts and feelings. Try to spend additional time with him and makes plans to see him without the group. Have a great day, AAA!

By: AAA Thu, 04 May 2017 15:40:48 +0000 i have a crush for someone in my “band”friends
so we do everything together,go out,eat…
sometimes i fell like he also likes me but sometimes he kind far from me
my friend told me that he likes me for sure(because she sees things that i dn’t notice ) but deep inside i know he isn’t and i dn’t want to create any scenarios.
i ‘m not the kind of person that have a crush easily but this time is very’s like i start to like him very much .and don’t want to

By: punkcemetery Sat, 09 Jul 2016 04:13:08 +0000 I go a really strict christian church that is really against any sort of boy/girl romantic relationships, only I have a crush on the guy there. We see each other every Sunday and Wednesday, and we usually say hi to one another whenever we see each other. What should I do?

By: web admin Sun, 03 Jul 2016 22:48:45 +0000 Don’t cheat. You have said multiple times that you would never cheat, and I assume that you have told your boyfriend the same. So don’t be a cheater. There is no reason to harm your boyfriend and your situation is not at all complicated. Be an adult and do not cheat.

By: Complicated Sun, 03 Jul 2016 22:18:35 +0000 By school I mean college but we went to school together also

By: Complicated Sun, 03 Jul 2016 22:15:36 +0000 Ok this one’s pretty complicated there’s this guy at my school that I like and if I ever dated anyone else I know for 100% fact I will still be thinking about him all the time. I don’t know why I can’t seem to be able to get over him he asked me out before but I got shy and never replied I feel like for my whole life I will never be able to get over him. Even if I’m 18 or over I feel like if i’m in serious relationship and he’s still around and we’re like friends I feel like I might be tempted to cheat or make a move on him. I would never cheat on someone but I feel like if he’s around I’ll feel very tempted too. He’s super hot, tall, bad boyish, and super nice and funny with a great personality. I mean I feel like we should be together forever. If we’re not and I get in a relationship with someone else I know I’m going to be very, very, very, very tempted by him and I don’t want to just let him out of my life even if he becomes an ex of mine. I’m a good person I swear but I know if he’s there and we’re not dating and a situation comes along where we’re alone together I’m going to cheat and something’s going to happen. But, truth be told I would never want to cheat but he’s so sexy and tempting to start making out with him. I would never cheat on someone by having sex though probably only a makeout and maybe I would be on his lap and take his shirt off. I don’t ever want to let him out of my life but I also never want to cheat on anyone. I just know if we’re alone together I can’t stay loyal and I would never lie to my significant other I would tell him flat out. What do I do?

By: web admin Sun, 03 Jul 2016 20:33:39 +0000 Do not concern yourself with such shallow concepts and social norms as height. Shorter men and taller women have been in relationships since the first relationships. Additionally, it is common for girls to be taller than boys during the early teenage years as women physically mature faster than men. If you would like to develop a relationship with him, then do so. There is no fate that will cause your relationship to form; your relationship will only develop if you put forth the effort to make it grow.

By: Kylie Sun, 03 Jul 2016 03:54:25 +0000 I like this guy and i think he likes me too and we are both 13 and sometimes at recess when i see him he’ll come talk to me and sometimes if we’re walking together we’ll put our arms around each others waist or when we’re standing. He also at the end of the school day will always say bye to me. Or say hi whenever I see him he gets kind of jealous when i don’t say anything back. Also I call him baby boy and he’s okay with that. But there’s just one thing he’s about an inch or 2 shorter than me and I’m really more attracted to taller guys. So should I wait till we’re older and he’s taller and more mature ? sometimes he seems clingy and i get kind of annoyed. also Do you think we might get together soon or would later be better?

By: web admin Fri, 24 Jun 2016 19:15:53 +0000 Your best option is to speak with directly about your feelings. If he wants to develop a relationship with you, and you do, then it would be best to do so. If he doesn’t feel the same as you, then you don’t need to concern yourself with him anymore.

By: confused Fri, 24 Jun 2016 16:34:55 +0000 I confused cuz I didn’t even know I had crush on this guy until h e started to say hi and hey to me. one day I was standing at the door he was walking down the hallway with his friend and he was going to say something to me and all I heard was “h” then he cleaned his throat what does this mean. and today he walked by and he was looking in my eyes. IM CONFUSED DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO? plz answer soon…
